Ken Burns Roosevelt Documentary

Get out and travel a bit all you FDR detractors. His public works projects built thousands of beautiful post offices, court houses, and thousands of beautiful campgrounds for which I will ever be grateful. He put millions of people to work, including painters, writers, and poets. And look at the quality of what all those people produced. For his day, FDR probably pumped more American dollars back into America than any other president. His legacy is secure. He was a great president who loved this country. He didn't poison the wells like latter day democrat presidents. There was nothing hateful about the man.
I think few people realize just how many public projects were completed by the WPA. So much of what you read is about waste, costs, delays, and mistakes. However, the American infrastructure was effective rebuilt providing American the backbone it would needed to support the war effort. The WPA built or improved 651,000 miles of roads, built, repaired, or improved 124,011 bridges 19,700 miles of water mains and 500 water treatment plants. Workers built 24,000 miles of sidewalks; 12,800 playgrounds; 24,000 miles of storm and sewer lines; 1200 airport buildings; 226 hospitals; and more than 5,900 schools.

Other notable public works projects included the Hoover Damn, Grand Coulee Damn, the Overseas Highway that connects Miami and Key West, the Lincoln Tunnel, the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Triborough Bridge, and LaGuardia Airport.
And for those who imagine the Burns documentary is pro FDR, those projects are barely hinted at or mentioned.
Get out and travel a bit all you FDR detractors. His public works projects built thousands of beautiful post offices, court houses, and thousands of beautiful campgrounds for which I will ever be grateful. He put millions of people to work, including painters, writers, and poets. And look at the quality of what all those people produced. For his day, FDR probably pumped more American dollars back into America than any other president. His legacy is secure. He was a great president who loved this country. He didn't poison the wells like latter day democrat presidents. There was nothing hateful about the man.

Then why did he want to pack the court?
The documentary explains it. He had just gotten millions of Americans back to work with his list of alphabet agencies and we were starting to come out of the Depression. The Right-Wingers on the court wanted to nullify these agencies by ruling that his creation of them was unconstitutional.

Show anything but an OPINION that we were coming out of the Depression before Pearl Harbor. There is none because we weren't. CCC workers were paid a DOLLAR A DAY plus slop and a cot...they had to send home $25 of how did that help the economy? His NRA was completely unconstitutional and he knew it but got it passed anyway....when the Supremes threw it out, he used it to get himself reelected. Just like Obozo...he made grandiose speeches and then expected somebody to follow through....he never did. We might still be in a Depression if we hadn't been attacked by the Japs.

The CCC was meant for the male youth of America. It was for the kids that were riding the rails looking for jobs to help their families. The food was great, and if a member elected to keep his whole thirty bucks he could but most of the kids elected to send the twenty five home and keep five. If he sent the twenty five home the government threw in another five so the family got thirty. For many of the thousands of CCC's it was a God- send for the kid, the family, and the country.
Has anyone been watching? It's fantastic and incredibly informative, even if you think you are familiar with their presidencies.

Every conservative should watch it (especially @PoliticalChic ). It will debunk all the garbage and revisionist history that dopes like the ones on this site continually try to sell.
I think that was an excellent documentary. I learned quite a a bit. I really didn't know that FDR idolized TR. One of the commentators said he thought one of FDR's greatest achievements was his accomplishments in preparing American for WWII. I agree with him. In 1938, both the American people and Congress were dead set on keeping America out of the war. There was little interest in upgrading the small ill-equipped US military which was no match for Germany. Even his own party fought him on lend lease. And the American people were appalled at the idea of instituting a draft. However he did it all and a lot more. One has to wonder how American would have responded when war came if FDR had not been successful.

Except that's a fantasy created by Burns to help Senate Rats in November....FDR wanted nothing to do with a war with Germany....he named bootlegger Joe Kennedy to be his ambassador to England....Kennedy convinced him to stay out of it when we could have helped France like they helped us free ourselves from King George. Then his commander at Pearl ignored warnings from signal intel that the Japs were poised for an attack in the Pacific. They were so UNprepared, the war plans were in a time-locked safe they couldn't open until the next morning. It's just blind luck our Carrier Fleet was delayed by two days from port of call at Pearl....otherwise the Japs would have been shelling Los Angeles, SanFag, and Seattle with little response from ourselves.

