Kavanaugh Official Merge for Oct 2nd, 2018

Given the circumstances, did the judge show admirable restraint?

  • Yes

  • No

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Why are you folks starting threads on the one accuser who no one believes and so far as I know all the investigators are ignoring?
So you can by association smear the rest as unbelievable.

Not one accusation can be coorberated, or verifed, and the witnesses claimed to be witnesses all contradict the Opportunistic Leftist Whores in every way. This was a political hit job, and you know it. And You should not Defend It, but you do. Shameful

The Fact Michael Avenatti is involved should have tipped you off. Joe Biden's attorney is involved. Andrew McCabe's attorney is involved, and a George Soros Social Justice Warrior FemiNazi is involved and so is Hillary Clinton.
Victim blaming at it's finest!

What was Ms. Ford doing going to a bacchanal with the intent of getting drunk with young men? Grooming her virginity? Like I said, I've been to parties in that day and age and the girls who showed up weren't wearing white pinafores and chastity belts.
Yup. Anything that speaks badly about his beloved party MUST be fabricated.

No one said anything like that. Try to be less dishonest.
You did see the question mark didn't you? That's how I read it, if it isn't what you meant clarify it.

The report is likely to be full of unreliable and/or personal information that should not be released.

Again....................you don't know what is in the report, because it hasn't been completed yet, and you probably won't see it because McConnell has said that only Senators will be able to read it.

All you have is your political bias to assume it might be biased against Kavanaugh.

Nothing I said, supports what you said.
I don't know what you two are bickering about. the dems are done with this one. they have absolutely no input to change anything. just remember that. let these loser lefts lose some more.
Wow. A whole new low benchmark. Not finishing a sexual assault with rape = "admirable restraint".

I hope someone does this to your daughter, Silhouette, and you give him a medal for his "admirable restraint".
If my daughter went to a drunk fest with young men getting drunk and one of them fondled her and then restrained himself from raping her while they both were drunk, I'd consider her lucky. I'd counsel her not to go back to those types of parties ever if she wished to remain safe. The question is, what was Ms. Ford doing at a party like that if a guy making heavy moves on her was something she'd anticipate would traumatize her to the point of ruining the guy's career 30 years later?
Do you drink Beer?

Shame on you.

Drink Vodka.

Like Hillary Clinton did when she drank John McCain under the table in a Vodka Shots drinking contest!
Wow. No I did not. YOu are reading into my sentence shit I did not write, nor mean.

I challenge you to explain how what I wrote meant anything like what you said, crazy pants.

Do you mind if I call you crazy pants?

It's a sad state when someone can't even stand up for what they said.

Real integrity you have there.

I challenged you to explain how what I wrote, meant anything like what you said.

ANd instead you attack me personally.

Standard lib response to being called on his bullshit.

You lose, loser. Oh, and you won't try to meet that challenge in your next response either, because you know you can't.
Sounds like he is afraid it will be full of utter shit and not want to smear the poor guy anymore than has already been done.
This is to me your premise. Do I have a reason to read it any other way?

So. what part of that says, in your mind, that the FBI manufactured, the "shit" in question?
I highlighted it. "Full of utter shit",to me means untrue in this context. Since the FBI is making the report, this means you suggest the FBI will put lies in its report. I can't make it clearer than that.

NO, it doesn't.

The fbi will go and talk to a lot of people about a lot of stuff that may or may not have happened a long time ago.

They will tell tales, some of which are likely to be bullshit, either completely wrong, or completely irrelevant, yet embarrassing.

This seemed very obvious to me, to the point, I did not spell it out.

It was you libs, that injected accusing the FBI of lying.
"GOP must insist on full testimony from Julie Swetnik, 12 hours straight, Pay per View.

Only one restraining order? Is that all? Julie Swetnik threatened to kill only one boyfriend & unborn baby? Let’s set up a hotline.

To confirm Kavanaugh quickly, we need to quickly set up the Swetnik channel. We’ll give you Swetnik 24 hours a day.

