Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

The foundation fabric of our nation is hardly 'destroyed', drama queen. People by the thousands still get married every day. If the strength of your marriage is based on your ability to deny marriage to someone else.....then your marriage already had problems.

Kim Davis does not have the authority to use her office to impose her religion on other people. Nor can she create religious tests that eligibile citizens must 'pass' in order to receive state services.

She simply lacks the authority.

Any student of history will tell you, this will not end well for you.

As any student of history will tell you, bigotry doesn't fair well. When clerks refused to abide the law and issue marriage licenses to interracial couples, they were removed.

Society kept right on truckin. Bigots are a historical speed bump. And history doesn't treat them well.

You have a political prisoner sitting in a cell. Pretend all you like that you are the ones oppressed - while a political prisoner rots on your jails for failing to bow to you.
The worst oppressors in history present themselves as the underdog while running a reign of terror. The Gaysteppo haven't proven any different.

Yeah, think about how awful all the bigots who refused to issue licenses to interracial couples were treated. Oh, the humanities.
you clearly don't understand what it means to be a political prisoner. she is definitely not a political prisoner. she is a wannabe tyrant that is facing the music for her oppression of other people.

I believe those are the exact words South Africa used regarding Mandela...
^^^^ this.

Yeah, because Mandela was imprisoned because he interfered with marriage licenses.

You want to be the victims *so badly*, don't you.
you clearly don't understand what it means to be a political prisoner. she is definitely not a political prisoner. she is a wannabe tyrant that is facing the music for her oppression of other people.

I believe those are the exact words South Africa used regarding Mandela...
^^^^ this.

Yeah, because Mandela was imprisoned because he interfered with marriage licenses.

You want to be the victims *so badly*, don't you.
The Nazis claimed Jews were oppressors. You remind me of them.
you clearly don't understand what it means to be a political prisoner. she is definitely not a political prisoner. she is a wannabe tyrant that is facing the music for her oppression of other people.

I believe those are the exact words South Africa used regarding Mandela...
^^^^ this.
did you forget to add "is bullshit" to your comment?
she has not been imprisoned for her political beliefs.
you clearly don't understand what it means to be a political prisoner. she is definitely not a political prisoner. she is a wannabe tyrant that is facing the music for her oppression of other people.

I believe those are the exact words South Africa used regarding Mandela...
^^^^ this.

Yeah, because Mandela was imprisoned because he interfered with marriage licenses.

You want to be the victims *so badly*, don't you.
The Nazis claimed Jews were oppressors. You remind me of them.

Undoubtedly, to you. But you're wildly irrational on this issue. As a night in jail isn't the holocaust. Thank you for again fulfilling Godwin's law.
Bullshit! She's another ignorant Christian.

Perhaps the regime will execute her? In public.

This is ridiculous.

There are two types of contempt; criminal and civil. The difference is the punishment. In a civil contempt case, the contemnor determines how long they are incarcerated. Kim Davis can leave jail at any time.

Also, the judge tried to give her an out. After imposing a sentence for contempt, Judge Bunning took a break. When Court resumed, he interviewed the Deputy Clerks for Rowan County as to whether they would comply with his Order. Five (5) of the six (6) deputies affirmed that they would comply with his Order. He then recalled Ms. Davis and asked whether she could refrain from interfering with the deputies while they issued marriage licenses. If she would do that, then he was satisfied that she was not in contempt and could go home. Ms. Davis refused even that much.
The foundation fabric of our nation is hardly 'destroyed', drama queen. People by the thousands still get married every day. If the strength of your marriage is based on your ability to deny marriage to someone else.....then your marriage already had problems.

Kim Davis does not have the authority to use her office to impose her religion on other people. Nor can she create religious tests that eligibile citizens must 'pass' in order to receive state services.

She simply lacks the authority.

Any student of history will tell you, this will not end well for you.

As any student of history will tell you, bigotry doesn't fair well. When clerks refused to abide the law and issue marriage licenses to interracial couples, they were removed.

Society kept right on truckin. Bigots are a historical speed bump. And history doesn't treat them well.

You have a political prisoner sitting in a cell. Pretend all you like that you are the ones oppressed - while a political prisoner rots on your jails for failing to bow to you.

Nope. We have a woman who tried to use State authority to force unwilling people to obey her religion.....and was checked by the courts.