Well, you got one thing right, FDR wanted nothing to do with the war with Germany but he saw as few Americans did that war was inevitable. If you think a documentary on Roosevelt will have any influence on the midterm election, you are completely out of touch.
Get out and travel a bit all you FDR detractors. His public works projects built thousands of beautiful post offices, court houses, and thousands of beautiful campgrounds for which I will ever be grateful. He put millions of people to work, including painters, writers, and poets. And look at the quality of what all those people produced. For his day, FDR probably pumped more American dollars back into America than any other president. His legacy is secure. He was a great president who loved this country. He didn't poison the wells like latter day democrat presidents. There was nothing hateful about the man.
I think few people realize just how many public projects were completed by the WPA. So much of what you read is about waste, costs, delays, and mistakes. However, the American infrastructure was effective rebuilt providing American the backbone it would needed to support the war effort. The WPA built or improved 651,000 miles of roads, built, repaired, or improved 124,011 bridges 19,700 miles of water mains and 500 water treatment plants. Workers built 24,000 miles of sidewalks; 12,800 playgrounds; 24,000 miles of storm and sewer lines; 1200 airport buildings; 226 hospitals; and more than 5,900 schools.

Other notable public works projects included the Hoover Damn, Grand Coulee Damn, the Overseas Highway that connects Miami and Key West, the Lincoln Tunnel, the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Triborough Bridge, and LaGuardia Airport.
And for those who imagine the Burns documentary is pro FDR, those projects are barely hinted at or mentioned.
Although it did portray FDR as a strong leader and a masterful politician, it also made it clear that he was a philander, a person that would compromised on principal to attain his goals, lie and deceive the public if he felt it was in the best interest of the nation, and considered the constitution as a hindrance to be overcomed.
Get out and travel a bit all you FDR detractors. His public works projects built thousands of beautiful post offices, court houses, and thousands of beautiful campgrounds for which I will ever be grateful. He put millions of people to work, including painters, writers, and poets. And look at the quality of what all those people produced. For his day, FDR probably pumped more American dollars back into America than any other president. His legacy is secure. He was a great president who loved this country. He didn't poison the wells like latter day democrat presidents. There was nothing hateful about the man.
I think few people realize just how many public projects were completed by the WPA. So much of what you read is about waste, costs, delays, and mistakes. However, the American infrastructure was effective rebuilt providing American the backbone it would needed to support the war effort. The WPA built or improved 651,000 miles of roads, built, repaired, or improved 124,011 bridges 19,700 miles of water mains and 500 water treatment plants. Workers built 24,000 miles of sidewalks; 12,800 playgrounds; 24,000 miles of storm and sewer lines; 1200 airport buildings; 226 hospitals; and more than 5,900 schools.

Other notable public works projects included the Hoover Damn, Grand Coulee Damn, the Overseas Highway that connects Miami and Key West, the Lincoln Tunnel, the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Triborough Bridge, and LaGuardia Airport.
And for those who imagine the Burns documentary is pro FDR, those projects are barely hinted at or mentioned.
Although it did portray FDR as a strong leader and a masterful politician, it also made it clear that he was a philander, a person that would compromised on principal to attain his goals, lie and deceive the public if he felt it was in the best interest of the nation, and considered the constitution as a hindrance to be overcomed.
Agree, and that's why I give it a good review. It seems very well balanced and not biased one way or the other. Burns, as usual, strives for truth and accuracy.
I believe most of that was built by Eisenhower not FDR.

That's what it's all about for wingnuts: believing.
Our lying poser chickenshit shows his yellow head. Where's that Recondo School verification, you poser sack of shit?

"FDR probably pumped more American dollars back into America than any other president."

Consider the argument that building the bridge will provide x number of jobs.....the unspoken belief is that those jobs would not otherwise come into existence. But...where did the money to pay for those jobs come from? Answer: every dollar given to those bridge workers was taken from other workers in taxes. So...if the bridge cost $50 million, then $50 million (at least) had to be taken from the economy, from taxpayers.
a. And what would have happened to the $50 million had it not been taken? would have remained in the economy producing jobs.
Henry Hazlitt
Well there is a great example of the difference between shortsightedness and long range vision, policies that benefit a small few and policies that benefit the masses for generations. We are still driving over the bridges in passenger cars and trucks that profit commercially. As a bonus we are still collecting revenues from them 75 years after they were built.

