Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
I think you should be more sensitive to the idea that 2/3 of sexual assault victims do not report their crimes. In her case, it was only attempted rape. As a 15 year old, it would have been very hard for her to tell an adult about it. Moreover, she probably didn’t think it was worth the effort of reporting as she became an adult because it was just an attempt and it happened years prior. It likely didn’t hit home for her until Kavanaugh came into the public eye. It’s not even like she was attempting actual legal action.

If it actually happened, don't you think she would have remembered the date and especially the location?

If there was a location, at least the Montgomery County sheriff could go out with the yellow tape and mark off a crime scene, start talking to the neighbors, etc.
It is possible that Dr. Ford did experience the assault, but is mistaken about the attacker. This kind of situation is why I am against the death penalty. How many people have been jailed or executed by those absolutely certain they committed a crime, only to be proven innocent years later by DNA or other evidence? DNA has freed many people that would never have gotten out of jail otherwise. Many people sit in prison today for crimes they did not commit. I am not saying that is what happened here, but it is something to consider. I found both of their testimonies to be sincere.
It is possible that Dr. Ford did experience the assault, but is mistaken about the attacker. This kind of situation is why I am against the death penalty. How many people have been jailed or executed by those absolutely certain they committed a crime, only to be proven innocent years later by DNA or other evidence? DNA has freed many people that would never have gotten out of jail otherwise. Many people sit in prison today for crimes they did not commit. I am not saying that is what happened here, but it is something to consider. I found both of their testimonies to be sincere.
It's also possible that kav is lieing.
It is possible that Dr. Ford did experience the assault, but is mistaken about the attacker. This kind of situation is why I am against the death penalty. How many people have been jailed or executed by those absolutely certain they committed a crime, only to be proven innocent years later by DNA or other evidence? DNA has freed many people that would never have gotten out of jail otherwise. Many people sit in prison today for crimes they did not commit. I am not saying that is what happened here, but it is something to consider. I found both of their testimonies to be sincere.
It's also possible that kav is lieing.

Possible. But, I found both to be credible.

Under a hypothetical that Kavanaugh was innocent, how would you advise him to prove his innocence?
McConnell needs to shut his fucking bullshit mouth! After what he did to Merrick Garland, he's in no position to be lecturing anyone about SCOTUS nominees.
In regard to Merrick Garland, the democrats got what they dished out. Besides, Hillary could have won the election and chosen her anti-America Justice. But thanks to God, Trump is set to choose 5 justices. Finally, we will outlaw liberalism and deconstruct the liberal utopia foisted upon us by using the same liberal tactic of legislating from the Bench.

Yep. Leftists put us under the rule of the Supreme Court. They just assumed they would always own it. Ironically they themselves sealed their own fate when they deviously got rid of the filibuster for nominations.
They *know* how they abused power to rule through the court. So of course they are terrified of being on the receiving end.
The activist rightists decreed corporations rule all and their rights are primary while any not even equivalent collective of individuals either consumer or employee is secondary and cannot even face the corporation as a group. Brilliant. Conservatives are worse activists than the middle left because they are elevating rights that dont even exist for entities that arent even human.
McConnell needs to shut his fucking bullshit mouth! After what he did to Merrick Garland, he's in no position to be lecturing anyone about SCOTUS nominees.
In regard to Merrick Garland, the democrats got what they dished out. Besides, Hillary could have won the election and chosen her anti-America Justice. But thanks to God, Trump is set to choose 5 justices. Finally, we will outlaw liberalism and deconstruct the liberal utopia foisted upon us by using the same liberal tactic of legislating from the Bench.

Yep. Leftists put us under the rule of the Supreme Court. They just assumed they would always own it. Ironically they themselves sealed their own fate when they deviously got rid of the filibuster for nominations.
They *know* how they abused power to rule through the court. So of course they are terrified of being on the receiving end.
The activist rightists decreed corporations rule all and their rights are primary while any not even equivalent collective of individuals either consumer or employee is secondary and cannot even face the corporation as a group. Brilliant. Conservatives are worse activists than the middle left because they are elevating rights that dont even exist for entities that arent even human.

