Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
SEE THIS THREAD?? THIS is where all the comments, opinion, breaking gossip on this "scandal" belongs --- USE IT. All the rest of the Tuesday.. --- FlaCalTenn
Yeah this is how the left creates a false narrative. "Nobody's interested in this".
I was thinking about putting this in CONSPIRACY, but it looks too true!!!

Oh My God, Did Creepy Porn Lawyer Avenatti Get Pranked By Internet Trolls
Townhall.com ^


There is another allegation lobbed against Brett Kavanaugh. It hasn’t been given much oxygen because, well, the cast of characters is suspect. Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti reportedly has information that Kavanaugh and Mark Judge had a gang-rape ring that operated in the 1980s. Judge is a man Christine Blasey Ford cited in her allegation of an attempted sexual assault by a drunken 17-year-old Kavanaugh at a high school party. Judge and everyone else mentioned as a potential witness has refuted her story. There are no witnesses, there’s no evidence, and Ford can’t remember key details about the incident, like why there was a party in the first place, how she got there, and who owned the house where it was held to some 30-plus years ago. The allegation is thin. It’s evidence-free—but it’s plunged the whole nomination into chaos. There’s a hearing on this development set for Thursday. But back to Avenatti, Leah has more:

Attorney Michael Avenatti created even more buzz on Sunday regarding allegations of sexual assault against judge Brett Kavanaugh after not only tweeting that he has a client with “credible information” on President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee and his high school friend Mark Judge, but that these men targeted women to “allow a ‘train’ of men to subsequently gang rape them.”

“I represent a woman with credible information regarding Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge,” he wrote earlier on Sunday. “We will be demanding the opportunity to present testimony to the committee and will likewise be demanding that Judge and others be subpoenaed to testify.

“The nomination must be withdrawn,” he added.

Oh, and there’s this yearbook entry Avenatti brought up on social media.

“Brett Kavanaugh must also be asked about this entry in his yearbook: "FFFFFFFourth of July." We believe that this stands for: Find them, French them, Feel them, Finger them, F*ck them, Forget them. As well as the term "Devil's Triangle." Perhaps Sen. Grassley can ask him,” he wrote on Twitter.

Enter Ed Morrissey at Hot Air with the kill shot:

Gee, how did the FBI miss that in six background checks? Full disclosure: My yearbooks from high school have more than one inscription that reads, “May you have all your ups and downs in bed.” At the time it was adolescent wishful thinking, bit now I’m pretty sure that disqualifies me for public service. Was that code for sexual assault, Mr. Morrissey?

It’s insane. It’s so ridiculous that one has to wonder whether Avenatti might inadvertently crash the whole anti-Kavanaugh project with the backlash. The motives behind these attacks, and their increasingly unhinged quality, have become so painfully obvious that all of the claims will lilely get wrapped up together in a blanket of absurdity.

Also, there’s this:

After all that on Sunday night, is it possible Avenatti got pranked by Internet trolls?

If Avenatti actually got pranked by 4Chan, my entire year has been made/pol/ - How to fuck with a PORN LAWYER - Politically Incorrect - 4chanpic.twitter.com/4gku9vtZ82— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) September 25, 2018

Then again, this could be too good to be true:

my money’s on 4chan pranking us into thinking 4chan pranked Avenatti tbh Caleb Hull on Twitter— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) September 25, 2018

So, for argument's sake, we have a possible Internet prank, along with two allegations of sexual misconduct from women directed at Judge Kavanaugh that have no witnesses or no evidence. Witnesses that were supposedly cited in their accounts have refuted the claims. There is not a single person, other than the accuser, who has confirmed either story. It’s so thin that even The New York Times passed running a story on the second allegation; Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer of The New Yorker posted a story about Deborah Ramirez who alleges Kavanaugh exposed himself at a college party at Yale. Overall, when you look at all of it, the anti-Kavanaugh plot here is an embarrassingly thin political hit job. Senate Republicans should hold the hearing and push for the vote. Period.

Maybe Avenatti wasn't pranked, but then again, I won't be surprised if this allegation is nonsense as well. Regardless, enjoy some entertaining speculation on that front.

UPDATE: Oh wait--the Avenatti accuser might not come forward?

