Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
If Blasey threw a tantrum Like Kavanaugh did, repubs would call her a hysterical shrill.

If you're an "on the fence" Republican, after his lashing out at the Democrats and ONLY the Democrats on the committee, you would have to conclude that he has shown his partisan colors and cannot be impartial on the bench.

That is if you're wanting an impartial justice--which is what we should want.

If you want a conservative Republican on the bench; he's your guy and he's wearing that cloak proudly. Would this be a novel approach to voting to appoint a Justice? No. But don't claim impartiality is the goal and vote for Kav. He's shown himself to be quite partial. And I can't blame him one bit frankly.

So what you're saying, in your own unintelligible way, is that he should have lashed out at people who haven't done anything to him along with the people running a character assassination on him, simply for the purpose of looking "impartial" to a bunch of dingbats like you who were going to condemn whatever he did no matter what?

I am literally without words sufficient to describe my level of revulsion for you at this point.
I think you should be more sensitive to the idea that 2/3 of sexual assault victims do not report their crimes. In her case, it was only attempted rape. As a 15 year old, it would have been very hard for her to tell an adult about it. Moreover, she probably didn’t think it was worth the effort of reporting as she became an adult because it was just an attempt and it happened years prior. It likely didn’t hit home for her until Kavanaugh came into the public eye. It’s not even like she was attempting actual legal action.

If it actually happened, don't you think she would have remembered the date and especially the location?

If there was a location, at least the Montgomery County sheriff could go out with the yellow tape and mark off a crime scene, start talking to the neighbors, etc.

Go out with yellow tape and mark off a crime scene? 36 years after the fact? Are you high?
Biden believes the FBI report would be useless. Inconclusive.
At least that's what he used to say.
How Joe Biden’s comments about the FBI and Anita Hill are now being used against Democrats

Liberals are screaming hypocrites.

This whole charade was, IMHO, just an effort to push the decision past the midterms- and if the Democrats were successful to push the selection past the 2020 elections when they hope Trump will be defeated.

I think you’re 90% correct. However I don’t think it was a charade. Clearly the Kavanaugh we know now is not the choir boy he pretended to be.

Yeah, he's not pretending to be a choir boy. That's just some straw man the media erected so that they could try to pretend that "catching him lying about it" disqualified him. *gasp* He drank as a teenager! That means he lied!

Except if you actually listen to what he said, he admitted in his interview that he drank as a teenager.

Anyone who tries to claim that saying he remained a virgin past adolescence is "being a choir boy" is telling us a lot about their lack of moral character, and not a damned thing about Kavanaugh's. Even in this day and age, quite a few people choose not to engage in sexual intercourse in their teen years.
If Blasey threw a tantrum Like Kavanaugh did, repubs would call her a hysterical shrill.

If you're an "on the fence" Republican, after his lashing out at the Democrats and ONLY the Democrats on the committee, you would have to conclude that he has shown his partisan colors and cannot be impartial on the bench.

That is if you're wanting an impartial justice--which is what we should want.

If you want a conservative Republican on the bench; he's your guy and he's wearing that cloak proudly. Would this be a novel approach to voting to appoint a Justice? No. But don't claim impartiality is the goal and vote for Kav. He's shown himself to be quite partial. And I can't blame him one bit frankly.

So what you're saying, in your own unintelligible way, is that he should have lashed out at people who haven't done anything to him along with the people running a character assassination on him, simply for the purpose of looking "impartial" to a bunch of dingbats like you who were going to condemn whatever he did no matter what?

I am literally without words sufficient to describe my level of revulsion for you at this point.
Lashing out only at his attackers shows he's in control even when he's spitting mad. Good for him.
Garland didn't have his life destroyed, and if Hillary Clinton would have won, he would have been confirmed by Thanksgiving.

No one was attacking the man, or tried to find people to tell tales about his youth.

The Biden Rule prohibited his consideration before the election, and the rule has a lot to be said for it. If we would have had hearings like we saw yesterday during the 2016 Presidential campaign with made up stories about Rape Train parties and asking middle aged men about their sexual experiences in high school, the people would have gotten off focus in the Presidential campaign.
Bullshit! Piece of shit McConnell wouldn't give Garland a hearing and that is fucked! As for Kavanaugh, he showed his true colors yesterday in the way he treated women on the Committee. He exhibited complete disdain for Senate women. If I was on the Committee, I would've told him, "Hey asshole, stop interrupting them!"
Oh, Billo. Really! When you say, " There are over 100,000 documents on Kavanaugh that have not been released to the public. They have something to hide and everyone knows it." Doncha know that reiterating Judge Kavanagh's boring straight-A+ report cards at every school he ever attended would be so boring he might try to hide it?
How do you know? Have you read the documents?
If Blasey threw a tantrum Like Kavanaugh did, repubs would call her a hysterical shrill.

If you're an "on the fence" Republican, after his lashing out at the Democrats and ONLY the Democrats on the committee, you would have to conclude that he has shown his partisan colors and cannot be impartial on the bench.

That is if you're wanting an impartial justice--which is what we should want.

If you want a conservative Republican on the bench; he's your guy and he's wearing that cloak proudly. Would this be a novel approach to voting to appoint a Justice? No. But don't claim impartiality is the goal and vote for Kav. He's shown himself to be quite partial. And I can't blame him one bit frankly.

So what you're saying, in your own unintelligible way, is that he should have lashed out at people who haven't done anything to him along with the people running a character assassination on him, simply for the purpose of looking "impartial" to a bunch of dingbats like you who were going to condemn whatever he did no matter what?

I am literally without words sufficient to describe my level of revulsion for you at this point.
ignore works wonders. it's how i save my sanity at times when people just refuse reason. or at least my own version of it. i'm sure i've made my own share of ignore lists. :)
That WAS my answer. Let me clarify: Your question was idiotic and unworthy of dignifying.

Let me know if that's still not clear enough for you.
So you're not going to answer the question. Trolls don't answer questions. So you're just a little bitch troll.
No one's going to hold Kavanaugh responsible for what you see in your own imagination.
That wasn't my point, you little whore. Kavanaugh is going to resent this entire experience for years to come. And he's going to take it out on liberals before his court.
No one's going to hold Kavanaugh responsible for what you see in your own imagination.
That wasn't my point, you little whore. Kavanaugh is going to resent this entire experience for years to come. And he's going to take it out on liberals before his court.

If he's gonna take it out on liberals because he's pissed, that shows he's incapable of being fair and impartial, and therefore unfit to be on the SC.
No one's going to hold Kavanaugh responsible for what you see in your own imagination.
That wasn't my point, you little whore. Kavanaugh is going to resent this entire experience for years to come. And he's going to take it out on liberals before his court.

If he's gonna take it out on liberals because he's pissed, that shows he's incapable of being fair and impartial, and therefore unfit to be on the SC.

It's called projection. Some people just don't understand how professionals can separate their emotional reactions from their work, and assume everyone else would act the way they themselves would.
That WAS my answer. Let me clarify: Your question was idiotic and unworthy of dignifying.

Let me know if that's still not clear enough for you.
So you're not going to answer the question. Trolls don't answer questions. So you're just a little bitch troll.

No, I'm not going to answer dumbass, pointless questions. And please hold your breath until your opinion matters to me. Oh, noes! The humanoid trash called me a name! What a tragedy!

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