Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

The people of this community should punish the ones directly responsible. The gay couples themselves should get some community involvement.

True. The RW never can seem to round up vigilantes when they really need them.....

Somebody get Clive Bundy on the phone.
Real vigilantes work quite differently. However, the law has failed. The only thing left is covert vigilanteism.

So let me get this straight. Because the SCOTUS ruled that gays will be allowed to marry, and this woman defied the orders of the courts, you now advocate physical violence against people who have done no one ANY harm??

If you can't see the lunacy in that, you are beyond help.

And, obviously, there will not be "covert vigilanteism" against all gay couples. So the idea is to hurt some and scare the rest of them into complying?
i find it funny that the op believes tyranny is jailing a public servant for contempt but that same public servant unilaterally denying services to citizens she disagrees with is not tyrannical.
The tyrant is trampling on her first amendment rights. Plain and simple. If he dislikes her choices so much why has the Kentucky Legislature in 3 months not impeached and removed her? Hmmmm?

Odium: The state legislature is not in session. It does not convene until January.
I know this. The only way they can go back into session is for the incompetent governor to ask them to. He refuses even though BOTH heads of the parties want to.

Let's let her go back to work on the condition that God pays her from now on instead of taxpayers. Think she'd agree to that? (he-hee-hee)

I'd back her if she had made that stand and refused her pay based on her religious beliefs.

Fucking hypocrite.
God should pay her????

No problem........
After all is said and done, God is on her side, no matter what heathens think or say.
Well if he is then her god is entirely unworthy of praise...
Dick sucking and carpet munching is praiseworthy? No thanks.

I have been praised for my carpet munching skills numerous times.
Yes I can. If she thinks she's a martyr, I'm sure she gets all tingly about it.....Lester Maddox and George Wallace thought they were martyrs too.
So do all terrorists.

Oh.....So now she's a terrorist.


Too bad she's a Democrat......not a Republican.

Then guys would have something to actually bitch about.

Like I said before.......quit being assholes and go to another county.

But No!!

You want to force your sexuality down everyone's throats.

I learned a long time ago that you get more bees with honey, not with vinegar.
Her religious views are closer to the terrorists than to the views of the overwhelming majority of the Democrat party. If she's a Democrat, then she needs to gtfo.

You sound exactly like the Strawman you guys claim is a conservative.

So you want Democrats you don't agree with to leave. Get the fuck out.

Her failure to issue marriage licenses is based on religious not political grounds. I think she has made that quite clear.

And she was ordered by the courts to issue marriage licenses. Her refusal to do so is contempt of court.

She could have resigned from her position at any time.
...And she was ordered by the courts to issue marriage licenses...
Yes. Ordered by the courts to legitimize and mainstream an unclean, filthy, wicked thing.

...Her refusal to do so is contempt of court...
True. Any court that requires a citizen to legitimize and mainstream wickedness (homosexuality) is worthy of contempt.

...She could have resigned from her position at any time.

She didn't.

She is intentionally sacrificing herself in protest against Runaway Judicial Activism and the recent legal victories of the Gay Mafia.

Gutsy move, Ms. Davis - salude - thank you - and God bless.
...And she was ordered by the courts to issue marriage licenses...
Yes. Ordered by the courts to legitimize and mainstream an unclean, filthy, wicked thing.

...Her refusal to do so is contempt of court...
True. Any court that requires a citizen to legitimize and mainstream wickedness (homosexuality) is worthy of contempt.

...She could have resigned from her position at any time.

She didn't.

She is intentionally sacrificing herself in protest against Runaway Judicial Activism and the recent legal victories of the Gay Mafia.

Gutsy move, Ms. Davis - salude - thank you - and God bless.

All your "unclean, filthy, wicked" nonsense is based on your religious beliefs. That is not what we base our laws on. In fact, the US Constitution forbids it. If we allow your, then we would have to allow the muslims to demand all women wear burkhas.

Oh, and I truly think this woman is not sacrificing herself for any moral reason. If a pizza parlor can get $1 million for just SAYING they wouldn't cater a wedding they had never been asked to cater, how much money do you think this woman will get?
Given your posting history, you're in no position to refer to anything as 'stupid.'

Yeah? I don't give a rat's ass. How's that? Now go bother someone else, tool. You're a nothing
Gee, maybe if you learned to drop your anger.......
I think that once one has the upper hand, how they handle it is an indication of their true character.

So please, continue trying to crush these God fearing Christians like a jack-booted thug.
Not letting christians dictate how to enforce or not enforce our nation's laws is fighting christian sharia. You support christian sharia.....oh, and in case you forgot the is wanting to run our country thru YOUR interpretation of what YOUR god wants, not the U.S. Constitution.
Like I said.....Obama picks and chooses which laws he wants to obey or we can't blame others for doing the same exact thing.

You want everyone to obey the letter of the law......except when you think the law is bullshit.

So deal with it.

If the President had been taken to court, lost, continued to violate the law, lost on appeal, and still continued to violate the might have a semi valid argument. You don't so you're just whining about the black guy President, in a completely non sequitur rant.
She is a fucking CLERK! Part of her fucking JOB is to comply with the laws. And THAT's the thing she has decided she cannot do?

Solution to this pressing problem jumps off the page. Get a different job.

Instead of jailing her, how about firing her?
She's an elected official. She has to be impeached.
When she was "elected" the laws in effect were DIFFERENT. Now she is expected to abide by a new set of rules that seriously transgress her beliefs.

That is correct.

