Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
Outstanding!! A fine, spirited, on-point defense of Judge Kavanaugh and a long overdue condemnation of the vile tactics the communist bastards have deployed to destroy the U.S. Well done, Senator McConnell!

He addressed “Mr. President” several times. Interesting that Vice President Pence was in the session today as President of the Senate (the VP’s only constitutional duty). He is probably there in case a vote was called and he needed to be present to break a tie.

SEE THIS THREAD?? THIS is where all the comments, opinion, breaking gossip on this "scandal" belongs --- USE IT. All the rest of the Tuesday.. --- FlaCalTenn

Hey, Republicans...

With respect to the Kavanaugh nomination...


Hey, Kondor . . .

With respect to your opinion . . .

As I watch this hearing, it's especially clear the Democrats are painting a picture that Kavanaugh must be guilty, and Ford must be heroic. Makes me sick.

Remember people, Democrats claim to be liberals for human rights. Yet it's clear the accused are guilty unless proved innocent.

On another note, Ford is an air-head and extremely sensitive. I suspect there's minimal truth to her allegation, and she's painted a picture to claim a victim role, which gives her comfort.
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Ms. Ford is an Old Bag- but she's using a voice as if she is , indeed, just 15 today.

The Libs are rolling over in laughter, thinking that they are putting one over on the American people.

What phony baloney rubbish.

Instead of this woman prosecutor, the Republicans should have hired Mark R. Levin, Esquire IMHO.
Ms. Ford is an Old Bag- but she's using a voice as if she is , indeed, just 15 today.

The Libs are rolling over in laughter, thinking that they are putting one over on the American people.

What phony baloney rubbish.

Instead of this woman prosecutor, the Republicans should have hired Mark R. Levin, Esquire IMHO.

Ha ha, you're right. How about the Coke in front of her, how often do you see that in a proceeding? I'm surprised there's not cotton candy on the table as well. Maybe some M&Ms and a Teddy Bear too.
Another hysterical hyperventilating Leftist female. Pipe down there, Francis.

Brett Kavanaugh is NOT a "sexual predator". Or a drunk. Do you need smelling salts? Your corset laced too tight?
He was a member of the DKE fraternity.

What is certainly known is that while he was in college, Kavanaugh was a member of the DKE fraternity, which was infamous for its disrespect of women and its sanctions from campus administrators over its members' chant of "No means yes, yes means anal." It is clear that Kavanaugh was in company that did not comport with his claims to be a champion of women.

Yes I believe he drank a lot and might even today.

That’s kinda my point. His “I was focused on church” (paraphrasing there) when asked about his High School days just makes me roll my eyes. I have no doubt he was probably an above average student, Type A personality, and was impressive in most ways if not every way. Bringing up your religious service is weak though and casts a shadow on the rest of your record.

Do I think this makes him unworthy to serve? No. And that the alleged assault was not reported 35 years ago speaks much more loudly than anything else.

I’m more troubled by the embargo of information from his Bush II years.

Nothing I have heard/read/seen makes me think that he should be approved by the committee to a full floor vote in the Senate.

I just heard, "I hate God, so it's ridiculous to believe that any one actually takes that silly religious shit seriously!"
I guess the tobacco induced voices in your empty head are talking to you because that isn't what I said at all.

I read your post, and it just makes me roll my eyes. Your lack of ability to understand people who aren't religiophobic asshats like you is weak and casts a shadow on the rest of your . . . you.


Throwing out that you were involved in church is great if you're talking about religion.

If you're trying to defend yourself against allegations of assault, it's weak.

It takes someone with zero analytical or critical thought skills such as yourself to not see the thinly veiled attempt at invalidation he was trying to proffer. A person's faith is their business and ONLY in their heart can the truth of what they feel, how much they feel, and what their version of a deity may be. It has zero relevance to the type of justice he may be, the type of person he may be or even the type of father he may be.

Another shocker for you: the rest of the world is not required to censor any mention of a major facet of their lives - religious belief and participation in church activities - because YOU are a religiophobic bigot.

