Kellyanne Conway on Fox news said part of the redactions are

So which law was passed that changed Medicare as you described?

There wasn't one, so stop your incessant lying!

You need to see a shrink to figure out what has gone wrong with your head.

Look up changes in Medicare and for the future.

How do I look up something that does not exist, retard?

You made the claim. Show me the law that was passed changing the Medicare program, or STFU!

If you want more , look it up for yourself, you do know how to google don't you?
Trump's Dramatic New Proposal To Lower Medicare Drug Prices By Linking To An International Index

Prescription Drug Coverage

They want to end Part B paying for meds

Your costs in Original Medicare

You pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for covered Part B prescription drugs that you get in a doctor’s office or pharmacy, and the Part B Deductible applies. In a hospital outpatient setting, you pay a copayment of 20%. If your hospital is participating in a certain outpatient drug discount program (called “340B”), your copayment will be 20% of the lower price, with some exceptions. Doctors and pharmacies must accept assignment for Part B drugs, so you should never be asked to pay more than the coinsurance or copayment for the Part B drug itself.

If you get drugs that Part B doesn’t cover in a hospital outpatient setting, you pay 100% for the drugs, unless you have Part D or other prescription drug coverage. In that case, what you pay depends on whether your drug plan covers the drug, and whether the hospital is in your drug plan’s network. Contact your prescription drug plan to find out what you pay for drugs you get in a hospital outpatient setting that Part B doesn’t cover.


In 2015, Congress signed a law changing several aspects of health care coverage, including Medicare Supplement insurance. If you’re eligible for Medicare after January 1, 2020, you won’t be able to join any plans that cover the Part B deductible.1 This includes Medicare Supplement Plan F, as well as Medicare Supplement Plan C. But what does that mean for you?

What is Medicare Supplement Insurance?

What’s Changing with Medicare Supplement Plan F and Plan C?

So you lied! How appropriate for a sack of shit like you!

Do you have any clue as to the difference between a proposal and a law? Obviously not, since you lie!

BTW, who was President in 2015? This is Obama's baby!

They can't stop lying if they want to keep posting. AND, EVERYTHING is Trump's fault, just like Obama blamed everything on George Bush when he was in his second term.
Pardon moi and you pos didn't blame everything on Obama Even the recession?
Look up changes in Medicare and for the future.

How do I look up something that does not exist, retard?

You made the claim. Show me the law that was passed changing the Medicare program, or STFU!

If you want more , look it up for yourself, you do know how to google don't you?
Trump's Dramatic New Proposal To Lower Medicare Drug Prices By Linking To An International Index

Prescription Drug Coverage

They want to end Part B paying for meds

Your costs in Original Medicare

You pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for covered Part B prescription drugs that you get in a doctor’s office or pharmacy, and the Part B Deductible applies. In a hospital outpatient setting, you pay a copayment of 20%. If your hospital is participating in a certain outpatient drug discount program (called “340B”), your copayment will be 20% of the lower price, with some exceptions. Doctors and pharmacies must accept assignment for Part B drugs, so you should never be asked to pay more than the coinsurance or copayment for the Part B drug itself.

If you get drugs that Part B doesn’t cover in a hospital outpatient setting, you pay 100% for the drugs, unless you have Part D or other prescription drug coverage. In that case, what you pay depends on whether your drug plan covers the drug, and whether the hospital is in your drug plan’s network. Contact your prescription drug plan to find out what you pay for drugs you get in a hospital outpatient setting that Part B doesn’t cover.


In 2015, Congress signed a law changing several aspects of health care coverage, including Medicare Supplement insurance. If you’re eligible for Medicare after January 1, 2020, you won’t be able to join any plans that cover the Part B deductible.1 This includes Medicare Supplement Plan F, as well as Medicare Supplement Plan C. But what does that mean for you?

What is Medicare Supplement Insurance?

What’s Changing with Medicare Supplement Plan F and Plan C?

So you lied! How appropriate for a sack of shit like you!

Do you have any clue as to the difference between a proposal and a law? Obviously not, since you lie!

