Keep ICE, Disband The FBI

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Since the Bureau came into being, they've shown little regard for truth, justice, or the American way. Hoover was little more than a blackmailer who's agents laid traps for gangsters and executed them...from Dillinger, to Bonny & Clyde, to the "Move" house in Philly (they firebombed them), the Waco massacre, Ruby Ridge, and on and on. They raided Paul Manafort's home with guns drawn as if he were Al Capone with his wife standing there terrified in her nightgown on tax evasion charges. Of further concern are their escalating methods of getting warrants on political targets. Leak something to the press, wait until the story appears, and find a judge who will believe the story is corroborating evidence. Or how about contacting Carter Page, telling him a tale about a Russian in the Trump campaign, later getting him liquored up enough to repeat the claim, and then targeting him with a FISA warrant? The culture already swallowed Christopher Wray. Watch how bored and arrogant he responds to Congressional asks for another two years, he could well do a Comey on a presidential candidate. Enough is enough...there's no place for a secret police in our society and the Bureau could easily be absorbed into DHS.

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All 17 intelligence agencies need a MAJOR housecleaning and realignment. I believe this will be a priority next year. We cannot continue as the world number one superpower with corrupted, misguided intelligence agencies.
All 17 intelligence agencies need a MAJOR housecleaning and realignment. I believe this will be a priority next year. We cannot continue as the world number one superpower with corrupted, misguided intelligence agencies.

Even after a pig like Brennan, the CIA is useful in combating terrorism and since it's against their charter to conduct domestic surveillance, they'll be fine, especially with Gina being the new Director. The FBI is an entirely different kettle of fish....they've lost all credibility and no longer deserve our respect or tax dollars.
All 17 intelligence agencies need a MAJOR housecleaning and realignment. I believe this will be a priority next year. We cannot continue as the world number one superpower with corrupted, misguided intelligence agencies.

Even after a pig like Brennan, the CIA is useful in combating terrorism and since it's against their charter to conduct domestic surveillance, they'll be fine, especially with Gina being the new Director. The FBI is an entirely different kettle of fish....they've lost all credibility and no longer deserve our respect or tax dollars.

Tom I agree that the FBI is clearly worse than the CIA. I was pointing to the larger issue of a massive bloated intelligence community that was largely created after 9-11. This is a good article about it. We need to clean house and downsize. And as part of that shakeout reorg or eliminate the FBI if it is deemed beyond repair.

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