Surely Swetnik attorney Michael Avenatti hasn’t scraped the bottom of the barrel. We want more scrapings from his barrel!

When Judge Kavanaugh is sworn in, he should invite Julie Swetnik ... without whom, this would not have been possible.

We’re all set for the midterms: GOP has Kavanaugh; Democrats have Swetnik.

Hey, MSNBC! We want more Swetnik! Swet-NIK! Swet-NIK! Swet-NIK!" - Coulter
she merely validates the rights accusation of dems delay only and nothing about sexual abuse.
Inspired here: So here's what I think happened between Kavanaugh & Ford


But I think it was more than just a dry hump for fun

He tried to remove her clothes but she had a bathing suit on underneath and he gave up
Did she fight him off hard? Or was she drunk too and giggling/play pushing him off of her?

I've seen many drunk girls at parties in the 1980s. I can tell you that a girl going to a party with the intent of getting drunk around a bunch of horny young guys also getting drunk KNOWS the situation she's willingly walking into. Ladies, don't go to bawdy parties with horny young guys getting drunk, get drunk yourself, and then not anticipate some "rubbing up against you" or serious efforts to get into your panties.

Why is nobody talking about how the judge stopped undressing the girl and walked away instead of actually raping her? He showed restraint while young and drunk with a young drunk girl in front of him who came to the party with an inkling that horny young drunk men would be there attentive to her sexual attractiveness?

Come here, come here come here....get away, get away, get away...come here come here come here... etc.

So did he show restraint by stopping, drunk, young, male and horny with a drunk party girl in front of him? Discuss
you OBVIOUSLY did not hear her testimony or read her letter.

FYI You should watch it and read her letter, before you continue to make comments... because all of your questions and speculations are simply off base, and answered already in her testimony
Yup. Anything that speaks badly about his beloved party MUST be fabricated.

No one said anything like that. Try to be less dishonest.
You did see the question mark didn't you? That's how I read it, if it isn't what you meant clarify it.

The report is likely to be full of unreliable and/or personal information that should not be released.
-How do you asses something as unreliable if you don't even know what that something is?
-What do you consider personal information in this context?

1. If you have no way of verifying it, it is unreliable.

2. First thing that came to my mind, was getting a blow job, from a woman that turned out to be a man. Something like that could come up. It would be very embarrassing, the vile dems could use it against him, and it is utterly irrelevant.
-Isn't the whole point of this exercise, verification? You are assuming without ANY information to go on, that the information is unverified. Furthermore if 20 people (hypothetical number) say the same thing, stuff isn't completely verified BUT you can asses the likelihood that all 20 people are wrong as low.
-Pretty weird example to give. I highly doubt an anecdote like that would make it in the report. Drinking habits probably would. Since the claims speak to him assaulting woman while drunk. Assessing how much he drank and how he acted when being inebriated becomes relevant.
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It's a sad state when someone can't even stand up for what they said.

Real integrity you have there.

I challenged you to explain how what I wrote, meant anything like what you said.

ANd instead you attack me personally.

Standard lib response to being called on his bullshit.

You lose, loser. Oh, and you won't try to meet that challenge in your next response either, because you know you can't.
Sounds like he is afraid it will be full of utter shit and not want to smear the poor guy anymore than has already been done.
This is to me your premise. Do I have a reason to read it any other way?

So. what part of that says, in your mind, that the FBI manufactured, the "shit" in question?
I highlighted it. "Full of utter shit",to me means untrue in this context. Since the FBI is making the report, this means you suggest the FBI will put lies in its report. I can't make it clearer than that.

NO, it doesn't.

The fbi will go and talk to a lot of people about a lot of stuff that may or may not have happened a long time ago.

They will tell tales, some of which are likely to be bullshit, either completely wrong, or completely irrelevant, yet embarrassing.

This seemed very obvious to me, to the point, I did not spell it out.

It was you libs, that injected accusing the FBI of lying.
the fbi makes no judgement. only the senate can. fk I wish the left would learn this.
No, it doesn't. It sounds like it could be full of utterly unreliable and/or personal shit that has zero relevance.

