Kelly Responds To Trump


Yeah, unlike our closet gay Community Organizer.

Megyn Kelly made Trump cry like a little girl.

LOL, in your dream world
Same as when his draft notice came.

Who? Joe 5 deferments Biden?
Biden didn't say stupid shit about combat veterans .

How about that draft dodger Bill Clinton? As for Trump's attack on McCain, McCain got what he deserved. He's a cowardly turd who thinks he can run his big mouth then hide behind his being a POW. John McCain would've been court martialed and thrown in jail had it not been for the highly distinguished service of his father and grandfather.

After Trump's attack on McCain, a poll was taken amongst military vets and personnel, asking who would they prefer: McCain or Trump. Trump won by double digits.
I think you should design your survey to reflect the fact that Trump's primary constituency consists of people who sat in the back of the class when they were children.

There was a survey on USMB today and 62.5% of the members felt Meghan Kelly was more offensive in her behavior than Trump. Only 37.5% thought Trump was more offensive.

Yeah, because USMB is a representative sample of the American population.

Of course we are. You do not believe that polls on USMB reflect the thoughts other Americans are having on the same issues? Of course they do! There is as much diversity on this board as on any other.


You really need to get out more often.

And you could use a larger vocabulary so that you do not feel the need to use filthy language in the presence of others here! Buy a dictionary but please stop cussing.

Good night.
I like to personally thank you for that thoughtful advise, and I just wanted to let you know how much I take your words to heart. I will reflect on them and ponder their significance. In the spirit of good fellowship , cooperation, and fair debate I'd like to offer you something of value in return: Go fuck yourself.
Megyn Kelly made Trump cry like a little girl.

LOL, in your dream world
Same as when his draft notice came.

Who? Joe 5 deferments Biden?
Biden didn't say stupid shit about combat veterans .

How about that draft dodger Bill Clinton? As for Trump's attack on McCain, McCain got what he deserved. He's a cowardly turd who thinks he can run his big mouth then hide behind his being a POW. John McCain would've been court martialed and thrown in jail had it not been for the highly distinguished service of his father and grandfather.

After Trump's attack on McCain, a poll was taken amongst military vets and personnel, asking who would they prefer: McCain or Trump. Trump won by double digits.
Trump and Clinton avoided the draft the same, legal way.
Megyn Kelly made Trump cry like a little girl.

LOL, in your dream world
Same as when his draft notice came.

Who? Joe 5 deferments Biden?
Biden didn't say stupid shit about combat veterans .

How about that draft dodger Bill Clinton? As for Trump's attack on McCain, McCain got what he deserved. He's a cowardly turd who thinks he can run his big mouth then hide behind his being a POW. John McCain would've been court martialed and thrown in jail had it not been for the highly distinguished service of his father and grandfather.

After Trump's attack on McCain, a poll was taken amongst military vets and personnel, asking who would they prefer: McCain or Trump. Trump won by double digits.
Bullshit poll. How can anyone have any respect for a cowardly dilettante draft dodger like Trump.
LOL, in your dream world
Same as when his draft notice came.

Who? Joe 5 deferments Biden?
Biden didn't say stupid shit about combat veterans .

How about that draft dodger Bill Clinton? As for Trump's attack on McCain, McCain got what he deserved. He's a cowardly turd who thinks he can run his big mouth then hide behind his being a POW. John McCain would've been court martialed and thrown in jail had it not been for the highly distinguished service of his father and grandfather.

After Trump's attack on McCain, a poll was taken amongst military vets and personnel, asking who would they prefer: McCain or Trump. Trump won by double digits.
Trump and Clinton avoided the draft the same, legal way.
Too bad for Trump that he's just too fucking stupid to control his mouth.
LOL, in your dream world
Same as when his draft notice came.

Who? Joe 5 deferments Biden?
Biden didn't say stupid shit about combat veterans .