BTW, who was President in 2015? This is Obama's baby!

They can't stop lying if they want to keep posting. AND, EVERYTHING is Trump's fault, just like Obama blamed everything on George Bush when he was in his second term.
Pardon moi and you pos didn't blame everything on Obama Even the recession?

Feel free to fine a post where I blamed the recession on Obama. Just one. Or, you may apologize and shut up.
This is the administration we have. SHS admits she just makes stuff up. KAC just makes stuff up she can’t (or shouldn’t anyway) possibly know. I’m sure our President lies to foreign leaders almost as much as he lies to us. Hopefully we can resurrect the Presidency after this fucking idiot is gone.
Worry not. Pence will do just fine...

Trump will put a knife in his back before too much longer. It’s the way of the blob.
This is the administration we have. SHS admits she just makes stuff up. KAC just makes stuff up she can’t (or shouldn’t anyway) possibly know. I’m sure our President lies to foreign leaders almost as much as he lies to us. Hopefully we can resurrect the Presidency after this fucking idiot is gone.
Worry not. Pence will do just fine...

Trump will put a knife in his back before too much longer. It’s the way of the blob.
Cool story, Tramp lied about repeal and replacing the ACA and Mexico paying for a wall. How do ewe feel about that?

No worse than I feel about Obama promising that I could keep my doctor and that I'd save $1200 a year if we passed the ACA.

Glad to hear ewe say how much Tramp is like Obama.

And there you are, worshipping Obama while condemning Trump.

Wow ewe are dumb, just pointing out how alike they are while ewe worship your God/King!

Guess the truth hurt you. Sorry. Strange thing is that I don't consider Trump a "God/King" like you think about Obama. In fact, I didn't vote for Trump in the last election, though I didn't vote for Clinton either.

Lol, no dupe I didn't vote for the black mess
Cool story, Tramp lied about repeal and replacing the ACA and Mexico paying for a wall. How do ewe feel about that?

No worse than I feel about Obama promising that I could keep my doctor and that I'd save $1200 a year if we passed the ACA.

Glad to hear ewe say how much Tramp is like Obama.

And there you are, worshipping Obama while condemning Trump.

Wow ewe are dumb, just pointing out how alike they are while ewe worship your God/King!

Guess the truth hurt you. Sorry. Strange thing is that I don't consider Trump a "God/King" like you think about Obama. In fact, I didn't vote for Trump in the last election, though I didn't vote for Clinton either.

Lol, no super duper I didn't vote for Obama or any Democrat or republican since 2000. Nice try though, keep sucking y
Cool story, Tramp lied about repeal and replacing the ACA and Mexico paying for a wall. How do ewe feel about that?

No worse than I feel about Obama promising that I could keep my doctor and that I'd save $1200 a year if we passed the ACA.

Glad to hear ewe say how much Tramp is like Obama.

And there you are, worshipping Obama while condemning Trump.

Wow ewe are dumb, just pointing out how alike they are while ewe worship your God/King!

Guess the truth hurt you. Sorry. Strange thing is that I don't consider Trump a "God/King" like you think about Obama. In fact, I didn't vote for Trump in the last election, though I didn't vote for Clinton either.

No super duper I didn't vote for
Cool story, Tramp lied about repeal and replacing the ACA and Mexico paying for a wall. How do ewe feel about that?

No worse than I feel about Obama promising that I could keep my doctor and that I'd save $1200 a year if we passed the ACA.

Glad to hear ewe say how much Tramp is like Obama.

And there you are, worshipping Obama while condemning Trump.

Wow ewe are dumb, just pointing out how alike they are while ewe worship your God/King!

Guess the truth hurt you. Sorry. Strange thing is that I don't consider Trump a "God/King" like you think about Obama. In fact, I didn't vote for Trump in the last election, though I didn't vote for Clinton either.

No super duper, ewe are the fucking liar here, as usual. I haven't voted for a dim or rethug since 2008. But thanks fort proving what a lying partisan sheep ewe are and agreeing how alike Tramp is to Obummer! Keep worshipping your Orange God/King while drinking hi piss, it is fun to watch ewe dance!
Last edited:
No, you're just a blowhard like your God/King!