That is your opinion, based on your political views. You don't know what is in it, so you are automatically assuming it is against Kavanaugh, but if it was favorable or unbiased, it would be in favor of Kavanaugh, and therefore should be released to get the rest of America to get behind Kavanaugh.

I assumed no such thing.

Actually, you kinda did. If people were to hit the "click to expand" button to see the whole conversation, they would see the same thing that RDD1210 and I have said...................that you are assuming that the report is unfavorable to Kavanaugh when nobody knows what is in it.

No, I assume that it will have unreliable and/or personal shit in there that is no one's business.
You mean stuff he didnt reveal when under oath ?

What the fuck are you talking about?
No one said anything like that. Try to be less dishonest.
You did see the question mark didn't you? That's how I read it, if it isn't what you meant clarify it.

The report is likely to be full of unreliable and/or personal information that should not be released.
-How do you asses something as unreliable if you don't even know what that something is?
-What do you consider personal information in this context?

1. If you have no way of verifying it, it is unreliable.

2. First thing that came to my mind, was getting a blow job, from a woman that turned out to be a man. Something like that could come up. It would be very embarrassing, the vile dems could use it against him, and it is utterly irrelevant.
-Isn't the whole point of this exercise, verification? You are assuming without ANY information to go on, that the information is unverified. Furthermore if 20 people (hypothetical number) say the same thing, stuff isn't completely verified BUT you can asses the unlikelihood that all 20 people are wrong as low.
-Pretty weird example to give. I highly doubt an anecdote like that would make it in the report. Drinking habits probably would. Since the claims speak to him assaulting woman while drunk. Assessing how much he drank and how he acted when being inebriated becomes relevant.
russia russia sound familiar hypocrite?
Translation: She was asking for it! :rolleyes:
Sorry dude - she had one beer.

What was she doing at a party that she knew beforehand would be teeming with multiple young horny men who were definitely intending on drinking way more than one beer? Looking for a safe space for her virginity? Please. How old was she? 17? In the 1980s? Let me guess, "she had no idea it was going to be like that!". Good lord. Every kid over the age of 14 back then knew the word "PARTY!" mean a snowstorm of cocaine, a fog of pot smoke and a deluge of alcohol all flowing through the veins of "free love 1960s & 70s influenced" young bucks.

Oh my goodness! I went to a party in the 1980s and there were drunk young men wanting down my panties! My stars! Well I never!
Sounds like he is afraid it will be full of utter shit and not want to smear the poor guy anymore than has already been done.

Actually, it sounds more like it has damning evidence in it showing why Kavanaugh shouldn't be a SC justice. If it is helpful towards getting Kavanaugh confirmed, they would have already released it.

No, it doesn't. It sounds like it could be full of utterly unreliable and/or personal shit that has zero relevance.

That is your opinion, based on your political views. You don't know what is in it, so you are automatically assuming it is against Kavanaugh, but if it was favorable or unbiased, it would be in favor of Kavanaugh, and therefore should be released to get the rest of America to get behind Kavanaugh.
I might be getting a bit cynical but politicians would generally clamber over their dead grandparents to get good news out there.

It looks like Kav has gone quiet about getting it all out in the open with regard to this. And the right is now passionately mounting a defence of their right not to know. Fucking hypocrites.

Would you like your personal life laid open to the world, Tommy?

I would be astonished if anyone had any interest in it.

But to take your point, there is stuff I look back on and think I could have done it differently. I have had a few beers,swapped a few punches and had a few rows I regret.

But I have never claimed to be an angel, or lied about it to the nation.

The thing is that I think the US would forgive him getting drunk in his teens and making a fool of himself if he had been upfront about it. The attempted rape is another matter.
Is there really a picture of them together at a wedding?

And are they doing the 'Chicken Dance'?


LMAO....is there anybody better at making liberals look st00pid as fncceo??!!:springbed::springbed:
Sounds like he is afraid it will be full of utter shit and not want to smear the poor guy anymore than has already been done.

