Kavanaugh Official Merge for Oct 2nd, 2018

Given the circumstances, did the judge show admirable restraint?

  • Yes

  • No

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Flood Gates are really opening on Kav.

He should be denied just for all his shadyness and misrepresentations alone .
He should be immediately confirmed because that is exactly what the Democrats DO NOT want. And anything the dems don't want is usually what we need.

And, no, I am not a fucking republican, so stop right there.
i wouldn't go that far - but i will say the dems have gone so apeshit on this we can't reward the behavior. we may not be able to "punish" them for pulling this shit but we damn sure shouldn't reward them.

I'll see your Daily Wire citing social media, and raise you two palm readers and an astrologist.

Facts are facts. Was not an opinion piece. Sorry to
Have proven how dumb you are.

Yes, because chatter on social media is an authoritative method for determining facts. Thank you o wise one.

There's just one problem: the NBC News story leaves out a key detail. Kavanaugh admitted, in a deposition conducted by Senate Judiciary Committee investigators, that he knew Ramirez was looking for dirt and calling around to a handful of shared acquaintances trying to substantiate her own claims, and that he discussed the flurry of activity with an "inner circle" of associates.

Keep digging that hole. You and your disrespectful avatar.

I'll see your Daily Wire citing social media, and raise you two palm readers and an astrologist.

Facts are facts. Was not an opinion piece. Sorry to
Have proven how dumb you are.

Yes, because chatter on social media is an authoritative method for determining facts. Thank you o wise one.

There's just one problem: the NBC News story leaves out a key detail. Kavanaugh admitted, in a deposition conducted by Senate Judiciary Committee investigators, that he knew Ramirez was looking for dirt and calling around to a handful of shared acquaintances trying to substantiate her own claims, and that he discussed the flurry of activity with an "inner circle" of associates.

Keep digging that hole. You and your disrespectful avatar.
well you keep forgetting the left doesn't have to follow the rules they set forth for the right.
I have to throw this in here too: The same folks screaming foul that a woman being violated in an undressing situation are the same folks advocating that women should be sued for objecting to strange deranged men in their undressing rooms at showers, locker rooms and bathrooms. Just thought I'd point out the irony. We have a group of people trying to block a Justice who would vote to protect women in their showers, locker rooms and bathrooms..

You need to throw in the liberals faux outrage regarding Ford and their cricket chirping in regards to Keith Ellison
beating a girlfriend where there are pictures and Dr's reports from a year ago. If this doesn't show a display of
political games, the sun won't rise tomorrow.
We all know what this witch hunt is about. If Kavanaugh was a liberal judicial candidate, the LGBTQ militia would be GUTTING Ms. Ford, glitter bombing her house and sacrificing her pet cat to Satan to "send a message" to shut up.

That's why I pointed out the irony of their protest's origins being wanting to win cases on appeal that seek to protect women from strange men violating their intimate changing areas. The word "hypocrite" doesn't come close to doing justice to what Mook's Mafia is up to with Kavanaugh...
Chuckie Schumer said that Democrats have a list of 24 witnesses and growing. Investigate the witnesses. Then investigate the witnesses of those wtinesses. Keep that up and maybe the Democrats won't be run out of town in 2020.
More deflections from the right .

Now we know why the gop his so much on Kav and want to rush things thru. Cause there was so much bad shit on Kav .

He was an a hole at the senate . Not judicial at all . He painted a picture that he was a book worm who occasionally had a sip of beer. Total BS !

The guy looks less and less credible every day.
Inspired here: So here's what I think happened between Kavanaugh & Ford


But I think it was more than just a dry hump for fun

He tried to remove her clothes but she had a bathing suit on underneath and he gave up
Did she fight him off hard? Or was she drunk too and giggling/play pushing him off of her?

I've seen many drunk girls at parties in the 1980s. I can tell you that a girl going to a party with the intent of getting drunk around a bunch of horny young guys also getting drunk KNOWS the situation she's willingly walking into. Ladies, don't go to bawdy parties with horny young guys getting drunk, get drunk yourself, and then not anticipate some "rubbing up against you" or serious efforts to get into your panties.

