Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Threads -- Monday Sept 24th 2018

They got what they need out of her.

She doesn't have anything to gain by tesifying. Her 36 year old unprovable story? She will look foolish.
Not so Fast! There is yet another accuser, and Michael Avenatti is representing her.

Breaking News:

"Anonymous" Sources Confirm that Judge Kavanaugh was actually in The Garden of Eden tempting Eve to take of the Forbidden Fruit.

Eve, after consulting with attorneys for 6 days, proclaimed that she wrongly accused The Serpent of sexual harassment after he tempted her with a forbidden fruit and once she had eaten it suddenly realized she was naked. There was no comment on the 7th day as both her and her attorneys were reported to be resting.

"It was Judge Kavanaugh, I recall. I am sure of it now. Attorney Avenatti convinced me of it."

"Shocking revelation...which now puts Kavanaugh's confirmation in doubt, and we cannot allow such a predator to sit on the bench, said Chuck Schumer, Senator NY"

Recently our reporter caught up with The Serpent who once accused of this sin, now said he feels vindicated.

I asssssserted my innocensssssse all along.....sssssss. Today is a great day to sssssssselebrate......sssssss

All thossssssse yearssssss I ssssssspent sssssssuffering.......and being falsssssssssely accusssssssed!

Today I feel sssssssssuper!

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he needs to withdraw and Dr Ford should be named supreme court judge. sounds like justice to me!
McConnell all but guaranteed a vote shortly. He was very pissed at the antics of the democrats in his speech today.
The Senate used to confirm nominees 99-0, now the nominee better be a member of my party or its no deal.
If you have memory loss: Call 1-800-Libtard

Attorney Michael I am Spartacus" Avenatti wants to hear from you

As if you didn't know that The Democrat Party doesn't actually give a shit about Minorities, Children or Women, we now have another absurd unsubstantiated accusation.

If you have lost memories regarding traumatic events, even despite the fact real victims of traumatic events can usually recall the most minute details of their event, we have good news for you.

We here at The Democrat Party care, and we want you to know that if you ever were a classmate of Kavanaugh's and even have the slightest memory lapse from some drunken blackout party, we'd like to help you get your memory back.

Operators are on stand by now: call 1-800-Ambulance Chaser.

All you need to do to get your monetary reward is schedule a meeting with an Attorney from The DNC and they will help you get your memory back.

Never mind that you still won't know where the Hell you were, who was with you, and what happened during one of your memory blackouts, or even what month, year, day of the party was.....You'll recall just enough to say maybe you had some really, really, REALLY Vague encounter with some guy named Kavanaugh.

If you drank a 5th of Jack Daniels? No problem, we have you covered!

Have you had massive hangovers from guzzling MadDog 20-20? Have you ever experienced a Thunderbird Induced Coma and wound up wearing a Man's Tighty Whiteys like a Bra? Have you ever drank so much Vodka that years later the sight of it makes you vomit?

Well, you are just the person we are looking for!

Drunken Blackouts at a Teen Drinking Party are like an Alien Abduction only without all the probing...well allegedly. You'd remember more from an Alien Abduction. There is always probing......ALWAYS!

All we need is 6 days assessing your memories, and you'll be right as rain.

“In her initial conversations with The New Yorker, she was reluctant to characterize Kavanaugh’s role in the alleged incident with certainty. After six days of carefully assessing her memories and consulting with her attorney, Ramirez said that she felt confident enough of her recollections to say that she remembers Kavanaugh may have exposed himself to her.

It's like magic: Meet with a Demtard Attorney and suddenly your 35 year old memories become clear again. It's a miracle I tell you.

New Yorker hit piece on Kavanaugh is not journalism, it's a bizarre political stage show

Note: To wear tighty whities as abra, jusk poke your little pin head through the Pee Hole of the briefs you no doubt are already wearing on your head and then place your arms through each of the leg holes. And Presto Chango, you have a drunken whore tighty whitey bra, when you have no clue what so ever where the hell yours is.

At least you won't be leaving the party completely naked, that is unless you misplaced your panties as well.
They should have confirmed him Last Friday. The longer Grasserly and these idiots keep waiting to vote the longer the Evil Democrats have to locate someone to issue another false accusation. These things don't even have to be believable at all these days. They can be as vague as Hell, because you know, "She needs to be heard"

Fuck that, and how about Due Process and Shit like Evidence and Testifying under Oath and Sworn Affidavits under penalty of perjury. Ya, shit like that, not a fucking Kangaroo Court for the Demtards to act as Court Jesters.
You're the one defending rapists killers and liars.
You created this thread to defend a rapist and liar.
Says the Russian bot here to lie and divide.

Prove you are not Russian.
Easy. I’m not trolling the world with Trump praise. There.
Hardly proof.
I don't believe you.
That’s because you’re dumber than a pile of shit.
Says the Russian troll and liar.
Ms. Ford just made a mockery of the #Metoo movement. Now there will be skepticim when real victims come forward. Well done...

This below creature founded the Me Too Movement, WTF whoever groped it must have been blind or an escaped mental patient :omg:


View attachment 218256

Tarana Burke - Wikipedia

The only way she gets groped is in a vigorous game of Blind Man's Bluff!!

View attachment 218262

Looks like her face caught fire and someone stomped it out with track cleats.

View attachment 218264
I went to Dick's Last Resort in Quincy Market and the waiter made me a hat that said "I got my first kiss from George Washington."

My granddaughter's was better--Justin Beiber has a restraining order against me.
Whats funny is anyone thinking for a minute he would withdraw himself.

What I saw was a man who writes a MATURE letter defending himself against what is happening to him:

"Dear Chairman Grassley and Ranking Member Feinstein: When I testified in front of the Senate three weeks ago, I explained my belief that fair process is foundational to justice and to our democracy.

At that time, I sat before the Senate Judiciary Committee for more than 31 hours and answered questions under oath. I then answered more questions at a confidential session. The following week, I responded to more than 1,200 written questions, more than have been submitted to all previous Supreme Court nominees combined."


"As I told the Committee during my hearing, a federal judge must be independent, not swayed by public or political pressure. That is the kind of judge I will always be. I will not be intimidated into withdrawing from this process. The coordinated effort to destroy my good name will not drive me out. The vile threats of violence against my family will not drive me out. The last minute character assassination will not succeed.

I have devoted my career to serving the public and the cause of justice, and particularly to promoting the equality and dignity of women. Women from every phase of my life have come forward to attest to my character. I am grateful to them. I owe it to them, and to my family, to defend my integrity and my name. I look forward to answering questions from the Senate on Thursday."
women who get raped remember EVERYTHING about it, including how it smells like. She doesnt remember ANYTHING. cos it didnt happen.

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