Kavanaugh Official Merge for Oct 2nd, 2018

Given the circumstances, did the judge show admirable restraint?

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No one said anything like that. Try to be less dishonest.

You literally just that. You don't even know what you wrote?

Wow. No I did not. YOu are reading into my sentence shit I did not write, nor mean.

I challenge you to explain how what I wrote meant anything like what you said, crazy pants.

Do you mind if I call you crazy pants?

It's a sad state when someone can't even stand up for what they said.

Real integrity you have there.

I challenged you to explain how what I wrote, meant anything like what you said.

ANd instead you attack me personally.

Standard lib response to being called on his bullshit.

You lose, loser. Oh, and you won't try to meet that challenge in your next response either, because you know you can't.
Sounds like he is afraid it will be full of utter shit and not want to smear the poor guy anymore than has already been done.
This is to me your premise. Do I have a reason to read it any other way?

So. what part of that says, in your mind, that the fbi manufactured, the "shit" in question?
Sounds like he is afraid it will be full of utter shit and not want to smear the poor guy anymore than has already been done.
Are you suggesting the FBI will make up facts?

Yup. Anything that speaks badly about his beloved party MUST be fabricated.

No one said anything like that. Try to be less dishonest.
You did see the question mark didn't you? That's how I read it, if it isn't what you meant clarify it.

The report is likely to be full of unreliable and/or personal information that should not be released.

Again....................you don't know what is in the report, because it hasn't been completed yet, and you probably won't see it because McConnell has said that only Senators will be able to read it.

All you have is your political bias to assume it might be biased against Kavanaugh.
Nobody cares
they've already shown they don't care what bullshit they are in rage about, just so long as they get their way. lying is cool. defamation is cool. destroying our political process is cool. as long as they get what THEY want NOW.

but man alive does their ass hurt when these tactics come back to them.
I can name a good one, Garland. yeppers the precedent for that was from them back thirty years ago.
now it turns out that while ford said she told no one of her assault until 2012, but when she put in that 2nd door, she said it was to alleviate panic attacks from an assault in high school.

city records show that door was put in back in 2008.

so yea, let me get out of the way while the left rushes to attack the woman for lying.

She could have been having the panic attacks without realizing the source. Have you read or listened to her testimony yet?
if you *really* wanna do this - the whole "give benefit of doubt" then please feel free to do it for kavanaugh also.

she said it was because she was attacked in high school so she needed the door.

she lied.

if i go cut n dry like the dems, fry her cause she lied. period. end of story.
you know, I'm proud we have honor and reason on our side. It must truly suck to limit your life to the crap that is a democrap!!!
No one said anything like that. Try to be less dishonest.

You literally just that. You don't even know what you wrote?

Wow. No I did not. YOu are reading into my sentence shit I did not write, nor mean.

I challenge you to explain how what I wrote meant anything like what you said, crazy pants.

Do you mind if I call you crazy pants?

It's a sad state when someone can't even stand up for what they said.

Real integrity you have there.

I challenged you to explain how what I wrote, meant anything like what you said.

ANd instead you attack me personally.

Standard lib response to being called on his bullshit.

You lose, loser. Oh, and you won't try to meet that challenge in your next response either, because you know you can't.

It's pretty clear that you are beneath me. You are a Trump supporter and are pro-rape. I don't associate with people who are pro-rape.

And as I predicted you are still unable to support your misrepresentation of what I said.

All you have, is more personal attacks.

You are a troll.

You lose, loser.

You want the full report released because you want to go though it, looking for anything that can be used to further attack the man, regardless of whether it is verified, or actually relevant.
Are you suggesting the FBI will make up facts?
He is suggesting that the FBI will report all the made-up shit that the interviewees spew.
Why do I have a feeling this is just a way to create an excuse if the FBI turns up corroboration. It sounds convenient to simply reject information you don't like without seeing it.

If there is even a hint at any corroboration, Senator SnowFlake will be the first to vote against his confirmation. And just because the report will not be made public does not mean we won't find out what's in it. Every Senator will be able to express what they liked or didn't like in the report.
At which point Republicans again will point to it being a political hitjob. Basically saying," Hey don't look at the charges, look at the Democrats." Of course selectively holding information on a SCOTUS you want nominated and abusing your senate majority to control what and what isn't made public being a political act all in itself.
nice talking point. what day did you get yours polly
Yes, because chatter on social media is an authoritative method for determining facts. Thank you o wise one.

There's just one problem: the NBC News story leaves out a key detail. Kavanaugh admitted, in a deposition conducted by Senate Judiciary Committee investigators, that he knew Ramirez was looking for dirt and calling around to a handful of shared acquaintances trying to substantiate her own claims, and that he discussed the flurry of activity with an "inner circle" of associates.

