Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

-- The actions of a justice of the peace in Louisiana who refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple have prompted some top officials, including Gov. Bobby Jindal, to call for his dismissal....

......"Not only does [Bardwell's] decision directly contradict Supreme Court rulings, it is an example of the ugly bigotry that divided our country for too long," she said.

Governor calls for firing of justice in interracial marriage case -

And society kept right on truckin. Your ilk are a historic skid mark, Uncen. And treated with as much disdain historically.
This has nothing to do with religious law.

Says you. Kim Davis on the other hand says this is explicitly about her religion:

In addition to my desire to serve the people of Rowan County, I owe my life to Jesus Christ who loves me and gave His life for me. Following the death of my godly mother-in-law over four years ago, I went to church to fulfill her dying wish. There I heard a message of grace and forgiveness and surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. I am not perfect. No one is. But I am forgiven and I love my Lord and must be obedient to Him and to the Word of God.

I never imagined a day like this would come, where I would be asked to violate a central teaching of Scripture and of Jesus Himself regarding marriage.

Kim Davis
Davis Releases Statement, Lawyer Acknowledges Divorces

You insists i ignore Kim Davis on her own motivations and instead accept whatever nonsense you make up. pretending to speak for her. Um, no. You're nobody in this scenario. Your personal justifications are irrelevant.

Davis has stated her religion that motivates her denial of marriage licenses. And she lacks the authority to impose her religion on people using the power of the State.
The foundation fabric of our nation is hardly 'destroyed', drama queen. People by the thousands still get married every day. If the strength of your marriage is based on your ability to deny marriage to someone else.....then your marriage already had problems.

Kim Davis does not have the authority to use her office to impose her religion on other people. Nor can she create religious tests that eligibile citizens must 'pass' in order to receive state services.

She simply lacks the authority.

Any student of history will tell you, this will not end well for you.

As any student of history will tell you, bigotry doesn't fair well. When clerks refused to abide the law and issue marriage licenses to interracial couples, they were removed.

Society kept right on truckin. Bigots are a historical speed bump. And history doesn't treat them well.

You have a political prisoner sitting in a cell. Pretend all you like that you are the ones oppressed - while a political prisoner rots on your jails for failing to bow to you.

Nope. We have a woman who tried to use State authority to force unwilling people to obey her religion.....and was checked by the courts.

The moment she agrees not to abuse her office, she goes free. Or the moment she loses her office. Which ever comes first.
AS you well know, its the other way around.

You fundie nutters want to "force your sexuality down everyone's throats".

You have every right to believe as you wish.

You do not have the right to "force your sexuality down everyone's throats".

Just deal with it and go back to living your own life.


Then why force her to marry gay people against her religious beliefs? Sounds like the definition of "forcing sexuality down someones throat" if you ask me.

Or does it only apply when its sexuality that liberals are forcing down someones throat?
AS you well know, its the other way around.

You fundie nutters want to "force your sexuality down everyone's throats".

You have every right to believe as you wish.

You do not have the right to "force your sexuality down everyone's throats".

Just deal with it and go back to living your own life.


Then why force her to marry gay people against her religious beliefs? Sounds like the definition of "forcing sexuality down someones throat" if you ask me.

Or does it only apply when its sexuality that liberals are forcing down someones throat?
No one is forcing her to work in that job. She can get another job. She can work for a church instead of for the state. We live in a country that is based on separation of church and state. If working for the state is against her religious values, then she should not work for the state.
AS you well know, its the other way around.

You fundie nutters want to "force your sexuality down everyone's throats".

You have every right to believe as you wish.

You do not have the right to "force your sexuality down everyone's throats".

Just deal with it and go back to living your own life.


Then why force her to marry gay people against her religious beliefs? Sounds like the definition of "forcing sexuality down someones throat" if you ask me.

Or does it only apply when its sexuality that liberals are forcing down someones throat?

The judge offered her a perfectly reasonable compromise: let another clerk in the office issue the licenses. Kim Davis refused, insisting she would do everything in her power to interfere with any clerk attempting to issue a license to a same sex couple.

She's not only forcing gay and lesbian couples to abide her religion, she's forcing it on her fellow clerks as well.
Irrelevant. Try again.

Immediately relevant. As demonstrated by the fact that these same clerks issued the marriage licenses when removed from under Davis' authority.

Davis was pushing her religion on her clerks as much as she was the citizens of her county.
Why don't we take a poll of that county. What percent of them support gay marraige? If its less than 50%, she was upholding the beliefs of the people.
Why don't we take a poll of that county. What percent of them support gay marraige? If its more than 50%, she was upholding the beliefs of the people.

Rights aren't up to a vote. Draconian gun control was wildly popular in both DC and Chicago. But illegal as it violated constitutional guarantees.
The foundation fabric of our nation is hardly 'destroyed', drama queen. People by the thousands still get married every day. If the strength of your marriage is based on your ability to deny marriage to someone else.....then your marriage already had problems.

Kim Davis does not have the authority to use her office to impose her religion on other people. Nor can she create religious tests that eligibile citizens must 'pass' in order to receive state services.

She simply lacks the authority.

Any student of history will tell you, this will not end well for you.

As any student of history will tell you, bigotry doesn't fair well. When clerks refused to abide the law and issue marriage licenses to interracial couples, they were removed.

Society kept right on truckin. Bigots are a historical speed bump. And history doesn't treat them well.

You have a political prisoner sitting in a cell. Pretend all you like that you are the ones oppressed - while a political prisoner rots on your jails for failing to bow to you.
The worst oppressors in history present themselves as the underdog while running a reign of terror. The Gaysteppo haven't proven any different.
Churches have and still do deny performing marriages to strait couples for a wide variety of reasons. There has never been a single effort to sue a church to perform a marriage that it didn't want to perform. Your claim that that will change is just fear mongering, and you know it.
Slippery slope says it will happen. Gay agenda has said 14th trumps the 1st amendment and whacko liberal judges will enforce it.

Whoever introduced you to the phrase slippery slope did you a great disservice.
you clearly don't understand what it means to be a political prisoner. she is definitely not a political prisoner. she is a wannabe tyrant that is facing the music for her oppression of other people.

I believe those are the exact words South Africa used regarding Mandela...

what you believe isn't worth two beans - you are unable to distinguish fact from fiction. but the fact is she has not been incarcerated for her political beliefs

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