Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
Avenatti: I wasn’t scammed

the funniest line i read in the story is this from Avenatti himself:

“This is just crazy that somebody can just tweet something out like this, or post it, and people just take it as truth,” he said. “It’s crazy.”

yea, like 35 year old allegations are instantly believed, huh?
^ lol you're 13
I was 44 years ago And I still remember it like it was yesterday no memory lapse her, you can ask my wife!!!
The left's confused talking point is comedy gold:

"Kavanaugh is a nerdy square---cool ladies man womanizing--pocket protector wearing geek--with a big dick."

If he was more than 14 when he got laid for the first time he doesn't deserve to be on the Supreme Court. I heard Sotomayor was like 13 and Ruth Ginsburg was late for school once because she was blowing "bubbles" on the playground. can't prove it, but obviously don't need to do that " "disingenuous" and lacking credibility would be my bet!
the goal should be to de-politicize the process and get to the truth, instead of grandstanding and giving senators an opportunity to launch their presidential campaigns
So what he's really saying is......

"Beware....there's no shortage of degenerate, moral-less Leftists who would have no problem lying through their teeth".
My favorite part is the desperate attempt to get an additional 48 hr delay.
The part I liked best was the Senate calling in a bulldog Sexual assault prosecutor who knows how to ferret out a lie. First though We don't want Mrs Ford Interviewed or questioned by any outsiders " Only a bunch of old white guys" So we can later say that she was badgered and humiliated by A bunch of OLD WHITE GUYS within weeks of Mid terms. Repubs sniffed out that play and brought in a ringer' Now! Oh we can't allow another woman to do the interview and we need to know who she is "so we can send her some death threats and protest at her house" Why do they need to know who the attorney is ? Smart move and very scary for Mrs. Blasey Ford very likely the Attorney is a staunch Republican and Kavanaugh supporter but then a lie is alie no matter who asks the questions right!
the Republicans are refusing the FBI investigation that the accuser has asked for,
and together with the rush that Republicans are putting on the confirmation proceedings,
they are making themselves once again look very guilty and corrupt.

what the fuck gives you the right, in a supposedly free country, to upset *all* women's reproductive rights, which is necessary to ensure no children grow up in severely adverse circumstances by the way, based on some belief that your own group holds? a group that's rather small relative to the whole, too..

the republicans have become power-crazed idiots who think they can get away with any political trick to impose their will one way or another onto all.

vote these bastards out of office in november 2018 and 2020, or you'll be suffering the consequences of their actions as American people for decades to come.

i am seriously suspecting that the whole tax-cuts are going to end up just as large or even larger a heist on the middle class as the too-big-to-fail banking crisis was earlier.
Hes a leftist wacko. They believe anything.

Note exactly.
Stories that broke before the 4Chan story broke.
Democrats to Michael Avenatti: You’re Not Helping
Democrats believe Ramirez but stiff-arm Avenatti
Avenatti’s “Gang Rape” Allegation Puts Washington on Edge

And "Hes a leftist wacko. They believe anything" --Grampa.
Analysis | President Trump has made 4,713 false or misleading claims in 592 days

And none of these verified lies/misleading statements have been debunked. Not by Trump, not by the Trump team or not by Trump supporters.
Avenatti got punked. Good, maybe he'll go crawl back under the rock he slithered from.
But, let's also consider, all the Little Trumpsters, who have been punked daily by Donald J Trump! :2up:
Another snowflake triggered

Snowflake? That alleged, little zinger, is so 2015. That's like saying "groovy".
Anyway, I know it's hard to publicly admit that you are gullible and easily manipulated. So you bounce off your own weaknesses and project those faults on the other-side. And that's OK. Well, not really.
Another snowflake triggered

I believe miss ford as much as I believe that toilets at McDonalds are 100% clean of germs 24/7

Funny, how Ford and Ramirez are begging to use the FBI and risk perjury and Kavanaugh is afraid to make the same commitment.
Think about that, genius.[/QUOTE]
there is NOTHING to stop the fbi or any local state or federal law enforcement from investigating a crime if one exists ya ninny

but they havent how come
the goal should be to de-politicize the process and get to the truth, instead of grandstanding and giving senators an opportunity to launch their presidential campaigns

Did You Watch The Opening ??