The moment she agrees not to abuse her office, she goes free. Or the moment she loses her office. Which ever comes first.
Wouldn't it be great if we could apply that same standard to mayors of refuge cities?
The foundation fabric of our nation is hardly 'destroyed', drama queen. People by the thousands still get married every day. If the strength of your marriage is based on your ability to deny marriage to someone else.....then your marriage already had problems.

Kim Davis does not have the authority to use her office to impose her religion on other people. Nor can she create religious tests that eligibile citizens must 'pass' in order to receive state services.

She simply lacks the authority.

Any student of history will tell you, this will not end well for you.

As any student of history will tell you, bigotry doesn't fair well. When clerks refused to abide the law and issue marriage licenses to interracial couples, they were removed.

Society kept right on truckin. Bigots are a historical speed bump. And history doesn't treat them well.

You have a political prisoner sitting in a cell. Pretend all you like that you are the ones oppressed - while a political prisoner rots on your jails for failing to bow to you.

Nope. We have a woman who tried to use State authority to force unwilling people to obey her religion.....and was checked by the courts.

The moment she agrees not to abuse her office, she goes free. Or the moment she loses her office. Which ever comes first.
Wouldn't it be great if we could apply that same standard to mayors of refuge cities?

Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could discuss a topic without desperately trying to change the topic?

Can I accept your awkward attempt as a concession in this one?
The foundation fabric of our nation is hardly 'destroyed', drama queen. People by the thousands still get married every day. If the strength of your marriage is based on your ability to deny marriage to someone else.....then your marriage already had problems.

Kim Davis does not have the authority to use her office to impose her religion on other people. Nor can she create religious tests that eligibile citizens must 'pass' in order to receive state services.

She simply lacks the authority.

Any student of history will tell you, this will not end well for you.

As any student of history will tell you, bigotry doesn't fair well. When clerks refused to abide the law and issue marriage licenses to interracial couples, they were removed.

Society kept right on truckin. Bigots are a historical speed bump. And history doesn't treat them well.

You have a political prisoner sitting in a cell. Pretend all you like that you are the ones oppressed - while a political prisoner rots on your jails for failing to bow to you.

Nope. We have a woman who tried to use State authority to force unwilling people to obey her religion.....and was checked by the courts.

The moment she agrees not to abuse her office, she goes free. Or the moment she loses her office. Which ever comes first.
Wouldn't it be great if we could apply that same standard to mayors of refuge cities?
mayors of sanctuary cities are not denying rights to anyone. they are not using the power of their office to impose their religious beliefs on their communities.
Bullshit! She's another ignorant Christian.

Perhaps the regime will execute her? In public.

This is ridiculous.

There are two types of contempt; criminal and civil. The difference is the punishment. In a civil contempt case, the contemnor determines how long they are incarcerated. Kim Davis can leave jail at any time.

Also, the judge tried to give her an out. After imposing a sentence for contempt, Judge Bunning took a break. When Court resumed, he interviewed the Deputy Clerks for Rowan County as to whether they would comply with his Order. Five (5) of the six (6) deputies affirmed that they would comply with his Order. He then recalled Ms. Davis and asked whether she could refrain from interfering with the deputies while they issued marriage licenses. If she would do that, then he was satisfied that she was not in contempt and could go home. Ms. Davis refused even that much.
We need more just like her, a tradition of righteous defiance.
Bullshit! She's another ignorant Christian.

Perhaps the regime will execute her? In public.

This is ridiculous.

There are two types of contempt; criminal and civil. The difference is the punishment. In a civil contempt case, the contemnor determines how long they are incarcerated. Kim Davis can leave jail at any time.

Also, the judge tried to give her an out. After imposing a sentence for contempt, Judge Bunning took a break. When Court resumed, he interviewed the Deputy Clerks for Rowan County as to whether they would comply with his Order. Five (5) of the six (6) deputies affirmed that they would comply with his Order. He then recalled Ms. Davis and asked whether she could refrain from interfering with the deputies while they issued marriage licenses. If she would do that, then he was satisfied that she was not in contempt and could go home. Ms. Davis refused even that much.
We need more just like her, a tradition of righteous defiance.
is denial of rights and oppression righteous these days?
Bullshit! She's another ignorant Christian.

Perhaps the regime will execute her? In public.

This is ridiculous.

