Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Threads -- Monday Sept 24th 2018

(1). If you have no corroborating evidence or witnesses, STFU.
(2). If you did not mention the matter to a reliable person CONTEMPORANEOUSLY with the event, STFU.
(3). If you hire an attorney in advance of making your accusation, your credibility drops 90%.
(4). If you have ever worn a "pussy hat" in public STFU.
(5). If you are a partisan for the "other side," your credibility drops 75%.
(6). If you were under the influence of any mind or mood altering substance, voluntarily consumed, your credibility drops at least 50%.
(7). There is an absolute "statute of limitations" of ten years.

Now, is there anything to discuss?

I think not.

Let's get on with it.
Cosby - did his victims have witnesses?

Sandusky - did his victims have witnesses

Priests - did their victims have witnesses.

US Gymnastics doc - did his victims have witnesses

Do you think they should have STFU???????

Now don't you feel like you are dumber than shit.
She'll be there.

No she won't, she will come up with some excuse. She has nothing to gain by showing up and everything to lose.

I agree with that. The dems got what they wanted now they just need an excuse for her not to show

All they need to do is say she feels too intimidated, traumatized by recalling that horrible night to appear and talk about it! Poor girl! That immediately puts her in the victim's seat and plucks at the heart strings of all that believe and sympathize with her. That bad bad man Kavanaugh------ all the more reason to hate him, delay further, press the public sympathy, and play the public for fools, still without a shred of evidence. Democrats have nothing to lose and best case--- --- they get Brett knocked off the bench.

But---- no show and Grassley has every reason to press forward and call for a confirmation! Just expect the Dems to kick and scream all the way asking for more and more time. Don't give them the added time and:

A). You don't care about the poor victims.
B). You are "rushing" the hearing out of a sense of guilt.

This is the play of the Democrats.

Pretty much what I’ve been expecting since she started playing games
That was entirely uncalled for, Lucy. She looks like a friendly, open woman I would (maybe) tell my story to and conversely, she looks like she wouldn't take a lot of shit from misogynists, either.

The situation is exactly like AzogtheDefiler says, because of these disgusting bitches with the Me Too crap with ZERO evidence it is not going to be long before women who HAVE been sexually assaulted or raped are going to be IGNORED BECAUSE of these disgusting bitches, this again illustrates that Leftists do NOT give a CRAP about rape victims, that Leftists USE ANYTHING and EVERYTHING for the most SORDID political purposes.
What disgusting bitches are those, Lucy? The Kavanaugh accusers? You are positive they are lying because....? You think Kavanaugh should be confirmed?

The disgusting bitches are the SJW Kavanaugh accusers, sorry what they say is horsecrap, they SUDDENLY remember something after 35 years RIGHT at the MOMENT Kavanaugh is up for a USSC Justice position which will GIVE the USSC to a Republican Majority 5-4. They CANNOT find ONE person to corroborate their accusations, the second one Deborah Ramirez is even more pathetic than Christine Ford, Ramirez not ONLY forgot for 35 years she then was "helped" to "remember" after talking to a SJW Lawyer for 6 days.

Brett Kavanaugh should be confirmed yes, the Republicans should have taken the gloves off on Saturday, Ford asked for an extension to "think" more and they gave her until 10PM Friday, she did NOT meet that deadline and at that point they should have told her NO more extensions and GTFO and then they should have FORCED the vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh TODAY Monday.

Now instead of taking the gloves off already, that gave the Leftists time to go hunting and they found Deborah Ramirez who also couldn't remember ANYTHING for 35 years and now following the Leftist Mantra wants an FBI Investigation, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the Leftists Plan is to run down the clock on the Kavanaugh nomination and also to send the message to ANY Conservative for ANYTHING that Trump might choose that THIS is the type of sordid smear campaign THEY can expect from the Leftists who have ZERO decency and NO moral compass and who are TOTAL hypocrites, that ANY Conservative can also expect a sordid smear campaign DESIGNED to DESTROY not only their career and RUIN their life but also DESTROY and RUIN their family life INCLUDING their children.

