Kelly Responds To Trump

What I find so amusing is how so many here who were so upset with the media for being soft on Obama in 2008 and beyond and justifiably so I might add are going into hysterics overdrive over Kelly asking Trump a tough question. If we have now reached the point where we can't handle the candidates we support getting tough questions and only want that for the other side then I'm sorry to say this nation is truly fucked.

Exactly. This is the man who may have to face down Vladimir Putin in 2017, and he can't take a tough question from a female news anchor without people losing their shit. Putin has had people killed.Some allege (idiotically) that the Clintons have as well. Is Trump really the tough guy here?
Putin would make Trump piss his pants.


Yeah, unlike our closet gay Community Organizer.

Tiny Dancer, FOX executives could be behind the news for job offers elsewhere for Meghan Kelly. If she causes their ratings to drop too low - they can always call in a favor to have someone else "lure her away" and get her out of there. It looks like there are a lot of complaints coming in over her targeting Trump at the debate. See this article -

Chaos In The GOP As 10 000 Call For Fox s Megyn Kelly To Be Banned From Debates
Waaaa, boo hoo hoo...... the questions were hard and Megyn Kelly was hoo hoo.

And you're bashing other people on their alleged lack of eloquence?

BTW, I might be mistaken here, but I don't believe that Gracie supports Trump. Gracie?
Tiny Dancer, FOX executives could be behind the news for job offers elsewhere for Meghan Kelly. If she causes their ratings to drop too low - they can always call in a favor to have someone else "lure her away" and get her out of there. It looks like there are a lot of complaints coming in over her targeting Trump at the debate. See this article -

Chaos In The GOP As 10 000 Call For Fox s Megyn Kelly To Be Banned From Debates


The Republican Party is falling apart at the seams as more than 10,000 people have signed a petition calling for Fox News’ Megyn Kelly to be banned from future Republican presidential debates.

The petition states:

Megyn Kelly finds the state of our union amusing and “fun”, whereas the viewers (our fellow citizens) deserve a much more serious moderator.

In addition, she had a clear agenda to attack Donald Trump, by tenaciously clinging to his past rather than his vision for the future. She focused on Trump personally, rather than politically. Ultimately, she did not live up to the “fair and balanced” slogan at Fox News and News Corporation.

While her disdain for Mr. Trump was evident, this petition is a call for truly fair and balanced coverage of ALL candidates. Thus, Megyn Kelly should be barred from hosting or moderating all future Republican Presidential Debates.

The problem with this petition is that it assumes that Fox News is fair and balanced. It isn’t. That isn’t Megyn Kelly’s fault because her questions about Trump’s sexism were completely valid. The issue is that none of the other candidates were asked about their controversial comments.

No one bothered to ask Mike Huckabee about his sexism. Nobody asked Jeb Bush how he could have hired a racist and sexist chief technology officer for his campaign, or the fact that Scott Walker got rid of Wisconsin’s equal pay law.

Trump was asked about his bankruptcies, but no one questionedMarco Rubio on the dozens of financial skeletons in his closet.

Megyn Kelly isn’t the issue. The issue is the blatant hypocrisy of a party that is at war with an entire gender trying to ostracize Donald Trump for saying out loud what the rest of the party is doing.

Fox News is not “fair and balanced” only an unbalanced partisan would believe that they are.
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Waaaa, boo hoo hoo...... the questions were hard and Megyn Kelly was hoo hoo.

And you're bashing other people on their alleged lack of eloquence?

BTW, I might be mistaken here, but I don't believe that Gracie supports Trump. Gracie?

Is that what you believe? Maybe you should busy yourself with conducting a poll so you can confirm that.
I personally think Trump fucked this up too. Kelly did him a favor by bringing out all the Dem Talking points and let him smash them pinata like
I just watched the video. Poor Megyn Kelly, she thinks she's doing the news. o_O
Poor birther idiot Trump followers, they think he's running for President.

Hillary Clinton was the original birther. Does that mean all of her followers are also idiots?
Clinton supporters are misguided, Trump followers are idiots.

Trump supporters are not idiots, they're frustrated and angry. They're sick and tired of establishment sellout trash lying to their faces to win their votes, then stab them in the back after they get elected.

One of the things they like about Trump,is they feel he getting even with the establishment for all the lying and betrayal it has cast upon the conservative voting base.