And you're a lying asswipe, like your queen. If you EVER tell the truth, it'll be the first time.

Oh, sweetums do ewe need a safe space little snowflake?

I didn't need another example of your inability to tell the truth, but thank you.

Are ewe triggered sweet lil snowflake?

I'm so untriggered, I can still spell you. LMAO@you.

For a partisan sheepeople like ewe it is ewe. Now go run to your safe space so the lil brown people don't get ewe!
No worse than I feel about Obama promising that I could keep my doctor and that I'd save $1200 a year if we passed the ACA.

Glad to hear ewe say how much Tramp is like Obama.

And there you are, worshipping Obama while condemning Trump.

Wow ewe are dumb, just pointing out how alike they are while ewe worship your God/King!

Guess the truth hurt you. Sorry. Strange thing is that I don't consider Trump a "God/King" like you think about Obama. In fact, I didn't vote for Trump in the last election, though I didn't vote for Clinton either.

Lol, no dupe I didn't vote for the black mess
No worse than I feel about Obama promising that I could keep my doctor and that I'd save $1200 a year if we passed the ACA.

Glad to hear ewe say how much Tramp is like Obama.

And there you are, worshipping Obama while condemning Trump.

Wow ewe are dumb, just pointing out how alike they are while ewe worship your God/King!

Guess the truth hurt you. Sorry. Strange thing is that I don't consider Trump a "God/King" like you think about Obama. In fact, I didn't vote for Trump in the last election, though I didn't vote for Clinton either.

Lol, no super duper I didn't vote for Obama or any Democrat or republican since 2000. Nice try though, keep sucking y
No worse than I feel about Obama promising that I could keep my doctor and that I'd save $1200 a year if we passed the ACA.

Glad to hear ewe say how much Tramp is like Obama.

And there you are, worshipping Obama while condemning Trump.

Wow ewe are dumb, just pointing out how alike they are while ewe worship your God/King!

Guess the truth hurt you. Sorry. Strange thing is that I don't consider Trump a "God/King" like you think about Obama. In fact, I didn't vote for Trump in the last election, though I didn't vote for Clinton either.

No super duper I didn't vote for
No worse than I feel about Obama promising that I could keep my doctor and that I'd save $1200 a year if we passed the ACA.

Glad to hear ewe say how much Tramp is like Obama.

And there you are, worshipping Obama while condemning Trump.

Wow ewe are dumb, just pointing out how alike they are while ewe worship your God/King!

Guess the truth hurt you. Sorry. Strange thing is that I don't consider Trump a "God/King" like you think about Obama. In fact, I didn't vote for Trump in the last election, though I didn't vote for Clinton either.

No super duper, ewe are the fucking liar here, as usual. I haven't voted for a dim or rethug since 2008. But thanks fort proving what a lying partisan sheep ewe are and agreeing how alike Tramp is to Obummer! Keep worshipping your Orange God/King while drinking hi piss, it is fun to watch ewe dance!
No worse than I feel about Obama promising that I could keep my doctor and that I'd save $1200 a year if we passed the ACA.

Glad to hear ewe say how much Tramp is like Obama.

And there you are, worshipping Obama while condemning Trump.

Wow ewe are dumb, just pointing out how alike they are while ewe worship your God/King!

Guess the truth hurt you. Sorry. Strange thing is that I don't consider Trump a "God/King" like you think about Obama. In fact, I didn't vote for Trump in the last election, though I didn't vote for Clinton either.

Lol, no dupe I didn't vote for the black mess
No worse than I feel about Obama promising that I could keep my doctor and that I'd save $1200 a year if we passed the ACA.

Glad to hear ewe say how much Tramp is like Obama.

And there you are, worshipping Obama while condemning Trump.

Wow ewe are dumb, just pointing out how alike they are while ewe worship your God/King!

Guess the truth hurt you. Sorry. Strange thing is that I don't consider Trump a "God/King" like you think about Obama. In fact, I didn't vote for Trump in the last election, though I didn't vote for Clinton either.