Merrick Garland got off easy. What you saw this week will be the fate of all nominees going forward.
If you're an "on the fence" Republican, after his lashing out at the Democrats and ONLY the Democrats on the committee, you would have to conclude that he has shown his partisan colors and cannot be impartial on the bench.

That is if you're wanting an impartial justice--which is what we should want.

If you want a conservative Republican on the bench; he's your guy and he's wearing that cloak proudly. Would this be a novel approach to voting to appoint a Justice? No. But don't claim impartiality is the goal and vote for Kav. He's shown himself to be quite partial. And I can't blame him one bit frankly.
The GOP doesn’t give a shit about integrity. All that matters is that their political will is enforced.

In the case of this confirmation hearing, the Democrats have zero credibility, Senator Finestein in particular. The silence of her fellow Democrats concerning her tactics with the letter from Dr. Ford is shameful to say the least.

As for political will, this is what happens when you one party controls the Presidency and the Senate thanks to Harry Reid getting rid of the 60 vote threshold for cloture.
Not that I think democrats wouldn’t want to try and orchestrate a political shitstorm, but are you suggesting Blasey isn’t credible?

Didn't watch today's proceedings.
Do not know if she is credible or not.
I do not care.

What the facts are is this. Something obviously happened. Apparently it wasn't serious enough--by her standard--to tell anyone. There is no record of her notifying any authority figure about the incident. I am of the strong opinion that you cannot come back 35 years later and claim it was serious. In our system, you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. In the court of public opinion, whatever you wish to believe is valid and as specialized as the individual. If she thinks she was raped, she was raped. But I have to wonder why the 35 year delay.

Unlike a Hollywood starlet who is beholden to Harvey Weinstein or Les Moonves; Kav had no sway over her future prospects.

Unlike the Roman Catholic priests who are (or at least were) beyond reproach, a child of 6 had no hope of being believed at one point.

Unlike the highly selective process of Olympic athletes and other high profile sports, the coaches and trainers who could make you or break you are on far different soil than the HS student Kav was at the time.

So Whether she was credible or not is an opinion each of us hold--at least those who watched.
Her story isn't credible though; Again, if you and I are working tonight and we get into a fist fight. Then in the year 2053, you're nominated to the Supreme Court or Rock and Roll HOF or about to receive your Nobel Prize...I can't come back at you and say you assaulted me if I don't tell our boss, our security guard, or call the police and claim assault in 2018; can I?

As for the political shitstorm...uh..as far as I know, Senator Finestein alone knew about this charge from Dr. Ford and notified nobody. Is that not the case?
I think you should be more sensitive to the idea that 2/3 of sexual assault victims do not report their crimes. In her case, it was only attempted rape. As a 15 year old, it would have been very hard for her to tell an adult about it. Moreover, she probably didn’t think it was worth the effort of reporting as she became an adult because it was just an attempt and it happened years prior. It likely didn’t hit home for her until Kavanaugh came into the public eye. It’s not even like she was attempting actual legal action.

I'm well aware of the statistic.

I'm sorry but that is our system....if you don't say anything at the time when it is appropriate to say something, you lose the opportunity to say something later. When I was in pub sec, we used to have to hold jobs open for required numbers of days to get the best possible applicants. Many a time I had applicants I interviewed call me back and wonder why when they interviewed in December, the job was still open in February. I was told by my superiors that some jobs required a 60 day window for filling meaning that any and all parties were able to apply for it in 60 days. When you came in on the 61st day and tried to apply, the job was closed. Sorry. Your Eagle Scout badge and PhD are wonderful but you didn't apply in time. This is the way our society works.

The gestation period for coming to terms with a sexual assault could be much longer than a lifetime in some cases. But that clashes with the modern standards we have.


As for the commentary on your part, I hear what you're saying. I don't find the gestation period of that length acceptable. This is my view. You're certainly welcome to criticize mine as you are welcome to disagree with me.
Merrick Garland got off easy. What you saw this week will be the fate of all nominees going forward.

