Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
Hes a leftist wacko. They believe anything.

Note exactly.
Stories that broke before the 4Chan story broke.
Democrats to Michael Avenatti: You’re Not Helping
Democrats believe Ramirez but stiff-arm Avenatti
Avenatti’s “Gang Rape” Allegation Puts Washington on Edge

And "Hes a leftist wacko. They believe anything" --Grampa.
Analysis | President Trump has made 4,713 false or misleading claims in 592 days

And none of these verified lies/misleading statements have been debunked. Not by Trump, not by the Trump team or not by Trump supporters.
Avenatti got punked. Good, maybe he'll go crawl back under the rock he slithered from.
But, let's also consider, all the Little Trumpsters, who have been punked daily by Donald J Trump! :2up:

Aventii is a scumbag. The sooner he goes away, the better.
I am disappointed that the Mods deemed it necessary to close / merge the Kavanaugh-Stetnick (new accuser) Thread with the Kavanaugh-Ford Thread...totally different subject and will get confusing jumping back and forth between the 2 separate cases....

That being said....

Regarding the new Stenick accusation, IMO...

It's an attempt to 'overwhelm' - a 3rd accuser with an even more 'horrific' accusation against Kavanaugh's character.

I can hear GOP Senators afraid of making a mistake and actually voting for someone ACCUSED of doing these things (not proven to have done them) already getting weak-kneed and convincing themselves that it would be in their own best interest NOT to vote for a candidate under this much heat.

Democrats successfully overwhelmed, beat down, Herman Cain with the proven tidal wave of false accusations against him, only to have them evaporate as soon as he dropped out of the race. Democrats know this is a winning strategy, and they know - just as well as the Republicans do - if they can take down a USSC Nominee, and such a good man, using this same strategy the GOP will never ever get another Conservative Judge appointed to the USSC again.
Another hysterical hyperventilating Leftist female. Pipe down there, Francis.

Brett Kavanaugh is NOT a "sexual predator". Or a drunk. Do you need smelling salts? Your corset laced too tight?
He was a member of the DKE fraternity.

What is certainly known is that while he was in college, Kavanaugh was a member of the DKE fraternity, which was infamous for its disrespect of women and its sanctions from campus administrators over its members' chant of "No means yes, yes means anal." It is clear that Kavanaugh was in company that did not comport with his claims to be a champion of women.

Yes I believe he drank a lot and might even today.

That’s kinda my point. His “I was focused on church” (paraphrasing there) when asked about his High School days just makes me roll my eyes. I have no doubt he was probably an above average student, Type A personality, and was impressive in most ways if not every way. Bringing up your religious service is weak though and casts a shadow on the rest of your record.

Do I think this makes him unworthy to serve? No. And that the alleged assault was not reported 35 years ago speaks much more loudly than anything else.

I’m more troubled by the embargo of information from his Bush II years.

Nothing I have heard/read/seen makes me think that he should be approved by the committee to a full floor vote in the Senate.
Hes a leftist wacko. They believe anything.

Not only has Trump punked you, so did a far right wing site.
To correct your post,,,"You're a rightwing wacko. They believe anything." :2up:
I don't listen to Trump so what exactly is he getting over on me about? As to the stories surfacing, I don't believe any of them so who is fooling who?

If you are assaulted or raped report it to the police or I simply don't care. If you didn't think it was a big enough deal to report at the time then why should I consider it noteworthy now?
The President or the Committee Chairman are the only ones who can authorize the FBI to investigate these charges as a continuation Kavanaugh's background check. . Both refuse. At the state level, Ford can ask to state to investigate as the Statue of Limitations does not stop an investigation. Where as with Ramirez. the Statue of Limitations prevent further legal;action. You ninny.

Gestapo tactics, not surprised its coming from the left.
Kavanaugh's doe-eyed portrayal of himself on propaganda channel Faux News is being blown out of the water by his Yale classmates. They are coming forward and describing Kavanaugh as a mean, sloppy, drunken asshole.

If Kavanaugh doesn't remember groping or gang raping girls, it might be because he was in an alcoholic blackout during those multiple incidents.
I am disappointed that the Mods deemed it necessary to close / merge the Kavanaugh-Stetnick (new accuser) Thread with the Kavanaugh-Ford Thread...totally different subject and will get confusing jumping back and forth between the 2 separate cases....