I believe most of that was built by Eisenhower not FDR.
Your belief is wrong. Eisenhower built the interstate system which took to routes of the already established bridges.

Listen, you want to tangle fine by me. Eisenhower built the interstate system...that required thousands of miles of highway and thousands of bridges....all heavy enough to handle tank was intended as a national defense program civilians could use. Those old bridges were either replaced or reinforced.....that's how it worked.
Lots of myth in your analysis. Ike can certainly be called the father of the Interstate Highway System and it deservedly is called the Eisenhower Interstate Highway System, but he didn't conceive the idea, he rather championed it and pushed for the funding to begin building it in 1956. Only a small portion was actually built during his administration. And now, the part I am sure you will be happy to learn. The original report and plans for the system was called the Interregional Highways Proposal and submitted in 1944 under FDR. It gets better, the proposal started with hand drawn map of the USA with eight "Superhighways" drawn on it. It was submitted to Thomas McDonald the chief of the Bureau of Roads in 1939. The map was drawn by FDR.
Those bridges you think were replaced, lots of them still exist. Until the mid seventies many parts of the Interstate were diverted onto state roads and US highways to use already existing bridges until the newer permanent bridges could be built. Many of those bridges are still being used as integral parts of state highway systems. But many of those Roosevelt bridges and tunnels are still being used as part of the Interstate System. Let me know if you want a list of some of them.
CCC workers were paid a DOLLAR A DAY plus slop and a cot...they had to send home $25 of how did that help the economy?

Who received that $25? The family back home, who used it to buy food, pay rent, and survive the Depression.

Who received THAT money? The grocers, the landlords, etc.

What did THEY do with the money? They spent it on the same things. Because everyone has to eat and be sheltered.

I swear I feel like I'm talking to retards.
Get out and travel a bit all you FDR detractors. His public works projects built thousands of beautiful post offices, court houses, and thousands of beautiful campgrounds for which I will ever be grateful. He put millions of people to work, including painters, writers, and poets. And look at the quality of what all those people produced. For his day, FDR probably pumped more American dollars back into America than any other president. His legacy is secure. He was a great president who loved this country. He didn't poison the wells like latter day democrat presidents. There was nothing hateful about the man.
I think few people realize just how many public projects were completed by the WPA. So much of what you read is about waste, costs, delays, and mistakes. However, the American infrastructure was effective rebuilt providing American the backbone it would needed to support the war effort. The WPA built or improved 651,000 miles of roads, built, repaired, or improved 124,011 bridges 19,700 miles of water mains and 500 water treatment plants. Workers built 24,000 miles of sidewalks; 12,800 playgrounds; 24,000 miles of storm and sewer lines; 1200 airport buildings; 226 hospitals; and more than 5,900 schools.

Other notable public works projects included the Hoover Damn, Grand Coulee Damn, the Overseas Highway that connects Miami and Key West, the Lincoln Tunnel, the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Triborough Bridge, and LaGuardia Airport.

Also, the Empire State Building, the Tennessee Valley Authority, Golden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, Shasta Dam in California, and the nation's first freeway in Los Angeles.

What the fuck did Ronald Reagan ever build?
Get out and travel a bit all you FDR detractors. His public works projects built thousands of beautiful post offices, court houses, and thousands of beautiful campgrounds for which I will ever be grateful. He put millions of people to work, including painters, writers, and poets. And look at the quality of what all those people produced. For his day, FDR probably pumped more American dollars back into America than any other president. His legacy is secure. He was a great president who loved this country. He didn't poison the wells like latter day democrat presidents. There was nothing hateful about the man.
I think few people realize just how many public projects were completed by the WPA. So much of what you read is about waste, costs, delays, and mistakes. However, the American infrastructure was effective rebuilt providing American the backbone it would needed to support the war effort. The WPA built or improved 651,000 miles of roads, built, repaired, or improved 124,011 bridges 19,700 miles of water mains and 500 water treatment plants. Workers built 24,000 miles of sidewalks; 12,800 playgrounds; 24,000 miles of storm and sewer lines; 1200 airport buildings; 226 hospitals; and more than 5,900 schools.