How about that draft dodger Bill Clinton? As for Trump's attack on McCain, McCain got what he deserved. He's a cowardly turd who thinks he can run his big mouth then hide behind his being a POW. John McCain would've been court martialed and thrown in jail had it not been for the highly distinguished service of his father and grandfather.

After Trump's attack on McCain, a poll was taken amongst military vets and personnel, asking who would they prefer: McCain or Trump. Trump won by double digits.
Bullshit poll. How can anyone have any respect for a cowardly dilettante draft dodger like Trump.
You sound a little frustrated. :lol:
Megyn Kelly made Trump cry like a little girl.

LOL, in your dream world
Same as when his draft notice came.

Who? Joe 5 deferments Biden?
Biden didn't say stupid shit about combat veterans .

How about that draft dodger Bill Clinton? As for Trump's attack on McCain, McCain got what he deserved. He's a cowardly turd who thinks he can run his big mouth then hide behind his being a POW. John McCain would've been court martialed and thrown in jail had it not been for the highly distinguished service of his father and grandfather.

After Trump's attack on McCain, a poll was taken amongst military vets and personnel, asking who would they prefer: McCain or Trump. Trump won by double digits.
What a cry baby little bitch Trump is.
I've changed my mind, Liminal. You do not need a dictionary. You need a Bible! I'll be praying someone gives one to you so that you can start reading it and get to know the LORD!

Before you go to sleep tonight you should ask yourself this question, Liminal. If I die in my sleep will I go to heaven or hell? If it is hell? You need to ask Jesus Christ to forgive you for all of your sins and invite Him to come into your heart and be your Lord and Savior. Look up Romans 10:8,9,10 tonight - KJV online - they have it. Look it up, read it and do what it says.

Good night.
There was a survey on USMB today and 62.5% of the members felt Meghan Kelly was more offensive in her behavior than Trump. Only 37.5% thought Trump was more offensive.

Yeah, because USMB is a representative sample of the American population.

Of course we are. You do not believe that polls on USMB reflect the thoughts other Americans are having on the same issues? Of course they do! There is as much diversity on this board as on any other.


You really need to get out more often.

And you could use a larger vocabulary so that you do not feel the need to use filthy language in the presence of others here! Buy a dictionary but please stop cussing.

Good night.
I like to personally thank you for that thoughtful advise, and I just wanted to let you know how much I take your words to heart. I will reflect on them and ponder their significance. In the spirit of good fellowship , cooperation, and fair debate I'd like to offer you something of value in return: Go fuck yourself.

Jeremiah the Trump supporter wants Luminal to be nice and stop using dirty language. Luminal complains that the things Trump says are low class, but tells Jeremiah to go fuck himself. sad, confused little child.
What is needed is a response from her that begins with I was wrong and I want to make a public apology to Donald Trump and the American people. Until then? There is nothing to talk about.

I'm not holding anything against her - I've let it go because she is a lost soul that does not understand what offenses do to people. Perhaps if she saw it from the scope of eternity and considered that her actions could lead to someone dying in a state of unforgiveness toward her (resulting in their being in hell for all eternity) she would take the matter more seriously and admit her own part in what has happened.

If somebody lets us know we have offended them? We need to apologize quickly so that they can be free of that offense!
ironic post is ironic
I've changed my mind, Liminal. You do not need a dictionary. You need a Bible! I'll be praying someone gives one to you so that you can start reading it and get to know the LORD!

Before you go to sleep tonight you should ask yourself this question, Liminal. If I die in my sleep will I go to heaven or hell? If it is hell? You need to ask Jesus Christ to forgive you for all of your sins and invite Him to come into your heart and be your Lord and Savior. Look up Romans 10:8,9,10 tonight - KJV online - they have it. Look it up, read it and do what it says.

Good night.
Another hypocrite citing to the bible after spending the whole day lying.
I've changed my mind, Liminal. You do not need a dictionary. You need a Bible! I'll be praying someone gives one to you so that you can start reading it and get to know the LORD!

