Kavanaugh Official Merge for Oct 2nd, 2018

Given the circumstances, did the judge show admirable restraint?

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This one....what a phony. Big boost to Kavanauh!:113: What were the DUMS thinking?

The Dems can't get out of it. They have to keep searching/paying new losers,
hoping one of them can bring doubt.

The Libs have made a terrible mistake. A mistake that the GOP has made
countless times before the Donald took over. "You can't fight every fight."
You pick your fights. They picked the wrong fight in this instance, and they
are bolstering the GOP presence at the election booth in November.
So he didn't deliberately lie under oath then?
"not deliberately lie"? Is that a thing?

You and I know that telling a lie is a deliberate act. These dopes throw that word around so much that it has no meaning to them. They need to be reminded of that fact.
you mean like:
white supremacist
woman hater

No, I don't mean that at all, dope.

Check this out.

1729. Protection Of Government Processes -- Tampering With Victims, Witnesses, Or Informants -- 18 U.S.C. 1512

"Section 1512 of Title 18 constitutes a broad prohibition against tampering with a witness, victim or informant. It proscribes conduct intended to illegitimately affect the presentation of evidence in Federal proceedings or the communication of information to Federal law enforcement officers. It applies to proceedings before Congress, executive departments, and administrative agencies, and to civil and criminal judicial proceedings, including grand jury proceedings."
doesn't change a fucking thing, dude. you wanna get all asshurt and claim people are wearing out the meaning of words the first thing i'll tell you to do is stop it. in your case, add "dope" to the list.

you couldn't talk to a dog w/o using that word.

Tell us about witness tampering, dope.
"not deliberately lie"? Is that a thing?

You and I know that telling a lie is a deliberate act. These dopes throw that word around so much that it has no meaning to them. They need to be reminded of that fact.
you mean like:
white supremacist
woman hater

No, I don't mean that at all, dope.

Check this out.

1729. Protection Of Government Processes -- Tampering With Victims, Witnesses, Or Informants -- 18 U.S.C. 1512

"Section 1512 of Title 18 constitutes a broad prohibition against tampering with a witness, victim or informant. It proscribes conduct intended to illegitimately affect the presentation of evidence in Federal proceedings or the communication of information to Federal law enforcement officers. It applies to proceedings before Congress, executive departments, and administrative agencies, and to civil and criminal judicial proceedings, including grand jury proceedings."
doesn't change a fucking thing, dude. you wanna get all asshurt and claim people are wearing out the meaning of words the first thing i'll tell you to do is stop it. in your case, add "dope" to the list.

you couldn't talk to a dog w/o using that word.

Tell us about witness tampering, dope.
fuck off.
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?
What is happening?

What I see happening is Trump is about to appoint a political operative on the Supreme Court. That means the guy will be legislating from the bench. Republicans say they don't like that but if it's one of their doing it well....

He's not a good fit. Pick Merrick Garland.
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?
What is happening?

What I see happening is Trump is about to appoint a political operative on the Supreme Court. That means the guy will be legislating from the bench. Republicans say they don't like that but if it's one of their doing it well....

He's not a good fit. Pick Merrick Garland.
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?
What is happening?

What I see happening is Trump is about to appoint a political operative on the Supreme Court. That means the guy will be legislating from the bench. Republicans say they don't like that but if it's one of their doing it well....

He's not a good fit. Pick Merrick Garland.

The left lost, so no!
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?
What is happening?

What I see happening is Trump is about to appoint a political operative on the Supreme Court. That means the guy will be legislating from the bench. Republicans say they don't like that but if it's one of their doing it well....

He's not a good fit. Pick Merrick Garland.
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?
What is happening?

What I see happening is Trump is about to appoint a political operative on the Supreme Court. That means the guy will be legislating from the bench. Republicans say they don't like that but if it's one of their doing it well....

He's not a good fit. Pick Merrick Garland.
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?
What is happening?

What I see happening is Trump is about to appoint a political operative on the Supreme Court. That means the guy will be legislating from the bench. Republicans say they don't like that but if it's one of their doing it well....

He's not a good fit. Pick Merrick Garland.

