Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
It is NOT a presidential year....Duh!
But it is an election year.
Republicans Can Only Nominate Supreme Court Justices
Every Other Off Year

Is That This Year's New Rule ??
No, the rule is that, if you have to play against cheaters, you cheat. I hope feinstein fakes a seizure at 9:29 am Friday...
Ah..............libby admitting they are trying to cheat again.............we already knew that............

Riddle me this...........say you get gang raped at their parties and go back 10 times.............splain that.
candycorn said:
Nothing I have heard/read/seen makes me think that he should be approved by the committee to a full floor vote in the Senate.
Nothing ANYONE Has "heard/seen/read/Or Reported"
Should Make Anyone Think Any Of These Allegations
Should Have Ever Seen The Light Of Day

(...Except To Preserve A 60yr Prog Advantage On The Bench)

He should be. Don't assume I'm ok with that from anyone.
Good, then take a lesson in hypocrisy as well as a lesson in how to actually come forward, the right way. Don't make shit up and then use it 36 years later.
Reluctance to come forward and the reasons for it are well documented in sexual abuse

You know what else is well-documented? Women lying about sexual assault to get their way, and Democrats lying about EVERYTHING to get their way.
No it isn't.

Yeah, I hate to break it to you, but your "I don't want to believe it, and I refuse to remember it that way and :lalala:" is not the same as "not documented".
Provide some documentation then.
libby admitting they are trying to cheat again.
My,you are a sharp one.

Yes, cheater, I hope the Democrats cheat. Then,once you fucking crybabies start balling your little eyes out about them doing what you shamelessly do, maybe we can fix this broken system.
Another hysterical hyperventilating Leftist female. Pipe down there, Francis.

Brett Kavanaugh is NOT a "sexual predator". Or a drunk. Do you need smelling salts? Your corset laced too tight?
He was a member of the DKE fraternity.

What is certainly known is that while he was in college, Kavanaugh was a member of the DKE fraternity, which was infamous for its disrespect of women and its sanctions from campus administrators over its members' chant of "No means yes, yes means anal." It is clear that Kavanaugh was in company that did not comport with his claims to be a champion of women.

Yes I believe he drank a lot and might even today.

That’s kinda my point. His “I was focused on church” (paraphrasing there) when asked about his High School days just makes me roll my eyes. I have no doubt he was probably an above average student, Type A personality, and was impressive in most ways if not every way. Bringing up your religious service is weak though and casts a shadow on the rest of your record.

Do I think this makes him unworthy to serve? No. And that the alleged assault was not reported 35 years ago speaks much more loudly than anything else.

I’m more troubled by the embargo of information from his Bush II years.

Nothing I have heard/read/seen makes me think that he should be approved by the committee to a full floor vote in the Senate.

I just heard, "I hate God, so it's ridiculous to believe that any one actually takes that silly religious shit seriously!"

I read your post, and it just makes me roll my eyes. Your lack of ability to understand people who aren't religiophobic asshats like you is weak and casts a shadow on the rest of your . . . you.

Yes those who go to church can't assault women, I'm sure it was part of school , after all it was a Catholic school so they went to Church. See all holy people do not assault women or lie or steal and they are puritans.
libby admitting they are trying to cheat again.
My,you are a sharp one.

Yes, cheater, I hope the Democrats cheat. Then,once you fucking crybabies start balling your little eyes out about them doing what you shamelessly do, maybe we can fix this broken system.
We are fixing the broken system.......it's called throwing your idiot side out of power. LOL

This is like the Twilight Zone of SCOTUS nominations.

A 53 year old man was nominated not a drunken teenage college kid, and one has nothing to do with the other!

If Trump's SCOTUS nominee's name was Brittany Kavenaugh instead of Brett and had attended the same Yale party, got wasted drunk, climbed up on a table and did a striptease while signing Like A Virgin at the top of her lungs there wouldn't have been a damn word said about it. If someone would come forward the feminists would neuter them.