Why is nobody talking about how the judge stopped undressing the girl and walked away instead of actually raping her? He showed restraint while young and drunk with a young drunk girl in front of him who came to the party with an inkling that horny young drunk men would be there attentive to her sexual attractiveness?

Come here, come here come here....get away, get away, get away...come here come here come here... etc.

So did he show restraint by stopping, drunk, young, male and horny with a drunk party girl in front of him? Discuss
Victim blaming at it's finest!
Democrats are NOT going to be happy / satisfied with how the FBI's re-investigation of Kavanaugh - #7 - they called for is going....


Three Witnesses Interviewed By FBI In Kavanaugh Probe Don’t Remember The Party In Ford’s Testimony

T'he FBI had interviewed four people in its probe into Judge Brett Kavanaugh as of Monday afternoon, but the three witnesses whom Christine Blasey Ford alleges were at the party in her testimony do not recall the gathering, according to the Washington Post’s sources.

The FBI has talked to alleged party guests Patrick J. Smyth,
Mark Judge and Leland Keyser and Kavanaugh’s Yale classmate Deborah Ramirez, who said that Kavanaugh had exposed himself to her during their college years, according to WaPo.

“[Smyth] truthfully answered every question the FBI asked him and, consistent with the information he previously provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee, he indicated that he has no knowledge of the small party or gathering described by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, nor does he have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh,” Smyth’s lawyer Eric B. Bruce said in a statement, according to WaPo.'

Three Witnesses Interviewed By FBI In Kavanaugh Probe Don’t Remember The Party In Ford’s Testimony

Much like with Mueller's witch hunt, the investigation remains on-going with ZERO evidence to support the accusations found.

From your article on Tucker Carlson's Daily Whiner:

“[Smyth] ....... indicated that he has no knowledge of the small party or gathering described by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford,

Mr. Judge has been interviewed by the FBI but his interview has not been completed,”

Keyser does not remember the gathering in question but has said she believes Ford.

Since they weren't attacked, they probably don't remember all the hundreds of drinking parties they attended over four years in high school.

Mark Judge's interview isn't complete, so it's actually two witnesses at this point.
Kavanaugh is fucked as soon as Ford gets Uber to locate the receipt from the cab ride she took fleeing the scene of the horrific rape/bestiality/ Bigfoot attack that is seared into her memory like John Kerry's Christmas in Cambodia trip
Yeah remember how the Dems protected Senator Franken?

Oh wait , they didn’t.

Well they would look rather silly even to a die hard liberal


Help me, Lord, I can't stop laughing.

Libtardos better clutch their #metoo buttons and find another liar to attack Kavanaugh.

The dingbat claimed Kananaugh's name came up in a therapy session regarding contention with her husband about the addition of a second front door.

Total bullshit, the remodel of the house was completed 4 years before the therapy session.

You better read the article, libtardos, before you make idiots of yourselves.

"So begin at the beginning of her Senate Judiciary Committee testimony: “I had never told the details to anyone until May 2012, during a couple’s counseling session. The reason this came up in counseling is that my husband and I had completed a very extensive, very long remodel of our home and I insisted on a second front door, an idea that he and others disagreed with and could not understand. In explaining why I wanted a second front door, I began to describe the assault in detail.”

"The Fords bought the house on June 20, 2007. And the “very extensive, very long remodel,” including the second front door, were completed under a building permit granted in 2008.

So a natural question is why, four years after the remodeling, which also added two rooms and a bathroom, is the installation of that second door still such a bone of contention between the couple that it was an issue in the counseling they were undergoing in May 2012?"

Records Raise Questions About Ford's Double-Door Story | RealClearPolitics

She's a Liar. Exactly why do you need a 2nd door if you are afraid of strangers, yet host Google Interns in your house?
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?
Maybe Kananaugh should have fallen asleep when Libtardos where questioning him like Gagsberg does.