Okay so do whatever on what is it now Thursday? Then on Friday the Republicans should SHUT IT DOWN and FORCE the confirmation vote on Brett Kavanaugh. The Republicans need to wake up, they need to get IN the SEWER with the Leftists, the Leftists are OPERATING FROM the sewer, so get IN the sewer with them and fight fire with fire. My advice to them is to take the gloves off.
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Now we have perfect examples why women do not come forward , smear campaigns, threats, and even having to move her family of her home.
That was entirely uncalled for, Lucy. She looks like a friendly, open woman I would (maybe) tell my story to and conversely, she looks like she wouldn't take a lot of shit from misogynists, either.

The situation is exactly like AzogtheDefiler says, because of these disgusting bitches with the Me Too crap with ZERO evidence it is not going to be long before women who HAVE been sexually assaulted or raped are going to be IGNORED BECAUSE of these disgusting bitches, this again illustrates that Leftists do NOT give a CRAP about rape victims, that Leftists USE ANYTHING and EVERYTHING for the most SORDID political purposes.
What disgusting bitches are those, Lucy? The Kavanaugh accusers? You are positive they are lying because....? You think Kavanaugh should be confirmed?

The disgusting bitches are the SJW Kavanaugh accusers, sorry what they say is horsecrap, they SUDDENLY remember something after 35 years RIGHT at the MOMENT Kavanaugh is up for a USSC Justice position which will GIVE the USSC to a Republican Majority 5-4. They CANNOT find ONE person to corroborate their accusations, the second one Deborah Ramirez is even more pathetic than Christine Ford, Ramirez not ONLY forgot for 35 years she then was "helped" to "remember" after talking to a SJW Lawyer for 6 days.

Brett Kavanaugh should be confirmed yes, the Republicans should have taken the gloves off on Saturday, Ford asked for an extension to "think" more and they gave her until 10PM Friday, she did NOT meet that deadline and at that point they should have told her NO more extensions and GTFO and then they should have FORCED the vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh TODAY Monday.

Now instead of taking the gloves off already, that gave the Leftists time to go hunting and they found Deborah Ramirez who also couldn't remember ANYTHING for 35 years and now following the Leftist Mantra wants an FBI Investigation, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the Leftists Plan is do run down the clock on the Kavanaugh nomination and also to tell ANY Conservative for ANYTHING that Trump might choose that THIS is the type of sordid smear campaign THEY can expect from a crowd who have ZERO decency, that they can also expect a sordid smear campaign DESIGNED to DESTROY not only their career and RUIN their life but also DESTROY and RUIN their family life INCLUDING their children.

Okay so do whatever on what is it now Thursday? Then on Friday the Republicans should SHUT IT DOWN and FORCE the confirmation vote on Brett Kavanaugh. The Republicans need to wake up, they need to get IN the SEWER with the Leftists, the Leftists are OPERATING FROM the sewer, so get IN the sewer with them and fight fire with fire. My advice to them is to take the gloves off.

Now we have perfect examples why women do not come forward , smear campaigns, threats, and even having to move her family of her home.

Just think, had she come forward 35, or was it 36 or was it 34 years ago none of this would be going on.

And just think, if the 2nd woman had not come forward with an even less believable story, it would not be reflecting so poorly on the first lady's empty story.
Ms. Ford just made a mockery of the #Metoo movement. Now there will be skepticim when real victims come forward. Well done...

You are the mockery here. The fact is you are a lying, Neanderthal weasel. She is a real victim. A victim of your partisan, anti-woman attitudes.

let me see; NO evidence but HER dodgy recall; all others supposedly at the party can't even place the party. I'd say 4:1 against is quite SUBSTANTIVE.

I hope she does time IF found guilty of perverting the course of Justice!!

(PS: I make allowance for the possibility that she's mentally ILL!!)


Maybe she should have asked her attacker to wait until she could get a photographer over there. Most sexual assaults do not have witnesses. The fact is that it occurs too often. If someone sexually assaulted you, I suspect you would remember it.

The mentally ILL person is you. The big bully says we are going to jail you for daring to come out.