Good point, future Supreme Court appointees are going to have to be folks with brass balls that are willing to fight and attack from the start. Mark R. Levin would be a good GOP appointee. I think Michael Avenatti would be a good choice for a Democrat to appoint.
If Blasey threw a tantrum Like Kavanaugh did, repubs would call her a hysterical shrill.

If you're an "on the fence" Republican, after his lashing out at the Democrats and ONLY the Democrats on the committee, you would have to conclude that he has shown his partisan colors and cannot be impartial on the bench.

That is if you're wanting an impartial justice--which is what we should want.

If you want a conservative Republican on the bench; he's your guy and he's wearing that cloak proudly. Would this be a novel approach to voting to appoint a Justice? No. But don't claim impartiality is the goal and vote for Kav. He's shown himself to be quite partial. And I can't blame him one bit frankly.
The GOP doesn’t give a shit about integrity. All that matters is that their political will is enforced.

In the case of this confirmation hearing, the Democrats have zero credibility, Senator Finestein in particular. The silence of her fellow Democrats concerning her tactics with the letter from Dr. Ford is shameful to say the least.

As for political will, this is what happens when you one party controls the Presidency and the Senate thanks to Harry Reid getting rid of the 60 vote threshold for cloture.
Not that I think democrats wouldn’t want to try and orchestrate a political shitstorm, but are you suggesting Blasey isn’t credible?

Didn't watch today's proceedings.
Do not know if she is credible or not.
I do not care.

What the facts are is this. Something obviously happened. Apparently it wasn't serious enough--by her standard--to tell anyone. There is no record of her notifying any authority figure about the incident. I am of the strong opinion that you cannot come back 35 years later and claim it was serious. In our system, you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. In the court of public opinion, whatever you wish to believe is valid and as specialized as the individual. If she thinks she was raped, she was raped. But I have to wonder why the 35 year delay.

Unlike a Hollywood starlet who is beholden to Harvey Weinstein or Les Moonves; Kav had no sway over her future prospects.

Unlike the Roman Catholic priests who are (or at least were) beyond reproach, a child of 6 had no hope of being believed at one point.

Unlike the highly selective process of Olympic athletes and other high profile sports, the coaches and trainers who could make you or break you are on far different soil than the HS student Kav was at the time.

So Whether she was credible or not is an opinion each of us hold--at least those who watched.
Her story isn't credible though; Again, if you and I are working tonight and we get into a fist fight. Then in the year 2053, you're nominated to the Supreme Court or Rock and Roll HOF or about to receive your Nobel Prize...I can't come back at you and say you assaulted me if I don't tell our boss, our security guard, or call the police and claim assault in 2018; can I?

As for the political shitstorm...uh..as far as I know, Senator Finestein alone knew about this charge from Dr. Ford and notified nobody. Is that not the case?

Billy000 I am going to ask once again....consider the following if you will; From my post above.

As for the political shitstorm...uh..as far as I know, Senator Finestein alone knew about this charge from Dr. Ford and notified nobody. Is that not the case?

Can you comment on that statement?
If you're an "on the fence" Republican, after his lashing out at the Democrats and ONLY the Democrats on the committee, you would have to conclude that he has shown his partisan colors and cannot be impartial on the bench.

That is if you're wanting an impartial justice--which is what we should want.

If you want a conservative Republican on the bench; he's your guy and he's wearing that cloak proudly. Would this be a novel approach to voting to appoint a Justice? No. But don't claim impartiality is the goal and vote for Kav. He's shown himself to be quite partial. And I can't blame him one bit frankly.
The GOP doesn’t give a shit about integrity. All that matters is that their political will is enforced.

In the case of this confirmation hearing, the Democrats have zero credibility, Senator Finestein in particular. The silence of her fellow Democrats concerning her tactics with the letter from Dr. Ford is shameful to say the least.

As for political will, this is what happens when you one party controls the Presidency and the Senate thanks to Harry Reid getting rid of the 60 vote threshold for cloture.
Not that I think democrats wouldn’t want to try and orchestrate a political shitstorm, but are you suggesting Blasey isn’t credible?

Didn't watch today's proceedings.
Do not know if she is credible or not.
I do not care.

