Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
Being a virgin doesn't make him a loser...but it also doesn't make him innocent of the accusations.
Not innocent, but it has weight.
It's difficult for me to believe that a virgin book worm scholar is capable of sexual assault.
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.

With me the paradigm remains; if it was assault in 1982, it should have been reported in 1982. That it wasn’t reported lends credibility to whatever happened being so minor that it didn’t rise to the level of seriousness then so it can’t raise now. She apparently didn’t tell anyone; not the person whose house/building it was where the assault took place, no security guard, much less the local constabulary.

Now, that being said, hearing the brief clip this morning from Judge Kav put up a big red flag for me. He said that he was focused on "school work, captaining the basketball team"….and church! Church. Playing that card at this time is huge. It could be 100% legitimate. But if it were legitimate…he would know that you don’t trade on your service to God as some sort of pass in other areas of your life.
What is funny is that the left totally exposes itself (apt turn of phrase, that...) when they jeer because a man admits to being a virgin at the age of 17.

Obviously they think deflowering of children should take place at about the age of 9.
‘Horrible, hurtful taunts’ towards schoolgirl in Brett Kavanaugh's high school yearbook revealed

You got to read this article. It seems that one of the girls who defended him was actually smeared in his yearbook. They suggested that the football team passed her around. Kavanaugh said in his interview that he kissed her. When she was asked, she said she never kissed him not once not ever. And in the article it says that they felt that any girl that wouldn’t date them was probably gay.

And this came from one of his defenders.

I bet she doesn’t defend him now.
The lawyer also told CNN’s Chris Cuomo that “at least one” new accuser of the Supreme Court nominee will come forward within the next 48 hours. - Attorney Michael Avenatti has issued a stark warning to those attempting to discredit a new accuser of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

On Monday night, Stormy Daniels’ lawyer told CNN’s Chris Cuomo that the woman was “both” a witness and a victim of Kavanaugh’s who “had a number of security clearances issued by the federal government over a number of years.” He also claims she will publicly come forward within 48 hours.

“So let this be a warning to Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh and other surrogates on the Senate Judiciary Committee,” Avenatti said. “Be very, very careful if you launch some smear campaign against my client because you will ultimately be shown to be a fraud.” - Source

Maybe I'm reading this wrong but is he talking about a third accuser?
The guy is a scumbag.
I'm sure he can find someone.
He's talking about gang rape accusations now.
The judge will probably end up suing his balls off for malicious slander.
What is funny is that the left totally exposes itself (apt turn of phrase, that...) when they jeer because a man admits to being a virgin at the age of 17.

Obviously they think deflowering of children should take place at about the age of 9.
What on earth makes you think Roy Moore is a Democrat?
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.
If he’s a virgin he’s a loser and guilty. If he was a man whore as a kid he is guilty.

It really doesn’t matter to the far left. You’re not looking for the truth anyway.
‘Horrible, hurtful taunts’ towards schoolgirl in Brett Kavanaugh's high school yearbook revealed

You got to read this article. It seems that one of the girls who defended him was actually smeared in his yearbook. They suggested that the football team passed her around. Kavanaugh said in his interview that he kissed her. When she was asked, she said she never kissed him not once not ever. And in the article it says that they felt that any girl that wouldn’t date them was probably gay.

And this came from one of his defenders.

I bet she doesn’t defend him now.

What a ridiculous article. It asserts nothing.
Outstanding!! A fine, spirited, on-point defense of Judge Kavanaugh and a long overdue condemnation of the vile tactics the communist bastards have deployed to destroy the U.S. Well done, Senator McConnell!

He addressed “Mr. President” several times. Interesting that Vice President Pence was in the session today as President of the Senate (the VP’s only constitutional duty). He is probably there in case a vote was called and he needed to be present to break a tie.

McConnell is as popular as Nancy Pelosi is. It says more about voters in Kentucky than it does McConnell.
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.

With me the paradigm remains; if it was assault in 1982, it should have been reported in 1982. That it wasn’t reported lends credibility to whatever happened being so minor that it didn’t rise to the level of seriousness then so it can’t raise now. She apparently didn’t tell anyone; not the person whose house/building it was where the assault took place, no security guard, much less the local constabulary.