It takes someone with zero IQ points and a massive hate-on for all things religious to pitch a hissy fit over a "veiled attempt at invalidation" when the person is answering vague, ridiculous character assassinations. Far from your delusional belief that I'm somehow ashamed of and attempting to deny my awareness of what he was saying and why, I'm well aware of it and support his choice fully. Because, see, I don't consider religion shameful or secret, and I certainly don't intend to start doing so just because filth like you tells me I should.

His faith is only irrelevant to bigots like you who would disqualify him as a Justice simply because he IS religious, and who were never going to support him, and who are eager to believe anything bad about him that they're offered, no matter how insane it is and how laughable it makes them look.

Or, to dumb it down to your level, no one cares what you think of his interview, because no one cares what you think. Never have, never will.
If Judge Kavanaugh is turned away after all of this, having his family, his career, his children, his life's work and reputation destroyed, who the hell would ever accept an appointment in the future?

I guess President Trump can appoint hard core conservatives with belligerant and combative attitudes that will rip into these libs from the first second. Might as well, little point in being conciliatory.

No down side to appointing Ann Coulter to the court.
If Judge Kavanaugh is turned away after all of this, having his family, his career, his children, his life's work and reputation destroyed, who the hell would ever accept an appointment in the future?

I guess President Trump can appoint hard core conservatives with belligerant and combative attitudes that will rip into these libs from the first second. Might as well, little point in being conciliatory.

No down side to appointing Ann Coulter to the court.

Democrats apparently don't think beyond next week, because every time they open a door for themselves the Republicans march right through it. It's not always right that they do, but it's inevitable. The next SC nominee from a democrat president (I'm sure it will have to happen some time) will probably face something very like this.
Ms. Ford is an Old Bag- but she's using a voice as if she is , indeed, just 15 today.

The Libs are rolling over in laughter, thinking that they are putting one over on the American people.

What phony baloney rubbish.

Instead of this woman prosecutor, the Republicans should have hired Mark R. Levin, Esquire IMHO.

Nah, the prosecutor has more experience controlling her emotions in the face of bullshit and lies.
If Judge Kavanaugh is turned away after all of this, having his family, his career, his children, his life's work and reputation destroyed, who the hell would ever accept an appointment in the future?

I guess President Trump can appoint hard core conservatives with belligerant and combative attitudes that will rip into these libs from the first second. Might as well, little point in being conciliatory.

No down side to appointing Ann Coulter to the court.

I SOOOO want to see him appoint Ben Shapiro.
there was a military couple who threw a party at their house. one of the guests, a soldier, got drunk and the couple offered him a couch to sleep on, where he passed out, after which the couple slept with their 4 year old son by their side.

in the middle of the night, the wife woke up to find that soldier was raping her and more than that, as her son and husband slept. obviously she was horrified but said nothing. she stood there in silence for 15 minutes.

defense attorneys for the assailant built their case around the fact that she could have immediately stopped the rape by waking up her folks.

"help me understand what you remember" the prosecutor bellowed

"well, he raped me"

"and why didnt you scream when you woke up and realized he was raping"

"oh my God, i hope my husband doesnt wake up. he would have killed this guy. our whole family's lives would have been ruined. so my first thought was I hope he doesnt wake up"

"why didnt you threaten to wake him up as a bluff"


the case fell apart and the soldier was not prosecuted
If Judge Kavanaugh is turned away after all of this, having his family, his career, his children, his life's work and reputation destroyed, who the hell would ever accept an appointment in the future?
Simple: someone who has not attempted to rape women.
If Judge Kavanaugh is turned away after all of this, having his family, his career, his children, his life's work and reputation destroyed, who the hell would ever accept an appointment in the future?
Simple: someone who has not attempted to rape women.

Since we already have that, I guess we're good and you'll pipe down, then.

Oh, I'm sorry! You actually meant, "Someone we won't accuse of attempting to rape women, even if he actually HAS!" In other words, a Democrat.

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