That is the 'right' kind of temperament they'd be all for.
More deflections from the right .

Now we know why the gop his so much on Kav and want to rush things thru. Cause there was so much bad shit on Kav .

He was an a hole at the senate . Not judicial at all . He painted a picture that he was a book worm who occasionally had a sip of beer. Total BS !

The guy looks less and less credible every day.

....Except, there isnt anything on him.
Inspired here: So here's what I think happened between Kavanaugh & Ford


But I think it was more than just a dry hump for fun

He tried to remove her clothes but she had a bathing suit on underneath and he gave up
Did she fight him off hard? Or was she drunk too and giggling/play pushing him off of her?

I've seen many drunk girls at parties in the 1980s. I can tell you that a girl going to a party with the intent of getting drunk around a bunch of horny young guys also getting drunk KNOWS the situation she's willingly walking into. Ladies, don't go to bawdy parties with horny young guys getting drunk, get drunk yourself, and then not anticipate some "rubbing up against you" or serious efforts to get into your panties.

Why is nobody talking about how the judge stopped undressing the girl and walked away instead of actually raping her? He showed restraint while young and drunk with a young drunk girl in front of him who came to the party with an inkling that horny young drunk men would be there attentive to her sexual attractiveness?

Come here, come here come here....get away, get away, get away...come here come here come here... etc.

So did he show restraint by stopping, drunk, young, male and horny with a drunk party girl in front of him? Discuss
Victim blaming at it's finest!

She deserves to be blamed for lying .
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?

Is all this partisan bullshit supposed to suddenly make me like/approve of the dink sitting in the White House? No? Well, then carry on.
Democrats are NOT going to be happy / satisfied with how the FBI's re-investigation of Kavanaugh - #7 - they called for is going....


Three Witnesses Interviewed By FBI In Kavanaugh Probe Don’t Remember The Party In Ford’s Testimony

T'he FBI had interviewed four people in its probe into Judge Brett Kavanaugh as of Monday afternoon, but the three witnesses whom Christine Blasey Ford alleges were at the party in her testimony do not recall the gathering, according to the Washington Post’s sources.

The FBI has talked to alleged party guests Patrick J. Smyth,
Mark Judge and Leland Keyser and Kavanaugh’s Yale classmate Deborah Ramirez, who said that Kavanaugh had exposed himself to her during their college years, according to WaPo.

“[Smyth] truthfully answered every question the FBI asked him and, consistent with the information he previously provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee, he indicated that he has no knowledge of the small party or gathering described by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, nor does he have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh,” Smyth’s lawyer Eric B. Bruce said in a statement, according to WaPo.'

Three Witnesses Interviewed By FBI In Kavanaugh Probe Don’t Remember The Party In Ford’s Testimony

Much like with Mueller's witch hunt, the investigation remains on-going with ZERO evidence to support the accusations found.

From your article on Tucker Carlson's Daily Whiner:

“[Smyth] ....... indicated that he has no knowledge of the small party or gathering described by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford,

Mr. Judge has been interviewed by the FBI but his interview has not been completed,”

Keyser does not remember the gathering in question but has said she believes Ford.

Since they weren't attacked, they probably don't remember all the hundreds of drinking parties they attended over four years in high school.

Mark Judge's interview isn't complete, so it's actually two witnesses at this point.

The Judge interview has now been completed. Nothing changed.

Based on excerpts I have seen and with the personal interview she
gave NBC...I doubt the FBI even talks with the Julie gal. Not unless
they are gonna try and get her on making false accusations.

We got more info from Maddow releasing Trump's 2005 tax return
than the stupid bitch that NBC interviewed.

On of the witnesses she named is now dead. One doesn't know anything
about it and NBC hasn't been able to contact two others.

And her quote (paraphrase)…"I cannot say specifically that Brett Kavanaugh
was one of the people that assaulted me." Honey, you can just stop there.

And then...your lying whore ass can explain why you attended 10 gang rape
parties? Sounds like she was upset that she was at the back of the list
to be raped.

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