What the facts are is this. Something obviously happened. Apparently it wasn't serious enough--by her standard--to tell anyone. There is no record of her notifying any authority figure about the incident. I am of the strong opinion that you cannot come back 35 years later and claim it was serious. In our system, you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. In the court of public opinion, whatever you wish to believe is valid and as specialized as the individual. If she thinks she was raped, she was raped. But I have to wonder why the 35 year delay.

Unlike a Hollywood starlet who is beholden to Harvey Weinstein or Les Moonves; Kav had no sway over her future prospects.

Unlike the Roman Catholic priests who are (or at least were) beyond reproach, a child of 6 had no hope of being believed at one point.

Unlike the highly selective process of Olympic athletes and other high profile sports, the coaches and trainers who could make you or break you are on far different soil than the HS student Kav was at the time.

So Whether she was credible or not is an opinion each of us hold--at least those who watched.
Her story isn't credible though; Again, if you and I are working tonight and we get into a fist fight. Then in the year 2053, you're nominated to the Supreme Court or Rock and Roll HOF or about to receive your Nobel Prize...I can't come back at you and say you assaulted me if I don't tell our boss, our security guard, or call the police and claim assault in 2018; can I?

As for the political shitstorm...uh..as far as I know, Senator Finestein alone knew about this charge from Dr. Ford and notified nobody. Is that not the case?

Billy000 I am going to ask once again....consider the following if you will; From my post above.

As for the political shitstorm...uh..as far as I know, Senator Finestein alone knew about this charge from Dr. Ford and notified nobody. Is that not the case?

Can you comment on that statement?
Um yeah and so? What does it matter what Feinstein does?
McConnell needs to shut his fucking bullshit mouth! After what he did to Merrick Garland, he's in no position to be lecturing anyone about SCOTUS nominees.
In regard to Merrick Garland, the democrats got what they dished out. Besides, Hillary could have won the election and chosen her anti-America Justice. But thanks to God, Trump is set to choose 5 justices. Finally, we will outlaw liberalism and deconstruct the liberal utopia foisted upon us by using the same liberal tactic of legislating from the Bench.

Yep. Leftists put us under the rule of the Supreme Court. They just assumed they would always own it. Ironically they themselves sealed their own fate when they deviously got rid of the filibuster for nominations.
They *know* how they abused power to rule through the court. So of course they are terrified of being on the receiving end.
The activist rightists decreed corporations rule all and their rights are primary while any not even equivalent collective of individuals either consumer or employee is secondary and cannot even face the corporation as a group. Brilliant. Conservatives are worse activists than the middle left because they are elevating rights that dont even exist for entities that arent even human.

Merrick Garland got off easy. What you saw this week will be the fate of all nominees going forward.

Maybe. We can expect more banana republic and third world antics from the Democrats.

But consider that those spineless Republicans may have learned a little from this. From now on we ram nominations through. These people have proven they cant function in a civilized venue and they have nothing to say the American people want to hear. I do hope this is th elast time we hear from these cowards who lost the election.

And consider the effect on Kavanaugh. He has seen the demonic crowds baying for his blood close up. Like Thomas he will now be a damn good vote on the Supreme Court. He's an innocent jurist no longer from a charmed life. He sees what we fight.

Im looking forward to the Ginsberg replacement.
If Blasey threw a tantrum Like Kavanaugh did, repubs would call her a hysterical shrill.

If you're an "on the fence" Republican, after his lashing out at the Democrats and ONLY the Democrats on the committee, you would have to conclude that he has shown his partisan colors and cannot be impartial on the bench.

That is if you're wanting an impartial justice--which is what we should want.

If you want a conservative Republican on the bench; he's your guy and he's wearing that cloak proudly. Would this be a novel approach to voting to appoint a Justice? No. But don't claim impartiality is the goal and vote for Kav. He's shown himself to be quite partial. And I can't blame him one bit frankly.
The GOP doesn’t give a shit about integrity. All that matters is that their political will is enforced.
Welcome to politics. This is the kind of thing everyone expects from democrats, but it's surprising that Republicans have decided they shouldn't be the only team on the bench any more. Of course, that's if they actually hold the vote and don't let a decades old unsubstantiated allegation stop them from confirming this eminently qualified judge.
The GOP doesn’t give a shit about integrity. All that matters is that their political will is enforced.