Keep digging that hole. You and your disrespectful avatar.
So he contradicted his testimony under oath with a deposition? How does that make him not lying in his Senate hearing?

What is disrespectful about the avatar?

Not what happened. Learn to read.

I read it...The interview you linked to occurred after the New Yorker article was published.


Page 5 of the linked document. I can't select the text to quote it.
btw - i think the FBI is going to do some serious investigations soon - her and how fords letter got leaked to begin with.

Have they investigated The Dirty Dossier?

How Clinton and Obama paid for it?

How the money was laundered through COIE lawfirm and Fusion GPS?

Call me when they have a Pre-Dawn Raid on Tony Podesta's home, the DNC HQ, COIE Lawfirm, and Fusion GPS.
Uranium One: FBI Refuses To Release Three-Dozen Secret Memos Involving Clintons, Russia And Obama

fbi ain't interested in fusion gps...or at least providing the known documentation.
Exactly why or how is THE FBI allowed to REFUSE Requests to release any information if they are so ordered to do so by a FOIA request of by THE PRESIDENT?
The republican senators could have movies of Kavanaugh raping women and they'd still vote him in They are scared shitless for their jobs if they go up against trump
ooooohhh the drama!!!!!! And then you wonder why no one takes you seriously.
Nobody cares
they've already shown they don't care what bullshit they are in rage about, just so long as they get their way. lying is cool. defamation is cool. destroying our political process is cool. as long as they get what THEY want NOW.

but man alive does their ass hurt when these tactics come back to them.
I can name a good one, Garland. yeppers the precedent for that was from them back thirty years ago.
now it turns out that while ford said she told no one of her assault until 2012, but when she put in that 2nd door, she said it was to alleviate panic attacks from an assault in high school.

city records show that door was put in back in 2008.

so yea, let me get out of the way while the left rushes to attack the woman for lying.

She could have been having the panic attacks without realizing the source. Have you read or listened to her testimony yet?
if you *really* wanna do this - the whole "give benefit of doubt" then please feel free to do it for kavanaugh also.

she said it was because she was attacked in high school so she needed the door.

she lied.

if i go cut n dry like the dems, fry her cause she lied. period. end of story. she lied under oath and what does that mean again???

No, she didn't.

Palo Alto building permit backs up Ford’s testimony - Palo Alto Daily Post

But contrary to the inconsistency that Sperry suggests, Ford testified on Thursday (Sept. 27) the remodel was completed before the counseling session in May 2012.

“The reason (the assault) came up in counseling is that my husband and I had completed a very extensive, very long remodel of our home and I insisted on a second front door, an idea that he and others disagreed with and could not understand,” Ford testified, admitting that the house now “does not look aesthetically pleasing from the curb.”​
Sounds like he is afraid it will be full of utter shit and not want to smear the poor guy anymore than has already been done.

Actually, it sounds more like it has damning evidence in it showing why Kavanaugh shouldn't be a SC justice. If it is helpful towards getting Kavanaugh confirmed, they would have already released it.

No, it doesn't. It sounds like it could be full of utterly unreliable and/or personal shit that has zero relevance.

That is your opinion, based on your political views. You don't know what is in it, so you are automatically assuming it is against Kavanaugh, but if it was favorable or unbiased, it would be in favor of Kavanaugh, and therefore should be released to get the rest of America to get behind Kavanaugh.
I might be getting a bit cynical but politicians would generally clamber over their dead grandparents to get good news out there.

It looks like Kav has gone quiet about getting it all out in the open with regard to this. And the right is now passionately mounting a defence of their right not to know. Fucking hypocrites.
Are you suggesting the FBI will make up facts?

Yup. Anything that speaks badly about his beloved party MUST be fabricated.

No one said anything like that. Try to be less dishonest.
You did see the question mark didn't you? That's how I read it, if it isn't what you meant clarify it.

The report is likely to be full of unreliable and/or personal information that should not be released.
-How do you asses something as unreliable if you don't even know what that something is?
-What do you consider personal information in this context?

1. If you have no way of verifying it, it is unreliable.

2. First thing that came to my mind, was getting a blow job, from a woman that turned out to be a man. Something like that could come up. It would be very embarrassing, the vile dems could use it against him, and it is utterly irrelevant.
btw - i think the FBI is going to do some serious investigations soon - her and how fords letter got leaked to begin with.

Have they investigated The Dirty Dossier?

How Clinton and Obama paid for it?

How the money was laundered through COIE lawfirm and Fusion GPS?

Call me when they have a Pre-Dawn Raid on Tony Podesta's home, the DNC HQ, COIE Lawfirm, and Fusion GPS.
Uranium One: FBI Refuses To Release Three-Dozen Secret Memos Involving Clintons, Russia And Obama

fbi ain't interested in fusion gps...or at least providing the known documentation.
Exactly why or how is THE FBI allowed to REFUSE Requests to release any information if they are so ordered to do so by a FOIA request of by THE PRESIDENT?
just posting the link, boss.
You literally just that. You don't even know what you wrote?

