Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

...All your "unclean, filthy, wicked" nonsense...
Not nonsense.

Truth. based on your religious beliefs...

...That is not what we base our laws on...

Our laws are an amalgamation of ancient Greek, Roman and Western European and English secular and canon law, as evolved over the millennia, and largely secularized.

Our laws reflect Western European culture and tradition and historical moral beliefs with respect to the sanctity of marriage and the abomination known as homosexuality.

We are, in fact, a 'Secularized Christian Country', as evidenced by the manner and tone of our laws, which reflect that historical morality, even though its basis is so far back in time that the Historically Insensitive and Unaware have no clue about its origins and composition.

And, until very recently, laws against homosexual acts and the suppression of such filth in public life was a very real and integral part of the American Conscience.

Until homosexual political activism forced the hand of our Judiciary, to interpret the Constitution in their favor, anyway.

...In fact, the US Constitution forbids it...
True, at least to some extent; at least openly.

...If we allow your, then we would have to allow the muslims to demand all women wear burkhas...

On paper.

In practice, not really.

This is a Christian -leaning country, not a Muslim one.

If-and-when push-comes-to-shove, we'll simpy be hypocritical and inconsistent and unfair, treating Christian tradition far more favorably than Islamic tradition.

9-11 caused that to be cut into stone, fairness be damned.

...Oh, and I truly think this woman is not sacrificing herself for any moral reason...

It is obvious that you think that way.

Others (myself included) think differently, and believe you to be wrong.

... If a pizza parlor can get $1 million for just SAYING they wouldn't cater a wedding they had never been asked to cater, how much money do you think this woman will get?
Irrelevant and self-serving baseless speculation.
I see that you continue to advocate for Christian Sharia law to supercede our Constitutional law.
The people of this community should punish the ones directly responsible. The gay couples themselves should get some community involvement.

Oh fuck you. The gay couple should get some "community involvement"? Punish the gay couple because this wench CHOSE to ignore and violate the orders of the courts? Next you will call for stoning adulterers?
Nope......that's what Muslims do. Even today. But you on the left think they should have Sharia Law zones in America.

If you knew the scriptures you'd know that Jesus believed in the forgiveness of sin. ....thus so does anyone who believes he is the son of God.
The people of this community should punish the ones directly responsible. The gay couples themselves should get some community involvement.

True. The RW never can seem to round up vigilantes when they really need them.....

Somebody get Clive Bundy on the phone.
Real vigilantes work quite differently. However, the law has failed. The only thing left is covert vigilanteism.

So let me get this straight. Because the SCOTUS ruled that gays will be allowed to marry, and this woman defied the orders of the courts, you now advocate physical violence against people who have done no one ANY harm??

If you can't see the lunacy in that, you are beyond help.

And, obviously, there will not be "covert vigilanteism" against all gay couples. So the idea is to hurt some and scare the rest of them into complying?

Yup, instead of going around her.....make an example of her so nobody else dares to question your authority.
...And she was ordered by the courts to issue marriage licenses...
Yes. Ordered by the courts to legitimize and mainstream an unclean, filthy, wicked thing.

...Her refusal to do so is contempt of court...
True. Any court that requires a citizen to legitimize and mainstream wickedness (homosexuality) is worthy of contempt.

...She could have resigned from her position at any time.

She didn't.

She is intentionally sacrificing herself in protest against Runaway Judicial Activism and the recent legal victories of the Gay Mafia.

Gutsy move, Ms. Davis - salude - thank you - and God bless.
Yes...we know you support Christian Sharia.....putting your interpretation of your religion before the U.S. Constitution and our secular laws.

And we know you support Muslim Sharia.
Churches have and still do deny performing marriages to strait couples for a wide variety of reasons. There has never been a single effort to sue a church to perform a marriage that it didn't want to perform. Your claim that that will change is just fear mongering, and you know it.
Slippery slope says it will happen. Gay agenda has said 14th trumps the 1st amendment and whacko liberal judges will enforce it.
who has said the 14th amendment trumps the first?
Now she says that she would be ok with her office issuing marriage certificates, if they were to simply take her name off of the certificates. Unfortunately, the county clerk's name must appear on them, according to Kentucky law. My suggestion to her would be to have her name removed from her paychecks, instead.
Churches have and still do deny performing marriages to strait couples for a wide variety of reasons. There has never been a single effort to sue a church to perform a marriage that it didn't want to perform. Your claim that that will change is just fear mongering, and you know it.
Slippery slope says it will happen. Gay agenda has said 14th trumps the 1st amendment and whacko liberal judges will enforce it.
who has said the 14th amendment trumps the first?
He has to pretend someone said that because he is too dumb to realize freedom of speech doesnt mean you dont have to do your job.
This case is not without precedent. A few years ago, a cab driver in Minneapolis refused to pick up a guy at the airport who was carrying a sealed container of alcohol, because the cab driver was a Muslim. The guy took him to court, and the court told the cab driver that he if he holds himself forth as a cab driver, he can not refuse to pick up someone because of religious beliefs.
This case is not without precedent. A few years ago, a cab driver in Minneapolis refused to pick up a guy at the airport who was carrying a sealed container of alcohol, because the cab driver was a Muslim. The guy took him to court, and the court told the cab driver that he if he holds himself forth as a cab driver, he can not refuse to pick up someone because of religious beliefs.

Yeah but that was a Muslim. This is a Christian. So obviously the standards are different.
Actually, she's showing what a hypocrite she is.

Do you really think that Jesus would advocate for you keeping your job, if you felt that it was causing you to sin?

It says that in more than one place in the Bible btw.................