OF THEIR OWN FREE WILL! They had to go OUT OF THEIR WAY to be affected. How does a gay couple getting married AFFECT YOU! How fucking simplistic do I need to get. Does their getting married tear a hole in the space time continuum and you get sucked into it?

What possible affect does a gay couple have on you.

The homos went to the baker, it's also known some of these cases are setups. I don't care if they get pretend married, have at it, I've always said that. With that said I don't have to accept it as normal and I won't.

And they refused to BAKE A FUCKING CAKE! The "homo's" weren't telling them to bend over! They were trying to pay them money to bake a cake! And you can't see the ridiculousness of this situation?

They weren't telling the bakers "you have to be gay to bake my cake!" I do think that the State of Oregon has gone totally batshit crazy in the punishment they have handed out, that is the very definition of "cruel and unusual punishment". But how in the hell a person can think that baking a cake is somehow violating their religious principles is beyond me.

That is a level of batshit crazy that I will never understand.
And you do not see how ridiculous it is for a private business enterprise to be put out of business when they refuse to be a part of sanctifying such an arrangement; with something they totally disagree with according to their religious faith? Hell they could bake their own fucking cake.

I already said I thought the punishment to be ridiculous. Are you blind? However you still haven't been able to tell me how baking a cake for a gay wedding, affects the baker.
Yes I did.

But I will go even a lil further for you westwall. A small privately held Christian business owner providing personal services has the right to not go along. The same sex couple can bake their own cake or hit a corporation to get their cake or go start their own little cake business. If one of these same sex couples asked me to paint a painting or provide a sculpture for them and I said no I'm not interested in doing such for you should they have the right to sue me?

And in 30 states that little baker isn't required to bake the cake.

Are you aware that in all 50 states the gay baker cannot refuse to bake a cake for a Christian because they are a Christian?

Work on that law before you go after state laws, eh?
...All your "unclean, filthy, wicked" nonsense...
Not nonsense.

Truth. based on your religious beliefs...

...That is not what we base our laws on...

Our laws are an amalgamation of ancient Greek, Roman and Western European and English secular and canon law, as evolved over the millennia, and largely secularized.

Our laws reflect Western European culture and tradition and historical moral beliefs with respect to the sanctity of marriage and the abomination known as homosexuality.

We are, in fact, a 'Secularized Christian Country', as evidenced by the manner and tone of our laws, which reflect that historical morality, even though its basis is so far back in time that the Historically Insensitive and Unaware have no clue about its origins and composition.

And, until very recently, laws against homosexual acts and the suppression of such filth in public life was a very real and integral part of the American Conscience.

Until homosexual political activism forced the hand of our Judiciary, to interpret the Constitution in their favor, anyway.

...In fact, the US Constitution forbids it...
True, at least to some extent; at least openly.

...If we allow your, then we would have to allow the muslims to demand all women wear burkhas...

On paper.

In practice, not really.

This is a Christian -leaning country, not a Muslim one.

If-and-when push-comes-to-shove, we'll simpy be hypocritical and inconsistent and unfair, treating Christian tradition far more favorably than Islamic tradition.

9-11 caused that to be cut into stone, fairness be damned.

...Oh, and I truly think this woman is not sacrificing herself for any moral reason...

It is obvious that you think that way.

Others (myself included) think differently, and believe you to be wrong.

... If a pizza parlor can get $1 million for just SAYING they wouldn't cater a wedding they had never been asked to cater, how much money do you think this woman will get?
Irrelevant and self-serving baseless speculation.
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This reminds me of the "wedding cake" controversy in a way.
People can and do break the law.
If they do it knowingly, the have the RIGHT (yes, the RIGHT) to do it if they are willing to do the TIME - take the punishment that goes along with it.

We are not puppets.
This has nothing to do with Commerce Clause jurisprudence or public accommodations laws, there is no similarity whatsoever; Davis does not have the 'right' to defy the Constitution, the courts, and the rule of law – whether she's willing to 'take the punishment' or not.

And it has nothing to do with 'being a puppet' - Davis or anyone else is at liberty to resign.
Do mayors in sanctuary cities have the right by defy immigration laws? Name one serving jail time.
That's different. The left can disobey any laws they feel are prejudice to protected classes.
Hypocritical ain't it? No liberal will answer why it's okay for mayors to defy immigration laws. Their argument that Davis defied the law falls on deaf ears.
...And she was ordered by the courts to issue marriage licenses...
Yes. Ordered by the courts to legitimize and mainstream an unclean, filthy, wicked thing.

...Her refusal to do so is contempt of court...
True. Any court that requires a citizen to legitimize and mainstream wickedness (homosexuality) is worthy of contempt.

...She could have resigned from her position at any time.

She didn't.

She is intentionally sacrificing herself in protest against Runaway Judicial Activism and the recent legal victories of the Gay Mafia.

Gutsy move, Ms. Davis - salude - thank you - and God bless.
Yes...we know you support Christian Sharia.....putting your interpretation of your religion before the U.S. Constitution and our secular laws.
Yeah, an elected official refusing to do their job is a little problematic...


What would really be problematic is her being re-elected after all this.

What can the feds do then?

Enforce the law.
Enforce immigration law against mayors in sanctuary cities?
Do it then. Right now, no one is pushing them to comply. All it takes is a citizen, you?, to force the issue by filling a case for them to follow the federal law. Get off your ass and do it.
Running a country by Christian principles doesn't force people to be Christian.. fyi...
Running a country by Christian principles doesn't force people to be Christian.. fyi...

No it doesn't. But trying to violate the law in favor of biblical law is unconstitutional. And a county clerk does not get to decide such issues.

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