There are two types of contempt; criminal and civil. The difference is the punishment. In a civil contempt case, the contemnor determines how long they are incarcerated. Kim Davis can leave jail at any time.

Also, the judge tried to give her an out. After imposing a sentence for contempt, Judge Bunning took a break. When Court resumed, he interviewed the Deputy Clerks for Rowan County as to whether they would comply with his Order. Five (5) of the six (6) deputies affirmed that they would comply with his Order. He then recalled Ms. Davis and asked whether she could refrain from interfering with the deputies while they issued marriage licenses. If she would do that, then he was satisfied that she was not in contempt and could go home. Ms. Davis refused even that much.
We need more just like her, a tradition of righteous defiance.

And by 'righteous defiance', you mean using the government to try and force people to obey your religious beliefs?
Bullshit! She's another ignorant Christian.

Perhaps the regime will execute her? In public.

This is ridiculous.

There are two types of contempt; criminal and civil. The difference is the punishment. In a civil contempt case, the contemnor determines how long they are incarcerated. Kim Davis can leave jail at any time.

Also, the judge tried to give her an out. After imposing a sentence for contempt, Judge Bunning took a break. When Court resumed, he interviewed the Deputy Clerks for Rowan County as to whether they would comply with his Order. Five (5) of the six (6) deputies affirmed that they would comply with his Order. He then recalled Ms. Davis and asked whether she could refrain from interfering with the deputies while they issued marriage licenses. If she would do that, then he was satisfied that she was not in contempt and could go home. Ms. Davis refused even that much.
We need more just like her, a tradition of righteous defiance.
is denial of rights and oppression righteous these days?

If those denying you those rights don't think you should have them, apparently.
Good. Woman is an idiot.
Can you spell "MARTYR"?
Yes I can. If she thinks she's a martyr, I'm sure she gets all tingly about it.....Lester Maddox and George Wallace thought they were martyrs too.
I know this is way out in left field.....but there are some actual Christians that believe in following their convictions. They aren't all out to get the Gheys or throw black people in jail. If this woman was a Muslim this would never be questioned. But because she's a Christian she has to obey the law from the most corrupt city in our country. (Washington D.C.)

If she were a Muslim, she would most certainly be villified.

I have no problem with her "following her convictions" - but she wasn't content to stop there. She refused to allow her deputies to issue licenses as well. They were willing to step in when there was a same sex wedding license needed. That would have been a win-win for both her and the state, but that wasn't good enough for her. She had to force her religion on everyone and refuse permission for anyone to issue those licenses.
The foundation fabric of our nation is hardly 'destroyed', drama queen. People by the thousands still get married every day. If the strength of your marriage is based on your ability to deny marriage to someone else.....then your marriage already had problems.

Kim Davis does not have the authority to use her office to impose her religion on other people. Nor can she create religious tests that eligibile citizens must 'pass' in order to receive state services.

She simply lacks the authority.

Any student of history will tell you, this will not end well for you.

As any student of history will tell you, bigotry doesn't fair well. When clerks refused to abide the law and issue marriage licenses to interracial couples, they were removed.

Society kept right on truckin. Bigots are a historical speed bump. And history doesn't treat them well.

You have a political prisoner sitting in a cell. Pretend all you like that you are the ones oppressed - while a political prisoner rots on your jails for failing to bow to you.
The worst oppressors in history present themselves as the underdog while running a reign of terror. The Gaysteppo haven't proven any different.

:lol: Sounds like the Tea Party
Yeah, because Mandela was imprisoned because he interfered with marriage licenses.

You want to be the victims *so badly*, don't you.

What you should do, is get some firetrucks and turn high pressure hoses on protesters. :thup;

This is ridiculous.

There are two types of contempt; criminal and civil. The difference is the punishment. In a civil contempt case, the contemnor determines how long they are incarcerated. Kim Davis can leave jail at any time.

Also, the judge tried to give her an out. After imposing a sentence for contempt, Judge Bunning took a break. When Court resumed, he interviewed the Deputy Clerks for Rowan County as to whether they would comply with his Order. Five (5) of the six (6) deputies affirmed that they would comply with his Order. He then recalled Ms. Davis and asked whether she could refrain from interfering with the deputies while they issued marriage licenses. If she would do that, then he was satisfied that she was not in contempt and could go home. Ms. Davis refused even that much.

Davis seeks a confrontation, just as MLK did in Selma.

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