Before you go to sleep tonight you should ask yourself this question, Liminal. If I die in my sleep will I go to heaven or hell? If it is hell? You need to ask Jesus Christ to forgive you for all of your sins and invite Him to come into your heart and be your Lord and Savior. Look up Romans 10:8,9,10 tonight - KJV online - they have it. Look it up, read it and do what it says.

Good night.
I'm very familiar with our Lord. In fact we were just discussing the other day about how wrong and misguided fundamentalist Christians are.
What Fox did to Trump was still underhanded.

Trump firing at it in no way lessens what they did.
My response to Murdock:

The debate team's behavior was way out of line. I learned very little about the candidates.but instead learned that Megan Kelly, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace had a pre-planned agenda to destroy Trump.
I am not a supporter of Trump but interested in the process of the nomination. With your approval, the process was broken, liken it to MSNBC. and their manipulation of news.
And now you don't have the decency to apologize to viewers, but get your cash cow back to the studio. Trump should have refused or at least demanded an apology to voters across the nation.
I was an avid viewer, but will get my news from Drudge. I can trust them.
There was a survey on USMB today and 62.5% of the members felt Meghan Kelly was more offensive in her behavior than Trump. Only 37.5% thought Trump was more offensive.

Yeah, because USMB is a representative sample of the American population.

Of course we are. You do not believe that polls on USMB reflect the thoughts other Americans are having on the same issues? Of course they do! There is as much diversity on this board as on any other.


You really need to get out more often.

And you could use a larger vocabulary so that you do not feel the need to use filthy language in the presence of others here! Buy a dictionary but please stop cussing.

Good night.
I like to personally thank you for that thoughtful advise, and I just wanted to let you know how much I take your words to heart. I will reflect on them and ponder their significance. In the spirit of good fellowship , cooperation, and fair debate I'd like to offer you something of value in return: Go fuck yourself.
That's class. :(
What I find so amusing is how so many here who were so upset with the media for being soft on Obama in 2008 and beyond and justifiably so I might add are going into hysterics overdrive over Kelly asking Trump a tough question. If we have now reached the point where we can't handle the candidates we support getting tough questions and only want that for the other side then I'm sorry to say this nation is truly fucked.

Wrong. These idiotic questions she served up to him were strictly a hit job.

And bloody well everyone knows it including other media. Many left wing outlets love the fact that she turned the "debate" into the Megyn Kelly show.

She was going strictly for points. And it wasn't that Trump got screwed over. Every other candidate on that stage got screwed over as well.

The FOX MOD SQUAD sucked all the air out of the room.

One third, count that one third of the time that was allotted was sucked up by these moderators.

That's why this so called debate was just a fiasco.
The war on women theme was one of the main Democrat attack points against Romney in 2012 and that was based primarily on his binders full of women comment. It's naive to believe they won't use it again in 2016 if Trump by some chance should be the Republican nominee every outlandish, insulting, and over the top comment he has ever made especially about women will be put fourth as more examples of the Republican war on women and if he deals with that the same way he did this you will get Obamas third term in the person of Hillary Clinton.
Yeah, because USMB is a representative sample of the American population.

Of course we are. You do not believe that polls on USMB reflect the thoughts other Americans are having on the same issues? Of course they do! There is as much diversity on this board as on any other.


You really need to get out more often.

And you could use a larger vocabulary so that you do not feel the need to use filthy language in the presence of others here! Buy a dictionary but please stop cussing.

Good night.
I like to personally thank you for that thoughtful advise, and I just wanted to let you know how much I take your words to heart. I will reflect on them and ponder their significance. In the spirit of good fellowship , cooperation, and fair debate I'd like to offer you something of value in return: Go fuck yourself.
That's class. :(
Uh huh, like I told the other dummy; I'm just about to announce my campaign for GOP candidate for President.
Trump is just a little sideline entertainment. He shot himself so many times in the foot, I was surprised he could walk afterwards. HEY--but he still has his supporters!


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