Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Threads -- Monday Sept 24th 2018

Regardless, McConnell has drawn a line and said there will be a vote Thursday
women who get raped remember EVERYTHING about it, including how it smells like. She doesnt remember ANYTHING. cos it didnt happen.
Not if they repress the memory.

The bimbo in question isn’t even accusing him of rape. No rape happened according to her. Her story is that they were both drunk at a party and he tried to get some, and she pushed him off and he left.

Hardly a traumatizing “rape” that a girl would suppress the memory.
McConnell can't let the dems get away with a double standard on sex. Clinton got away with everything, that is the standard. If Kavanaugh passed the FBI background check, he passed, then the Senate needs to check if he's qualified. There cannot be this character assassination by female lawyers coming out of the woodwork. Kavanaugh will be confirmed, but not soon enough, Grassley is playing with fire postponing the vote.
He didnt pass a FBI investigation with the new allegations. Sorry.
(1). If you have no corroborating evidence or witnesses, STFU.
(2). If you did not mention the matter to a reliable person CONTEMPORANEOUSLY with the event, STFU.
(3). If you hire an attorney in advance of making your accusation, your credibility drops 90%.
(4). If you have ever worn a "pussy hat" in public STFU.
(5). If you are a partisan for the "other side," your credibility drops 75%.
(6). If you were under the influence of any mind or mood altering substance, voluntarily consumed, your credibility drops at least 50%.
(7). There is an absolute "statute of limitations" of ten years.

Now, is there anything to discuss?

I think not.

Let's get on with it.
Sounds very much like the laws in Saudi Arabia towards women and rape.
women who get raped remember EVERYTHING about it, including how it smells like. She doesnt remember ANYTHING. cos it didnt happen.
Not if they repress the memory.

The bimbo in question isn’t even accusing him of rape. No rape happened according to her. Her story is that they were both drunk at a party and he tried to get some, and she pushed him off and he left.

Hardly a traumatizing “rape” that a girl would suppress the memory.
Good thing you are not in charge of declaring whats traumatizing.
Ms. Ford just made a mockery of the #Metoo movement. Now there will be skepticim when real victims come forward. Well done...

You are the mockery here. The fact is you are a lying, Neanderthal weasel. She is a real victim. A victim of your partisan, anti-woman attitudes.
The only way she gets groped is in a vigorous game of Blind Man's Bluff!!

View attachment 218262

Looks like her face caught fire and someone stomped it out with track cleats.

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I went to Dick's Last Resort in Quincy Market and the waiter made me a hat that said "I got my first kiss from George Washington."

My granddaughter's was better--Justin Beiber has a restraining order against me.

You were in my neck of the woods. Those people at Dicks are great.
Great ribs, too.
That was entirely uncalled for, Lucy. She looks like a friendly, open woman I would (maybe) tell my story to and conversely, she looks like she wouldn't take a lot of shit from misogynists, either.

The situation is exactly like AzogtheDefiler says, because of these disgusting bitches with the Me Too crap with ZERO evidence it is not going to be long before women who HAVE been sexually assaulted or raped are going to be IGNORED BECAUSE of these disgusting bitches, this again illustrates that Leftists do NOT give a CRAP about rape victims, that Leftists USE ANYTHING and EVERYTHING for the most SORDID political purposes.

I noticed a trend to exactly that in the 70s; convictions WITHOUT proof. "She is believable" was the catch-cry; so are ALL successful con-men.

Ms. Ford just made a mockery of the #Metoo movement. Now there will be skepticim when real victims come forward. Well done...

You are the mockery here. The fact is you are a lying, Neanderthal weasel. She is a real victim. A victim of your partisan, anti-woman attitudes.

let me see; NO evidence but HER dodgy recall; all others supposedly at the party can't even place the party. I'd say 4:1 against is quite SUBSTANTIVE.

I hope she does time IF found guilty of perverting the course of Justice!!

(PS: I make allowance for the possibility that she's mentally ILL!!)

She'll be there.

No she won't, she will come up with some excuse. She has nothing to gain by showing up and everything to lose.

I agree with that. The dems got what they wanted now they just need an excuse for her not to show

All they need to do is say she feels too intimidated, traumatized by recalling that horrible night to appear and talk about it! Poor girl! That immediately puts her in the victim's seat and plucks at the heart strings of all that believe and sympathize with her. That bad bad man Kavanaugh------ all the more reason to hate him, delay further, press the public sympathy, and play the public for fools, still without a shred of evidence. Democrats have nothing to lose and best case--- --- they get Brett knocked off the bench.

But---- no show and Grassley has every reason to press forward and call for a confirmation! Just expect the Dems to kick and scream all the way asking for more and more time. Don't give them the added time and:

A). You don't care about the poor victims.
B). You are "rushing" the hearing out of a sense of guilt.

This is the play of the Democrats.
After this circus and fiasco I'll have a difficult time ever believing another #metoo accusation. Better have some proof and not flimsy allegations

How about a world premiere movie. Maybe the victim should ask the attacker to wait while she gets the movie crew over there. If it is against a Democrat, then that rule goes out the window.
That was entirely uncalled for, Lucy. She looks like a friendly, open woman I would (maybe) tell my story to and conversely, she looks like she wouldn't take a lot of shit from misogynists, either.