The left lost, so no!
I actually agree. I don't like it but maybe all the people that will be hurt by a right leaning court should have thought about that when they didn't show up in 2010 or for Hillary in 2016. Now they can live with basically a right wing nut job on the court for the next 40 years.
Abortion is a religious sacrament for regressives. We should had expected them to act like this when they believe it is about to be taken away from them. No different than an incensed Muslim Jihadist when someone insults their fake moon god.
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?

Political expediency is setting an arbitrary deadline, ignoring requests for documents, ignoring serious allegations made by three different accusers, ignoring calls for further investigation and ignoring possible perjury and witness tampering.

All to avoid finding any facts that may be inconvienient to a pre-election confirmation.
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?

Political expediency is setting an arbitrary deadline, ignoring requests for documents, ignoring serious allegations made by three different accusers, ignoring calls for further investigation and ignoring possible perjury and witness tampering.

All to avoid finding any facts that may be inconvienient to a pre-election confirmation.
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?

Political expediency is setting an arbitrary deadline, ignoring requests for documents, ignoring serious allegations made by three different accusers, ignoring calls for further investigation and ignoring possible perjury and witness tampering.

All to avoid finding any facts that may be inconvienient to a pre-election confirmation.

What serious allegations?
They all have faulty holes.
Changing timelines, can't give details and so on......
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?
What is happening?

What I see happening is Trump is about to appoint a political operative on the Supreme Court. That means the guy will be legislating from the bench. Republicans say they don't like that but if it's one of their doing it well....

He's not a good fit. Pick Merrick Garland.

Garland peed on the side of a warehouse and abused the gerbils in science class at high school AND he's far, far, far too partisan
uh oh.. i detect a crack in teflon don's support of the embarrassing BK :eusa_clap:

Live updates: Brett Kavanaugh invesigation

"The FBI is working, they’re working very hard, and let’s see what happens."

He expressed optimism a vote on Kavanaugh could come by the end of the week, citing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

"Hopefully as Mitch said they’ll have a vote by the end of the week and it will be a positive vote," he said.

Kavanaugh, he said, is "fighting very hard for his reputation, for his family."

Speaking to reporters on the South Lawn, Trump also drew a line on lying to Congress.

"I don’t think you should lie to Congress and there are a lot of people over the past year who have lied to Congress," he said. "For me, that would not be acceptable."
Why are you folks starting threads on the one accuser who no one believes and so far as I know all the investigators are ignoring?
So you can by association smear the rest as unbelievable.
Uh huh, as soon as creepy porn lawyer made his announcement for his latest client, he assured everyone that he had proof and the left believed him. Kavanaugh was automatically guilty and most of the left wing parrots and parasites here believed it.
BK will be confirmed in a few days
Yeah! That was being said 4 weeks ago, then that was repeated 3 weeks ago and then that was being repeated for the last 2 weeks too, and it hasn't happened yet! Who knows, it could happen next week or it might not.

But you just may have spread too damn much Gloat Butter on your bread yet again. The truth will out in the end, lad.
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?
What is happening?

What I see happening is Trump is about to appoint a political operative on the Supreme Court. That means the guy will be legislating from the bench. Republicans say they don't like that but if it's one of their doing it well....

He's not a good fit. Pick Merrick Garland.
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?
What is happening?

What I see happening is Trump is about to appoint a political operative on the Supreme Court. That means the guy will be legislating from the bench. Republicans say they don't like that but if it's one of their doing it well....

He's not a good fit. Pick Merrick Garland.
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?
What is happening?

What I see happening is Trump is about to appoint a political operative on the Supreme Court. That means the guy will be legislating from the bench. Republicans say they don't like that but if it's one of their doing it well....

He's not a good fit. Pick Merrick Garland.

The left lost, so no!
I actually agree. I don't like it but maybe all the people that will be hurt by a right leaning court should have thought about that when they didn't show up in 2010 or for Hillary in 2016. Now they can live with basically a right wing nut job on the court for the next 40 years.
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?
What is happening?

