Kelly Responds To Trump


Liminal belligerently bellowed:

Bullshit poll. How can anyone have any respect for a cowardly dilettante draft dodger like Trump.

Oh....for sure...really, clearly your opinion means far more than any poll taken of military personnel and vets.

Too bad for Trump that he's just too fucking stupid to control his mouth.

Substitute the name Obama for Trump, then your statement will be true.
What I find so amusing is how so many here who were so upset with the media for being soft on Obama in 2008 and beyond and justifiably so I might add are going into hysterics overdrive over Kelly asking Trump a tough question. If we have now reached the point where we can't handle the candidates we support getting tough questions and only want that for the other side then I'm sorry to say this nation is truly fucked.

Wrong. These idiotic questions she served up to him were strictly a hit job.

And bloody well everyone knows it including other media. Many left wing outlets love the fact that she turned the "debate" into the Megyn Kelly show.

She was going strictly for points. And it wasn't that Trump got screwed over. Every other candidate on that stage got screwed over as well.

The FOX MOD SQUAD sucked all the air out of the room.

One third, count that one third of the time that was allotted was sucked up by these moderators.

That's why this so called debate was just a fiasco.
The war on women theme was one of the main Democrat attack points against Romney in 2012 and that was based primarily on his binders full of women comment. It's naive to believe they won't use it again in 2016 if Trump by some chance should be the Republican nominee every outlandish, insulting, and over the top comment he has ever made especially about women will be put fourth as more examples of the Republican war on women and if he deals with that the same way he did this you will get Obamas third term in the person of Hillary Clinton.

First off the public understands that Trump is an gender neutral equal opportunity basher. And he is admired for that. He goes after anyone who messes with him.

As his female chair in Iowa put it "you mess with the bull, you get the horns".

Kelly was grandstanding her ass off and that is why there's been such a backlash against her.

One of the reasons Ailes had to call Trump to clear the situation up. It was clear she wanted to be the star of the show at the expense of the candidates.

She should never be allowed near another debate.
What Fox did to Trump was still underhanded.

Trump firing at it in no way lessens what they did.
My response to Murdock:

The debate team's behavior was way out of line. I learned very little about the candidates.but instead learned that Megan Kelly, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace had a pre-planned agenda to destroy Trump.
I am not a supporter of Trump but interested in the process of the nomination. With your approval, the process was broken, liken it to MSNBC. and their manipulation of news.
And now you don't have the decency to apologize to viewers, but get your cash cow back to the studio. Trump should have refused or at least demanded an apology to voters across the nation.
I was an avid viewer, but will get my news from Drudge. I can trust them.

I wanted to bazooka barf today when I was reading what other network executives were saying about "the star of the show".

How wrong can this be?

A powerful female network exec said Kelly 'really hit Donald Trump where it hurts'

This is how network execs actually believe a debate should be moderated? Aye carumba.

That their moderators are to go out to decimate candidates and score points for hurting them?

This has me spitting bullets. I'm fuming away.

My network would kill in a New York minute to have Megyn Kelly anchor the evening news The laser-sharp blonde is clear winner in Republican debate as top TV execs scramble to lure her away from Fox Daily Mail Online
What I find so amusing is how so many here who were so upset with the media for being soft on Obama in 2008 and beyond and justifiably so I might add are going into hysterics overdrive over Kelly asking Trump a tough question. If we have now reached the point where we can't handle the candidates we support getting tough questions and only want that for the other side then I'm sorry to say this nation is truly fucked.

Wrong. These idiotic questions she served up to him were strictly a hit job.

And bloody well everyone knows it including other media. Many left wing outlets love the fact that she turned the "debate" into the Megyn Kelly show.

She was going strictly for points. And it wasn't that Trump got screwed over. Every other candidate on that stage got screwed over as well.

The FOX MOD SQUAD sucked all the air out of the room.

One third, count that one third of the time that was allotted was sucked up by these moderators.

That's why this so called debate was just a fiasco.
The war on women theme was one of the main Democrat attack points against Romney in 2012 and that was based primarily on his binders full of women comment. It's naive to believe they won't use it again in 2016 if Trump by some chance should be the Republican nominee every outlandish, insulting, and over the top comment he has ever made especially about women will be put fourth as more examples of the Republican war on women and if he deals with that the same way he did this you will get Obamas third term in the person of Hillary Clinton.

First off the public understands that Trump is an gender neutral equal opportunity basher. And he is admired for that. He goes after anyone who messes with him.

As his female chair in Iowa put it "you mess with the bull, you get the horns".

Kelly was grandstanding her ass off and that is why there's been such a backlash against her.

One of the reasons Ailes had to call Trump to clear the situation up. It was clear she wanted to be the star of the show at the expense of the candidates.

She should never be allowed near another debate.
How long do you suppose Trump has been sucking Bill Clinton's cock?
What Fox did to Trump was still underhanded.