Make no mistake about it, a big portion of Trump's popularity has to do with a frustrated and angry voting base getting great satisfaction in seeing the establishment gettin what it deserves.
What I find so amusing is how so many here who were so upset with the media for being soft on Obama in 2008 and beyond and justifiably so I might add are going into hysterics overdrive over Kelly asking Trump a tough question. If we have now reached the point where we can't handle the candidates we support getting tough questions and only want that for the other side then I'm sorry to say this nation is truly fucked.

Exactly. This is the man who may have to face down Vladimir Putin in 2017, and he can't take a tough question from a female news anchor without people losing their shit. Putin has had people killed.Some allege (idiotically) that the Clintons have as well. Is Trump really the tough guy here?
Putin would make Trump piss his pants.


Yeah, unlike our closet gay Community Organizer.

Megyn Kelly made Trump cry like a little girl.
Waaaa, boo hoo hoo...... the questions were hard and Megyn Kelly was hoo hoo.

And you're bashing other people on their alleged lack of eloquence?

BTW, I might be mistaken here, but I don't believe that Gracie supports Trump. Gracie?
Trump amuses me. As POTUS? Um. Probably not. Gotta wait for the dems and see what they say. I am an independent. :)
I just watched the video. Poor Megyn Kelly, she thinks she's doing the news. o_O
Poor birther idiot Trump followers, they think he's running for President.

Hillary Clinton was the original birther. Does that mean all of her followers are also idiots?
Clinton supporters are misguided, Trump followers are idiots.

Trump supporters are not idiots, they're frustrated and angry. They're sick and tired of establishment sellout trash lying to their faces to win their votes, then stab them in the back after they get elected.

One of the things they like about Trump,is they feel he getting even with the establishment for all the lying and betrayal it has cast upon the conservative voting base.

Make no mistake about it, a big portion of Trump's popularity has to do with a frustrated and angry voting base getting great satisfaction in seeing the establishment gettin what it deserves.
So they vent their frustration through the least eloquent, most undignified, incredibly shallow spokesman available. Couldn't they do better?
Tiny Dancer, FOX executives could be behind the news for job offers elsewhere for Meghan Kelly. If she causes their ratings to drop too low - they can always call in a favor to have someone else "lure her away" and get her out of there. It looks like there are a lot of complaints coming in over her targeting Trump at the debate. See this article -

Chaos In The GOP As 10 000 Call For Fox s Megyn Kelly To Be Banned From Debates

Does it not occur to you how incredibly stupid you sound? You seriously believe that if Kelly causes Fox to lose ratings and viewership that a competitor will do Fox a "favor" by bringing her on board, just so they can absorb the losses for Fox?
Tiny Dancer, FOX executives could be behind the news for job offers elsewhere for Meghan Kelly. If she causes their ratings to drop too low - they can always call in a favor to have someone else "lure her away" and get her out of there. It looks like there are a lot of complaints coming in over her targeting Trump at the debate. See this article -

Chaos In The GOP As 10 000 Call For Fox s Megyn Kelly To Be Banned From Debates

Does it not occur to you how incredibly stupid you sound? You seriously believe that if Kelly causes Fox to lose ratings and viewership that a competitor will do Fox a "favor" by bringing her on board, just so they can absorb the losses for Fox?

I think you should design your survey to reflect the fact that Trump's primary constituency consists of people who sat in the back of the class when they were children.
What I find so amusing is how so many here who were so upset with the media for being soft on Obama in 2008 and beyond and justifiably so I might add are going into hysterics overdrive over Kelly asking Trump a tough question. If we have now reached the point where we can't handle the candidates we support getting tough questions and only want that for the other side then I'm sorry to say this nation is truly fucked.

Exactly. This is the man who may have to face down Vladimir Putin in 2017, and he can't take a tough question from a female news anchor without people losing their shit. Putin has had people killed.Some allege (idiotically) that the Clintons have as well. Is Trump really the tough guy here?
Putin would make Trump piss his pants.


Yeah, unlike our closet gay Community Organizer.

Megyn Kelly made Trump cry like a little girl.

