Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
Show of hands, anyone who ISN'T laughing at Billo demanding morality. Anyone?
You want to put a sexual predator and a drunk on the Supreme Court; what does that say about you?

Another hysterical hyperventilating Leftist female. Pipe down there, Francis.

Brett Kavanaugh is NOT a "sexual predator". Or a drunk. Do you need smelling salts? Your corset laced too tight?
[The hypocrite Mitch McConnell wouldn't give Merrick Garland a hearing for a year saying it was because it was an election year.
Presidential Election Year
A Precedent Set By Joe Biden Under Bush

--- But You Know That
And now hypocritical McConnell as done a complete about face and is trying to ram through this bullshit nominee as fast as he can................ IN AN ELECTION YEAR!
So My Question To You Hypocritical Democrats Remains:

Republicans Are Only Allowed
To Nominate Supreme Court Justices
Every-Other-Off-Year During Their Presidential Term ??
Does That Sound Constitutional, Even To You ??

How About:
'Only Democrats Nominate Supreme Court Justices' ??
Last edited:
Didn't "ram it through", sweetheart. Kavanaugh went through the entire process fairly. DiFi sat her old hide on that letter and tried to play dirty politics at the last minute, and I hope to high heavens it all blows up in her face.
There is no vetting of these 100,000 documents the WH is refusing to release. There is no FBI investigations into these allegations of sexual misconduct. Grassly will not allow corroborating witnesses to testify in front of the Senate committee. But there is a vote scheduled less than 24 hours after Ford's testimony.

If you don't call that "ramming through", you're fucking nuts!
Didn't "ram it through", sweetheart. Kavanaugh went through the entire process fairly. DiFi sat her old hide on that letter and tried to play dirty politics at the last minute, and I hope to high heavens it all blows up in her face.
There is no vetting of these 100,000 documents the WH is refusing to release. There is no FBI investigations into these allegations of sexual misconduct. Grassly will not allow corroborating witnesses to testify in front of the Senate committee. But there is a vote scheduled less than 24 hours after Ford's testimony.

If you don't call that "ramming through", you're fucking nuts!

That's right. No more baseless accusations, I hope to high heaven.

Do you just love it that your fellow travelers have worked themselves into a moral panic that looks like this? I've been calling the Left Puritans for years now.

the Republicans are refusing the FBI investigation that the accuser has asked for,
and together with the rush that Republicans are putting on the confirmation proceedings,
they are making themselves once again look very guilty and corrupt.

what the fuck gives you the right, in a supposedly free country, to upset *all* women's reproductive rights, which is necessary to ensure no children grow up in severely adverse circumstances by the way, based on some belief that your own group holds? a group that's rather small relative to the whole, too..

the republicans have become power-crazed idiots who think they can get away with any political trick to impose their will one way or another onto all.

vote these bastards out of office in november 2018 and 2020, or you'll be suffering the consequences of their actions as American people for decades to come.

i am seriously suspecting that the whole tax-cuts are going to end up just as large or even larger a heist on the middle class as the too-big-to-fail banking crisis was earlier.

So because you imagine that the SC will overturn Roe v Wade, it's fair game to make crap up about Kavanaugh and roast him with it, destroy his life and the life of his wife and daughters.

Don't bother to answer, we know how this works. "You have to break a few eggs...." Many of us, believe me, really, deeply understand the morality of the Left.

In case you missed it, i questioned why Republicans can't stand FBI scrutiny on this case as requested by the accuser, and accept a delay of perhaps a week of two.

And it's not just me having doubts about this appointment and it's long-term consequences on for instance the Roe v Wade issue. Roe v Wade was about getting the government out of the bedroom, and improve the ability for people to plan a family rather than get pregnant without being able to provide enough to the kids born as a result of such policies.

So yeah, an accusation (two now) of sexual misconduct is very relevant. It goes directly to show a basic respect for women's choices.