What I see happening is Trump is about to appoint a political operative on the Supreme Court. That means the guy will be legislating from the bench. Republicans say they don't like that but if it's one of their doing it well....

He's not a good fit. Pick Merrick Garland.
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?
What is happening?

What I see happening is Trump is about to appoint a political operative on the Supreme Court. That means the guy will be legislating from the bench. Republicans say they don't like that but if it's one of their doing it well....

He's not a good fit. Pick Merrick Garland.
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?
What is happening?

What I see happening is Trump is about to appoint a political operative on the Supreme Court. That means the guy will be legislating from the bench. Republicans say they don't like that but if it's one of their doing it well....

He's not a good fit. Pick Merrick Garland.

The left lost, so no!
I actually agree. I don't like it but maybe all the people that will be hurt by a right leaning court should have thought about that when they didn't show up in 2010 or for Hillary in 2016. Now they can live with basically a right wing nut job on the court for the next 40 years.

It was a heavy right leaning court that passed Roe vs Wade.
Roe Versus Wade Decided By A Majority Republican Nominated Court
You think that Republican nominated S.C. Judges will rule against their own who passed it?
This is a scare tactic by the Dems.
Kavanaugh: 31 Lies and Counting

Jeff Flake told 60 Minutes that Kavanaugh would not be confirmed if the FBI probe showed that he lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee. We already know that Kavanaugh has lied. Repeatedly.

From Brett Kavanaugh’s first confirmation hearing for the D.C. Circuit Court to his most recent hearing with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, he has lied. It didn’t matter how small or big the issue. It didn’t matter that he was under oath.

Integrity matters, Kavanaugh’s character matters, and he has clearly shown that he is not fit for a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court. Here are 31 times that Kavanaugh has lied.

Kavanaugh: 29 Lies and Counting – Demand Justice – Medium
This is a sign of victory for those who don't support rape. :cool-45:
It won't matter.
It is interesting though. Is there really a picture of them together at a wedding?

Yes there is a picture of them. Its called witness tampering as well as lying.
“Witness tampering”?

There was never any investigation going on until this week.

Nice try though. Well not really it was actually pretty pathetic.
BK was coordinating with his bully bros to get their stories straight and cover-up something that didn't happen. :nocknockHT:
BK will be confirmed in a few days
Yeah! That was being said 4 weeks ago, then that was repeated 3 weeks ago and then that was being repeated for the last 2 weeks too, and it hasn't happened yet! Who knows, it could happen next week and it might not.

But you just may have spread too damn much Gloat Butter on your bread yet again. The truth will out in the end, lad.
Well whenever the end does come I’m quite confident the gloating will be great entertainment along with the added bonus of pissing off the lefty pukes again. A great win-win for the good guys in the white hats.
Kavvy testified under oath that he first learned about the Debbie Ramirez allegations when he read about them in the New Yorker. But new reports indicate that he was lying yet again. Before the story broke Kavvy was anticipating the allegations and scrambling to get ahead of the story, contacting Yale classmates and mutual friends of Ramirez's, asking for public endorsements. Kavvy wanted to set the tone of the discussion that was about to happen over the impending accusations, hoping to track down a picture of that showed him and Ramirez smiling along side each other, having a good time with friends a wedding years after college. Kavvy eventually got a copy of the picture on September 22nd. But three days later he told staffers for the Senate Judiciary committee that he couldn't remember if he had any interaction with Ramirez.

The man is a continual liar, and now it turns out he is effectively witness tampering. This is not someone who belongs on the Supreme Court.

Text messages suggest Kavanaugh wanted to refute accuser's claim before it became public

The texts between Berchem and Karen Yarasavage, both friends of Kavanaugh, suggest that the nominee was personally talking with former classmates about Ramirez’s story in advance of the New Yorker article that made her allegation public. In one message, Yarasavage said Kavanaugh asked her to go on the record in his defense. Two other messages show communication between Kavanaugh's team and former classmates in advance of the story.
They.....don't....care.....how.....much.....he....lies. It's become quite evident.
Looks like you are the boundless liar. You can't prove anything, all your impotent hide can do is post "messages suggest". Pathetic.

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