Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
Its funny to watch these lifetime public servants self destruct and soil their careers just because Trump won....for crying out loud how juvenile must the dems be...I'd be ashamed to be affiliated with them and more people are feeling the same way every day that this circus of theirs rolls on....

They would rather ruin the economy destroy peoples lives ruin good men right in front of their family...
Di Fi has been a stain on California for a long time but even I would have ever thought she would be this under handed and blind to the harm her actions are doing to America...
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.

With me the paradigm remains; if it was assault in 1982, it should have been reported in 1982. That it wasn’t reported lends credibility to whatever happened being so minor that it didn’t rise to the level of seriousness then so it can’t raise now. She apparently didn’t tell anyone; not the person whose house/building it was where the assault took place, no security guard, much less the local constabulary.

Now, that being said, hearing the brief clip this morning from Judge Kav put up a big red flag for me. He said that he was focused on "school work, captaining the basketball team"….and church! Church. Playing that card at this time is huge. It could be 100% legitimate. But if it were legitimate…he would know that you don’t trade on your service to God as some sort of pass in other areas of your life.
He listed the activities he was focused on, church being among that list.
How weird that you find that suspicious.

I’m sure there was zero calculus behind the answer he gave. In related news, Clinton didn’t inhale, OJ was innocent, and it’s not about the money
Pubs need to take the gloves off and start fighting fire with Fire.

There had better be unfounded allegations just before the election against any Democrat who runs.

It’s up to that person to disprove the claims.
Avenatti: I wasn’t scammed

the funniest line i read in the story is this from Avenatti himself:

“This is just crazy that somebody can just tweet something out like this, or post it, and people just take it as truth,” he said. “It’s crazy.”

yea, like 35 year old allegations are instantly believed, huh?

He is so sleazy it makes me feel dirty just reading about him.

he gives sleazy lawyers a bad name
:abgg2q.jpg: Who in any state of mind believes any Democrat who has said this?
Have any of us ever seen anything like this? All of these Dems look like
complete jackasses claiming that they have heard her story and believe
her !!:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
Now keep in mind, we have all heard from Kavanaugh, so where is the
footage/tape of Christine Ford telling us her side of the story ?
:lalala: :cow: :cul2::cul2:
No, the there is no legal presumption of innocence anywhere except criminal law. No one is making false accusations.
It is a sacred American value that everyone is considered innocent. That is why the burden of proof lays with the accuser. That is also why we have slander laws.

It is unAmerican to presume guilt on the basis of an unfounded accusation.
Isn't that exactly what you are doing to Ford and Ramirez?

Except that, unlike their accusations against Kavanaugh, our criticisms of them have evidence.
Like what?

Their crappy, vague stories and THEIR lack of evidence. Oh, and the utterly uncoincidental timing of it all.
In other words none.

Right. You are dismissed.
:abgg2q.jpg: Who in any state of mind believes any Democrat who has said this?
Have any of us ever seen anything like this? All of these Dems look like
complete jackasses claiming that they have heard her story and believe
her !!:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
Now keep in mind, we have all heard from Kavanaugh, so where is the
footage/tape of Christine Ford telling us her side of the story ?
:lalala: :cow: :cul2::cul2:

there aint going to be any

it was not about guilt

but rather

the boldness of the accusations that matter

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