Democrats Want The Rule To Be:
'Only Democrats Make Supreme Court Picks'

Because If Progs Are The Majority On The Bench
Senate And House Seats - Don't Matter
Governors And State Legislatures - Don't Matter
Even The White House - Don't Matter

Because The Supreme Court
Is 'The Supreme Law Of The Land'
Our Council Of Mullas
And Their Majority 'Opinions'
Don't Have To Have Anything To Do With The Constitution
Last edited:
jon_berzerk said:
Funny, how Ford and Ramirez are begging to use the FBI and risk perjury and Kavanaugh is afraid to make the same commitment.
Think about that, genius.
Funny, Ford Is Avoiding Testifying And Oaths Like The Plague
Ford and Ramirez are begging to use the FBI
Begging The FBI Not To Investigate THEM

Rattle That Around In Your Can A Minute

Hes a leftist wacko. They believe anything.

Note exactly.
Stories that broke before the 4Chan story broke.
Democrats to Michael Avenatti: You’re Not Helping
Democrats believe Ramirez but stiff-arm Avenatti
Avenatti’s “Gang Rape” Allegation Puts Washington on Edge

And "Hes a leftist wacko. They believe anything" --Grampa.
Analysis | President Trump has made 4,713 false or misleading claims in 592 days

And none of these verified lies/misleading statements have been debunked. Not by Trump, not by the Trump team or not by Trump supporters.
Avenatti got punked. Good, maybe he'll go crawl back under the rock he slithered from.
But, let's also consider, all the Little Trumpsters, who have been punked daily by Donald J Trump! :2up:
Another snowflake triggered

Snowflake? That alleged, little zinger, is so 2015. That's like saying "groovy".
Anyway, I know it's hard to publicly admit that you are gullible and easily manipulated. So you bounce off your own weaknesses and project those faults on the other-side. And that's OK. Well, not really.

Snowflake is by no means used up. You would love to call it so because it shows that the Left really messed up in their PC Puritan overhaul of the culture, and we're mocking you for it, and it stings. Too bad. We took a good part of the culture back. Too bad there too. Deal with it.
Republicans Can Only Nominate Supreme Court Justices
Every Other Off Year

Is That This Year's New Rule ??
The hypocrite Mitch McConnell wouldn't give Merrick Garland a hearing for a year saying it was because it was an election year. And now hypocritical McConnell as done a complete about face and is trying to ram through this bullshit nominee as fast as he can................ IN AN ELECTION YEAR!
the Republicans are refusing the FBI investigation that the accuser has asked for,
and together with the rush that Republicans are putting on the confirmation proceedings,
they are making themselves once again look very guilty and corrupt.

what the fuck gives you the right, in a supposedly free country, to upset *all* women's reproductive rights, which is necessary to ensure no children grow up in severely adverse circumstances by the way, based on some belief that your own group holds? a group that's rather small relative to the whole, too..

the republicans have become power-crazed idiots who think they can get away with any political trick to impose their will one way or another onto all.

vote these bastards out of office in november 2018 and 2020, or you'll be suffering the consequences of their actions as American people for decades to come.

i am seriously suspecting that the whole tax-cuts are going to end up just as large or even larger a heist on the middle class as the too-big-to-fail banking crisis was earlier.

So because you imagine that the SC will overturn Roe v Wade, it's fair game to make crap up about Kavanaugh and roast him with it, destroy his life and the life of his wife and daughters.

Don't bother to answer, we know how this works. "You have to break a few eggs...." Many of us, believe me, really, deeply understand the morality of the Left.
Republicans Can Only Nominate Supreme Court Justices
Every Other Off Year

Is That This Year's New Rule ??
The hypocrite Mitch McConnell wouldn't give Merrick Garland a hearing for a year saying it was because it was an election year. And now hypocritical McConnell as done a complete about face and is trying to ram through this bullshit nominee as fast as he can................ IN AN ELECTION YEAR!

Didn't "ram it through", sweetheart. Kavanaugh went through the entire process fairly. DiFi sat her old hide on that letter and tried to play dirty politics at the last minute, and I hope to high heavens it all blows up in her face.

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