We've had presidents that snorted cocaine and that was just dandy apparently, but Kavenaugh partied in college........oh Noooooooooo!!!!!!
libby admitting they are trying to cheat again.
My,you are a sharp one.

Yes, cheater, I hope the Democrats cheat. Then,once you fucking crybabies start balling your little eyes out about them doing what you shamelessly do, maybe we can fix this broken system.
We are fixing the broken system.......it's called throwing your idiot side out of power. LOL
How unAmerican...it really is amazing how quickly Trump the moron turned you sheep in to a bunch of willing little authoritarian cultists...it goes to show that the human affiinity for being controlled by a dictator will always be there...
It says I value YOUR highly prejudiced opinion as much as I value my dog's farts, and for much the same reason.
You people are going to confirm Kavanaugh for the same reason a dog licks' its balls.
We like liberal tears.......................and don't like liberal judicial activism...............

Then we are going to laugh when the liberals cry again. Elections have consequences.........and the losers are desperate to stop another Supreme pick by any means.
libby admitting they are trying to cheat again.
My,you are a sharp one.

Yes, cheater, I hope the Democrats cheat. Then,once you fucking crybabies start balling your little eyes out about them doing what you shamelessly do, maybe we can fix this broken system.
We are fixing the broken system.......it's called throwing your idiot side out of power. LOL
How unAmerican...it really is amazing how quickly Trump the moron turned you sheep in to a bunch of willing little authoritarian cultists...it goes to show that the human affiinity for being controlled by a dictator will always be there...
blah blah blah.....

How many people are getting attacked by the IRS anymore.........Obama weaponized our agencies and you say we are the one with the problem

Sell you snake oil somewhere else.
I just heard, "I hate God, so it's ridiculous to believe that any one actually takes that silly religious shit seriously!"

I read your post, and it just makes me roll my eyes. Your lack of ability to understand people who aren't religiophobic asshats like you is weak and casts a shadow on the rest of your . . . you.
You know what I heard today? I heard someone being interviewed saying, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

And then I thought, this person you're defending.

You people are fucking hypocrites!
libby admitting they are trying to cheat again.
My,you are a sharp one.

Yes, cheater, I hope the Democrats cheat. Then,once you fucking crybabies start balling your little eyes out about them doing what you shamelessly do, maybe we can fix this broken system.
We are fixing the broken system.......it's called throwing your idiot side out of power. LOL
How unAmerican...it really is amazing how quickly Trump the moron turned you sheep in to a bunch of willing little authoritarian cultists...it goes to show that the human affiinity for being controlled by a dictator will always be there...
blah blah blah.....

How many people are getting attacked by the IRS anymore.........Obama weaponized our agencies and you say we are the one with the problem

Sell you snake oil somewhere else.
Peddle your embarrassing fantasy elsewhere. The truth is that you would give your left nut for Trump to be the dictator of America. And this is because you are a stupid person, and so is trump, and educated people make you feel stupid. So you see this as revenge on them.

That's really all there is to it .
libby admitting they are trying to cheat again.
My,you are a sharp one.

Yes, cheater, I hope the Democrats cheat. Then,once you fucking crybabies start balling your little eyes out about them doing what you shamelessly do, maybe we can fix this broken system.
We are fixing the broken system.......it's called throwing your idiot side out of power. LOL
How unAmerican...it really is amazing how quickly Trump the moron turned you sheep in to a bunch of willing little authoritarian cultists...it goes to show that the human affiinity for being controlled by a dictator will always be there...
blah blah blah.....

How many people are getting attacked by the IRS anymore.........Obama weaponized our agencies and you say we are the one with the problem

Sell you snake oil somewhere else.
Peddle your embarrassing fantasy elsewhere. The truth is that you would give your left nut for Trump to be the dictator of America. And this is because you are a stupid person, and so is trump, and educated people make you feel stupid. So you see this as revenge on them.

That's really all there is to it .
It's not fantasy..........ask the FBI who all get to go to training from the asshats in charge who are now disavowed. LOL

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