Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
We like liberal tears.......................and don't like liberal judicial activism...............

Then we are going to laugh when the liberals cry again. Elections have consequences.........and the losers are desperate to stop another Supreme pick by any means.
Like Mitch McConnell stopping Merrick Garland?
so what happens tomorrow? will some 450 pound woman claim that she was felt up by Kava in 1985?
My,you are a sharp one.

Yes, cheater, I hope the Democrats cheat. Then,once you fucking crybabies start balling your little eyes out about them doing what you shamelessly do, maybe we can fix this broken system.
We are fixing the broken system.......it's called throwing your idiot side out of power. LOL
How unAmerican...it really is amazing how quickly Trump the moron turned you sheep in to a bunch of willing little authoritarian cultists...it goes to show that the human affiinity for being controlled by a dictator will always be there...
blah blah blah.....

How many people are getting attacked by the IRS anymore.........Obama weaponized our agencies and you say we are the one with the problem

Sell you snake oil somewhere else.
Peddle your embarrassing fantasy elsewhere. The truth is that you would give your left nut for Trump to be the dictator of America. And this is because you are a stupid person, and so is trump, and educated people make you feel stupid. So you see this as revenge on them.

That's really all there is to it .
It's not fantasy..........ask the FBI who all get to go to training from the asshats in charge who are now disavowed. LOL

Sorry nutball....your goofy fantasies are only for other morons who also believe them already. Find a fellow trump cultist to wink and nod with your pap....
Because he has a simple majority for the moment.............

Does he?
We like liberal tears.......................and don't like liberal judicial activism...............

Then we are going to laugh when the liberals cry again. Elections have consequences.........and the losers are desperate to stop another Supreme pick by any means.
Like Mitch McConnell stopping Merrick Garland?
Not the same..............they get appointed by consent of the Senate...........which happened to be Republican majority.................

They just said NO..................it's over.............this is a circus of slander .........different slimy tactic.
We are fixing the broken system.......it's called throwing your idiot side out of power. LOL
How unAmerican...it really is amazing how quickly Trump the moron turned you sheep in to a bunch of willing little authoritarian cultists...it goes to show that the human affiinity for being controlled by a dictator will always be there...
blah blah blah.....

How many people are getting attacked by the IRS anymore.........Obama weaponized our agencies and you say we are the one with the problem

Sell you snake oil somewhere else.
Peddle your embarrassing fantasy elsewhere. The truth is that you would give your left nut for Trump to be the dictator of America. And this is because you are a stupid person, and so is trump, and educated people make you feel stupid. So you see this as revenge on them.

That's really all there is to it .
It's not fantasy..........ask the FBI who all get to go to training from the asshats in charge who are now disavowed. LOL

Sorry nutball....your goofy fantasies are only for other morons who also believe them already. Find a fellow trump cultist to wink and nod with your pap....
Whatever Mr. Hack................poor thing.............a new Supreme will get voted in soon..............too bad.
Outstanding!! A fine, spirited, on-point defense of Judge Kavanaugh and a long overdue condemnation of the vile tactics the communist bastards have deployed to destroy the U.S. Well done, Senator McConnell!

He addressed “Mr. President” several times. Interesting that Vice President Pence was in the session today as President of the Senate (the VP’s only constitutional duty). He is probably there in case a vote was called and he needed to be present to break a tie.

SEE THIS THREAD?? THIS is where all the comments, opinion, breaking gossip on this "scandal" belongs --- USE IT. All the rest of the Tuesday.. --- FlaCalTenn

Hey, Republicans...

With respect to the Kavanaugh nomination...

Billo_Really said:
Like Mitch McConnell stopping Merrick Garland?
Following A Democrat Precedent
You Know It

So Why Do You Continue To Repeat It As If It's A Valid Point

Are You Just A Liar By Nature ??
Another hysterical hyperventilating Leftist female. Pipe down there, Francis.

