Kelly Responds To Trump

What I find so amusing is how so many here who were so upset with the media for being soft on Obama in 2008 and beyond and justifiably so I might add are going into hysterics overdrive over Kelly asking Trump a tough question. If we have now reached the point where we can't handle the candidates we support getting tough questions and only want that for the other side then I'm sorry to say this nation is truly fucked.

Exactly. This is the man who may have to face down Vladimir Putin in 2017, and he can't take a tough question from a female news anchor without people losing their shit. Putin has had people killed.Some allege (idiotically) that the Clintons have as well. Is Trump really the tough guy here?
Putin would make Trump piss his pants.


Yeah, unlike our closet gay Community Organizer.

Megyn Kelly made Trump cry like a little girl.

LOL, in your dream world
Same as when his draft notice came.
Putin would make Trump piss his pants.


Yeah, unlike our closet gay Community Organizer.

Megyn Kelly made Trump cry like a little girl.

LOL, in your dream world

But it's true.

"I'm used to running reality shows and beauty pageants. Now I'm only trying to become the leader of the most powerful country in the world. How dare you ask me one tough question I don't approve of."

Yeah, that was his Obama moment

What does the discussion have to do with Obama? Deflecting from his idiocy much?
Tiny Dancer, FOX executives could be behind the news for job offers elsewhere for Meghan Kelly. If she causes their ratings to drop too low - they can always call in a favor to have someone else "lure her away" and get her out of there. It looks like there are a lot of complaints coming in over her targeting Trump at the debate. See this article -

Chaos In The GOP As 10 000 Call For Fox s Megyn Kelly To Be Banned From Debates

Does it not occur to you how incredibly stupid you sound? You seriously believe that if Kelly causes Fox to lose ratings and viewership that a competitor will do Fox a "favor" by bringing her on board, just so they can absorb the losses for Fox?

I think you should design your survey to reflect the fact that Trump's primary constituency consists of people who sat in the back of the class when they were children.

There was a survey on USMB today and 62.5% of the members felt Meghan Kelly was more offensive in her behavior than Trump. Only 37.5% thought Trump was more offensive.
That would be great news for Trump if Kelly were running for President. She makes Trump look like a petty buffoon.

God save us from such a day.
What I find so amusing is how so many here who were so upset with the media for being soft on Obama in 2008 and beyond and justifiably so I might add are going into hysterics overdrive over Kelly asking Trump a tough question. If we have now reached the point where we can't handle the candidates we support getting tough questions and only want that for the other side then I'm sorry to say this nation is truly fucked.
Trump can't handle any challenge where he doesn't control all the conditions.

Obviously Fox News can't either and therein is the trouble. They should not be permitted to do any more debates. Let some other news media source do them. One that is capable of being fair and balanced.
Tiny Dancer, FOX executives could be behind the news for job offers elsewhere for Meghan Kelly. If she causes their ratings to drop too low - they can always call in a favor to have someone else "lure her away" and get her out of there. It looks like there are a lot of complaints coming in over her targeting Trump at the debate. See this article -

Chaos In The GOP As 10 000 Call For Fox s Megyn Kelly To Be Banned From Debates

Does it not occur to you how incredibly stupid you sound? You seriously believe that if Kelly causes Fox to lose ratings and viewership that a competitor will do Fox a "favor" by bringing her on board, just so they can absorb the losses for Fox?

I think you should design your survey to reflect the fact that Trump's primary constituency consists of people who sat in the back of the class when they were children.

There was a survey on USMB today and 62.5% of the members felt Meghan Kelly was more offensive in her behavior than Trump. Only 37.5% thought Trump was more offensive.

Yeah, because USMB is a representative sample of the American population.
Exactly. This is the man who may have to face down Vladimir Putin in 2017, and he can't take a tough question from a female news anchor without people losing their shit. Putin has had people killed.Some allege (idiotically) that the Clintons have as well. Is Trump really the tough guy here?
Putin would make Trump piss his pants.


Yeah, unlike our closet gay Community Organizer.

Megyn Kelly made Trump cry like a little girl.

LOL, in your dream world
Same as when his draft notice came.

Who? Joe 5 deferments Biden?
I just watched the video. Poor Megyn Kelly, she thinks she's doing the news. o_O
Poor birther idiot Trump followers, they think he's running for President.