Other notable public works projects included the Hoover Damn, Grand Coulee Damn, the Overseas Highway that connects Miami and Key West, the Lincoln Tunnel, the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Triborough Bridge, and LaGuardia Airport.

Also, the Empire State Building, the Tennessee Valley Authority, Golden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, Shasta Dam in California, and the nation's first freeway in Los Angeles.

What the fuck did Ronald Reagan ever build?
Hezbollah and Central American death squads that turned into street gangs when the funds got cut off.
Get out and travel a bit all you FDR detractors. His public works projects built thousands of beautiful post offices, court houses, and thousands of beautiful campgrounds for which I will ever be grateful. He put millions of people to work, including painters, writers, and poets. And look at the quality of what all those people produced. For his day, FDR probably pumped more American dollars back into America than any other president. His legacy is secure. He was a great president who loved this country. He didn't poison the wells like latter day democrat presidents. There was nothing hateful about the man.
I think few people realize just how many public projects were completed by the WPA. So much of what you read is about waste, costs, delays, and mistakes. However, the American infrastructure was effective rebuilt providing American the backbone it would needed to support the war effort. The WPA built or improved 651,000 miles of roads, built, repaired, or improved 124,011 bridges 19,700 miles of water mains and 500 water treatment plants. Workers built 24,000 miles of sidewalks; 12,800 playgrounds; 24,000 miles of storm and sewer lines; 1200 airport buildings; 226 hospitals; and more than 5,900 schools.

Other notable public works projects included the Hoover Damn, Grand Coulee Damn, the Overseas Highway that connects Miami and Key West, the Lincoln Tunnel, the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Triborough Bridge, and LaGuardia Airport.

Also, the Empire State Building, the Tennessee Valley Authority, Golden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, Shasta Dam in California, and the nation's first freeway in Los Angeles.

What the fuck did Ronald Reagan ever build?

Hmmm...ask the East Germans, and the Poles, and the Lithuanians, and the Latvians, and the Estonians, and...well, you get the picture...I hope. Hope! That's what Ronald Reagan built. Hope!
Get out and travel a bit all you FDR detractors. His public works projects built thousands of beautiful post offices, court houses, and thousands of beautiful campgrounds for which I will ever be grateful. He put millions of people to work, including painters, writers, and poets. And look at the quality of what all those people produced. For his day, FDR probably pumped more American dollars back into America than any other president. His legacy is secure. He was a great president who loved this country. He didn't poison the wells like latter day democrat presidents. There was nothing hateful about the man.
I think few people realize just how many public projects were completed by the WPA. So much of what you read is about waste, costs, delays, and mistakes. However, the American infrastructure was effective rebuilt providing American the backbone it would needed to support the war effort. The WPA built or improved 651,000 miles of roads, built, repaired, or improved 124,011 bridges 19,700 miles of water mains and 500 water treatment plants. Workers built 24,000 miles of sidewalks; 12,800 playgrounds; 24,000 miles of storm and sewer lines; 1200 airport buildings; 226 hospitals; and more than 5,900 schools.

Other notable public works projects included the Hoover Damn, Grand Coulee Damn, the Overseas Highway that connects Miami and Key West, the Lincoln Tunnel, the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Triborough Bridge, and LaGuardia Airport.

Also, the Empire State Building, the Tennessee Valley Authority, Golden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, Shasta Dam in California, and the nation's first freeway in Los Angeles.

What the fuck did Ronald Reagan ever build?

Hmmm...ask the East Germans, and the Poles, and the Lithuanians, and the Latvians, and the Estonians, and...well, you get the picture...I hope. Hope! That's what Ronald Reagan built. Hope!

Lech Walesa got that ball rolling in Poland, not Reagan.