The situation is exactly like AzogtheDefiler says, because of these disgusting bitches with the Me Too crap with ZERO evidence it is not going to be long before women who HAVE been sexually assaulted or raped are going to be IGNORED BECAUSE of these disgusting bitches, this again illustrates that Leftists do NOT give a CRAP about rape victims, that Leftists USE ANYTHING and EVERYTHING for the most SORDID political purposes.
What disgusting bitches are those, Lucy? The Kavanaugh accusers? You are positive they are lying because....? You think Kavanaugh should be confirmed?
You been watching fox again?
Ms. Ford just made a mockery of the #Metoo movement. Now there will be skepticim when real victims come forward. Well done...

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The shame is that I believed her. Apparently she was a partisan troll and this shows it. The FBI routinely provides background checks on nominees.

Hi Busy; I make it my business to NEVER decide on guilt or otherwise until AFTER THE COURT CASE. Everything else is just noise. And yes; that even includes Bill Clinton. Cosby I'm still out on even AFTER the court case. I saw zero corroborating evidence much less anything forensic. My bet is that even Harvey Weinstein will walk; casting couches may be disgusting (well yes; they are) but merely another form of prostitution. "You want fame and fortune then..." classic whoredom!! And I hold that even at the factory floor level. Now should the bastards like Harvey get away with it? No bloody way; sue the scum!! But the proper place for that is in COURT!

Just sayin'.

Ms. Ford just made a mockery of the #Metoo movement. Now there will be skepticim when real victims come forward. Well done...

You are the mockery here. The fact is you are a lying, Neanderthal weasel. She is a real victim. A victim of your partisan, anti-woman attitudes.

let me see; NO evidence but HER dodgy recall; all others supposedly at the party can't even place the party. I'd say 4:1 against is quite SUBSTANTIVE.

I hope she does time IF found guilty of perverting the course of Justice!!

(PS: I make allowance for the possibility that she's mentally ILL!!)


Maybe she should have asked her attacker to wait until she could get a photographer over there. Most sexual assaults do not have witnesses. The fact is that it occurs too often. If someone sexually assaulted you, I suspect you would remember it.

The mentally ILL person is you. The big bully says we are going to jail you for daring to come out.
Ms. Ford just made a mockery of the #Metoo movement. Now there will be skepticim when real victims come forward. Well done...

This below creature founded the Me Too Movement, WTF whoever groped it must have been blind or an escaped mental patient :omg:


View attachment 218256

Tarana Burke - Wikipedia

The only way she gets groped is in a vigorous game of Blind Man's Bluff!!

View attachment 218262

Looks like her face caught fire and someone stomped it out with track cleats.

That's nasty. She can't help it. It's not what's on the outside that matters otherwise I'd be stuffed!!

Ms. Ford just made a mockery of the #Metoo movement. Now there will be skepticim when real victims come forward. Well done...

View attachment 218253

The shame is that I believed her. Apparently she was a partisan troll and this shows it. The FBI routinely provides background checks on nominees.

PS: there's no shame old son; the media portrayed it as a slam dunk. I now view the US media as I did Pravda and Izvestia.

Ms. Ford just made a mockery of the #Metoo movement. Now there will be skepticim when real victims come forward. Well done...

This below creature founded the Me Too Movement, WTF whoever groped it must have been blind or an escaped mental patient :omg:


View attachment 218256

Tarana Burke - Wikipedia

The only way she gets groped is in a vigorous game of Blind Man's Bluff!!

View attachment 218262

Looks like her face caught fire and someone stomped it out with track cleats.

That's nasty. She can't help it. It's not what's on the outside that matters otherwise I'd be stuffed!!


Yet you gave it a funny.....you're going to hell now.:5_1_12024:
(1). If you have no corroborating evidence or witnesses, STFU.
(2). If you did not mention the matter to a reliable person CONTEMPORANEOUSLY with the event, STFU.
(3). If you hire an attorney in advance of making your accusation, your credibility drops 90%.
(4). If you have ever worn a "pussy hat" in public STFU.
(5). If you are a partisan for the "other side," your credibility drops 75%.
(6). If you were under the influence of any mind or mood altering substance, voluntarily consumed, your credibility drops at least 50%.
(7). There is an absolute "statute of limitations" of ten years.

Now, is there anything to discuss?

I think not.

Let's get on with it.
It is my understanding that Dr Ford has as many as 5 #gofundme accounts totalling $500,000.00. It's clear the motivation here is money. People are trying to cash in.
I could claim the judge groped me when I was in college in 83'. Maybe I could pay a few bills with the cash I might get from making this false accusation.
Real easy search.

I found 3. One for expenses such as travel which has so far received over 150K. One for private security costs which so far has received over 200k. And another one in her name or for her the purpose of which is not clear and has gotten over 40k.

There may be others.

It's not clear how much of this loot she will pocket directly. Maybe some maybe none.
She has nothing to fear as long as she doesn't wear sunglasses, so that rules out the need for security. It doesn't take $150k to buy a round trip ticket to Washington.
Frankly, I don't think she'll ever show. Thus the second and third accusations were floated.
Regardless of out come her career is enhanced ( see Anita hill ). She might get book deals. Fees for public speaking engagements ( which antifa will never protest ). Expert consultation payments.
The list goes on.

And of course she may get the satisfaction of stopping a trump appointment which alone could be huge motive
How was Anita Hill's career enhanced?

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