That being said....

Regarding the new Stenick accusation, IMO...

It's an attempt to 'overwhelm' - a 3rd accuser with an even more 'horrific' accusation against Kavanaugh's character.

I can hear GOP Senators afraid of making a mistake and actually voting for someone ACCUSED of doing these things (not proven to have done them) already getting weak-kneed and convincing themselves that it would be in their own best interest NOT to vote for a candidate under this much heat.

Democrats successfully overwhelmed, beat down, Herman Cain with the proven tidal wave of false accusations against him, only to have them evaporate as soon as he dropped out of the race. Democrats know this is a winning strategy, and they know - just as well as the Republicans do - if they can take down a USSC Nominee, and such a good man, using this same strategy the GOP will never ever get another Conservative Judge appointed to the USSC again.

Her story, as ridiculous as it sounds, is already falling apart.

According to her resume, she graduated from Gaithersburg HS in 1980. So she was a college student attending multiple hs parties. Though I've heard they can't even verify she went to the school then
Kavanaugh's doe-eyed portrayal of himself on propaganda channel Faux News is being blown out of the water by his Yale classmates. They are coming forward and describing Kavanaugh as a mean, sloppy, drunken asshole.

If Kavanaugh doesn't remember groping or gang raping girls, it might be because he was in an alcoholic blackout during those multiple incidents.

I heard Nancy Pelosi had Kavanaugh's rape baby. :icon_rolleyes:
Kavanaugh's doe-eyed portrayal of himself on propaganda channel Faux News is being blown out of the water by his Yale classmates. They are coming forward and describing Kavanaugh as a mean, sloppy, drunken asshole.

If Kavanaugh doesn't remember groping or gang raping girls, it might be because he was in an alcoholic blackout during those multiple incidents.

And your key witness is a Woman who admits to have stood by as minor girls were gang raped. She herself AN ADULT AT THE TIME THESE YOUNG GIRLS WERE ALLEDGEDLY BEING RAPED. She never tried to stop this, and never reported this to the Police.


Creepy if you ask me.
All this was of course pre-planned by the Democrats. The accusers, the timing, everything. If you can't see that, your really deluded. And that's how it's done in the crazy modern world. My only hope is, like 2016, they get a big surprise in the November election.
Why would anyone want these people running the country?
Both political parties, nitwit.
Fuck you, shit for brains.

Both parties aren't to blame for this.
That's what liberals do when they realize that Democrats are fucking up. They try to blame THE GOP along with them to ease their guilt.

This shit is purely Democrats' fault, because they can't win with their ideas. They have to lie, cheat, destroy lives, and ruin the economy. This is what they always have done....and it's only gonna get worse for them. The more of these underhanded stunts they pull, the more underhanded they will become.
So says the party of voter suppression and refusing to even consider Obama's nominee for the USSC.
Says the party that is having redistricting maps thrown out across this country.
Well, since Obama probably put out a contract on Anthony Scalia....screw him.

That 's quite stupid. Funny how Kennedy just decided to retire. Best check on his finances over the next few years.
He decided to retire because he's 82 years old.
You are dumb enough to believe this.
Anybody Notice
The Third Accuser Makes A Bunch Of General Claims
That She Can't Tie To The Kav
Can't Even Say He Was Even Present

So What Is She Testifying To ??
Is This A Judiciary Confirmation Hearing
Or Congressional Hearing On College Sexual Behaviors

Roll Out Thousands Of Women
That Have Been Assaulted Across The Land
That Have Nothing To Do With Kavanagh
Let's Hear ALL Their Testimony
Before Another Judge At ANY Level Is Picked EVER Again !!
Another snowflake triggered

I believe miss ford as much as I believe that toilets at McDonalds are 100% clean of germs 24/7