A paperwork fuck-up is what opened up the border between the DDR and the BRD on November 9, 1989, not Ronald Reagan. The people in Leipzig protesting every day led to that paperwork fuck-up, not Reagan.
Get out and travel a bit all you FDR detractors. His public works projects built thousands of beautiful post offices, court houses, and thousands of beautiful campgrounds for which I will ever be grateful. He put millions of people to work, including painters, writers, and poets. And look at the quality of what all those people produced. For his day, FDR probably pumped more American dollars back into America than any other president. His legacy is secure. He was a great president who loved this country. He didn't poison the wells like latter day democrat presidents. There was nothing hateful about the man.
I think few people realize just how many public projects were completed by the WPA. So much of what you read is about waste, costs, delays, and mistakes. However, the American infrastructure was effective rebuilt providing American the backbone it would needed to support the war effort. The WPA built or improved 651,000 miles of roads, built, repaired, or improved 124,011 bridges 19,700 miles of water mains and 500 water treatment plants. Workers built 24,000 miles of sidewalks; 12,800 playgrounds; 24,000 miles of storm and sewer lines; 1200 airport buildings; 226 hospitals; and more than 5,900 schools.

Other notable public works projects included the Hoover Damn, Grand Coulee Damn, the Overseas Highway that connects Miami and Key West, the Lincoln Tunnel, the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Triborough Bridge, and LaGuardia Airport.

Also, the Empire State Building, the Tennessee Valley Authority, Golden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, Shasta Dam in California, and the nation's first freeway in Los Angeles.

What the fuck did Ronald Reagan ever build?

Hmmm...ask the East Germans, and the Poles, and the Lithuanians, and the Latvians, and the Estonians, and...well, you get the picture...I hope. Hope! That's what Ronald Reagan built. Hope!

Lech Walesa got that ball rolling in Poland, not Reagan.

A paperwork fuck-up is what opened up the border between the DDR and the BRD on November 9, 1989, not Ronald Reagan. The people in Leipzig protesting every day led to that paperwork fuck-up, not Reagan.

Please. It was the steamrolling of our technological might under Reagan and the unbeatable defense institution resulting , that caused the Soviet Union to collapse. They just couldn't keep pace and they knew it. Reagan bankrupted them without ever firing a shot. He ended slavery for tens of millions of people on this planet. That's what he "built".
Get out and travel a bit all you FDR detractors. His public works projects built thousands of beautiful post offices, court houses, and thousands of beautiful campgrounds for which I will ever be grateful. He put millions of people to work, including painters, writers, and poets. And look at the quality of what all those people produced. For his day, FDR probably pumped more American dollars back into America than any other president. His legacy is secure. He was a great president who loved this country. He didn't poison the wells like latter day democrat presidents. There was nothing hateful about the man.
I think few people realize just how many public projects were completed by the WPA. So much of what you read is about waste, costs, delays, and mistakes. However, the American infrastructure was effective rebuilt providing American the backbone it would needed to support the war effort. The WPA built or improved 651,000 miles of roads, built, repaired, or improved 124,011 bridges 19,700 miles of water mains and 500 water treatment plants. Workers built 24,000 miles of sidewalks; 12,800 playgrounds; 24,000 miles of storm and sewer lines; 1200 airport buildings; 226 hospitals; and more than 5,900 schools.

Other notable public works projects included the Hoover Damn, Grand Coulee Damn, the Overseas Highway that connects Miami and Key West, the Lincoln Tunnel, the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Triborough Bridge, and LaGuardia Airport.

Also, the Empire State Building, the Tennessee Valley Authority, Golden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, Shasta Dam in California, and the nation's first freeway in Los Angeles.

What the fuck did Ronald Reagan ever build?

He built a strategy to enable you to live without the spectre of thermo-nuclear war with the USSR.

And he built a strong economy.

He made it seem like springtime in America and we liked it!
Get out and travel a bit all you FDR detractors. His public works projects built thousands of beautiful post offices, court houses, and thousands of beautiful campgrounds for which I will ever be grateful. He put millions of people to work, including painters, writers, and poets. And look at the quality of what all those people produced. For his day, FDR probably pumped more American dollars back into America than any other president. His legacy is secure. He was a great president who loved this country. He didn't poison the wells like latter day democrat presidents. There was nothing hateful about the man.
I think few people realize just how many public projects were completed by the WPA. So much of what you read is about waste, costs, delays, and mistakes. However, the American infrastructure was effective rebuilt providing American the backbone it would needed to support the war effort. The WPA built or improved 651,000 miles of roads, built, repaired, or improved 124,011 bridges 19,700 miles of water mains and 500 water treatment plants. Workers built 24,000 miles of sidewalks; 12,800 playgrounds; 24,000 miles of storm and sewer lines; 1200 airport buildings; 226 hospitals; and more than 5,900 schools.

