Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
the Republicans are refusing the FBI investigation that the accuser has asked for,
and together with the rush that Republicans are putting on the confirmation proceedings,
they are making themselves once again look very guilty and corrupt.

what the fuck gives you the right, in a supposedly free country, to upset *all* women's reproductive rights, which is necessary to ensure no children grow up in severely adverse circumstances by the way, based on some belief that your own group holds? a group that's rather small relative to the whole, too..

the republicans have become power-crazed idiots who think they can get away with any political trick to impose their will one way or another onto all.

vote these bastards out of office in november 2018 and 2020, or you'll be suffering the consequences of their actions as American people for decades to come.

i am seriously suspecting that the whole tax-cuts are going to end up just as large or even larger a heist on the middle class as the too-big-to-fail banking crisis was earlier.

Why do I think that you believe Republicans "look guilty" just by being Republicans?
No. I am responding to their lies.

They can put it all to rest today. Just provide hard evidence of the event.
Hypocrisy, the conservative's standby.

Experts on hypocrisy, they name is democrat/progressive.

Tell Me, where is the outrage for the Democrat chair Keith Ellison who beat his wife -- and she has it on videotape -- will he be stopped from running for office?
He should be. Don't assume I'm ok with that from anyone.
Good, then take a lesson in hypocrisy as well as a lesson in how to actually come forward, the right way. Don't make shit up and then use it 36 years later.
Reluctance to come forward and the reasons for it are well documented in sexual abuse
yeah, but rape is also a crime that is falsely accused. Then there are the heroes of the left who were defended when they were in power.

Another snowflake triggered

I believe miss ford as much as I believe that toilets at McDonalds are 100% clean of germs 24/7

Funny, how Ford and Ramirez are begging to use the FBI and risk perjury and Kavanaugh is afraid to make the same commitment.
Think about that, genius.[/QUOTE]

Funny how oblivious you are to the facts that have been stated over and over.

They're "demanding" an FBI investigation because they know they won't get one, because it's not the FBI's jurisdiction. Kavanaugh isn't "afraid" of an FBI investigation; he ALSO knows it isn't the FBI's job. And no one on Earth ever says, "Yeah, I really want law enforcement to investigate me." Puhleeze.

Also, you're at just as much risk of a perjury charge for lying to Congress as you are for lying to the FBI. And unlike the FBI, Congress actually WANTS to talk to Ford and Kavanaugh. And which one of them HAS ALREADY DONE SO, and continues to demand to do so as soon as possible?
Republicans Can Only Nominate Supreme Court Justices
Every Other Off Year

Is That This Year's New Rule ??
The hypocrite Mitch McConnell wouldn't give Merrick Garland a hearing for a year saying it was because it was an election year. And now hypocritical McConnell as done a complete about face and is trying to ram through this bullshit nominee as fast as he can................ IN AN ELECTION YEAR!

Didn't realize Trump was running this year. Time flies when you're having fun.
So My Question To You Hypocritical Democrats Remains:

Republicans Are Only Allowed
To Nominate Supreme Court Justices
Every-Other-Off-Year During Their Presidential Term ??
Does That Sound Constitutional, Even To You ??

How About:
'Only Democrats Nominate Supreme Court Justices' ??
I'm not a Democrat and stop blaming others for your own actions.

So you're just a freelance moron?
No. I am responding to their lies.

They can put it all to rest today. Just provide hard evidence of the event.
Hypocrisy, the conservative's standby.

Experts on hypocrisy, they name is democrat/progressive.

Tell Me, where is the outrage for the Democrat chair Keith Ellison who beat his wife -- and she has it on videotape -- will he be stopped from running for office?
He should be. Don't assume I'm ok with that from anyone.
Good, then take a lesson in hypocrisy as well as a lesson in how to actually come forward, the right way. Don't make shit up and then use it 36 years later.
Reluctance to come forward and the reasons for it are well documented in sexual abuse

You know what else is well-documented? Women lying about sexual assault to get their way, and Democrats lying about EVERYTHING to get their way.
Hypocrisy, the conservative's standby.

Experts on hypocrisy, they name is democrat/progressive.

Tell Me, where is the outrage for the Democrat chair Keith Ellison who beat his wife -- and she has it on videotape -- will he be stopped from running for office?
He should be. Don't assume I'm ok with that from anyone.
Good, then take a lesson in hypocrisy as well as a lesson in how to actually come forward, the right way. Don't make shit up and then use it 36 years later.
Reluctance to come forward and the reasons for it are well documented in sexual abuse

You know what else is well-documented? Women lying about sexual assault to get their way, and Democrats lying about EVERYTHING to get their way.
No it isn't.
Ford Offers 'Evidence'

Ford has offered up statements from her husband and 3 others who SWEAR ... that she has talked about the incident and claims it happened.

Kavanaugh accuser offers statements of husband, 3 pals who say she spoke of attack
- FORD SAYS...that these individuals who witnessed her TALKING about the incident is evidence that Kavanaugh is guilty! Ford argues that these 4 individuals believe her and stand behind her...so the rest of America should, too, because these 4 people signed affidavits declaring they believe her.


