Kavanaugh Official Merge for Oct 2nd, 2018

Given the circumstances, did the judge show admirable restraint?

  • Yes

  • No

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Kavvy testified under oath that he first learned about the Debbie Ramirez allegations when he read about them in the New Yorker. But new reports indicate that he was lying yet again. Before the story broke Kavvy was anticipating the allegations and scrambling to get ahead of the story, contacting Yale classmates and mutual friends of Ramirez's, asking for public endorsements. Kavvy wanted to set the tone of the discussion that was about to happen over the impending accusations, hoping to track down a picture of that showed him and Ramirez smiling along side each other, having a good time with friends a wedding years after college. Kavvy eventually got a copy of the picture on September 22nd. But three days later he told staffers for the Senate Judiciary committee that he couldn't remember if he had any interaction with Ramirez.

The man is a continual liar, and now it turns out he is effectively witness tampering. This is not someone who belongs on the Supreme Court.

Text messages suggest Kavanaugh wanted to refute accuser's claim before it became public

The texts between Berchem and Karen Yarasavage, both friends of Kavanaugh, suggest that the nominee was personally talking with former classmates about Ramirez’s story in advance of the New Yorker article that made her allegation public. In one message, Yarasavage said Kavanaugh asked her to go on the record in his defense. Two other messages show communication between Kavanaugh's team and former classmates in advance of the story.
good god, stop it already. the ONLY thing you are doing is setting up a hell of a "payback" when the dems get around to making their next selection.

all your fake rage is really getting old as shit. the more you push the bullshit the more no one cares about a fucking thing you say. it's the whole CRY WOLF thing beating to holy hell and back.

the left has lost it and they don't even know it. that's the sad part. at this point the left is showing it's just fine to lie about someone. turn molehills into mountains and scream bloody murder to attack someone. but if that someone does ANYTHING to defend their side, well hell, that's just another foul to bitch about.

the right has to follow morality and law to the uber-letter. the left? not so much. hell, not at all.

So he didn't deliberately lie under oath then?
"not deliberately lie"? Is that a thing?

You and I know that telling a lie is a deliberate act. These dopes throw that word around so much that it has no meaning to them. They need to be reminded of that fact.
you mean like:
white supremacist
woman hater

No, I don't mean that at all, dope.

Check this out.

1729. Protection Of Government Processes -- Tampering With Victims, Witnesses, Or Informants -- 18 U.S.C. 1512

"Section 1512 of Title 18 constitutes a broad prohibition against tampering with a witness, victim or informant. It proscribes conduct intended to illegitimately affect the presentation of evidence in Federal proceedings or the communication of information to Federal law enforcement officers. It applies to proceedings before Congress, executive departments, and administrative agencies, and to civil and criminal judicial proceedings, including grand jury proceedings."
They’re dimocrats! Whadaya expect?

BK will be confirmed in a few days and these lefty dopes will be off to whatever the hell’s next on their agenda. Then, in just forty-something days they’ll be licking their wounds of defeat again and clueless as to how they fucked it up this time.
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?

Is all this partisan bullshit supposed to suddenly make me like/approve of the dink sitting in the White House? No? Well, then carry on.

Bill Clintoon is no longer sitting in the White House.
Wow. A whole new low benchmark. Not finishing a sexual assault with rape = "admirable restraint".

I hope someone does this to your daughter, Silhouette, and you give him a medal for his "admirable restraint".
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?
What is happening?

What I see happening is Trump is about to appoint a political operative on the Supreme Court. That means the guy will be legislating from the bench. Republicans say they don't like that but if it's one of their doing it well....

He's not a good fit. Pick Merrick Garland.

I'll see your Daily Wire citing social media, and raise you two palm readers and an astrologist.

Facts are facts. Was not an opinion piece. Sorry to
Have proven how dumb you are.

Yes, because chatter on social media is an authoritative method for determining facts. Thank you o wise one.

There's just one problem: the NBC News story leaves out a key detail. Kavanaugh admitted, in a deposition conducted by Senate Judiciary Committee investigators, that he knew Ramirez was looking for dirt and calling around to a handful of shared acquaintances trying to substantiate her own claims, and that he discussed the flurry of activity with an "inner circle" of associates.

Keep digging that hole. You and your disrespectful avatar.

Then why later testify that he only learned about the allegation when it appeared in the media?
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?
What is happening?

