Kavanaugh In 2015: ‘What Happens At Georgetown Prep Stays At Georgetown Prep’

The FBI has already stated it has no intention of investigating this case...unless ORDERED to. WHY?

1. Not their jurisdiction. It's a LOCAL Police Matter.

2. No crime has been reported. No complaint filed.

3. THE UNINTENTIONAL MESSAGE being sent by Feinstein's political play and being aired out by the media to the public here - which the FBI gets and resents....since they are already being criticized for their role in the Hillary Obstruction-Trump witch hunt debacle...but the slow public has not fully picked up on - is that the 'DEMOCRATS DO NOT TRUST THE FBI TO DO THEIR JOB'.

Feinstein is unintentionally accusing the FBI of completely missing this HUGE criminal matter in their 'thorough' background check of Kavanaugh. (She is publicly poking the already under-siege FBI in the proverbial eye by unofficially saying the FBI f*ed up and missed such a huge story / event.)

IF the FBI agrees to willingly take this case / agrees to investigate they are admitting there is a chance they possibly f*ed up and failed to find the 'elephant in the room'.

If the entire story turns out to be true, it will not be loudly publicly made known that the FBI once again FAILED but will be a fact just the same.
The FBI has already stated it has no intention of investigating this case...unless ORDERED to. WHY?

1. Not their jurisdiction. It's a LOCAL Police Matter.

2. No crime has been reported. No complaint filed.

3. THE UNINTENTIONAL MESSAGE being sent by Feinstein's political play and being aired out by the media to the public here - which the FBI gets and resents....since they are already being criticized for their role in the Hillary Obstruction-Trump witch hunt debacle...but the slow public has not fully picked up on - is that the 'DEMOCRATS DO NOT TRUST THE FBI TO DO THEIR JOB'.

Feinstein is unintentionally accusing the FBI of completely missing this HUGE criminal matter in their 'thorough' background check of Kavanaugh. (She is publicly poking the already under-siege FBI in the proverbial eye by unofficially saying the FBI f*ed up and missed such a huge story / event.)

IF the FBI agrees to willingly take this case / agrees to investigate they are admitting there is a chance they possibly f*ed up and failed to find the 'elephant in the room'.

If the entire story turns out to be true, it will not be loudly publicly made known that the FBI once again FAILED but will be a fact just the same.
why does she need the fbi to investigate? it's her story right? how can they add to her story exactly? Please someone why does she need the fbi to do something?
Brett Kavanaugh, the president’s Supreme Court pick being accused of sexual assault when he was in high school, bragged about keeping tight-lipped about what he got up to while at his school.

“We had a good saying that we’ve held firm to to this day, as the dean was reminding me before the talk,” Kavanaugh said during a 2015 speech at the Catholic University of America’s Columbus School of Law in Washington, D.C. “Which is what happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep. That’s been a good thing for all of us.”

It was while he was attending that high school, said Christine Blasey Ford — now a professor at Palo Alto University in California who goes by Christine Blasey professionally — that he tried to force himself on her when the two were teenagers.

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” she told The Washington Post on Sunday.

She said that she was 15 and the then-17-year-old Kavanaugh was drunk when he held her down, covering her mouth with his hand as he attempted to take off her clothes.

Blasey said Kavanaugh and a friend of his, Mark Judge, turned up music to drown out her screams.

Video: Kavanaugh In 2015: ‘What Happens At Georgetown Prep Stays At Georgetown Prep’

So, she was only 15. This is chilling.
It was a joke.
The FBI has already stated it has no intention of investigating this case...unless ORDERED to. WHY?

1. Not their jurisdiction. It's a LOCAL Police Matter.

2. No crime has been reported. No complaint filed.

3. THE UNINTENTIONAL MESSAGE being sent by Feinstein's political play and being aired out by the media to the public here - which the FBI gets and resents....since they are already being criticized for their role in the Hillary Obstruction-Trump witch hunt debacle...but the slow public has not fully picked up on - is that the 'DEMOCRATS DO NOT TRUST THE FBI TO DO THEIR JOB'.

Feinstein is unintentionally accusing the FBI of completely missing this HUGE criminal matter in their 'thorough' background check of Kavanaugh. (She is publicly poking the already under-siege FBI in the proverbial eye by unofficially saying the FBI f*ed up and missed such a huge story / event.)

IF the FBI agrees to willingly take this case / agrees to investigate they are admitting there is a chance they possibly f*ed up and failed to find the 'elephant in the room'.

If the entire story turns out to be true, it will not be loudly publicly made known that the FBI once again FAILED but will be a fact just the same.
why does she need the fbi to investigate? it's her story right? how can they add to her story exactly? Please someone why does she need the fbi to do something?
They did the background check, that's why. Now there's more information to look into.
They did the background check, that's why. Now there's more information to look into.
Ummm....NO. I RESPECTFULLY disagree.

The FBI already conducted a background investigation, one that possibly came across this and discarded it as not valid / believable, AND this is a LOCAL Police Matter. Throw in the fact that no criminal complaint has been filed, the accounts do not add up, and the 'victim's' only 'eye witness' said 'IT NEVER HAPPENED'....