Wow. No I did not. YOu are reading into my sentence shit I did not write, nor mean.

I challenge you to explain how what I wrote meant anything like what you said, crazy pants.

Do you mind if I call you crazy pants?

It's a sad state when someone can't even stand up for what they said.

Real integrity you have there.

I challenged you to explain how what I wrote, meant anything like what you said.

ANd instead you attack me personally.

Standard lib response to being called on his bullshit.

You lose, loser. Oh, and you won't try to meet that challenge in your next response either, because you know you can't.
Sounds like he is afraid it will be full of utter shit and not want to smear the poor guy anymore than has already been done.
This is to me your premise. Do I have a reason to read it any other way?

So. what part of that says, in your mind, that the FBI manufactured, the "shit" in question?
I highlighted it. "Full of utter shit",to me means untrue in this context. Since the FBI is making the report, this means you suggest the FBI will put lies in its report. I can't make it clearer than that.
Are you suggesting the FBI will make up facts?

Yup. Anything that speaks badly about his beloved party MUST be fabricated.

No one said anything like that. Try to be less dishonest.
You did see the question mark didn't you? That's how I read it, if it isn't what you meant clarify it.

The report is likely to be full of unreliable and/or personal information that should not be released.

Again....................you don't know what is in the report, because it hasn't been completed yet, and you probably won't see it because McConnell has said that only Senators will be able to read it.

All you have is your political bias to assume it might be biased against Kavanaugh.

Nothing I said, supports what you said.
More deflections from the right .

Now we know why the gop his so much on Kav and want to rush things thru. Cause there was so much bad shit on Kav .

He was an a hole at the senate . Not judicial at all . He painted a picture that he was a book worm who occasionally had a sip of beer. Total BS !

The guy looks less and less credible every day.
If this was a liberal judge up for appointment you folks would be eviscerating Ms. Ford. And everybody knows it.
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Actually, it sounds more like it has damning evidence in it showing why Kavanaugh shouldn't be a SC justice. If it is helpful towards getting Kavanaugh confirmed, they would have already released it.

No, it doesn't. It sounds like it could be full of utterly unreliable and/or personal shit that has zero relevance.

That is your opinion, based on your political views. You don't know what is in it, so you are automatically assuming it is against Kavanaugh, but if it was favorable or unbiased, it would be in favor of Kavanaugh, and therefore should be released to get the rest of America to get behind Kavanaugh.

I assumed no such thing.

Actually, you kinda did. If people were to hit the "click to expand" button to see the whole conversation, they would see the same thing that RDD1210 and I have said...................that you are assuming that the report is unfavorable to Kavanaugh when nobody knows what is in it.

No, I assume that it will have unreliable and/or personal shit in there that is no one's business.
You mean stuff he didnt reveal when under oath ?
Sounds like he is afraid it will be full of utter shit and not want to smear the poor guy anymore than has already been done.

Actually, it sounds more like it has damning evidence in it showing why Kavanaugh shouldn't be a SC justice. If it is helpful towards getting Kavanaugh confirmed, they would have already released it.

No, it doesn't. It sounds like it could be full of utterly unreliable and/or personal shit that has zero relevance.

That is your opinion, based on your political views. You don't know what is in it, so you are automatically assuming it is against Kavanaugh, but if it was favorable or unbiased, it would be in favor of Kavanaugh, and therefore should be released to get the rest of America to get behind Kavanaugh.
I might be getting a bit cynical but politicians would generally clamber over their dead grandparents to get good news out there.

It looks like Kav has gone quiet about getting it all out in the open with regard to this. And the right is now passionately mounting a defence of their right not to know. Fucking hypocrites.

Would you like your personal life laid open to the world, Tommy?
Wow. No I did not. YOu are reading into my sentence shit I did not write, nor mean.

I challenge you to explain how what I wrote meant anything like what you said, crazy pants.

Do you mind if I call you crazy pants?

It's a sad state when someone can't even stand up for what they said.

Real integrity you have there.

I challenged you to explain how what I wrote, meant anything like what you said.

ANd instead you attack me personally.

Standard lib response to being called on his bullshit.

You lose, loser. Oh, and you won't try to meet that challenge in your next response either, because you know you can't.
Sounds like he is afraid it will be full of utter shit and not want to smear the poor guy anymore than has already been done.
This is to me your premise. Do I have a reason to read it any other way?

So. what part of that says, in your mind, that the FBI manufactured, the "shit" in question?
I highlighted it. "Full of utter shit",to me means untrue in this context. Since the FBI is making the report, this means you suggest the FBI will put lies in its report. I can't make it clearer than that.
"Full of utter shit" means 'Full of utter shit' a synonym would be 'untrue'

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