Kellyanne Conway on Fox news said part of the redactions are

Are ewe triggered sweet lil snowflake?

I'm so untriggered, I can still spell you. LMAO@you.

For a partisan sheepeople like ewe it is ewe. Now go run to your safe space so the lil brown people don't get ewe!

Stop projecting your deficiencies on makes people think you're pathetic.

We know you're stupid, that is not projection. It is fact, carry on super duper.

LOL! I think it's sad you are so mentally challenged that you can't understand how to use the term "projection". But, at least you're proving you're not a troll would present as stupid as you prove yourself to be. You're a liar, you're stupid and you're uninteresting, so I'm done with you. You are dismissed.

Lol, just like your Orange God/King, ewe bluster, ewe bullshit and we declare victory after clearly being demanded. Stay stupid, it is your normal state of mind.
Mueller kept to his edict. He didn't move his investigation all over the map the way Ken Starr did. Mueller stuck to Russian interference in our election.
Oooooh look, Hillary! You Trumptards are expert at pointing fingers at others to distract from Trump who's an outright criminal. Btw, 20 plus years you fools have been pissing & moaning about the Clinton's. Find another cause, willya? That train has left the station!

That's too fucking funny. They got Manafort for tax evasion from 15 years ago and Mueller "kept to his edict and didn't move his investigation all over the map?"

That's all the son of a bitch did!! Every single fucking plea deal and charge had NOTHING to do with Trump Russia collusion! So all he fucking did was move it all over the fucking map! He was told to go hunt deer and he came back with 2 squirrels, 3 rabbits, a moose, a pig and 2 antelope.
So what? Manafort ended up collateral damage in the Trump probe. Tough shit. He's a fucking slimeball, been one for years & finally got his due. Stone is next. Trump will also get his some day, idiot assclown that he is.

Trump & his mob will go down in history as "The Gang That Couldn't Think Straight".
He's no more of a "slime ball" than Hillary Clinton. He's clearly no worse the John Podesta, who committed many of the same offenses. You voted for Hillary, so why all the phony outrage over Manafort?
about Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. How does she know!

Poor Kellyanne , Laura Ingraham, Bosie, Drudge, and Breibart have been at it since 1995 talking about Hillary Clinton. Obsessed with her.

She must be so very jealous, never made it big, just a loudmouth nobody.

I suspect the redactions are where Starr gave the report to Congress, and let them go at it and the Republicans sure did. Delivered the report to Congress not to the AG.

Clinton was impeached due to sexual stuff with a consenting adult,

what tramp has done and continues to do is 10,000 times worst than B. Clinton and much worst than Watergate.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama, Karma is a bitch
Bed wetter

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