Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
Avenatti got punked!

Hes a leftist wacko. They believe anything.

Note exactly.
Stories that broke before the 4Chan story broke.
Democrats to Michael Avenatti: You’re Not Helping
Democrats believe Ramirez but stiff-arm Avenatti
Avenatti’s “Gang Rape” Allegation Puts Washington on Edge

And "Hes a leftist wacko. They believe anything" --Grampa.
Analysis | President Trump has made 4,713 false or misleading claims in 592 days

And none of these verified lies/misleading statements have been debunked. Not by Trump, not by the Trump team or not by Trump supporters.
Avenatti got punked. Good, maybe he'll go crawl back under the rock he slithered from.
But, let's also consider, all the Little Trumpsters, who have been punked daily by Donald J Trump! :2up:
Another snowflake triggered
Or refuse to testify, and demand to just be believed, as the case may be.

She already made over $168,000 on her gofundme page in 7 days, and 4 people donated $235 (combined) in the last hour. What the hell does she need to testify for if all she is going to say is what is already in the letter?
I believe miss ford as much as I believe that toilets at McDonalds are 100% clean of germs 24/7
Bumping this thread. STOP spawning new threads on Kavanaugh/Ford. Use the daily merges like THIS one. There are not 3 to pick from. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. We're closing and trashing many new "opinion and comment" threads. We're gonna have to start WARNING as well..
Avenatti is just trying to make a name for himself for 2020. And I think he's coaching his 'victims'.

I do hope he did get scammed, it would serve him right for being such a dumbass
The Creepy Porn Lawyer allegely offered the 4Chan hoaxers $75,000 to appear with him on fake news CNN. :p Again, who is financing the Creepy Porn Lawyer besides most likely Soros?
Avenatti is just trying to make a name for himself for 2020. And I think he's coaching his 'victims'.

I do hope he did get scammed, it would serve him right for being such a dumbass

Dems want this guy around about as much as the truth.Which means if he falls of a mountain they would all breath easier Because " who's next" if they try and cross him. Skeletons of Porn stars and Bad habits HMMMM! Lets hire him and keep him happy

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