In the case of this confirmation hearing, the Democrats have zero credibility, Senator Finestein in particular. The silence of her fellow Democrats concerning her tactics with the letter from Dr. Ford is shameful to say the least.

As for political will, this is what happens when you one party controls the Presidency and the Senate thanks to Harry Reid getting rid of the 60 vote threshold for cloture.
Not that I think democrats wouldn’t want to try and orchestrate a political shitstorm, but are you suggesting Blasey isn’t credible?

Didn't watch today's proceedings.
Do not know if she is credible or not.
I do not care.

What the facts are is this. Something obviously happened. Apparently it wasn't serious enough--by her standard--to tell anyone. There is no record of her notifying any authority figure about the incident. I am of the strong opinion that you cannot come back 35 years later and claim it was serious. In our system, you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. In the court of public opinion, whatever you wish to believe is valid and as specialized as the individual. If she thinks she was raped, she was raped. But I have to wonder why the 35 year delay.

Unlike a Hollywood starlet who is beholden to Harvey Weinstein or Les Moonves; Kav had no sway over her future prospects.

Unlike the Roman Catholic priests who are (or at least were) beyond reproach, a child of 6 had no hope of being believed at one point.

Unlike the highly selective process of Olympic athletes and other high profile sports, the coaches and trainers who could make you or break you are on far different soil than the HS student Kav was at the time.

So Whether she was credible or not is an opinion each of us hold--at least those who watched.
Her story isn't credible though; Again, if you and I are working tonight and we get into a fist fight. Then in the year 2053, you're nominated to the Supreme Court or Rock and Roll HOF or about to receive your Nobel Prize...I can't come back at you and say you assaulted me if I don't tell our boss, our security guard, or call the police and claim assault in 2018; can I?

As for the political shitstorm...uh..as far as I know, Senator Finestein alone knew about this charge from Dr. Ford and notified nobody. Is that not the case?

Billy000 I am going to ask once again....consider the following if you will; From my post above.

As for the political shitstorm...uh..as far as I know, Senator Finestein alone knew about this charge from Dr. Ford and notified nobody. Is that not the case?

Can you comment on that statement?
Um yeah and so? What does it matter what Feinstein does?

Well, you said you didn't think the Democrats orchestrated the political shitstorm. What do you call her getting this letter and, as far as I know, telling nobody about it until the end of the testimony by the nominee Judge Kav? Then releasing it instead of bringing it to the Committee's attention immediately once she received Dr. Ford's letter? I don't think there is any question that she lit the fuse on this.
In the case of this confirmation hearing, the Democrats have zero credibility, Senator Finestein in particular. The silence of her fellow Democrats concerning her tactics with the letter from Dr. Ford is shameful to say the least.

As for political will, this is what happens when you one party controls the Presidency and the Senate thanks to Harry Reid getting rid of the 60 vote threshold for cloture.
Not that I think democrats wouldn’t want to try and orchestrate a political shitstorm, but are you suggesting Blasey isn’t credible?

Didn't watch today's proceedings.
Do not know if she is credible or not.
I do not care.

What the facts are is this. Something obviously happened. Apparently it wasn't serious enough--by her standard--to tell anyone. There is no record of her notifying any authority figure about the incident. I am of the strong opinion that you cannot come back 35 years later and claim it was serious. In our system, you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. In the court of public opinion, whatever you wish to believe is valid and as specialized as the individual. If she thinks she was raped, she was raped. But I have to wonder why the 35 year delay.

Unlike a Hollywood starlet who is beholden to Harvey Weinstein or Les Moonves; Kav had no sway over her future prospects.

Unlike the Roman Catholic priests who are (or at least were) beyond reproach, a child of 6 had no hope of being believed at one point.

Unlike the highly selective process of Olympic athletes and other high profile sports, the coaches and trainers who could make you or break you are on far different soil than the HS student Kav was at the time.