Other notable public works projects included the Hoover Damn, Grand Coulee Damn, the Overseas Highway that connects Miami and Key West, the Lincoln Tunnel, the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Triborough Bridge, and LaGuardia Airport.

Also, the Empire State Building, the Tennessee Valley Authority, Golden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, Shasta Dam in California, and the nation's first freeway in Los Angeles.

What the fuck did Ronald Reagan ever build?

Hmmm...ask the East Germans, and the Poles, and the Lithuanians, and the Latvians, and the Estonians, and...well, you get the picture...I hope. Hope! That's what Ronald Reagan built. Hope!

Lech Walesa got that ball rolling in Poland, not Reagan.

A paperwork fuck-up is what opened up the border between the DDR and the BRD on November 9, 1989, not Ronald Reagan. The people in Leipzig protesting every day led to that paperwork fuck-up, not Reagan.

Please. It was the steamrolling of our technological might under Reagan and the unbeatable defense institution resulting , that caused the Soviet Union to collapse. They just couldn't keep pace and they knew it. Reagan bankrupted them without ever firing a shot. He ended slavery for tens of millions of people on this planet. That's what he "built".

Hmmm, interesting theory.

However, the Soviet Union first started falling apart in 1990-1991, 2-3 years after Reagan left office.
Was he also responsible for what happened between 1989-1991?

And you are giving Reagan entirely the credit for all of this? Really?
Get out and travel a bit all you FDR detractors. His public works projects built thousands of beautiful post offices, court houses, and thousands of beautiful campgrounds for which I will ever be grateful. He put millions of people to work, including painters, writers, and poets. And look at the quality of what all those people produced. For his day, FDR probably pumped more American dollars back into America than any other president. His legacy is secure. He was a great president who loved this country. He didn't poison the wells like latter day democrat presidents. There was nothing hateful about the man.
I think few people realize just how many public projects were completed by the WPA. So much of what you read is about waste, costs, delays, and mistakes. However, the American infrastructure was effective rebuilt providing American the backbone it would needed to support the war effort. The WPA built or improved 651,000 miles of roads, built, repaired, or improved 124,011 bridges 19,700 miles of water mains and 500 water treatment plants. Workers built 24,000 miles of sidewalks; 12,800 playgrounds; 24,000 miles of storm and sewer lines; 1200 airport buildings; 226 hospitals; and more than 5,900 schools.

Other notable public works projects included the Hoover Damn, Grand Coulee Damn, the Overseas Highway that connects Miami and Key West, the Lincoln Tunnel, the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Triborough Bridge, and LaGuardia Airport.

Also, the Empire State Building, the Tennessee Valley Authority, Golden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, Shasta Dam in California, and the nation's first freeway in Los Angeles.

What the fuck did Ronald Reagan ever build?

He built a strategy to enable you to live without the spectre of thermo-nuclear war with the USSR.

And he built a strong economy.

He made it seem like springtime in America and we liked it!

Ronald Reagan decreased unemployment by adding government jobs. Reagan added far more government jobs than Obama. Far more.

That being said, I consider Reagan to be, overall, a good president.
[ It's just blind luck our Carrier Fleet was delayed by two days from port of call at Pearl....otherwise the Japs [sic] would have been shelling Los Angeles, SanFag, and Seattle with little response from ourselves.

That doesn't make much sense.
You seem to be bereft of either a cogent argument or a cerebrum.....and, of course, honesty.

Your shallow, politically oriented, web based, pop culture revisionist history could never produce anything like a cogent argument.

Let's see you try to answer post #133.....ripped you a new one, huh?

It’s too bad stupidity isn’t painful.

You have yet to establish your hair brained theory about how FDRs policies prolonged the Second World War. I've already dispensed with post #133 as superficial nonsense.


How to address you...other than as an insult to the bottom of the barrel.

You'll have to do better than that if you want to re-write history.

Get lost, liar

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