Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters

Throwing out that you were involved in church is great if you're talking about religion.

If you're trying to defend yourself against allegations of assault, it's weak.

It takes someone with zero analytical or critical thought skills such as yourself to not see the thinly veiled attempt at invalidation he was trying to proffer. A person's faith is their business and ONLY in their heart can the truth of what they feel, how much they feel, and what their version of a deity may be. It has zero relevance to the type of justice he may be, the type of person he may be or even the type of father he may be.
Plus the fact he refuses to answer direct questions, refuses to let his wife answer questions and instead, incessantly repeats canned responses ad nauseum.
Kavanaugh was someone the GOP tried to put over on the American people.

It didn't work.

Throwing out that you were involved in church is great if you're talking about religion.

If you're trying to defend yourself against allegations of assault, it's weak.

It takes someone with zero analytical or critical thought skills such as yourself to not see the thinly veiled attempt at invalidation he was trying to proffer. A person's faith is their business and ONLY in their heart can the truth of what they feel, how much they feel, and what their version of a deity may be. It has zero relevance to the type of justice he may be, the type of person he may be or even the type of father he may be.
Plus the fact he refuses to answer direct questions, refuses to let his wife answer questions and instead, incessantly repeats canned responses ad nauseum.

Its troublesome but I can give him a pass on that; the process has become partisan as has everything else so I can not blame him for giving the safe, canned responses. What his record would reveal if we could see it--and why it was embargoed is far more troublesome than what he may have did as a 17 y/o at a party (within reason of course).
Not the same..............they get appointed by consent of the Senate...........which happened to be Republican majority.................

They just said NO..................it's over.............this is a circus of slander .........different slimy tactic.
No, it is the same, you hypocritical fuck!

Mitch McConnell stopped the nomination of Merrick Garland by any means necessary.

Now you're forcing a drunken, serial sexual predator, on the country.
Where's the evidence bub. Her saying so doesn't make it true.
Its troublesome but I can give him a pass on that; the process has become partisan as has everything else so I can not blame him for giving the safe, canned responses. What his record would reveal if we could see it--and why it was embargoed is far more troublesome than what he may have did as a 17 y/o at a party (within reason of course).
Just go back 2 weeks in his confirmation hearings, he didn't answer any questions there, either. He was asked why he thought the Nixon ruling was wrong and he wouldn't answer that. Just like common internet trolls, it is a red flag when someone refuses to answer direct questions.
Where's the evidence bub. Her saying so doesn't make it true.
Why believe him? He's already lied under oath. More accusations have come forward showing a pattern of sexual misconduct. The WH refuses to release over 100,000 related documents for us to review. Why? What are they hiding? Why would these accusers wan't FBI investigations, knowing full well lying to "them", is a federal crime? Why would anyone, deliberately put themselves through all the shit you people deliver at whomever dares criticize your boy?
For what??? A left wing slime ball attack. Your side is dirty and uses slime ball tactics. How about your side being ethical for a change.

No one believes you anymore.
Slime ball tactics? You won't allow an independent investigation of these allegations, don't talk to me about slime ball tactics.
Its troublesome but I can give him a pass on that; the process has become partisan as has everything else so I can not blame him for giving the safe, canned responses. What his record would reveal if we could see it--and why it was embargoed is far more troublesome than what he may have did as a 17 y/o at a party (within reason of course).
Just go back 2 weeks in his confirmation hearings, he didn't answer any questions there, either. He was asked why he thought the Nixon ruling was wrong and he wouldn't answer that. Just like common internet trolls, it is a red flag when someone refuses to answer direct questions.

This is what every nominee has done in recent memory though. I think it was Souter who wouldn’t say what he thought about Roe as a person; not a a judge...making him the only adult in the nation without an opinion on the topic.

I understand your point of view
For what??? A left wing slime ball attack. Your side is dirty and uses slime ball tactics. How about your side being ethical for a change.

No one believes you anymore.
Slime ball tactics? You won't allow an independent investigation of these allegations, don't talk to me about slime ball tactics.