LOL, in your dream world
Tiny Dancer, FOX executives could be behind the news for job offers elsewhere for Meghan Kelly. If she causes their ratings to drop too low - they can always call in a favor to have someone else "lure her away" and get her out of there. It looks like there are a lot of complaints coming in over her targeting Trump at the debate. See this article -

Chaos In The GOP As 10 000 Call For Fox s Megyn Kelly To Be Banned From Debates

Does it not occur to you how incredibly stupid you sound? You seriously believe that if Kelly causes Fox to lose ratings and viewership that a competitor will do Fox a "favor" by bringing her on board, just so they can absorb the losses for Fox?

Stranger things have happened. They can hire her one week and fire her the next. It's whatever works for them. You are forgetting that Donald Trump is a billionaire. She is a news reporter who landed a job at Fox News. She can lose it just as easily.
Trump supporters are not idiots, they're frustrated and angry. They're sick and tired of establishment sellout trash lying to their faces to win their votes, then stab them in the back after they get elected.

One of the things they like about Trump,is they feel he getting even with the establishment for all the lying and betrayal it has cast upon the conservative voting base.

Make no mistake about it, a big portion of Trump's popularity has to do with a frustrated and angry voting base getting great satisfaction in seeing the establishment gettin what it deserves.

Tiny Dancer, FOX executives could be behind the news for job offers elsewhere for Meghan Kelly. If she causes their ratings to drop too low - they can always call in a favor to have someone else "lure her away" and get her out of there. It looks like there are a lot of complaints coming in over her targeting Trump at the debate. See this article -

Chaos In The GOP As 10 000 Call For Fox s Megyn Kelly To Be Banned From Debates

Does it not occur to you how incredibly stupid you sound? You seriously believe that if Kelly causes Fox to lose ratings and viewership that a competitor will do Fox a "favor" by bringing her on board, just so they can absorb the losses for Fox?

I think you should design your survey to reflect the fact that Trump's primary constituency consists of people who sat in the back of the class when they were children.

There was a survey on USMB today and 62.5% of the members felt Meghan Kelly was more offensive in her behavior than Trump. Only 37.5% thought Trump was more offensive.
What I find so amusing is how so many here who were so upset with the media for being soft on Obama in 2008 and beyond and justifiably so I might add are going into hysterics overdrive over Kelly asking Trump a tough question. If we have now reached the point where we can't handle the candidates we support getting tough questions and only want that for the other side then I'm sorry to say this nation is truly fucked.

Exactly. This is the man who may have to face down Vladimir Putin in 2017, and he can't take a tough question from a female news anchor without people losing their shit. Putin has had people killed.Some allege (idiotically) that the Clintons have as well. Is Trump really the tough guy here?
Putin would make Trump piss his pants.


Yeah, unlike our closet gay Community Organizer.

Megyn Kelly made Trump cry like a little girl.

LOL, in your dream world

But it's true.

"I'm used to running reality shows and beauty pageants. Now I'm only trying to become the leader of the most powerful country in the world. How dare you ask me one tough question I don't approve of."
Exactly. This is the man who may have to face down Vladimir Putin in 2017, and he can't take a tough question from a female news anchor without people losing their shit. Putin has had people killed.Some allege (idiotically) that the Clintons have as well. Is Trump really the tough guy here?
Putin would make Trump piss his pants.


Yeah, unlike our closet gay Community Organizer.

Megyn Kelly made Trump cry like a little girl.

LOL, in your dream world

But it's true.

"I'm used to running reality shows and beauty pageants. Now I'm only trying to become the leader of the most powerful country in the world. How dare you ask me one tough question I don't approve of."

Yeah, that was his Obama moment
Tiny Dancer, FOX executives could be behind the news for job offers elsewhere for Meghan Kelly. If she causes their ratings to drop too low - they can always call in a favor to have someone else "lure her away" and get her out of there. It looks like there are a lot of complaints coming in over her targeting Trump at the debate. See this article -

Chaos In The GOP As 10 000 Call For Fox s Megyn Kelly To Be Banned From Debates

Does it not occur to you how incredibly stupid you sound? You seriously believe that if Kelly causes Fox to lose ratings and viewership that a competitor will do Fox a "favor" by bringing her on board, just so they can absorb the losses for Fox?

I think you should design your survey to reflect the fact that Trump's primary constituency consists of people who sat in the back of the class when they were children.

There was a survey on USMB today and 62.5% of the members felt Meghan Kelly was more offensive in her behavior than Trump. Only 37.5% thought Trump was more offensive.
That would be great news for Trump if Kelly were running for President. She makes Trump look like a petty buffoon.

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