Brett Kavanaugh is NOT a "sexual predator". Or a drunk. Do you need smelling salts? Your corset laced too tight?
He was a member of the DKE fraternity.

What is certainly known is that while he was in college, Kavanaugh was a member of the DKE fraternity, which was infamous for its disrespect of women and its sanctions from campus administrators over its members' chant of "No means yes, yes means anal." It is clear that Kavanaugh was in company that did not comport with his claims to be a champion of women.

Yes I believe he drank a lot and might even today.

That’s kinda my point. His “I was focused on church” (paraphrasing there) when asked about his High School days just makes me roll my eyes. I have no doubt he was probably an above average student, Type A personality, and was impressive in most ways if not every way. Bringing up your religious service is weak though and casts a shadow on the rest of your record.

Do I think this makes him unworthy to serve? No. And that the alleged assault was not reported 35 years ago speaks much more loudly than anything else.

I’m more troubled by the embargo of information from his Bush II years.

Nothing I have heard/read/seen makes me think that he should be approved by the committee to a full floor vote in the Senate.

I just heard, "I hate God, so it's ridiculous to believe that any one actually takes that silly religious shit seriously!"
I guess the tobacco induced voices in your empty head are talking to you because that isn't what I said at all.

I read your post, and it just makes me roll my eyes. Your lack of ability to understand people who aren't religiophobic asshats like you is weak and casts a shadow on the rest of your . . . you.


Throwing out that you were involved in church is great if you're talking about religion.

If you're trying to defend yourself against allegations of assault, it's weak.

It takes someone with zero analytical or critical thought skills such as yourself to not see the thinly veiled attempt at invalidation he was trying to proffer. A person's faith is their business and ONLY in their heart can the truth of what they feel, how much they feel, and what their version of a deity may be. It has zero relevance to the type of justice he may be, the type of person he may be or even the type of father he may be.
Thank you for sharing with us that you have no sense of decency without force of law compelling you.
Absolutely correct! This is the...Senate...JUDICIARY...committee...after all...and in addition it is basic ETHICS to treat someone as innocent before proven guilty. HEY WOMEN: Gilibrand has inherited the crazy from "feminist" Hillary..."no due process" for men...what a crazy cat lady.
From Julie Swetnick: after a year of avoiding the "spiked punch" at gang rape parties she got gang raped herself. I guess she just didn't see it coming!
Anybody Notice
The Third Accuser Makes A Bunch Of General Claims
That She Can't Tie To The Kav
Can't Even Say He Was Even Present

So What Is She Testifying To ??
Is This A Judiciary Confirmation Hearing
Or Congressional Hearing On College Sexual Behaviors

Roll Out Thousands Of Women
That Have Been Assaulted Across The Land
That Have Nothing To Do With Kavanagh
Let's Hear ALL Their Testimony
Before Another Judge At ANY Level Is Picked EVER Again !!
Turns out the 3rd accuser is a psycho who had to have a restraining order placed on her after she threatened her ex's wife and kids...
Avenatti is just trying to make a name for himself for 2020. And I think he's coaching his 'victims'.

I do hope he did get scammed, it would serve him right for being such a dumbass

Dems want this guy around about as much as the truth.Which means if he falls of a mountain they would all breath easier Because " who's next" if they try and cross him. Skeletons of Porn stars and Bad habits HMMMM! Lets hire him and keep him happy

Yeah well, I think it will all come back to bite them (Dems) in ass.

And I would laugh my ass off, if these Kavanaugh 'victims' cracked under questioning.

If Trump is the last President...…..it's because the Dems have ruined this country and all it's stood for
Not the same..............they get appointed by consent of the Senate...........which happened to be Republican majority.................

They just said NO..................it's over.............this is a circus of slander .........different slimy tactic.
No, it is the same, you hypocritical fuck!

Mitch McConnell stopped the nomination of Merrick Garland by any means necessary.

Now you're forcing a drunken, serial sexual predator, on the country.

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