Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
Well since there is no proof and no witnesses this whole thing is a bunch of bullshit. Hell no one remembers anything.

He said. She said.

Grassly should call for the vote.

It’s not he said, she said

It’s she said, he and all the witnesses she named said
i hated Kavanaugh when Trump nominated him. i now love him after what the left have done to this fine judge.
Being a virgin doesn't make him a loser...but it also doesn't make him innocent of the accusations.

Ummmm, yes it probably does.

But why quibble

Not even remotely. Just because he wasn't a successful rapist doesn't mean he didn't try when the opportunity presented itself or when he was grossly intoxicated (as it is rumored he had a tendency to become).

The Dirty Democrats can't win fairly so they use hate and fear and smear.
Kavanaugh is innocent.
Ford is a liar.
How low can the Troglocrats go.
Well since there is no proof and no witnesses this whole thing is a bunch of bullshit. Hell no one remembers anything.

He said. She said.

Grassly should call for the vote.

It’s not he said, she said

It’s she said, he and all the witnesses she named said

Well her witnesses sure haven't backed her story.

Oh and he is denying it. He said.

She is saying it happened. She said.
Do Democrats really hate the US to the point they want to fundamentally transform it as an example here put forth by Blumenthal? Guilt before Innocence? Next thing, he will be saying that legislation needs to be passed so we can see what is in it.
Did you see his lower lip tremble while his face did a scrunch cry?

And yet when the guy whose daughter died tried to shake his hand he gave the guy a fuk you a$$hole, why are you even trying to touch me cuz I wouldn’t touch you to scratch you.

The guy is a typical Republican who has no empathy or feelings for anybody else. I’m sure when he was going off on those women he felt he had every right because he’s the right kind of person.
That’s how the Republicans justify their evil behavior. Because they feel they have the right. White makes right.

Some day I hope you have a heart
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.

I love a peek into the twisted mind of a LefTard...thanks for allowing us in.
LefTard Logic:
“Start fucking by 12 or you’re a LOSER.”
Another virgin...

Funny how you seem to think it’s an insult to be called a virgin
To a lot of men it is, however, that has nothing to do with my post.

It's all in your head.
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.
Not all of us were busy bumping uglies before we got pubes. Some of us waited.
I even turned down offers because I didn't want to have to explain to my parents why I knocked somebody up before marriage. Some of us are able to control ourselves. This is a great defense, because sex was the last thing Judge Kavanaugh or myself was thinking about in a relationship.

It’s a good defense because no one is going to claim to be a virgin if it’s not true when it’s easily disprovable

And if someone steps forward to say that she had sex with Kav when they were 18, everyone will say she's a lying slut who doesn't know who she fucked because she was drunk.

No one will. Aside from the accuser every woman he has know who has come forward says he was a gentleman
Being a virgin doesn't make him a loser...but it also doesn't make him innocent of the accusations.

If you're talking about 14 and 15 year old kids, then sure. But seems to be saying that he was a virgin, and that he didn't do anything, well into adulthood. So he's either the biggest square to ever live, or he was a huge loser who just couldn't get laid to save his life.

....or, he's lying.
There are literally millions of people who take great pride in going into marriage as a virgin. Square....lol. As if anyone has to live up to your expectation.

SHE is the one lying. Plain and simple.
That’s the Republican position. I’m going to fuk every b!tch I can and then marry a virgin. No wonder they always seem to get divorced. Or else battered.

I think your tin foil went bad
It is worth discussing that members of The GOP who may be part of The Deep State Establishment would more than willingly throw a Confirmation in order to impact the midterms negatively to damage President Trump.

There is no reason for a public hearing with Kavaugh's discredited accuser. Grasserly and The GOP are turning this in to a circus, and it's worth discussing whether or not this is intentional to harm The Trump Administration.
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.

With me the paradigm remains; if it was assault in 1982, it should have been reported in 1982. That it wasn’t reported lends credibility to whatever happened being so minor that it didn’t rise to the level of seriousness then so it can’t raise now. She apparently didn’t tell anyone; not the person whose house/building it was where the assault took place, no security guard, much less the local constabulary.

Now, that being said, hearing the brief clip this morning from Judge Kav put up a big red flag for me. He said that he was focused on "school work, captaining the basketball team"….and church! Church. Playing that card at this time is huge. It could be 100% legitimate. But if it were legitimate…he would know that you don’t trade on your service to God as some sort of pass in other areas of your life.

Your red flag is that he went to church?
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.
Only a supporter of a pig like Bill Clinton would call a man of integrity, honesty, who did not party wildly, who did not have sex with 60 or so partners - like his accuser admits to - a 'Loser'.

The same type of scumbags who prefer a career/life-long sexual predator - sexual harasser, sexual assaulter, rapist, and adulterer (Bill Clinton) - to a man of integrity and faithfulness, who refuses to put himself in compromising situations with women not his wife, who is actually faithful to his wife (Pence).

I don't think it's intentional....They're just a bunch of pussies.
Pathetic if they are just pussies. I'd respect them more if this was a plot to damage President Trump. At least they are committed to their cause like The DemNazis are.
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.

You’re not really this foolish, are you?

Tell me, Stormy, how someone is supposed to adequately defend themselves when the accuser gives no specific details for which to defend? She hasn’t given a time or a place so what do you suggest he should do to be more “credible”?
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.
Not all of us were busy bumping uglies before we got pubes. Some of us waited.
I even turned down offers because I didn't want to have to explain to my parents why I knocked somebody up before marriage. Some of us are able to control ourselves. This is a great defense, because sex was the last thing Judge Kavanaugh or myself was thinking about in a relationship.

It’s a good defense because no one is going to claim to be a virgin if it’s not true when it’s easily disprovable

And if someone steps forward to say that she had sex with Kav when they were 18, everyone will say she's a lying slut who doesn't know who she fucked because she was drunk.

No one will. Aside from the accuser every woman he has know who has come forward says he was a gentleman

Perhaps not all. Starting to get a better picture on this Debbie Ramirez. At first her story didn't really add up to me. I was worried it was just a pile-on because the descriptions have been pretty odd, and I haven't given it any credence so far. But it turns out that Ramirez wasn't the one who even came forward. The origin is a group of Yale alumni who were talking about the incident back in July and eventually brought it to the New Yorker.

Now it makes sense why Ramirez would have given these weird "I vaguely remember something like this, something like that" statements. The reporters came to her, not the other way around. The Ramirez story suddenly appears much more credible. And clearly, not everyone who knew Kav back in the day thought he was much of a gentleman.

The first source of the New Yorker bombshell wasn’t Deborah Ramirez. It was Yale alumni.
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.
but you find someone who can't remember where and when and who credible? Is that really what you're saying?

I bet the bitch doesn't even remember what color underwear she was wearing.

The stupidity surrounding these Kavanaugh accusations has gotten out of hand. Is there a man in your life you care about? How would you feel if he was accused of rape by someone in high school who can’t remember ANYTHING about the encounter besides that HE was the perpetrator? What would you think? Would you factor in your political leanings to decide if he was guilty or not? Would you think, “Well hey, men rape women all the time and rapes go unreported all the time, so he must be guilty”?

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