Again; where is the evidence?? ZERO!! What do the witnesses(those allegedly AT the party) say? 4 to 1 against is not a good look regarding being able to sustain the allegation?

Now you seem to have missed the point; if there is evidence then by all means; take it to trial. If not then it doesn't get past the front Police desk...or at least shouldn't.

Ms. Ford just made a mockery of the #Metoo movement. Now there will be skepticim when real victims come forward. Well done...

View attachment 218253

The shame is that I believed her. Apparently she was a partisan troll and this shows it. The FBI routinely provides background checks on nominees.

Hi Busy; I make it my business to NEVER decide on guilt or otherwise until AFTER THE COURT CASE. Everything else is just noise. And yes; that even includes Bill Clinton. Cosby I'm still out on even AFTER the court case. I saw zero corroborating evidence much less anything forensic. My bet is that even Harvey Weinstein will walk; casting couches may be disgusting (well yes; they are) but merely another form of prostitution. "You want fame and fortune then..." classic whoredom!! And I hold that even at the factory floor level. Now should the bastards like Harvey get away with it? No bloody way; sue the scum!! But the proper place for that is in COURT!

Just sayin'.


The fact is that is ridiculous. Candidates for government should be of good moral character. The courts have nothing to do with this. The fact that she consulted a therapist clearly showed something happened to her. You have to make a judgement as to whether he did it or not. If he did then it disqualifies him. At this point I believe her.
That was entirely uncalled for, Lucy. She looks like a friendly, open woman I would (maybe) tell my story to and conversely, she looks like she wouldn't take a lot of shit from misogynists, either.

The situation is exactly like AzogtheDefiler says, because of these disgusting bitches with the Me Too crap with ZERO evidence it is not going to be long before women who HAVE been sexually assaulted or raped are going to be IGNORED BECAUSE of these disgusting bitches, this again illustrates that Leftists do NOT give a CRAP about rape victims, that Leftists USE ANYTHING and EVERYTHING for the most SORDID political purposes.
What disgusting bitches are those, Lucy? The Kavanaugh accusers? You are positive they are lying because....? You think Kavanaugh should be confirmed?

The disgusting bitches are the SJW Kavanaugh accusers, sorry what they say is horsecrap, they SUDDENLY remember something after 35 years RIGHT at the MOMENT Kavanaugh is up for a USSC Justice position which will GIVE the USSC to a Republican Majority 5-4. They CANNOT find ONE person to corroborate their accusations, the second one Deborah Ramirez is even more pathetic than Christine Ford, Ramirez not ONLY forgot for 35 years she then was "helped" to "remember" after talking to a SJW Lawyer for 6 days.

Brett Kavanaugh should be confirmed yes, the Republicans should have taken the gloves off on Saturday, Ford asked for an extension to "think" more and they gave her until 10PM Friday, she did NOT meet that deadline and at that point they should have told her NO more extensions and GTFO and then they should have FORCED the vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh TODAY Monday.

Now instead of taking the gloves off already, that gave the Leftists time to go hunting and they found Deborah Ramirez who also couldn't remember ANYTHING for 35 years and now following the Leftist Mantra wants an FBI Investigation, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the Leftists Plan is to run down the clock on the Kavanaugh nomination and also to send the message to ANY Conservative for ANYTHING that Trump might choose that THIS is the type of sordid smear campaign THEY can expect from the Leftists who have ZERO decency and NO moral compass and who are TOTAL hypocrites, that ANY Conservative can also expect a sordid smear campaign DESIGNED to DESTROY not only their career and RUIN their life but also DESTROY and RUIN their family life INCLUDING their children.