I stand by my words : nobody has the right to enforce life-style choices on a free population. Not. Through. Any. Mechanism.

and don't tell me that the majority of Americans don't agree with that statement of mine.
i hope that will be reflected in republican voters staying at home in November 2018 and 2020, and democrats going through the bad weather to the voting booth in massive numbers.

it's the only thing that'll restore a much needed measure of actually-serving-the-people and sanity in the US government, if Trump is not re-elected and becomes a lame-duck come November.

his Iran policies, his environmental sell-out, his tax-cut that is skyrocketing your national debt and mostly ending up the pockets of the already very wealthy (see all the buy-backs and compare that to wage increases, i bet you'll see something "off" there),

it's all very disasterous on the 5 to 20 year time-scale.

you Americans with your political TV ads and your rewarding of short-term thinking in your corporate and government circles, you're lucky to practice elections like you do. you're lucky with 2 cable news channels dedicated to exposing every lie a President of yours might tell.
i believe these are the things that will keep you, and us Europeans over here, safe in the long run.

if ever a President starts talk about lengthening term-in-office lengths, impeach him/her asap please. I mean it.
the Republicans are refusing the FBI investigation that the accuser has asked for,
and together with the rush that Republicans are putting on the confirmation proceedings,
they are making themselves once again look very guilty and corrupt.

what the fuck gives you the right, in a supposedly free country, to upset *all* women's reproductive rights, which is necessary to ensure no children grow up in severely adverse circumstances by the way, based on some belief that your own group holds? a group that's rather small relative to the whole, too..

the republicans have become power-crazed idiots who think they can get away with any political trick to impose their will one way or another onto all.

vote these bastards out of office in november 2018 and 2020, or you'll be suffering the consequences of their actions as American people for decades to come.

i am seriously suspecting that the whole tax-cuts are going to end up just as large or even larger a heist on the middle class as the too-big-to-fail banking crisis was earlier.

So because you imagine that the SC will overturn Roe v Wade, it's fair game to make crap up about Kavanaugh and roast him with it, destroy his life and the life of his wife and daughters.

Don't bother to answer, we know how this works. "You have to break a few eggs...." Many of us, believe me, really, deeply understand the morality of the Left.

In case you missed it, i questioned why Republicans can't stand FBI scrutiny on this case as requested by the accuser, and accept a delay of perhaps a week of two.

And it's not just me having doubts about this appointment and it's long-term consequences on for instance the Roe v Wade issue. Roe v Wade was about getting the government out of the bedroom, and improve the ability for people to plan a family rather than get pregnant without being able to provide enough to the kids born as a result of such policies.

So yeah, an accusation (two now) of sexual misconduct is very relevant. It goes directly to show a basic respect for women's choices.

I stand by my words : nobody has the right to enforce life-style choices on a free population. Not. Through. Any. Mechanism.

and don't tell me that the majority of Americans don't agree with that statement of mine.
i hope that will be reflected in republican voters staying at home in November 2018 and 2020, and democrats going through the bad weather to the voting booth in massive numbers.

it's the only thing that'll restore a much needed measure of actually-serving-the-people and sanity in the US government, if Trump is not re-elected and becomes a lame-duck come November.

his Iran policies, his environmental sell-out, his tax-cut that is skyrocketing your national debt and mostly ending up the pockets of the already very wealthy (see all the buy-backs and compare that to wage increases, i bet you'll see something "off" there),

it's all very disasterous on the 5 to 20 year time-scale.

you Americans with your political TV ads and your rewarding of short-term thinking in your corporate and government circles, you're lucky to practice elections like you do. you're lucky with 2 cable news channels dedicated to exposing every lie a President of yours might tell.
i believe these are the things that will keep you, and us Europeans over here, safe in the long run.

if ever a President starts talk about lengthening term-in-office lengths, impeach him/her asap please. I mean it.

Well I was going to engage but you're not even American so I'm not going to bother
Billo_Really said:
There is no vetting of these 100,000 documents the WH is refusing to release.If you don't call that "ramming through", you're fucking nuts!
'Read The Bill ?? You Folks Crack Me Up, 'Read The Bill' '
...John Conyers
And That Was Just A Few Thousand Pages Of The Affordable Health Care Legislation

Not A Mere Court Pick

Court Picks Don't Need Vetting Back To Grade School
Not For Any One....
Another hysterical hyperventilating Leftist female. Pipe down there, Francis.

Brett Kavanaugh is NOT a "sexual predator". Or a drunk. Do you need smelling salts? Your corset laced too tight?
He was a member of the DKE fraternity.

What is certainly known is that while he was in college, Kavanaugh was a member of the DKE fraternity, which was infamous for its disrespect of women and its sanctions from campus administrators over its members' chant of "No means yes, yes means anal." It is clear that Kavanaugh was in company that did not comport with his claims to be a champion of women.
So My Question To You Hypocritical Democrats Remains:

Republicans Are Only Allowed
To Nominate Supreme Court Justices
Every-Other-Off-Year During Their Presidential Term ??
Does That Sound Constitutional, Even To You ??