...not to mention the political angle I mentioned.
The FBI has already stated it has no intention of investigating this case...unless ORDERED to. WHY?

1. Not their jurisdiction. It's a LOCAL Police Matter.

2. No crime has been reported. No complaint filed.

3. THE UNINTENTIONAL MESSAGE being sent by Feinstein's political play and being aired out by the media to the public here - which the FBI gets and resents....since they are already being criticized for their role in the Hillary Obstruction-Trump witch hunt debacle...but the slow public has not fully picked up on - is that the 'DEMOCRATS DO NOT TRUST THE FBI TO DO THEIR JOB'.

Feinstein is unintentionally accusing the FBI of completely missing this HUGE criminal matter in their 'thorough' background check of Kavanaugh. (She is publicly poking the already under-siege FBI in the proverbial eye by unofficially saying the FBI f*ed up and missed such a huge story / event.)

IF the FBI agrees to willingly take this case / agrees to investigate they are admitting there is a chance they possibly f*ed up and failed to find the 'elephant in the room'.

If the entire story turns out to be true, it will not be loudly publicly made known that the FBI once again FAILED but will be a fact just the same.
why does she need the fbi to investigate? it's her story right? how can they add to her story exactly? Please someone why does she need the fbi to do something?
They did the background check, that's why. Now there's more information to look into.
What information? The background checks were done. You just said so. She didn’t come up. There’s no information is what that means. If they ran another, seven then, what do you expect to find on #seven they didn’t on #six?? Again, that doesn’t explain why she needs them to?

If someone wrote a letter to Mitch McConnell identifying a woman who claimed she was at a drunken, unruly DC party and witnessed Diane Feinstein performing an un-natural sexual act on the live version of the Democratic Party's mascot while snorting cocaine off the backside of a small 6yo Venezuelan illegal child that Feinstein had bragged she purchased from a Human trafficker, it would be perfectly 'OK' with Democrats / snowflakes for R-McConnell to very publicly announce this information - without releasing the names of the eye witness, 'beast of burden', or the small Venezuelan child AND before ever obtaining any actual evidence that this happened - and declare he was turning this over to the FBI to investigate?

The real problem is that women up until recently were afraid or ashamed to come forward. If the #me too movement was worth anything at all, that is where they would put their focus. It would stop all this false accusations 3 decades later stupidity.
Former Student: Brett Kavanaugh’s Prep School Party Scene Was A ‘Free-For-All’

“It’s just a bunch of kids just going off the rails.”

For the duration of his time on campus, a former student recalls, the guiding principle among Georgetown Preparatory School students was straightforward: Don’t be a narc.

“Don’t tell, don’t tell,” said the former student, who overlapped at the school in North Bethesda, Maryland, with current Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, class of ’83. It was a code of preppy omerta to which Kavanaugh himself has alluded.

“But then,” the former student continued, “you’re getting all these 14-, 15-, 16-year-olds, 17-year-old kids doing whatever the fuck they wanted to do, with no repercussions. Drugs everywhere. Partying everywhere. Drinking — just whatever we wanted to do. It was unbelievable, off the rails. And that’s just how it was.”

Sexual misconduct, the former student says, was routine, shrugged off. “My friend, who went to one of the private girls’ schools, said she woke up with a guy on top of her,” the former student said. “And this was not a situation where people would talk about it. They would just say: ‘Oh, well, how’d you do? How was your weekend?’ ‘Oh, well, I got attacked.’ And that was just normal then. It was an attitude where ‘No’ didn’t necessarily mean ‘I’m going to stop.’ It meant ‘I’m going to keep going,’ and ‘I’m going to keep going because I’m privileged and I’m allowed to and I’m not going to get in trouble for it.’”

More: Former Student: Brett Kavanaugh’s Prep School Party Scene Was A ‘Free-For-All’

Wow, this sounds like a wild place...
Reportedly, Dr. Ford left her home and is currently in hiding due to vulgarity and threats - and also hired security. Sad...

I would agree with that if it is true, however you are not known for being honest. You have a link?
With Kavanaugh the treasurer of the '100 kegs club', a group of boys commited to drinking 100 kegs of beer in highschool.
I figured you would go all in on her flimsy story, but even for you this is reaching a new low. So you're inferring from that innocent common statement that he was referring to rape and to classmates covering up rape! Do you know how many millions of people have said "what happens in (location), stays in (location)"? That has been a common saying for decades. Furthermore, he was quoting someone else!

I see that now "Dr. Ford" is saying, "I thought he might inadvertently kill me"!!! Really? Think about that. She was two years older than he was (interesting that *now* she can "remember" how old she was!), and you can tell from her pictures that she is not some frail, weak woman, not to mention that Kavanaugh is on the short side as men go and that they were all supposedly drunk. Does that sound plausible, credible to you? Well, of course, *you* will say, "you bet!", but most people will say that that doesn't sound very likely.

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