Kelly Slurs Dreamers: 'Too Lazy To Get Off Their Asses'

Actually, it's looking like the ones that did NOT trust the US Gvt when they PROMISED if they registered for DACA they would not be deported....are the SMART ones, not the lazy ones! :eek:

what's up with this gen. Kelly guy?

Its like the Nazis asking the Jews to sign up for Summer Camp

WASHINGTON ― White House chief of staff John Kelly said Tuesday that PresidentDonald Trump’s offer to save undocumented young people ― though only if he can build a border wall and slash legal immigration ― is generous because it would help immigrants who may have previously been “too lazy” to seek protections.

Trump has said he would support a path to citizenship for the 690,000 people protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, as well as for anyone who is eligible for the program but didn’t sign up. The White House estimates that’s 1.8 million people total, leading Kelly to call the president’s proposal “stunning.”

“The difference between 690 [thousand] and 1.8 million were the people that some would say were too afraid to sign up, others would say were too lazy to get off their asses, but they didn’t sign up,” Kelly said, according to The Washington Post. “So the president, shockingly, said OK, 1.8 million, and then probably the biggest shock was in a path to citizenship. That’s beyond what anyone could have imagined.”


Wow, Kelly sounds like a chip off the ole block - like Trump. No wonder Trump hired him. Kelly is a mean man with a cold heart.
That dreamer are lazy is a given. You could extend that to all Democrats.
You mean the FIFTH HIGHEST GDP in the world, California?......
Go peddle your hatred somewhere else.
California is already a shit hole...take a drive through the state and see for yourself....
With out laws the entire country would be like that shit hole California

You mean the FIFTH HIGHEST GDP in the world, California?......
Go peddle your hatred somewhere else.

What does that have to do with anything?

Ya think we are really that shallow and need California for anything, let alone taxes?

Kick those bastards out of the United States, sell California to China for all I care.
I think that the protesting DACA youth that got themselves arrested- like not just arrested, but arrested in Washinton DC do lack a little common sense. at yay yay. Not all DACAS are lazy as some have had to work hard to stay in the regulations.
I never found them lazy.

But more to the point, isn't the failure to get an immigration/daca deal now pretty much about the Wall? The dems could just get the Senate to pass what Trump offered, and then make the Freedom Caucus kill it or pass it. That's what I'd do. It's hard to go wrong betting that Mark Meadows and Jeffords will go wingnut crazy. LOL

WASHINGTON ― White House chief of staff John Kelly said Tuesday that PresidentDonald Trump’s offer to save undocumented young people ― though only if he can build a border wall and slash legal immigration ― is generous because it would help immigrants who may have previously been “too lazy” to seek protections.

Trump has said he would support a path to citizenship for the 690,000 people protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, as well as for anyone who is eligible for the program but didn’t sign up. The White House estimates that’s 1.8 million people total, leading Kelly to call the president’s proposal “stunning.”

“The difference between 690 [thousand] and 1.8 million were the people that some would say were too afraid to sign up, others would say were too lazy to get off their asses, but they didn’t sign up,” Kelly said, according to The Washington Post. “So the president, shockingly, said OK, 1.8 million, and then probably the biggest shock was in a path to citizenship. That’s beyond what anyone could have imagined.”


Wow, Kelly sounds like a chip off the ole block - like Trump. No wonder Trump hired him. Kelly is a mean man with a cold heart.

Sorry, this is the type of thing Fox News does, it's a bullshit misleading story.

He did say the words "too lazy to get off their asses" but not in the context being implied.

That being said, he should know not to use those words in any context as some young hack writer at Huff Post will butcher them. Actually it's now all over the news, boy maybe Trump is like a virus… don't get to close and wash your hands?

The big lie is that "Dreamers" refers specifically to applicants who met the qualifications and filed the necessary applications…(I-821D, Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals; I-765, Application for Employment Authorization; and I-765WS, Worksheet, as well as supporting documentation.) Those who met the qualifications and didn't file… possibly more that a million, Kelly made an off-hand remark speculating as to why they didn't file… Not a good choice of words, but he was not calling Dreamers "lazy"… per say.
If the Dem leaning Huff Post aspiring young journalists were smarter they would get a Dougie Houser MD genius DACA achiever on the cover of a lib magazine with a great success story for all to read. maybe some liberal journalists are too lazy.
Why in the hell would so many of these people who are technically illegal, risk being deported by coming forward and filling out paperwork? Even if they are granted temporary citizenship now, how do they know that the next President might not like the deal and have it taken away... then having the addresses and information of all these people so they can round them up and deport them? Hell, with Trump, Kelly, and Miller's attitudes, they could sign off on it now, and change their mind in 6 months.

I've pretty much lost all respect for Kelly.

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