What I see happening is Trump is about to appoint a political operative on the Supreme Court. That means the guy will be legislating from the bench. Republicans say they don't like that but if it's one of their doing it well....

He's not a good fit. Pick Merrick Garland.
I don't believe Merrick Garland was nominated to the position this time around.
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?
What is happening?

What I see happening is Trump is about to appoint a political operative on the Supreme Court. That means the guy will be legislating from the bench. Republicans say they don't like that but if it's one of their doing it well....

He's not a good fit. Pick Merrick Garland.
I don't believe Merrick Garland was nominated to the position this time around.

He could be when the pull Kav's nomination.
good god, stop it already. the ONLY thing you are doing is setting up a hell of a "payback" when the dems get around to making their next selection.

all your fake rage is really getting old as shit. the more you push the bullshit the more no one cares about a fucking thing you say. it's the whole CRY WOLF thing beating to holy hell and back.

the left has lost it and they don't even know it. that's the sad part. at this point the left is showing it's just fine to lie about someone. turn molehills into mountains and scream bloody murder to attack someone. but if that someone does ANYTHING to defend their side, well hell, that's just another foul to bitch about.

the right has to follow morality and law to the uber-letter. the left? not so much. hell, not at all.

So he didn't deliberately lie under oath then?
"not deliberately lie"? Is that a thing?

You and I know that telling a lie is a deliberate act. These dopes throw that word around so much that it has no meaning to them. They need to be reminded of that fact.
you mean like:
white supremacist
woman hater

No, I don't mean that at all, dope.

Check this out.

1729. Protection Of Government Processes -- Tampering With Victims, Witnesses, Or Informants -- 18 U.S.C. 1512

"Section 1512 of Title 18 constitutes a broad prohibition against tampering with a witness, victim or informant. It proscribes conduct intended to illegitimately affect the presentation of evidence in Federal proceedings or the communication of information to Federal law enforcement officers. It applies to proceedings before Congress, executive departments, and administrative agencies, and to civil and criminal judicial proceedings, including grand jury proceedings."
doesn't change a fucking thing, dude. you wanna get all asshurt and claim people are wearing out the meaning of words the first thing i'll tell you to do is stop it. in your case, add "dope" to the list.

you couldn't talk to a dog w/o using that word.
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough two know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?
What is happening?

What I see happening is Trump is about to appoint a political operative on the Supreme Court. That means the guy will be legislating from the bench. Republicans say they don't like that but if it's one of their doing it well....

He's not a good fit. Pick Merrick Garland.

Garland. Lol. O placed two partisan political leftist hacks on the court. You were down.
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Kavanaugh is perfectly qualified to sit on the SCOTUS.

Confirm him and lets move on with our lives.

Dimms, you LOST the 2016 election....too fucking bad.

SORE FUCKING WHINY LOSERS. Little fucking cvnts, the lot of you.

You all need a collective wedgie and your lunch money stolen for being sore losers.
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?

I serious doubt it. They all seem to live in this detached alternate reality. Dr, Loveless just posted a photo of Putin photo-shopped wearing a red MAGA hat winking at the camera. Probably what he spent all last night working on. These people think this stuff either real, or that it matters or anyone really cares about their grade-school antics!

When they're not drawing cartoons they are busy telling everyone how stupid everyone else but them is! You can't make up shit this good!

And I say I think they believe these PS photos real because first they post them then they comment on them as if these were actual events in the living world and justification for their views and actions! :auiqs.jpg:
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I must say that you all Leftists out there have NOTHING! Quit beating the dead horse.
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?

Is all this partisan bullshit supposed to suddenly make me like/approve of the dink sitting in the White House? No? Well, then carry on.

Bill Clintoon is no longer sitting in the White House.

We know, winger. We know.
No one here is fair or open minded including me. none of us know because we were not there. I find him a creepy self-righteous man. hope the honest rest of the story is reveled.
Or are you that hopeless and so thoroughly useless (except being useful idiots for democrats) that you truly believe these relentless daily attacks are real?


Are you smart enough to know they are all lies and you are proud to take part in it for political expediency?

Political expediency is setting an arbitrary deadline, ignoring requests for documents, ignoring serious allegations made by three different accusers, ignoring calls for further investigation and ignoring possible perjury and witness tampering.

All to avoid finding any facts that may be inconvienient to a pre-election confirmation.

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