Funny, how Ford and Ramirez are begging to use the FBI and risk perjury and Kavanaugh is afraid to make the same commitment.
Think about that, genius.
there is NOTHING to stop the fbi or any local state or federal law enforcement from investigating a crime if one exists ya ninny

but they havent how come

The President or the Committee Chairman are the only ones who can
authorize the FBI to investigate these charges as a continuation Kavanaugh's background check. . Both refuse.
At the state level, Ford can ask to state to investigate as the Statue of Limitations does not stop an investigation. Where as with Ramirez. the Statue of Limitations prevent further legal;action.
You ninny.[/QUOTE]

bullshit the fbi investigates "crime" all the frikkin time ya shithead without congresses approval

why are they not jumping all over these assorted "crimes"
Anybody Notice
The Third Accuser Makes A Bunch Of General Claims
That She Can't Tie To The Kav
Can't Even Say He Was Even Present

So What Is She Testifying To ??
Is This A Judiciary Confirmation Hearing
Or Congressional Hearing On College Sexual Behaviors

Roll Out Thousands Of Women
That Have Been Assaulted Across The Land
That Have Nothing To Do With Kavanagh
Let's Hear ALL Their Testimony
Before Another Judge At ANY Level Is Picked EVER Again !!
The third accuser said he was gang raping women............then said she had been to 10 of their parties..........and even went to the point that they did her as well........aka got them drunk and lined up men to do the tango...............

Ummmm.........gang raped......Kav in a rape gang.........LOL

Ummmm......said they did it to her..........but went to their parties 10 times..........LOL

I mean really................he's done such horrible things that she keeps coming back for more...........give me a break.............

Very low standards from the left this time.........trying to outdo themselves this time.
Another hysterical hyperventilating Leftist female. Pipe down there, Francis.

Brett Kavanaugh is NOT a "sexual predator". Or a drunk. Do you need smelling salts? Your corset laced too tight?
He was a member of the DKE fraternity.

What is certainly known is that while he was in college, Kavanaugh was a member of the DKE fraternity, which was infamous for its disrespect of women and its sanctions from campus administrators over its members' chant of "No means yes, yes means anal." It is clear that Kavanaugh was in company that did not comport with his claims to be a champion of women.

Yes I believe he drank a lot and might even today.

That’s kinda my point. His “I was focused on church” (paraphrasing there) when asked about his High School days just makes me roll my eyes. I have no doubt he was probably an above average student, Type A personality, and was impressive in most ways if not every way. Bringing up your religious service is weak though and casts a shadow on the rest of your record.

Do I think this makes him unworthy to serve? No. And that the alleged assault was not reported 35 years ago speaks much more loudly than anything else.

I’m more troubled by the embargo of information from his Bush II years.

Nothing I have heard/read/seen makes me think that he should be approved by the committee to a full floor vote in the Senate.

I just heard, "I hate God, so it's ridiculous to believe that any one actually takes that silly religious shit seriously!"

I read your post, and it just makes me roll my eyes. Your lack of ability to understand people who aren't religiophobic asshats like you is weak and casts a shadow on the rest of your . . . you.
I am disappointed that the Mods deemed it necessary to close / merge the Kavanaugh-Stetnick (new accuser) Thread with the Kavanaugh-Ford Thread...totally different subject and will get confusing jumping back and forth between the 2 separate cases....

That being said....

Regarding the new Stenick accusation, IMO...

It's an attempt to 'overwhelm' - a 3rd accuser with an even more 'horrific' accusation against Kavanaugh's character.

I can hear GOP Senators afraid of making a mistake and actually voting for someone ACCUSED of doing these things (not proven to have done them) already getting weak-kneed and convincing themselves that it would be in their own best interest NOT to vote for a candidate under this much heat.

Democrats successfully overwhelmed, beat down, Herman Cain with the proven tidal wave of false accusations against him, only to have them evaporate as soon as he dropped out of the race. Democrats know this is a winning strategy, and they know - just as well as the Republicans do - if they can take down a USSC Nominee, and such a good man, using this same strategy the GOP will never ever get another Conservative Judge appointed to the USSC again.

Her story, as ridiculous as it sounds, is already falling apart.

According to her resume, she graduated from Gaithersburg HS in 1980. So she was a college student attending multiple hs parties. Though I've heard they can't even verify she went to the school then

She actually ADMITS in her statement that she was in college and attending parties with high-school kids drinking and allegedly "having gang-rapes" (I can't even type that with a straight face. What a load of crap).

So much for being an adult, I guess.

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