Hillary Clinton was the original birther. Does that mean all of her followers are also idiots?
Clinton supporters are misguided, Trump followers are idiots.

Trump supporters are not idiots, they're frustrated and angry. They're sick and tired of establishment sellout trash lying to their faces to win their votes, then stab them in the back after they get elected.

One of the things they like about Trump,is they feel he getting even with the establishment for all the lying and betrayal it has cast upon the conservative voting base.

Make no mistake about it, a big portion of Trump's popularity has to do with a frustrated and angry voting base getting great satisfaction in seeing the establishment gettin what it deserves.
So they vent their frustration through the least eloquent, most undignified, incredibly shallow spokesman available. Couldn't they do better?

I agree with your assessment of Trump, but the man is far from shallow. to answer your question of "couldn't they do better?" If better was available, they'd rally behind him or her. So, I ask you: who is doing more to attack and expose the establishment GOP and its networks? Nobody! As much as I like Rand Paul, he is not taking it to the establishment like Trump is.
What I find so amusing is how so many here who were so upset with the media for being soft on Obama in 2008 and beyond and justifiably so I might add are going into hysterics overdrive over Kelly asking Trump a tough question. If we have now reached the point where we can't handle the candidates we support getting tough questions and only want that for the other side then I'm sorry to say this nation is truly fucked.

Wrong. These idiotic questions she served up to him were strictly a hit job.

And bloody well everyone knows it including other media. Many left wing outlets love the fact that she turned the "debate" into the Megyn Kelly show.

She was going strictly for points. And it wasn't that Trump got screwed over. Every other candidate on that stage got screwed over as well.

The FOX MOD SQUAD sucked all the air out of the room.

One third, count that one third of the time that was allotted was sucked up by these moderators.

That's why this so called debate was just a fiasco.
Tiny Dancer, FOX executives could be behind the news for job offers elsewhere for Meghan Kelly. If she causes their ratings to drop too low - they can always call in a favor to have someone else "lure her away" and get her out of there. It looks like there are a lot of complaints coming in over her targeting Trump at the debate. See this article -

Chaos In The GOP As 10 000 Call For Fox s Megyn Kelly To Be Banned From Debates

Does it not occur to you how incredibly stupid you sound? You seriously believe that if Kelly causes Fox to lose ratings and viewership that a competitor will do Fox a "favor" by bringing her on board, just so they can absorb the losses for Fox?

I think you should design your survey to reflect the fact that Trump's primary constituency consists of people who sat in the back of the class when they were children.

There was a survey on USMB today and 62.5% of the members felt Meghan Kelly was more offensive in her behavior than Trump. Only 37.5% thought Trump was more offensive.

Yeah, because USMB is a representative sample of the American population.

Of course we are. You do not believe that polls on USMB reflect the thoughts other Americans are having on the same issues? Of course they do! There is as much diversity on this board as on any other.
Putin would make Trump piss his pants.


Yeah, unlike our closet gay Community Organizer.

Megyn Kelly made Trump cry like a little girl.

LOL, in your dream world
Same as when his draft notice came.

Who? Joe 5 deferments Biden?
Biden didn't say stupid shit about combat veterans .
Tiny Dancer, FOX executives could be behind the news for job offers elsewhere for Meghan Kelly. If she causes their ratings to drop too low - they can always call in a favor to have someone else "lure her away" and get her out of there. It looks like there are a lot of complaints coming in over her targeting Trump at the debate. See this article -

Chaos In The GOP As 10 000 Call For Fox s Megyn Kelly To Be Banned From Debates

Does it not occur to you how incredibly stupid you sound? You seriously believe that if Kelly causes Fox to lose ratings and viewership that a competitor will do Fox a "favor" by bringing her on board, just so they can absorb the losses for Fox?

I think you should design your survey to reflect the fact that Trump's primary constituency consists of people who sat in the back of the class when they were children.

There was a survey on USMB today and 62.5% of the members felt Meghan Kelly was more offensive in her behavior than Trump. Only 37.5% thought Trump was more offensive.

Yeah, because USMB is a representative sample of the American population.

Of course we are. You do not believe that polls on USMB reflect the thoughts other Americans are having on the same issues? Of course they do! There is as much diversity on this board as on any other.