Now, that being said, hearing the brief clip this morning from Judge Kav put up a big red flag for me. He said that he was focused on "school work, captaining the basketball team"….and church! Church. Playing that card at this time is huge. It could be 100% legitimate. But if it were legitimate…he would know that you don’t trade on your service to God as some sort of pass in other areas of your life.
One time I agree with you.
However, do you think he should never mention his faith, as if it is illegitimate. Would you say the same if a Muslim said his faith is too important in his life to conduct himself in such a manner?
This assumes that Christians are all fakes.
From someone that should have been prosecuted over his STOLEN VALOR claiming he served in Vietnam, this asswipe wants to turn our legal system completely around, just because of his terminal TDS!!!

SENATOR BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): We're talking about a lifetime appointment to the nation's highest court that will make a real difference in real people's lives for generations, literally generations to come with this appointment. And so we have a constitutional duty to get to the bottom of these allegations. They are serious, and credible, and now the person with the most knowledge about them, namely Judge Brett Kavanaugh has a responsibility to come forward with evidence to rebut them. They have control over whether to have an investigation...

NOAH ROTHMAN, COMMENTARY MAGAZINE: Senator, your colleague, Senator Mazie Hirono over the weekend was asked whether the presumption of innocence was due to Brett Kavanaugh. She replied by saying, 'I take his entire philosophy,' essentially saying his judicial philosophy also formed her opinion about whether or not these events occurred as alleged by these two accusers....

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ..

so what he is saying is - the next time the left gets to make an appointment we can harass the process, protest it, bring in people to make unfounded / no witness accusations and then it's incumbent on the nominee to prove their innocence.

something tells me they'd cry foul if you told THEM this.
we already cried foul with the bullshit republicans pulled with on obamas choice for SC Not even a hearing by the repub scum
Outstanding!! A fine, spirited, on-point defense of Judge Kavanaugh and a long overdue condemnation of the vile tactics the communist bastards have deployed to destroy the U.S. Well done, Senator McConnell!

He addressed “Mr. President” several times. Interesting that Vice President Pence was in the session today as President of the Senate (the VP’s only constitutional duty). He is probably there in case a vote was called and he needed to be present to break a tie.

Too bad, Turtle Face....Remember Garland!
Mitch McDonald is a political whore, who represents the worst and poorest state in the Union, surrounded by hillbillies and white trash. He's one tired old man that needs, just as Trump his walking papers and a diaper.
What he said was correct.
From someone that should have been prosecuted over his STOLEN VALOR claiming he served in Vietnam, this asswipe wants to turn our legal system completely around, just because of his terminal TDS!!!

SENATOR BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): We're talking about a lifetime appointment to the nation's highest court that will make a real difference in real people's lives for generations, literally generations to come with this appointment. And so we have a constitutional duty to get to the bottom of these allegations. They are serious, and credible, and now the person with the most knowledge about them, namely Judge Brett Kavanaugh has a responsibility to come forward with evidence to rebut them. They have control over whether to have an investigation...

NOAH ROTHMAN, COMMENTARY MAGAZINE: Senator, your colleague, Senator Mazie Hirono over the weekend was asked whether the presumption of innocence was due to Brett Kavanaugh. She replied by saying, 'I take his entire philosophy,' essentially saying his judicial philosophy also formed her opinion about whether or not these events occurred as alleged by these two accusers....

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ..

so what he is saying is - the next time the left gets to make an appointment we can harass the process, protest it, bring in people to make unfounded / no witness accusations and then it's incumbent on the nominee to prove their innocence.

something tells me they'd cry foul if you told THEM this.
we already cried foul with the bullshit republicans pulled with on obamas choice for SC Not even a hearing by the repub scum
and where did THAT precedent get set? you know, the "voters" should decide, not a "lame duck" president?

you fail to see that the shit you pull comes back at you and then you whine like a petulant 2 year old when your GIMME GIMME GIMME tactics are used against you.

yet, here you are. doing it again.

i would agree it was a bullshit move by the (R) side but again, the left set this up and it came back to haunt them. the *only* way to settle it would be to set rules around the behavior so people can use it "politically".

so yea, define this, outlaw private mail servers, and so forth so we have laws on the books politicians can't play games with.

or keep doing the same thing over and over and wonder why it never changes despite the rage you feel increasing.

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