Okay so do whatever on what is it now Thursday? Then on Friday the Republicans should SHUT IT DOWN and FORCE the confirmation vote on Brett Kavanaugh. The Republicans need to wake up, they need to get IN the SEWER with the Leftists, the Leftists are OPERATING FROM the sewer, so get IN the sewer with them and fight fire with fire. My advice to them is to take the gloves off.
We've all been so busy calling the other side liars that hardly anyone is thinking about what is really important here. Should this behavior as a drunk teenager keep him off the SC, when he has led his ADULT life in an exemplary way, and is said to be a knowledgeable jurist?
If I found out my son had behaved that way in his teens, I would be mortified, but I know that he is a good man, a great husband and father and a positive contributor to his community as an ADULT. He has worked hard and has made choices every day that lead to that; so has Kavanaugh.
I'm not saying he SHOULDN'T be confirmed; I'm just opposed to the unfairness and the bullshit that is getting flung at the women and the partisan monkeyshines that are making this so unfair.
This below creature founded the Me Too Movement, WTF whoever groped it must have been blind or an escaped mental patient :omg:


View attachment 218256

Tarana Burke - Wikipedia

The only way she gets groped is in a vigorous game of Blind Man's Bluff!!

View attachment 218262

Looks like her face caught fire and someone stomped it out with track cleats.

That's nasty. She can't help it. It's not what's on the outside that matters otherwise I'd be stuffed!!


Yet you gave it a funny.....you're going to hell now.:5_1_12024:

Ms. Ford just made a mockery of the #Metoo movement. Now there will be skepticim when real victims come forward. Well done...

View attachment 218253

The shame is that I believed her. Apparently she was a partisan troll and this shows it. The FBI routinely provides background checks on nominees.

Hi Busy; I make it my business to NEVER decide on guilt or otherwise until AFTER THE COURT CASE. Everything else is just noise. And yes; that even includes Bill Clinton. Cosby I'm still out on even AFTER the court case. I saw zero corroborating evidence much less anything forensic. My bet is that even Harvey Weinstein will walk; casting couches may be disgusting (well yes; they are) but merely another form of prostitution. "You want fame and fortune then..." classic whoredom!! And I hold that even at the factory floor level. Now should the bastards like Harvey get away with it? No bloody way; sue the scum!! But the proper place for that is in COURT!

Just sayin'.


The fact is that is ridiculous. Candidates for government should be of good moral character. The courts have nothing to do with this. The fact that she consulted a therapist clearly showed something happened to her. You have to make a judgement as to whether he did it or not. If he did then it disqualifies him. At this point I believe her.

"The fact that she consulted a therapist clearly showed something happened to her."

Perhaps she consulted a therapist because she has mental health issues like delusions that Brett Kavanaugh groped her 35 years ago.
Ms. Ford just made a mockery of the #Metoo movement. Now there will be skepticim when real victims come forward. Well done...

View attachment 218253

The shame is that I believed her. Apparently she was a partisan troll and this shows it. The FBI routinely provides background checks on nominees.

Hi Busy; I make it my business to NEVER decide on guilt or otherwise until AFTER THE COURT CASE. Everything else is just noise. And yes; that even includes Bill Clinton. Cosby I'm still out on even AFTER the court case. I saw zero corroborating evidence much less anything forensic. My bet is that even Harvey Weinstein will walk; casting couches may be disgusting (well yes; they are) but merely another form of prostitution. "You want fame and fortune then..." classic whoredom!! And I hold that even at the factory floor level. Now should the bastards like Harvey get away with it? No bloody way; sue the scum!! But the proper place for that is in COURT!

Just sayin'.


The fact is that is ridiculous. Candidates for government should be of good moral character. The courts have nothing to do with this. The fact that she consulted a therapist clearly showed something happened to her. You have to make a judgement as to whether he did it or not. If he did then it disqualifies him. At this point I believe her.

If one is accused of a crime then it most definitely is a matter for the courts.

To be entirely clear here, any news director who allows the "word" of Avenatti to be reported as anything other than the punchline of a joke, should be shot.

Just my opinion.

For Leftists, one wonders how many thousand times someone must be shown wrong (e.g., Krugman) before they lose credibility. Clearly, we are looking at a big number.
Ms. Ford just made a mockery of the #Metoo movement. Now there will be skepticim when real victims come forward. Well done...

You are the mockery here. The fact is you are a lying, Neanderthal weasel. She is a real victim. A victim of your partisan, anti-woman attitudes.

let me see; NO evidence but HER dodgy recall; all others supposedly at the party can't even place the party. I'd say 4:1 against is quite SUBSTANTIVE.

