Kent State wrestler suspended for anti-gay tweets about Michael Sam

The guy in question is likely to be a professional linebacker in the NFL soon, so I don't think the Kent State guy figured him to be "weaker." He most likely just figured him to not be right there in front of him. He communicated thoughtlessly, as many young people tend to do. The problem is that today when you 'say' something thoughtlessly it is there forever.

Tough way to learn a life lesson, but that is one of wrestling's benefits too.

The guy gets fired for tweeting an opinion, and you say that's just one of lifes lessons?

"Fired"? :confused:

Fired, kicked of f the team, figure it out. These fascists are just as happy to take away someone's livelihood as to kick them off a fucking sports team.

And you fucking quibble while our Republic and its freedom collapse under a tyrannical fascist government.

And since when is a life lesson "just" as if it were insignificant?

It can be insignificant in comparison with the main impact.

A guy that gets run over by a car and put in the hospital for a month has learned a lesson, perhaps, but that is trivial compared to being laid up for a month and kind of stupid to bring it up.
The guy gets fired for tweeting an opinion, and you say that's just one of lifes lessons?

"Fired"? :confused:

Fired, kicked of f the team, figure it out. These fascists are just as happy to take away someone's livelihood as to kick them off a fucking sports team.

And you fucking quibble while our Republic and its freedom collapse under a tyrannical fascist government.

Hmmmm...could be you're overreacting to this particular story a bit. It's not exactly breaking news the universities are bastions of intolerant 'liberalism.' Been that way for decades.

Sucks for this kid, no doubt, but he made a choice and now he has to live with the consequences.

Fired, kicked of f the team, figure it out. These fascists are just as happy to take away someone's livelihood as to kick them off a fucking sports team.

And you fucking quibble while our Republic and its freedom collapse under a tyrannical fascist government.

Hmmmm...could be you're overreacting to this particular story a bit. It's not exactly breaking news the universities are bastions of intolerant 'liberalism.' Been that way for decades.

I m not reacting to just this one case, but to the total narrative that repeats itself daily.

It is unjust and MUST stop.

Sucks for this kid, no doubt, but he made a choice and now he has to live with the consequences.


"Yeah, that dude flashed his cash in the bar, now he's gotta live with the consequences of getting mugged."

"Yeah poor girl, got raped, but if you wear those mini-skirts, you gotta live with the consequences."

Etc, etc, beyond fucking stupidity.

Stop blaming the victims, Sherlock.
People need to put away the social media crap if they don't want to get burned.

That is good advice, but at the same time, the wrestler did NOTHNG to deserve being cut from the team.

This is exactly like they tried to do to Phil Robertson, and I support this wrestler despite his crudeness because he had earned the right to be on the team and a bunch of queer hustling fascists got him cut.
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Stop blaming the victims, Sherlock.

Typical liberal, afraid of personal responsibility. :rolleyes:

lolol, yeah, but he is not responsible for fascists demanding he be dropped from the team.

That is entirely on the fascist bastards.

Is it a good thing that universities in this country have become rigidly doctrinal bastions of intolerance? No. Is that kid responsible for choosing to post stupid shit in public while he was in a position at least somewhat as a representative of the university? Yes.
Typical liberal, afraid of personal responsibility. :rolleyes:

lolol, yeah, but he is not responsible for fascists demanding he be dropped from the team.

That is entirely on the fascist bastards.

Is it a good thing that universities in this country have become rigidly doctrinal bastions of intolerance? No. Is that kid responsible for choosing to post stupid shit in public while he was in a position at least somewhat as a representative of the university? Yes.

the kid is responsible for what he posts.

He is NOT responsible for fascists getting him dropped from the team.

You are blaming the victim with a line of reasoning that says 'Since he should have known these fascist pigs would hammer him he should have kept quiet like a coward.'

No, that is not how free people live, and you do not think like a free person, apparently or you would know that.

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