A trump ass kisser accusing others of slime ball tactics. Sometimes humor writes itself.
A trump ass kisser accusing others of slime ball tactics. Sometimes humor writes itself.
Boy is that the truth. I can't stop laughing over the fact that leftists think speaking one's mind - unfiltered - somehow equals "slime ball tactics". That is President Trump's great "crime". He's not afraid to call them radical pussies or tell them to shut the fuck up. Being raised as snowflakes, they can't handle someone telling them the truth. Yes CC, sometimes, the humor does in fact write itself.
One of the accusers walking back everything after being placed under the microscope. Uh-oh.
“To all media, I will not be doing anymore interviews. No more circus. To clarify my post: I do not have first hand knowledge of the incident that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford mentions”. Shortly after the last post, she deactivated her social media accounts.
So first she claimed it was all "true". Now she admits she has absolutely no idea if it is true (ie absolutely no evidence or first-hand account) and she has deleted all of her social media accounts.

Kavanaugh accuser’s classmate deletes social media accounts, walks back claims that it ‘did happen’
One of the accusers walking back everything after being placed under the microscope. Uh-oh.
“To all media, I will not be doing anymore interviews. No more circus. To clarify my post: I do not have first hand knowledge of the incident that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford mentions”. Shortly after the last post, she deactivated her social media accounts.
So first she claimed it was all "true". Now she admits she has absolutely no idea if it is true (ie absolutely no evidence or first-hand account) and she has deleted all of her social media accounts.

Kavanaugh accuser’s classmate deletes social media accounts, walks back claims that it ‘did happen’

Smart move on their part. I wonder how many more will try to fade away when they have to face real consequences for lying.
For what??? A left wing slime ball attack. Your side is dirty and uses slime ball tactics. How about your side being ethical for a change.

No one believes you anymore.
Slime ball tactics? You won't allow an independent investigation of these allegations, don't talk to me about slime ball tactics.
Like Feinetein sitting on it since July. Making it leak right at the vote. Then using any stall tactic they can find.
Anybody Notice
The Third Accuser Makes A Bunch Of General Claims
That She Can't Tie To The Kav
Can't Even Say He Was Even Present

So What Is She Testifying To ??
Is This A Judiciary Confirmation Hearing
Or Congressional Hearing On College Sexual Behaviors

Roll Out Thousands Of Women
That Have Been Assaulted Across The Land
That Have Nothing To Do With Kavanagh
Let's Hear ALL Their Testimony
Before Another Judge At ANY Level Is Picked EVER Again !!
I expect as much from a POS who voted for a woman abuser like Trump,.
Anybody Notice
The Third Accuser Makes A Bunch Of General Claims
That She Can't Tie To The Kav
Can't Even Say He Was Even Present

So What Is She Testifying To ??
Is This A Judiciary Confirmation Hearing
Or Congressional Hearing On College Sexual Behaviors

Roll Out Thousands Of Women
That Have Been Assaulted Across The Land
That Have Nothing To Do With Kavanagh
Let's Hear ALL Their Testimony
Before Another Judge At ANY Level Is Picked EVER Again !!
I expect as much from a POS who voted for a woman abuser like Trump,.
And I'd bet you voted for Blow Job Clinton...too fucking easy!..ROTFLMFAO...
It is NOT a presidential year....Duh!
But it is an election year.
Republicans Can Only Nominate Supreme Court Justices
Every Other Off Year

Is That This Year's New Rule ??
No, the rule is that, if you have to play against cheaters, you cheat. I hope feinstein fakes a seizure at 9:29 am Friday...

Apparently, the rule is "Do whatever you want, and then whine that you 'had to'."
Good, then take a lesson in hypocrisy as well as a lesson in how to actually come forward, the right way. Don't make shit up and then use it 36 years later.
Reluctance to come forward and the reasons for it are well documented in sexual abuse

You know what else is well-documented? Women lying about sexual assault to get their way, and Democrats lying about EVERYTHING to get their way.
No it isn't.

Yeah, I hate to break it to you, but your "I don't want to believe it, and I refuse to remember it that way and :lalala:" is not the same as "not documented".
Provide some documentation then.


Woman jailed for 10 years for making series of false rape claims

Charlotte woman charged with falsely accusing deputy of raping her






Also, just to save time:


You're welcome.

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