So Whether she was credible or not is an opinion each of us hold--at least those who watched.
Her story isn't credible though; Again, if you and I are working tonight and we get into a fist fight. Then in the year 2053, you're nominated to the Supreme Court or Rock and Roll HOF or about to receive your Nobel Prize...I can't come back at you and say you assaulted me if I don't tell our boss, our security guard, or call the police and claim assault in 2018; can I?

As for the political shitstorm...uh..as far as I know, Senator Finestein alone knew about this charge from Dr. Ford and notified nobody. Is that not the case?

Billy000 I am going to ask once again....consider the following if you will; From my post above.

As for the political shitstorm...uh..as far as I know, Senator Finestein alone knew about this charge from Dr. Ford and notified nobody. Is that not the case?

Can you comment on that statement?
Um yeah and so? What does it matter what Feinstein does?

Well, you said you didn't think the Democrats orchestrated the political shitstorm. What do you call her getting this letter and, as far as I know, telling nobody about it until the end of the testimony by the nominee Judge Kav? Then releasing it instead of bringing it to the Committee's attention immediately once she received Dr. Ford's letter? I don't think there is any question that she lit the fuse on this.

I think the FBI really needs to take a looks at Sen. Feinstein's as well as Ms. Ford's computer and phone in regards to this. They would be able to see if there was some kind of cooperation between the two parties and if this was more just a con job to deny Kavanaugh his seat. No need to deny Kavanaugh for the FBI report- but it still needs done. Although my guess is that Ford probably got a new phone and computer within the last month and destroyed her previous technology with a hammer and dissolved the previous machines in a lime pit.
Gillibrand said, “I thought Dr. Blasey Ford’s testimony was incredible. I thought she was so heartfelt, she spoke her truth so passionately, with such candor, with such emotion. I was really inspired by what she did today. I thought the second half, though, was so discouraging. I thought the way Judge Kavanaugh started with partisan attacks, it really made me question his fitness for this office for the fact that he does not have the temperament or the character or honesty or integrity to be a Supreme Court justice. I was really disturbed by the second half of the hearing and disturbed by my Republican colleagues and how they acted and what they said.”

She added, “He was so arrogant in how he spoke to senators, and dismissive. I was really offended by how he behaved at the hearing.”

Gillibrand is a scumbag political hack and misandrist and racist.
Not that I think democrats wouldn’t want to try and orchestrate a political shitstorm, but are you suggesting Blasey isn’t credible?

Didn't watch today's proceedings.
Do not know if she is credible or not.
I do not care.

What the facts are is this. Something obviously happened. Apparently it wasn't serious enough--by her standard--to tell anyone. There is no record of her notifying any authority figure about the incident. I am of the strong opinion that you cannot come back 35 years later and claim it was serious. In our system, you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. In the court of public opinion, whatever you wish to believe is valid and as specialized as the individual. If she thinks she was raped, she was raped. But I have to wonder why the 35 year delay.

Unlike a Hollywood starlet who is beholden to Harvey Weinstein or Les Moonves; Kav had no sway over her future prospects.

Unlike the Roman Catholic priests who are (or at least were) beyond reproach, a child of 6 had no hope of being believed at one point.

Unlike the highly selective process of Olympic athletes and other high profile sports, the coaches and trainers who could make you or break you are on far different soil than the HS student Kav was at the time.

So Whether she was credible or not is an opinion each of us hold--at least those who watched.
Her story isn't credible though; Again, if you and I are working tonight and we get into a fist fight. Then in the year 2053, you're nominated to the Supreme Court or Rock and Roll HOF or about to receive your Nobel Prize...I can't come back at you and say you assaulted me if I don't tell our boss, our security guard, or call the police and claim assault in 2018; can I?

As for the political shitstorm...uh..as far as I know, Senator Finestein alone knew about this charge from Dr. Ford and notified nobody. Is that not the case?

Billy000 I am going to ask once again....consider the following if you will; From my post above.

As for the political shitstorm...uh..as far as I know, Senator Finestein alone knew about this charge from Dr. Ford and notified nobody. Is that not the case?

Can you comment on that statement?
Um yeah and so? What does it matter what Feinstein does?