I hope she does time IF found guilty of perverting the course of Justice!!

(PS: I make allowance for the possibility that she's mentally ILL!!)


Maybe she should have asked her attacker to wait until she could get a photographer over there. Most sexual assaults do not have witnesses. The fact is that it occurs too often. If someone sexually assaulted you, I suspect you would remember it.

The mentally ILL person is you. The big bully says we are going to jail you for daring to come out.

Again; where is the evidence?? ZERO!! What do the witnesses(those allegedly AT the party) say? 4 to 1 against is not a good look regarding being able to sustain the allegation?

Now you seem to have missed the point; if there is evidence then by all means; take it to trial. If not then it doesn't get past the front Police desk...or at least shouldn't.


The evidence is what she says. Rarely do men who sexually assault women do it in public. This hearing is not a court of law. If Kavanaugh were denied a Supreme Court seat because of this, he would be deprived of none of his rights.
Ms. Ford just made a mockery of the #Metoo movement. Now there will be skepticim when real victims come forward. Well done...

View attachment 218253

The shame is that I believed her. Apparently she was a partisan troll and this shows it. The FBI routinely provides background checks on nominees.

Hi Busy; I make it my business to NEVER decide on guilt or otherwise until AFTER THE COURT CASE. Everything else is just noise. And yes; that even includes Bill Clinton. Cosby I'm still out on even AFTER the court case. I saw zero corroborating evidence much less anything forensic. My bet is that even Harvey Weinstein will walk; casting couches may be disgusting (well yes; they are) but merely another form of prostitution. "You want fame and fortune then..." classic whoredom!! And I hold that even at the factory floor level. Now should the bastards like Harvey get away with it? No bloody way; sue the scum!! But the proper place for that is in COURT!

Just sayin'.


The fact is that is ridiculous. Candidates for government should be of good moral character. The courts have nothing to do with this. The fact that she consulted a therapist clearly showed something happened to her. You have to make a judgement as to whether he did it or not. If he did then it disqualifies him. At this point I believe her.

Wasn't that a marriage counselor? Her marriage was on the rocks or something trivial. How does that morph into an accusation against a USSCJ nominee??

Who I might add "got it wrong in her notes". Something dodgy this way comes!!

That was entirely uncalled for, Lucy. She looks like a friendly, open woman I would (maybe) tell my story to and conversely, she looks like she wouldn't take a lot of shit from misogynists, either.

The situation is exactly like AzogtheDefiler says, because of these disgusting bitches with the Me Too crap with ZERO evidence it is not going to be long before women who HAVE been sexually assaulted or raped are going to be IGNORED BECAUSE of these disgusting bitches, this again illustrates that Leftists do NOT give a CRAP about rape victims, that Leftists USE ANYTHING and EVERYTHING for the most SORDID political purposes.
What disgusting bitches are those, Lucy? The Kavanaugh accusers? You are positive they are lying because....? You think Kavanaugh should be confirmed?

The disgusting bitches are the SJW Kavanaugh accusers, sorry what they say is horsecrap, they SUDDENLY remember something after 35 years RIGHT at the MOMENT Kavanaugh is up for a USSC Justice position which will GIVE the USSC to a Republican Majority 5-4. They CANNOT find ONE person to corroborate their accusations, the second one Deborah Ramirez is even more pathetic than Christine Ford, Ramirez not ONLY forgot for 35 years she then was "helped" to "remember" after talking to a SJW Lawyer for 6 days.

Brett Kavanaugh should be confirmed yes, the Republicans should have taken the gloves off on Saturday, Ford asked for an extension to "think" more and they gave her until 10PM Friday, she did NOT meet that deadline and at that point they should have told her NO more extensions and GTFO and then they should have FORCED the vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh TODAY Monday.