Trump firing at it in no way lessens what they did.
My response to Murdock:

The debate team's behavior was way out of line. I learned very little about the candidates.but instead learned that Megan Kelly, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace had a pre-planned agenda to destroy Trump.
I am not a supporter of Trump but interested in the process of the nomination. With your approval, the process was broken, liken it to MSNBC. and their manipulation of news.
And now you don't have the decency to apologize to viewers, but get your cash cow back to the studio. Trump should have refused or at least demanded an apology to voters across the nation.
I was an avid viewer, but will get my news from Drudge. I can trust them.

I wanted to bazooka barf today when I was reading what other network executives were saying about "the star of the show".

How wrong can this be?

A powerful female network exec said Kelly 'really hit Donald Trump where it hurts'

This is how network execs actually believe a debate should be moderated? Aye carumba.

That their moderators are to go out to decimate candidates and score points for hurting them?

This has me spitting bullets. I'm fuming away.

My network would kill in a New York minute to have Megyn Kelly anchor the evening news The laser-sharp blonde is clear winner in Republican debate as top TV execs scramble to lure her away from Fox Daily Mail Online
Holy Cow, I didn't hear those things...that makes me mad, too. No moderator is supposed to be the "Star of the Show." the candidates are!

I'm getting fed up with some women who get insulted so easily! Get some balls, ladies! Toughen up! Look to see what a candidate has to offer and forget about your whiny feminism.

We know Fox news got hurt big time. Ailes called Trump to ask him back to Fox. He didn't deal very hard though, I think he should have demanded an apology from Kelly.
What I find so amusing is how so many here who were so upset with the media for being soft on Obama in 2008 and beyond and justifiably so I might add are going into hysterics overdrive over Kelly asking Trump a tough question. If we have now reached the point where we can't handle the candidates we support getting tough questions and only want that for the other side then I'm sorry to say this nation is truly fucked.

Wrong. These idiotic questions she served up to him were strictly a hit job.

And bloody well everyone knows it including other media. Many left wing outlets love the fact that she turned the "debate" into the Megyn Kelly show.

She was going strictly for points. And it wasn't that Trump got screwed over. Every other candidate on that stage got screwed over as well.

The FOX MOD SQUAD sucked all the air out of the room.

One third, count that one third of the time that was allotted was sucked up by these moderators.

That's why this so called debate was just a fiasco.
The war on women theme was one of the main Democrat attack points against Romney in 2012 and that was based primarily on his binders full of women comment. It's naive to believe they won't use it again in 2016 if Trump by some chance should be the Republican nominee every outlandish, insulting, and over the top comment he has ever made especially about women will be put fourth as more examples of the Republican war on women and if he deals with that the same way he did this you will get Obamas third term in the person of Hillary Clinton.

First off the public understands that Trump is an gender neutral equal opportunity basher. And he is admired for that. He goes after anyone who messes with him.

As his female chair in Iowa put it "you mess with the bull, you get the horns".

Kelly was grandstanding her ass off and that is why there's been such a backlash against her.

One of the reasons Ailes had to call Trump to clear the situation up. It was clear she wanted to be the star of the show at the expense of the candidates.

She should never be allowed near another debate.
How long do you suppose Trump has been sucking Bill Clinton's cock?
You know there other political boards you can go to.
What I find so amusing is how so many here who were so upset with the media for being soft on Obama in 2008 and beyond and justifiably so I might add are going into hysterics overdrive over Kelly asking Trump a tough question. If we have now reached the point where we can't handle the candidates we support getting tough questions and only want that for the other side then I'm sorry to say this nation is truly fucked.

Wrong. These idiotic questions she served up to him were strictly a hit job.

And bloody well everyone knows it including other media. Many left wing outlets love the fact that she turned the "debate" into the Megyn Kelly show.

She was going strictly for points. And it wasn't that Trump got screwed over. Every other candidate on that stage got screwed over as well.

The FOX MOD SQUAD sucked all the air out of the room.

One third, count that one third of the time that was allotted was sucked up by these moderators.

That's why this so called debate was just a fiasco.
The war on women theme was one of the main Democrat attack points against Romney in 2012 and that was based primarily on his binders full of women comment. It's naive to believe they won't use it again in 2016 if Trump by some chance should be the Republican nominee every outlandish, insulting, and over the top comment he has ever made especially about women will be put fourth as more examples of the Republican war on women and if he deals with that the same way he did this you will get Obamas third term in the person of Hillary Clinton.

First off the public understands that Trump is an gender neutral equal opportunity basher. And he is admired for that. He goes after anyone who messes with him.

As his female chair in Iowa put it "you mess with the bull, you get the horns".

Kelly was grandstanding her ass off and that is why there's been such a backlash against her.