Well, you said you didn't think the Democrats orchestrated the political shitstorm. What do you call her getting this letter and, as far as I know, telling nobody about it until the end of the testimony by the nominee Judge Kav? Then releasing it instead of bringing it to the Committee's attention immediately once she received Dr. Ford's letter? I don't think there is any question that she lit the fuse on this.

I think the FBI really needs to take a looks at Sen. Feinstein's as well as Ms. Ford's computer and phone in regards to this. They would be able to see if there was some kind of cooperation between the two parties and if this was more just a con job to deny Kavanaugh his seat. No need to deny Kavanaugh for the FBI report- but it still needs done. Although my guess is that Ford probably got a new phone and computer within the last month and destroyed her previous technology with a hammer and dissolved the previous machines in a lime pit.

You sound almost as crazy as the President.
The lawyer who interviewed Ford for the Republicans was terrible.

She should have determined that Ford couldn’t credibly identify Kavanaugh.

At least she caught Ford in many lies.
All his cases are public information........and that is a bunch of bull and you know it..........they had months.......it's faux outrage.
That doesn't change the fact the WH is withholding relative information on this nominee that should be vetted in the public domain. As far as his record, that's why I am against this right wing homer.
Not that I think democrats wouldn’t want to try and orchestrate a political shitstorm, but are you suggesting Blasey isn’t credible?

Didn't watch today's proceedings.
Do not know if she is credible or not.
I do not care.

What the facts are is this. Something obviously happened. Apparently it wasn't serious enough--by her standard--to tell anyone. There is no record of her notifying any authority figure about the incident. I am of the strong opinion that you cannot come back 35 years later and claim it was serious. In our system, you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. In the court of public opinion, whatever you wish to believe is valid and as specialized as the individual. If she thinks she was raped, she was raped. But I have to wonder why the 35 year delay.

Unlike a Hollywood starlet who is beholden to Harvey Weinstein or Les Moonves; Kav had no sway over her future prospects.

Unlike the Roman Catholic priests who are (or at least were) beyond reproach, a child of 6 had no hope of being believed at one point.

Unlike the highly selective process of Olympic athletes and other high profile sports, the coaches and trainers who could make you or break you are on far different soil than the HS student Kav was at the time.

So Whether she was credible or not is an opinion each of us hold--at least those who watched.
Her story isn't credible though; Again, if you and I are working tonight and we get into a fist fight. Then in the year 2053, you're nominated to the Supreme Court or Rock and Roll HOF or about to receive your Nobel Prize...I can't come back at you and say you assaulted me if I don't tell our boss, our security guard, or call the police and claim assault in 2018; can I?

As for the political shitstorm...uh..as far as I know, Senator Finestein alone knew about this charge from Dr. Ford and notified nobody. Is that not the case?

Billy000 I am going to ask once again....consider the following if you will; From my post above.

As for the political shitstorm...uh..as far as I know, Senator Finestein alone knew about this charge from Dr. Ford and notified nobody. Is that not the case?

Can you comment on that statement?
Um yeah and so? What does it matter what Feinstein does?

Well, you said you didn't think the Democrats orchestrated the political shitstorm. What do you call her getting this letter and, as far as I know, telling nobody about it until the end of the testimony by the nominee Judge Kav? Then releasing it instead of bringing it to the Committee's attention immediately once she received Dr. Ford's letter? I don't think there is any question that she lit the fuse on this.

I think the FBI really needs to take a looks at Sen. Feinstein's as well as Ms. Ford's computer and phone in regards to this. They would be able to see if there was some kind of cooperation between the two parties and if this was more just a con job to deny Kavanaugh his seat. No need to deny Kavanaugh for the FBI report- but it still needs done. Although my guess is that Ford probably got a new phone and computer within the last month and destroyed her previous technology with a hammer and dissolved the previous machines in a lime pit.

100000% Feinstein’s camp colluded with Ford to pull this nonsense.

Ford LIED about getting help to obtain a lawyer from Feinstein,

Why would she lie about that?
Why would she lie about being afraid to fly?
Why would she lie about the polygraph?

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