Lol, no super duper I didn't vote for Obama or any Democrat or republican since 2000. Nice try though, keep sucking y
No worse than I feel about Obama promising that I could keep my doctor and that I'd save $1200 a year if we passed the ACA.

Glad to hear ewe say how much Tramp is like Obama.

And there you are, worshipping Obama while condemning Trump.

Wow ewe are dumb, just pointing out how alike they are while ewe worship your God/King!

Guess the truth hurt you. Sorry. Strange thing is that I don't consider Trump a "God/King" like you think about Obama. In fact, I didn't vote for Trump in the last election, though I didn't vote for Clinton either.

No super duper I didn't vote for
No worse than I feel about Obama promising that I could keep my doctor and that I'd save $1200 a year if we passed the ACA.

Glad to hear ewe say how much Tramp is like Obama.

And there you are, worshipping Obama while condemning Trump.

Wow ewe are dumb, just pointing out how alike they are while ewe worship your God/King!

Guess the truth hurt you. Sorry. Strange thing is that I don't consider Trump a "God/King" like you think about Obama. In fact, I didn't vote for Trump in the last election, though I didn't vote for Clinton either.

No super duper, ewe are the fucking liar here, as usual. I haven't voted for a dim or rethug since 2008. But thanks fort proving what a lying partisan sheep ewe are and agreeing how alike Tramp is to Obummer! Keep worshipping your Orange God/King while drinking hi piss, it is fun to watch ewe dance!

LMAO! What happened, develop a stutter? So, I can spell you and I don't respond to the same post more than once. No wonder you think it's fun to watch me post.
And you're a lying asswipe, like your queen. If you EVER tell the truth, it'll be the first time.

Oh, sweetums do ewe need a safe space little snowflake?

I didn't need another example of your inability to tell the truth, but thank you.

Are ewe triggered sweet lil snowflake?

I'm so untriggered, I can still spell you. LMAO@you.

For a partisan sheepeople like ewe it is ewe. Now go run to your safe space so the lil brown people don't get ewe!

Stop projecting your deficiencies on makes people think you're pathetic.
Oh, sweetums do ewe need a safe space little snowflake?

I didn't need another example of your inability to tell the truth, but thank you.

Are ewe triggered sweet lil snowflake?

I'm so untriggered, I can still spell you. LMAO@you.

For a partisan sheepeople like ewe it is ewe. Now go run to your safe space so the lil brown people don't get ewe!

Stop projecting your deficiencies on makes people think you're pathetic.

We know you're stupid, that is not projection. It is fact, carry on super duper.
They got Manafort for tax evasion from 15 years ago and Mueller "kept to his edict and didn't move his investigation all over the map?"
Correct. As you may or may not know, those crimes were uncovered by inveatigating ties betwwen campaign members and Russians...which is basically the precise wording of mueller's mandate.

Wrong. They were simply investigating any member of the Trump administration for any violation they could find. It had nothing to do with any "collusion." Mueller knew there was no collusion within a month of starting his witch hunt.

As it turns out, the head of the trump campaign was a russian toadie who was illegally lobbying for Russian friendlies in ukraine and stealing and laundering the money they stole.

In other words, they weren't Russians. They didn't steal any money. Manafort simply failed to file the appropriate forms, a violation that John Podesta is also guilty of.

But yeah, lets be more concerned with poor manafort than with the fact that trump has such poor judgment that he put a Russian toadie, international criminal, and ukrainian foreign agent in charge of his campaign...because hey, that sounds smart...

Nothing but smears and lies, but that's what we expect from you.
I didn't need another example of your inability to tell the truth, but thank you.

Are ewe triggered sweet lil snowflake?

I'm so untriggered, I can still spell you. LMAO@you.

For a partisan sheepeople like ewe it is ewe. Now go run to your safe space so the lil brown people don't get ewe!

Stop projecting your deficiencies on makes people think you're pathetic.

We know you're stupid, that is not projection. It is fact, carry on super duper.