They have no knowledge of the incident personally.
They were not there.
They are not witnesses.
They did not see anything.
..but they know she has TALKED ABOUT what she claims happened.

“During our meal, Christine was visibly upset, so I asked her what was going on,” Gildo-Mazzon says in her declaration. “Christine told me she had been having a hard day because she was thinking about an assault she experienced when she was much younger."
- Christine was having a bad day, and she said it was because Kavanaugh tried to rape her 36 years ago.

There ya go - GUILTY! Kavanaugh is guilty as hell. No need for a hearing!

In a court of law that is inadmissible, hearsay....

....Meanwhile the 4 'witnesses' Ford says were there - who supposedly saw the incident, who supposedly jumped on top of them and saved her from being raped - all say IT NEVER HAPPENED.

If this is the strongest 'evidence' the Leftists / Ford has to offer, Kavanaugh will be a USSC Justice by NOON on Friday!

Kavanaugh accuser submits four declarations from people she says corroborate her assault allegations

Ford Offers 'Evidence'

Ford has offered up statements from her husband and 3 others who SWEAR ... that she has talked about the incident and claims it happened.
They All 'Swear' Ford Told Them A Story !!

That’s enough. Turn Friday into a vote and get it done.

Screw that. The hearing is set for Thursday. If they don’t show hold the vote. If they do show, hold the vote
she won't show. she will not testify under oath. At that point and time, it isn't true and really isn't credible. It isn't credible now, but when the objective of a stance is to obstruct all those in favor or obstruct will say credible. they can't after she fails to show up.
Another snowflake triggered

I believe miss ford as much as I believe that toilets at McDonalds are 100% clean of germs 24/7

Funny, how Ford and Ramirez are begging to use the FBI and risk perjury and Kavanaugh is afraid to make the same commitment.
Think about that, genius.
there is NOTHING to stop the fbi or any local state or federal law enforcement from investigating a crime if one exists ya ninny

but they havent how come[/QUOTE]

The President or the Committee Chairman are the only ones who can
authorize the FBI to investigate these charges as a continuation Kavanaugh's background check. . Both refuse.
At the state level, Ford can ask to state to investigate as the Statue of Limitations does not stop an investigation. Where as with Ramirez. the Statue of Limitations prevent further legal;action.
You ninny.
Another hysterical hyperventilating Leftist female. Pipe down there, Francis.

Brett Kavanaugh is NOT a "sexual predator". Or a drunk. Do you need smelling salts? Your corset laced too tight?
He was a member of the DKE fraternity.

What is certainly known is that while he was in college, Kavanaugh was a member of the DKE fraternity, which was infamous for its disrespect of women and its sanctions from campus administrators over its members' chant of "No means yes, yes means anal." It is clear that Kavanaugh was in company that did not comport with his claims to be a champion of women.

Yes I believe he drank a lot and might even today.
So did she and might even today :eek-52:
Along with the 4 letters swearing Ford TALKED about the incident, the Deep State Lawyers plan on submitting further documents proving their case....


Experts on hypocrisy, they name is democrat/progressive.

Tell Me, where is the outrage for the Democrat chair Keith Ellison who beat his wife -- and she has it on videotape -- will he be stopped from running for office?
He should be. Don't assume I'm ok with that from anyone.
Good, then take a lesson in hypocrisy as well as a lesson in how to actually come forward, the right way. Don't make shit up and then use it 36 years later.
Reluctance to come forward and the reasons for it are well documented in sexual abuse

You know what else is well-documented? Women lying about sexual assault to get their way, and Democrats lying about EVERYTHING to get their way.
No it isn't.

Yeah, I hate to break it to you, but your "I don't want to believe it, and I refuse to remember it that way and :lalala:" is not the same as "not documented".
Ford Offers 'Evidence'

Ford has offered up statements from her husband and 3 others who SWEAR ... that she has talked about the incident and claims it happened.
They All 'Swear' Ford Told Them A Story !!


Yeah, AFTER she came up with it in couples' counseling. Sounds to me like she discovered that it made a great excuse for whatever she wanted to slack off on.
Another snowflake triggered

I believe miss ford as much as I believe that toilets at McDonalds are 100% clean of germs 24/7

Funny, how Ford and Ramirez are begging to use the FBI and risk perjury and Kavanaugh is afraid to make the same commitment.
Think about that, genius.
there is NOTHING to stop the fbi or any local state or federal law enforcement from investigating a crime if one exists ya ninny

but they havent how come

The President or the Committee Chairman are the only ones who can
authorize the FBI to investigate these charges as a continuation Kavanaugh's background check. . Both refuse.
At the state level, Ford can ask to state to investigate as the Statue of Limitations does not stop an investigation. Where as with Ramirez. the Statue of Limitations prevent further legal;action.
You ninny.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, but the Committee Chairman has no power whatsoever to "authorize" the FBI to do a damned thing. Did your teachers not explain the separation of powers in middle school? The FBI is part of the executive branch of government; the Committee is part of Congress, which is the legislative branch. Congress can no more order the FBI to do things than they can order the President to do things.

Let me know if I need to break out the Crayolas and start drawing pictures.

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