Via John Nolte:

"Let me be clear: We will disclose the client’s name and accusations only when SHE is ready and we have adequate security measures in place. And not a moment before that,” Avenatti tweeted. “It is her choice and hers alone as to when to surface bc it is her life. We expect it within the next 36 hrs.”
Benjamin Styron, a defensive linemana for the UM Grizzly Bears Montana Football team who weighed 250 pounds was smoking weed with his teamate. they poured themselves shots of 99-proof schnapps. Kelsey Belnap didnt know she was being set up to be raped, five Griz players began competing to see who can drink the most, and told Belnap to join them. "Every couple of minutes we would all take another shot. it was like a let's see if you can keep up kind of thing. i was like UH, OKAY"

Belnap consumed 10 shots in 1 hour. things were getting really blurry. the next thing she knew she was on a bed being gang-raped

So if he were to run for office - any office - he'd be the ideal Democrat candidate. Unless Republicans suddenly grew backbones and started playing Democrat style hardball.

Fat chance.
An anonymous source claimed that Ruth Bader Ginsburg once hiked her knickers above her calf at a box social at Cornell sometime in the 40s or 50s.

Everyone was shocked and many were scarred for life at such a ribald and raucous action.

If she can’t disprove it, she must resign.
There is ALWAYS a presumption of innocence.

Accusations that are false for the purpose of interfering with the government ARE criminal. The special council just recently filed conspiracy charges for just that sort of thing.
No, the there is no legal presumption of innocence anywhere except criminal law. No one is making false accusations.
It is a sacred American value that everyone is considered innocent. That is why the burden of proof lays with the accuser. That is also why we have slander laws.

It is unAmerican to presume guilt on the basis of an unfounded accusation.
Isn't that exactly what you are doing to Ford and Ramirez?

Except that, unlike their accusations against Kavanaugh, our criticisms of them have evidence.
Like what?

Their crappy, vague stories and THEIR lack of evidence. Oh, and the utterly uncoincidental timing of it all.
And if someone steps forward to say that she had sex with Kav when they were 18, everyone will say she's a lying slut who doesn't know who she fucked because she was drunk.

No one will. Aside from the accuser every woman he has know who has come forward says he was a gentleman

Perhaps not all. Starting to get a better picture on this Debbie Ramirez. At first her story didn't really add up to me. I was worried it was just a pile-on because the descriptions have been pretty odd, and I haven't given it any credence so far. But it turns out that Ramirez wasn't the one who even came forward. The origin is a group of Yale alumni who were talking about the incident back in July and eventually brought it to the New Yorker.

Now it makes sense why Ramirez would have given these weird "I vaguely remember something like this, something like that" statements. The reporters came to her, not the other way around. The Ramirez story suddenly appears much more credible. And clearly, not everyone who knew Kav back in the day thought he was much of a gentleman.

The first source of the New Yorker bombshell wasn’t Deborah Ramirez. It was Yale alumni.

No. That makes the Ramirez story less credible.
It took Ramirez 6 days of talking to lawyers to decide the black holes in her drunken stupor memory = Kav.
Her story has even less veracity than Fords.
Except James Roche. Brett’s roommate at Yale says he believes Ramirez. Why? He says because Kavanaugh was a belligerent drunk.

Kavanaugh said he never got drunk.

Yeah, and there's no possibility that the ONE guy, who is contradicted by essentially everyone else in Kavanaugh's life, MIGHT just have some sort of personal problem with the guy, or just want attention . . .
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.
but you find someone who can't remember where and when and who credible? Is that really what you're saying?

I bet the bitch doesn't even remember what color underwear she was wearing.

The stupidity surrounding these Kavanaugh accusations has gotten out of hand. Is there a man in your life you care about? How would you feel if he was accused of rape by someone in high school who can’t remember ANYTHING about the encounter besides that HE was the perpetrator? What would you think? Would you factor in your political leanings to decide if he was guilty or not? Would you think, “Well hey, men rape women all the time and rapes go unreported all the time, so he must be guilty”?
And his daughters have to hear all this crap too.
It’s a good idea they should know what happens to a woman who is drunk around their father.

You've finally sunk low enough to be beneath notice, instead of just beneath contempt.


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