You really need to get out more often.
Did Obama serve or was he too busy eating dogs and fucking goats?


Yeah, unlike our closet gay Community Organizer.

Megyn Kelly made Trump cry like a little girl.

LOL, in your dream world
Same as when his draft notice came.

Who? Joe 5 deferments Biden?
Biden didn't say stupid shit about combat veterans .

The one subject Biden has yet to fuck up
Poor birther idiot Trump followers, they think he's running for President.

Hillary Clinton was the original birther. Does that mean all of her followers are also idiots?
Clinton supporters are misguided, Trump followers are idiots.

Trump supporters are not idiots, they're frustrated and angry. They're sick and tired of establishment sellout trash lying to their faces to win their votes, then stab them in the back after they get elected.

One of the things they like about Trump,is they feel he getting even with the establishment for all the lying and betrayal it has cast upon the conservative voting base.

Make no mistake about it, a big portion of Trump's popularity has to do with a frustrated and angry voting base getting great satisfaction in seeing the establishment gettin what it deserves.
So they vent their frustration through the least eloquent, most undignified, incredibly shallow spokesman available. Couldn't they do better?

I agree with your assessment of Trump, but the man is far from shallow. to answer your question of "couldn't they do better?" If better was available, they'd rally behind him or her. So, I ask you: who is doing more to attack and expose the establishment GOP and its networks? Nobody! As much as I like Rand Paul, he is not taking it to the establishment like Trump is.
If better were available? Are you serious? Public recognition is evidently more important to Americans than intelligence, integrity, honor, or honesty. The age of reality TV just happens to coincide with the rapid deterioration of American values and principles.
Does it not occur to you how incredibly stupid you sound? You seriously believe that if Kelly causes Fox to lose ratings and viewership that a competitor will do Fox a "favor" by bringing her on board, just so they can absorb the losses for Fox?

I think you should design your survey to reflect the fact that Trump's primary constituency consists of people who sat in the back of the class when they were children.

There was a survey on USMB today and 62.5% of the members felt Meghan Kelly was more offensive in her behavior than Trump. Only 37.5% thought Trump was more offensive.

Yeah, because USMB is a representative sample of the American population.

Of course we are. You do not believe that polls on USMB reflect the thoughts other Americans are having on the same issues? Of course they do! There is as much diversity on this board as on any other.


You really need to get out more often.

Liminal needs to stop cursing ( sorry I thought it was you) and you should not worry about how often I "get out". I am fine, thank you.

Good night.
Megyn Kelly shouldn't be allowed near any debate in the future.

Clearly she's playing for higher stakes. And everybody knows it.

She was supposed to be a moderator. NOT the star of the show. NOT to hit any candidate in the nuts and try to take him out. NOT to hit a candidate where it hurts.

Other media clearly knew her game and how she played it. Disgusting bitch this one.

"Of everyone running the political show, she had the most commanding voice and presence, and really hit Donald Trump where it hurts.

It was clear he was dumbfounded and shocked when she threw him that hardball question about all the negative things he has said about women over the years.

'It's clear Ms. Kelly was the star of the evening, and my news division would kill in a New York minute to have her anchoring the evening news and doing special reports. She's worth many millions a year.'

A rival cable news executive told Daily Mail Online: 'Megyn Kelly was definitely the star of the evening, and added a laser-sharp edge to what was a fairly tedious first debate.

'With her question about how Donald Trump has said mean-spirited words about women, such as Rosie O'Donnell, I was waiting for her to tell him "you're fired!"

'She out-Donalded Donald! We'd hire her in a second to be on our air. She's the IT girl of TV news. No doubt about it.'"

My network would kill in a New York minute to have Megyn Kelly anchor the evening news The laser-sharp blonde is clear winner in Republican debate as top TV execs scramble to lure her away from Fox Daily Mail Online
It's not the question she asked, it's the way she asked it. It was a rhetorical question with a misleading premise. She was accusing him of calling ALL women he didn't like "fat pigs", etc. She also forgot to mention that the people he has attacked (women OR men) attacked him first. She keeps trying to act like it was a "fair question" when it was not. Fox will lose a lot of viewers because of her unfair and unbalanced behavior in a presidential debate.

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