Actually, it sounds more like it has damning evidence in it showing why Kavanaugh shouldn't be a SC justice. If it is helpful towards getting Kavanaugh confirmed, they would have already released it.

No, it doesn't. It sounds like it could be full of utterly unreliable and/or personal shit that has zero relevance.

That is your opinion, based on your political views. You don't know what is in it, so you are automatically assuming it is against Kavanaugh, but if it was favorable or unbiased, it would be in favor of Kavanaugh, and therefore should be released to get the rest of America to get behind Kavanaugh.
I might be getting a bit cynical but politicians would generally clamber over their dead grandparents to get good news out there.

It looks like Kav has gone quiet about getting it all out in the open with regard to this. And the right is now passionately mounting a defence of their right not to know. Fucking hypocrites.

Would you like your personal life laid open to the world, Tommy?
If opening up my personal life exonerates me from the accusation of a crime I would applaud it.
Actually, it sounds more like it has damning evidence in it showing why Kavanaugh shouldn't be a SC justice. If it is helpful towards getting Kavanaugh confirmed, they would have already released it.

No, it doesn't. It sounds like it could be full of utterly unreliable and/or personal shit that has zero relevance.

That is your opinion, based on your political views. You don't know what is in it, so you are automatically assuming it is against Kavanaugh, but if it was favorable or unbiased, it would be in favor of Kavanaugh, and therefore should be released to get the rest of America to get behind Kavanaugh.
I might be getting a bit cynical but politicians would generally clamber over their dead grandparents to get good news out there.

It looks like Kav has gone quiet about getting it all out in the open with regard to this. And the right is now passionately mounting a defence of their right not to know. Fucking hypocrites.

Would you like your personal life laid open to the world, Tommy?

I would be astonished if anyone had any interest in it.

But to take your point, there is stuff I look back on and think I could have done it differently. I have had a few beers,swapped a few punches and had a few rows I regret.

But I have never claimed to be an angel, or lied about it to the nation.

The thing is that I think the US would forgive him getting drunk in his teens and making a fool of himself if he had been upfront about it. The attempted rape is another matter.

Actually, yeah. If he had been upfront about it, it would have been quite a bit different, and maybe he would already be sitting on the SC.

I know that for the first part of my career, I was one of those people who liked to party a bit much. It got me in trouble, I paid the price for it, and then I got my shit together and was a water walker for the last half of my military career. Whenever officers asked me about it during welcome aboard briefings, I answered them honestly about what I had been like before, but would tell them that I got my shit together and now have turned over a new leaf. They would look at the record of what I'd done before via my evaluations, but would also see what I had become.

If Kavanaugh had simply said that he'd been a bit of a party animal in HS, but then straightened up in college, he would have skated through this whole thing.

But no..................he first tried to tell us that all he did in HS was work out, study and go to church, trying to paint himself as a choir boy. Then, in a later interview, he admitted to REALLY liking beer and drinking.

Trump even made fun of Kavanaugh for that statement today. He said that he's never drank alcohol, but imagine what he'd be like today if he did.
You literally just that. You don't even know what you wrote?

Wow. No I did not. YOu are reading into my sentence shit I did not write, nor mean.

I challenge you to explain how what I wrote meant anything like what you said, crazy pants.

Do you mind if I call you crazy pants?

It's a sad state when someone can't even stand up for what they said.

Real integrity you have there.

I challenged you to explain how what I wrote, meant anything like what you said.

ANd instead you attack me personally.

Standard lib response to being called on his bullshit.

You lose, loser. Oh, and you won't try to meet that challenge in your next response either, because you know you can't.

It's pretty clear that you are beneath me. You are a Trump supporter and are pro-rape. I don't associate with people who are pro-rape.

And as I predicted you are still unable to support your misrepresentation of what I said.

All you have, is more personal attacks.

You are a troll.

You lose, loser.

You want the full report released because you want to go though it, looking for anything that can be used to further attack the man, regardless of whether it is verified, or actually relevant.

I want the full report because I want all the facts to make an informed decision.

Novel concept to someone who has already decided that the report will have bad information.

But what do you expect from someone who is pro-rape.

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