Now instead of taking the gloves off already, that gave the Leftists time to go hunting and they found Deborah Ramirez who also couldn't remember ANYTHING for 35 years and now following the Leftist Mantra wants an FBI Investigation, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the Leftists Plan is to run down the clock on the Kavanaugh nomination and also to send the message to ANY Conservative for ANYTHING that Trump might choose that THIS is the type of sordid smear campaign THEY can expect from the Leftists who have ZERO decency and NO moral compass and who are TOTAL hypocrites, that ANY Conservative can also expect a sordid smear campaign DESIGNED to DESTROY not only their career and RUIN their life but also DESTROY and RUIN their family life INCLUDING their children.

Okay so do whatever on what is it now Thursday? Then on Friday the Republicans should SHUT IT DOWN and FORCE the confirmation vote on Brett Kavanaugh. The Republicans need to wake up, they need to get IN the SEWER with the Leftists, the Leftists are OPERATING FROM the sewer, so get IN the sewer with them and fight fire with fire. My advice to them is to take the gloves off.
We've all been so busy calling the other side liars that hardly anyone is thinking about what is really important here. Should this behavior as a drunk teenager keep him off the SC, when he has led his ADULT life in an exemplary way, and is said to be a knowledgeable jurist?
If I found out my son had behaved that way in his teens, I would be mortified, but I know that he is a good man, a great husband and father and a positive contributor to his community as an ADULT. He has worked hard and has made choices every day that lead to that; so has Kavanaugh.
I'm not saying he SHOULDN'T be confirmed; I'm just opposed to the unfairness and the bullshit that is getting flung at the women and the partisan monkeyshines that are making this so unfair.

"If I found out my son had behaved that way in his teens,"

I would think that at least 99% of 15-17 year olds have been at a party and been drunk and indulged in some groping, male and female teenagers, it's NORMAL teenage behaviour, I know I was indulging in groping when I was 15-17 years in age and EVERYONE had GREAT fun drinking and groping and NOBODY was damaged by this. WTF?! Who as a teenager WANTS to be a Puritan.
Ms. Ford just made a mockery of the #Metoo movement. Now there will be skepticim when real victims come forward. Well done...

You are the mockery here. The fact is you are a lying, Neanderthal weasel. She is a real victim. A victim of your partisan, anti-woman attitudes.

let me see; NO evidence but HER dodgy recall; all others supposedly at the party can't even place the party. I'd say 4:1 against is quite SUBSTANTIVE.

I hope she does time IF found guilty of perverting the course of Justice!!

(PS: I make allowance for the possibility that she's mentally ILL!!)


Maybe she should have asked her attacker to wait until she could get a photographer over there. Most sexual assaults do not have witnesses. The fact is that it occurs too often. If someone sexually assaulted you, I suspect you would remember it.

The mentally ILL person is you. The big bully says we are going to jail you for daring to come out.

Again; where is the evidence?? ZERO!! What do the witnesses(those allegedly AT the party) say? 4 to 1 against is not a good look regarding being able to sustain the allegation?

Now you seem to have missed the point; if there is evidence then by all means; take it to trial. If not then it doesn't get past the front Police desk...or at least shouldn't.


The evidence is what she says. Rarely do men who sexually assault women do it in public. This hearing is not a court of law. If Kavanaugh were denied a Supreme Court seat because of this, he would be deprived of none of his rights.

He would be deprived of Natural Justice. Unless there are mechanisms for validation of testimony then it is just noise.

Ms. Ford just made a mockery of the #Metoo movement. Now there will be skepticim when real victims come forward. Well done...

This below creature founded the Me Too Movement, WTF whoever groped it must have been blind or an escaped mental patient :omg:


View attachment 218256

Tarana Burke - Wikipedia

The only way she gets groped is in a vigorous game of Blind Man's Bluff!!

View attachment 218262

Looks like her face caught fire and someone stomped it out with track cleats.

View attachment 218264

You are a vile, hateful little person.
This below creature founded the Me Too Movement, WTF whoever groped it must have been blind or an escaped mental patient :omg:


View attachment 218256

Tarana Burke - Wikipedia

The only way she gets groped is in a vigorous game of Blind Man's Bluff!!

View attachment 218262

Looks like her face caught fire and someone stomped it out with track cleats.

View attachment 218264

You are a vile, hateful little person.

I don't care what you think, so....:lalala:

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