How About:
'Only Democrats Nominate Supreme Court Justices' ??
I'm not a Democrat and stop blaming others for your own actions.
Supreme Court Nominees
Have Been Vetted By Both Parties
Through-Out Their Entire Jurist Careers
These Hearings Aren't Even Necessary
Another hysterical hyperventilating Leftist female. Pipe down there, Francis.

Brett Kavanaugh is NOT a "sexual predator". Or a drunk. Do you need smelling salts? Your corset laced too tight?
He was a member of the DKE fraternity.

What is certainly known is that while he was in college, Kavanaugh was a member of the DKE fraternity, which was infamous for its disrespect of women and its sanctions from campus administrators over its members' chant of "No means yes, yes means anal." It is clear that Kavanaugh was in company that did not comport with his claims to be a champion of women.

Yep, if it's in alternet, it has to be true
Billo_Really said:
I'm not a Democrat and stop blaming others for your own actions.
Then Stop Lying Through Your Teeth About The Rules
And Whose Actions They Are
Didn't "ram it through", sweetheart. Kavanaugh went through the entire process fairly. DiFi sat her old hide on that letter and tried to play dirty politics at the last minute, and I hope to high heavens it all blows up in her face.
There is no vetting of these 100,000 documents the WH is refusing to release. There is no FBI investigations into these allegations of sexual misconduct. Grassly will not allow corroborating witnesses to testify in front of the Senate committee. But there is a vote scheduled less than 24 hours after Ford's testimony.

If you don't call that "ramming through", you're fucking nuts!

That's right. No more baseless accusations, I hope to high heaven.

Do you just love it that your fellow travelers have worked themselves into a moral panic that looks like this? I've been calling the Left Puritans for years now.

They're not baseless!

Has the WH released those documents? No.
Has the FBI investigated these allegations? No.
Has any corroborating witnesses testified to the committee? No.
Is there a vote scheduled for Friday? Yes.
So what the fuck are you talking about "baseless"?

Or are you just a fucking internet troll?
peacefan said:
In case you missed it, i questioned why Republicans can't stand FBI scrutiny on this case as requested by the accuser, and accept a delay of perhaps a week of two.
Because The Accusers Aren't Being Investigated Themselves
And Are Avoiding Giving Testimony Or Depositions Under Any Kind Of Oath ??

Your Already Answered
Into Infinity Rhetorical Question
Is Boring And Stupid

Do You Think Your Rhetorical Question
Becomes More Valid With Each Asking
Who doesn't get laid in High School or by Junior year in college????? What 10-15%. The guy was not physically unatractive, had a party life, had money, Why???

Was he getting drunk so he would be attracted to girls????? Maybe Mike Pence should reconsider his pick?

AC Green, Lolo Jones, Tim Tebow, Russell Wilson, Jessica Simpson, Jordin Sparks, Tina Fey, Phillip Rivers, Ricardo Kaká Leite, Michael Redd, Prince Amukamara,

There ya go.

Were they drunken partiers too?

I don't know much about most of them, but I know for a fact that Tina Fey's own admission is that she waited until she was married because of her own lack of self esteem. She's only had one relationship in her life, which is with her now husband. And to this day she insists it's because nobody else would want her.

Maybe that's Kav's excuse. He was insecure about Brett Jr. being man enough to please a woman and he was too shy and embarrassed to be interested in getting down. Maybe that's why he drank so much and was apparently such an aggressive drunk. He was full of self loathing.

You know, I started off joking, but that sounds more and more like a sexual predator in the making.
Wild imagination. You realize none of that is true about Kavanaugh?
Another hysterical hyperventilating Leftist female. Pipe down there, Francis.

Brett Kavanaugh is NOT a "sexual predator". Or a drunk. Do you need smelling salts? Your corset laced too tight?
He was a member of the DKE fraternity.

What is certainly known is that while he was in college, Kavanaugh was a member of the DKE fraternity, which was infamous for its disrespect of women and its sanctions from campus administrators over its members' chant of "No means yes, yes means anal." It is clear that Kavanaugh was in company that did not comport with his claims to be a champion of women.

Yes I believe he drank a lot and might even today.

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