One of the reasons Ailes had to call Trump to clear the situation up. It was clear she wanted to be the star of the show at the expense of the candidates.

She should never be allowed near another debate.
How long do you suppose Trump has been sucking Bill Clinton's cock?
You know there other political boards you can go to.
Are they one's where people don't cry about how much FOX News is picking on poor little Donnie Trump?
I like Trump because he's not a puppet for our corrupt media and political sides.

Trump answers to Trump.
And while that doesn't automatically make him an awesome person, it gives you reason to think he's not just another puppet dangling on someone else's strings.
And while that doesn't automatically make him an awesome person, it gives you reason to think he's not just another puppet dangling on someone else's strings.
Anyone who ever gave even tacit support for birther conspiracy theories is automatically disqualified for higher office.
And while that doesn't automatically make him an awesome person, it gives you reason to think he's not just another puppet dangling on someone else's strings.
Anyone who ever gave even tacit support for birther conspiracy theories is automatically disqualified for higher office.

Could I see your lengthy list regarding all things that disqualify people from higher office? I'm expecting long lists regarding both the Right and the Left.
And while that doesn't automatically make him an awesome person, it gives you reason to think he's not just another puppet dangling on someone else's strings.
Anyone who ever gave even tacit support for birther conspiracy theories is automatically disqualified for higher office.

Could I see your lengthy list regarding all things that disqualify people from higher office? I'm expecting long lists regarding both the Right and the Left.
Trump has been one of the most visible proponents of birther conspiracy theories, that's about as much as anyone needs to know. Birthers are all completely dishonest.
Putin would make Trump piss his pants.


Yeah, unlike our closet gay Community Organizer.

Megyn Kelly made Trump cry like a little girl.

LOL, in your dream world
Same as when his draft notice came.

Who? Joe 5 deferments Biden?
don't seem to remember CrusaderFrank bringing up "better things to do" Cheney's deferments :eusa_think:

Yeah, unlike our closet gay Community Organizer.

Megyn Kelly made Trump cry like a little girl.

LOL, in your dream world
Same as when his draft notice came.

Who? Joe 5 deferments Biden?
don't seem to remember CrusaderFrank bringing up "better things to do" Cheney's deferments :eusa_think:

Not sure how many times I have to mention my absolute disdain for the Bush Crime Family. If Dante were still assigning seats to the Inferno, the Bush's would be down in the 9th circle along with the rest of the traitors
What Fox did to Trump was still underhanded.

Trump firing at it in no way lessens what they did.
My response to Murdock:

The debate team's behavior was way out of line. I learned very little about the candidates.but instead learned that Megan Kelly, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace had a pre-planned agenda to destroy Trump.
I am not a supporter of Trump but interested in the process of the nomination. With your approval, the process was broken, liken it to MSNBC. and their manipulation of news.
And now you don't have the decency to apologize to viewers, but get your cash cow back to the studio. Trump should have refused or at least demanded an apology to voters across the nation.
I was an avid viewer, but will get my news from Drudge. I can trust them.
you spelled BOTH names incorrectly. :eusa_doh:

Why should anyone here take you seriously concerning Trump's misogyny again? :eusa_eh:
He goes after anyone who messes with him.

Yes, he's a bully. He can't take the heat, so when his incompetence leaves him on the short end of the performance stick in fair competition, he gets nasty behaves like the trailer trash that he is.

Liminal belligerently bellowed:

Bullshit poll. How can anyone have any respect for a cowardly dilettante draft dodger like Trump.

Oh....for sure...really, clearly your opinion means far more than any poll taken of military personnel and vets.

Too bad for Trump that he's just too fucking stupid to control his mouth.

Substitute the name Obama for Trump, then your statement will be true.
Just substitute the name Birther for Trump Follower.
And while that doesn't automatically make him an awesome person, it gives you reason to think he's not just another puppet dangling on someone else's strings.

No, he's the one who pulls the strings. You really think you'll get a different dance by putting the puppeteer on the stage instead of the puppet?

Why are humans so fucking stupid?
And while that doesn't automatically make him an awesome person, it gives you reason to think he's not just another puppet dangling on someone else's strings.

No, he's the one who pulls the strings. You really think you'll get a different dance by putting the puppeteer on the stage instead of the puppet?

Why are humans so fucking stupid?

So then obviously the solution must be to elect Donald Trump, arguably one of the stupidest men in America.
And while that doesn't automatically make him an awesome person, it gives you reason to think he's not just another puppet dangling on someone else's strings.

No, he's the one who pulls the strings. You really think you'll get a different dance by putting the puppeteer on the stage instead of the puppet?

Why are humans so fucking stupid?

So then obviously the solution must be to elect Donald Trump, arguably one of the stupidest men in America.

No, I think a better solution would be to elect Kasich. He seems to be the most intelligent and level headed person, and has impeccable credentials.

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