LOL! I think it's sad you are so mentally challenged that you can't understand how to use the term "projection". But, at least you're proving you're not a troll would present as stupid as you prove yourself to be. You're a liar, you're stupid and you're uninteresting, so I'm done with you. You are dismissed.
Mueller kept to his edict. He didn't move his investigation all over the map the way Ken Starr did. Mueller stuck to Russian interference in our election.

That's too fucking funny. They got Manafort for tax evasion from 15 years ago and Mueller "kept to his edict and didn't move his investigation all over the map?"

That's all the son of a bitch did!! Every single fucking plea deal and charge had NOTHING to do with Trump Russia collusion! So all he fucking did was move it all over the fucking map! He was told to go hunt deer and he came back with 2 squirrels, 3 rabbits, a moose, a pig and 2 antelope.
So what? Manafort ended up collateral damage in the Trump probe. Tough shit. He's a fucking slimeball, been one for years & finally got his due. Stone is next. Trump will also get his some day, idiot assclown that he is.

Trump & his mob will go down in history as "The Gang That Couldn't Think Straight".
They got Manafort for tax evasion from 15 years ago and Mueller "kept to his edict and didn't move his investigation all over the map?"
Correct. As you may or may not know, those crimes were uncovered by inveatigating ties betwwen campaign members and Russians...which is basically the precise wording of mueller's mandate.

Wrong. They were simply investigating any member of the Trump administration for any violation they could find. It had nothing to do with any "collusion." Mueller knew there was no collusion within a month of starting his witch hunt.

As it turns out, the head of the trump campaign was a russian toadie who was illegally lobbying for Russian friendlies in ukraine and stealing and laundering the money they stole.

In other words, they weren't Russians. They didn't steal any money. Manafort simply failed to file the appropriate forms, a violation that John Podesta is also guilty of.

But yeah, lets be more concerned with poor manafort than with the fact that trump has such poor judgment that he put a Russian toadie, international criminal, and ukrainian foreign agent in charge of his campaign...because hey, that sounds smart...

Nothing but smears and lies, but that's what we expect from you.
Your a trypical cult suckhole making excuses for a felon because he's one of Trumps mob. You're a pathetic fcktard.
Mueller kept to his edict. He didn't move his investigation all over the map the way Ken Starr did. Mueller stuck to Russian interference in our election.

That's too fucking funny. They got Manafort for tax evasion from 15 years ago and Mueller "kept to his edict and didn't move his investigation all over the map?"

That's all the son of a bitch did!! Every single fucking plea deal and charge had NOTHING to do with Trump Russia collusion! So all he fucking did was move it all over the fucking map! He was told to go hunt deer and he came back with 2 squirrels, 3 rabbits, a moose, a pig and 2 antelope.
So what? Manafort ended up collateral damage in the Trump probe. Tough shit. He's a fucking slimeball, been one for years & finally got his due. Stone is next. Trump will also get his some day, idiot assclown that he is.

Trump & his mob will go down in history as "The Gang That Couldn't Think Straight".
He's no more of a "slime ball" than Hillary Clinton. He's clearly no worse the John Podesta, who committed many of the same offenses. You voted for Hillary, so why all the phony outrage over Manafort?
They got Manafort for tax evasion from 15 years ago and Mueller "kept to his edict and didn't move his investigation all over the map?"
Correct. As you may or may not know, those crimes were uncovered by inveatigating ties betwwen campaign members and Russians...which is basically the precise wording of mueller's mandate.

Wrong. They were simply investigating any member of the Trump administration for any violation they could find. It had nothing to do with any "collusion." Mueller knew there was no collusion within a month of starting his witch hunt.

As it turns out, the head of the trump campaign was a russian toadie who was illegally lobbying for Russian friendlies in ukraine and stealing and laundering the money they stole.

In other words, they weren't Russians. They didn't steal any money. Manafort simply failed to file the appropriate forms, a violation that John Podesta is also guilty of.

But yeah, lets be more concerned with poor manafort than with the fact that trump has such poor judgment that he put a Russian toadie, international criminal, and ukrainian foreign agent in charge of his campaign...because hey, that sounds smart...