It's amusing that oppressors always use the same lines.

You have sunk to taking political prisoners. When you do this, you make martyrs of them. The homosexual lobby is not the first group to impose their views on an unwilling people through force. You simply have failed to learn from history what the result of these types of acts is.
This case is not without precedent. A few years ago, a cab driver in Minneapolis refused to pick up a guy at the airport who was carrying a sealed container of alcohol, because the cab driver was a Muslim. The guy took him to court, and the court told the cab driver that he if he holds himself forth as a cab driver, he can not refuse to pick up someone because of religious beliefs.

The driver should have appealed it to the SCOTUS. The insidious nature of public accommodation laws is they trample the liberty of people to engage in trade with whom they please. Forcing the cabbie to violate his religious beliefs is obscene.
Actually, she's showing what a hypocrite she is.

Do you really think that Jesus would advocate for you keeping your job, if you felt that it was causing you to sin?

It says that in more than one place in the Bible btw.................

It's amusing that oppressors always use the same lines.

You have sunk to taking political prisoners. When you do this, you make martyrs of them. The homosexual lobby is not the first group to impose their views on an unwilling people through force. You simply have failed to learn from history what the result of these types of acts is.

Impose your use your office to force people to follow your religion, as Kim Davis is doing?

Yeah, that dog won't hunt. Kim Davis has no authority to make up 'religious tests' that people have to pass before they can receive state services.
Yeah but that was a Muslim. This is a Christian. So obviously the standards are different.

How old were you when you were diagnosed as mentally retarded?

If this were a Muslim judge refusing to rule in a manner inconsistent with Sharia, your ilk would shit their pants. But since its a Christian refusing to issue any license unless those receiving it can pass her religious're down.

Um, no. Using the government to force people to follow your religion is government establishment of religion. Which is explicitly forbidden by the 1st amendment.
Impose your use your office to force people to follow your religion, as Kim Davis is doing?

Yeah, that dog won't hunt. Kim Davis has no authority to make up 'religious tests' that people have to pass before they can receive state services.

The counter-culture, in the war to utterly destroy the foundational fabric of the nation, has redefined the meaning of the institution of marriage. Davis has resisted the redefinition. Whether I agree or disagree, the acts of the ruling counter-culture in imprisoning her follow the same pattern of the imprisonment of countless political prisoners before her.

Any student of history will tell you, this will not end well for you.
Impose your use your office to force people to follow your religion, as Kim Davis is doing?

Yeah, that dog won't hunt. Kim Davis has no authority to make up 'religious tests' that people have to pass before they can receive state services.

The counter-culture, in the war to utterly destroy the foundational fabric of the nation, has redefined the meaning of the institution of marriage. Davis has resisted the redefinition. Whether I agree or disagree, the acts of the ruling counter-culture in imprisoning her follow the same pattern of the imprisonment of countless political prisoners before her.

The foundation fabric of our nation is hardly 'destroyed', drama queen. People by the thousands still get married every day. If the strength of your marriage is based on your ability to deny marriage to someone else.....then your marriage already had problems.

Kim Davis does not have the authority to use her office to impose her religion on other people. Nor can she create religious tests that eligibile citizens must 'pass' in order to receive state services.

She simply lacks the authority.

Any student of history will tell you, this will not end well for you.

As any student of history will tell you, bigotry doesn't fair well. When clerks refused to abide the law and issue marriage licenses to interracial couples, they were removed.

Society kept right on truckin. Bigots are a historical speed bump. And history doesn't treat them well.
If this were a Muslim judge refusing to rule in a manner inconsistent with Sharia, your ilk would shit their pants. But since its a Christian refusing to issue any license unless those receiving it can pass her religious're down.

Um, no. Using the government to force people to follow your religion is government establishment of religion. Which is explicitly forbidden by the 1st amendment.

You've jumped the rails entirely and can't even connect to the subject at hand.

This has nothing to do with religious law. The SCOTUS declared new law that alters a 5000 year institution. The clerk has declared an unwillingness to accede to the newspeak doublethink definition imposed by the regime.

Oh, and a Muslim judge would stone homosexuals to death. You leftists are amusing, in your hatred for Christians you create this fantasy that your Muslim allies have the same beliefs as you do. You are aligned with Islam because you share a joint hatred of America, but Muslims put homosexuals to death.

Three Iranian men have been executed after being found guilty of charges related to homosexuality, according to a semi-official news agency.

The men, only identified by their initials, were hanged on Sunday in the south-western city of Ahvaz, the capital of Iran's Khuzestan province.

"The three convicts were sentenced to death based on the articles 108 and 110 of Iran's Islamic penal code, for acts against the sharia law and bad deeds," the Isna agency quoted a judiciary official in Khuzestan as saying.}

Iran executes three men on homosexuality charges

Iran, isn't that the country getting the Obamanuke?
The foundation fabric of our nation is hardly 'destroyed', drama queen. People by the thousands still get married every day. If the strength of your marriage is based on your ability to deny marriage to someone else.....then your marriage already had problems.

Kim Davis does not have the authority to use her office to impose her religion on other people. Nor can she create religious tests that eligibile citizens must 'pass' in order to receive state services.

She simply lacks the authority.

Any student of history will tell you, this will not end well for you.

As any student of history will tell you, bigotry doesn't fair well. When clerks refused to abide the law and issue marriage licenses to interracial couples, they were removed.

Society kept right on truckin. Bigots are a historical speed bump. And history doesn't treat them well.

You have a political prisoner sitting in a cell. Pretend all you like that you are the ones oppressed - while a political prisoner rots on your jails for failing to bow to you.

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