Nothing but smears and lies, but that's what we expect from you.
Your a trypical cult suckhole making excuses for a felon because he's one of Trumps mob. You're a pathetic fcktard.
I didn't make any excuses. I stated inconvenient facts.
How does she know? Maybe it's an unnamed "official" or maybe Mueller told her. Why is that important?
Clinton was impeached for lying.
Why must you lie?

There were 4 original counts brought to the floor of the House. 2 were actually prosecuted, one being Perjury to a Grand Jury, the other being obstruction.

Article III charged Clinton with attempting to obstruct justice by:[22]

  1. encouraging Lewinsky to file a false affidavit
  2. encouraging Lewinsky to give false testimony if and when she was called to testify
  3. concealing gifts he had given to Lewinsky that had been subpoenaed
  4. attempting to secure a job for Lewinsky to influence her testimony
  5. permitting his lawyer to make false statements characterizing Lewinsky's affidavit
  6. attempting to tamper with the possible testimony of his secretary Betty Curie
  7. making false and misleading statements to potential grand jury witnesses
*Note: none of these was for "getting a BJ"
It wasn’t for getting a BJ. It was over a BJ. It all led back to a BJ.
There’s lots of ways you can make hiding getting a BJ from your wife sound like terrible criminal activity.

The difference here is that Donald Trump actually committed obstruction in many different ways with many people.
And not once was the underlying cause getting a BJ.
This could’ve even been about protecting Russia.

Wrong. That investigation was begun because Lewinsky submitted an affidavit for the JONES investigation denying a relationship with Clinton. Information was then given to Ken Starr who was already investigating Clinton for Whitewater.

In other words Clinton's obstruction on the Jones case, as outlined in my first post, led to this tangent as part of an already existing investigation. Clinton himself lied under oath during the Jones case as well.

You don't get to dance a mighty war dance for obstruction on Trump and poo-poo Clinton's actions with the outright lie that 'it was all just a BJ'.
And yet, it was all for a bj.

I don't see bj listed anywhere here:


But I know something that's close:


There's a link to the Mueller report in my signature line.
Clinton was impeached for lying.
Why must you lie?

There were 4 original counts brought to the floor of the House. 2 were actually prosecuted, one being Perjury to a Grand Jury, the other being obstruction.

Article III charged Clinton with attempting to obstruct justice by:[22]

  1. encouraging Lewinsky to file a false affidavit
  2. encouraging Lewinsky to give false testimony if and when she was called to testify
  3. concealing gifts he had given to Lewinsky that had been subpoenaed
  4. attempting to secure a job for Lewinsky to influence her testimony
  5. permitting his lawyer to make false statements characterizing Lewinsky's affidavit
  6. attempting to tamper with the possible testimony of his secretary Betty Curie
  7. making false and misleading statements to potential grand jury witnesses
*Note: none of these was for "getting a BJ"
It wasn’t for getting a BJ. It was over a BJ. It all led back to a BJ.
There’s lots of ways you can make hiding getting a BJ from your wife sound like terrible criminal activity.

The difference here is that Donald Trump actually committed obstruction in many different ways with many people.
And not once was the underlying cause getting a BJ.
This could’ve even been about protecting Russia.

Wrong. That investigation was begun because Lewinsky submitted an affidavit for the JONES investigation denying a relationship with Clinton. Information was then given to Ken Starr who was already investigating Clinton for Whitewater.

In other words Clinton's obstruction on the Jones case, as outlined in my first post, led to this tangent as part of an already existing investigation. Clinton himself lied under oath during the Jones case as well.

You don't get to dance a mighty war dance for obstruction on Trump and poo-poo Clinton's actions with the outright lie that 'it was all just a BJ'.
And yet, it was all for a bj.

I don't see bj listed anywhere here:


But I know something that's close:


There's a link to the Mueller report in my signature line.

Again, no it was not because of a BJ. That investigation was Jones, during which he lied, and was subsequently stripped of his law license for doing so.

I'm not going to bother to repost or argue the point further, as you clearly either don't know, or simply don't care to recognize, the facts of that situation....

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