Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

...for failure to obey court order of issuing marraige licenses to gay couples.

News from The Associated Press

I'd just like to point out the hypocrisy of the judicial system.

Jerry Brown as attorney general of California refused to do his job to defend prop 8 against lawsuits.....the follow on attorney general did the consequences......but this woman gets thrown in jail....I guess lawyers have the privilege to ignore that law that the rest of us dont.
did that deny anyone their constitutional rights?
and if you wanted them punished, i guess someone should have sued.

constitutional rights was a question involved..........but thats not really the point is it.

It has to do with the hypocrisy of judges and the judicial system. Brown had a duty to the whole people of the State of California.....if he didnt feel it was right he should've resigned.
it's tough to say that brown was derelict in his duty by not defending proposition 8. he was right, it wasn't defensible.
because i have a dictionary?
you are ignorant and you keep putting your stupidity, ignorance, and willingness to lie on display.
you lack integrity.

You are insane.


noun gen·der \ˈjen-dər\
: the state of being male or female

grammar : one of the categories (masculine, feminine, and neuter) into which words (such as nouns, adjectives, and pronouns) are divided in many languages
Full Definition of GENDER
a : a subclass within a grammatical class (as noun, pronoun, adjective, or verb) of a language that is partly arbitrary but also partly based on distinguishable characteristics (as shape, social rank, manner of existence, or sex) and that determines agreement with and selection of other words or grammatical forms

b : membership of a word or a grammatical form in such a subclass

c : an inflectional form showing membership in such a subclass
a : sex <the feminine gender>

b : the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex
gender | the state of being male or female

So you admit you are insane?
i give you the definition showing me to be correct, source that definition, and you still insist that i'm incorrect.
it's black and white, not open to debate. again, you demonstrate your lack of integrity.
i give you the definition showing me to be correct, source that definition, and you still insist that i'm incorrect.
it's black and white, not open to debate. again, you demonstrate your lack of integrity.

No, you provided alternate definitions including one used in psychology.

The definition is;


noun gen·der \ˈjen-dər\
: the state of being male or female

grammar : one of the categories (masculine, feminine, and neuter) into which words (such as nouns, adjectives, and pronouns) are divided in many languages

You are quite insane.
...for failure to obey court order of issuing marraige licenses to gay couples.

News from The Associated Press

I'd just like to point out the hypocrisy of the judicial system.

Jerry Brown as attorney general of California refused to do his job to defend prop 8 against lawsuits.....the follow on attorney general did the consequences......but this woman gets thrown in jail....I guess lawyers have the privilege to ignore that law that the rest of us dont.
did that deny anyone their constitutional rights?
and if you wanted them punished, i guess someone should have sued.

constitutional rights was a question involved..........but thats not really the point is it.

It has to do with the hypocrisy of judges and the judicial system. Brown had a duty to the whole people of the State of California.....if he didnt feel it was right he should've resigned.
it's tough to say that brown was derelict in his duty by not defending proposition 8. he was right, it wasn't defensible.

catch-22 kinda then huh...the reason it was ruled against was that the people in court didnt have standing....but Brown did...

It came before the SC's he doesn't have that excuse.....even if it had come after .....there are enough nuances in the law that he still has the duty to defend a law passed by the people of his state.

If Brown wasn't thrown in jail...this woman shouldn't be either.
No, your post is wrong, in addition to being ignorant.

The arrest was lawful and consistent with the Constitution, having nothing to do whatsoever with her religion.

That the likes of Cruz 'stands' with Davis, both exhibiting their ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law, comes as no surprise.

Davis would have been jailed if she were Muslim or Jewish, or a person free from faith – for whatever reason she might defy a lawful, Constitutional court order.
He or she whatever the case may be is a liar Bonzi. Sodomy is not mention as a protected act in the Bill of Rights or Constitution. Judges do not make law legislators voted into office by the people do that.
Neither is any kind of sex. But it IS fascinating that you want to stick your nose, so to speak, in the sex lives of others.
I am not sticking my nose into your sex life. Do your thing if you choose just don't expect me to agree with it when yo put it out into the public view.
You go on about sodomy not being legal or in the Constitution. Ok, how do you enforce any law against sodomy then? And I've a ton more hetero sex out in public view than any gay sex. Half the commercials on tv are based on the premise that sex sells.
Sodomy is not protected under the Constitution therefore the marriage of it is not either. I don't have or watch a TV, haven't for years. Did not have one when the children were little either.
I have no intention of enforcing any laws on your sexual deviance. There is a though God's law and that you will to take up with the spirit in your self if you like.

The law of Gravity is not protected under the COTUS either, maybe you ought to be a Martyr like the clerk and test it on a bridge. The trier of fact in that case is God, so as a true believer, find a high bridge and post the result on YouTube.
The law of Gravity is not protected under the COTUS either, maybe you ought to be a Martyr like the clerk and test it on a bridge. The trier of fact in that case is God, so as a true believer, find a high bridge and post the result on YouTube.

You leftists, the fakers of reality can treat gravity as you treat gender - demand that it is what you want it to be and any given second.

In fact, this will be a better world if you leftists act on those delusions. :thup:
i give you the definition showing me to be correct, source that definition, and you still insist that i'm incorrect.
it's black and white, not open to debate. again, you demonstrate your lack of integrity.

No, you provided alternate definitions including one used in psychology.

The definition is;


noun gen·der \ˈjen-dər\
: the state of being male or female

grammar : one of the categories (masculine, feminine, and neuter) into which words (such as nouns, adjectives, and pronouns) are divided in many languages

You are quite insane.
just wow. you can't even accept something presented to you and sourced when it's as basic as a definition of a word.
how do you function day to day when you refuse to acknowledge reality?
Then why force her to marry gay people against her religious beliefs? Sounds like the definition of "forcing sexuality down someones throat" if you ask me.

Or does it only apply when its sexuality that liberals are forcing down someones throat?

County Clerks don't marry people in Kentucky. You have to be a member of the clergy, a Judge, or a Justice of the Peace.

She isn't being asked to marry anyone.

Why don't we take a poll of that county. What percent of them support gay marraige? If its less than 50%, she was upholding the beliefs of the people.

Should we have taken a poll in the 1950's to see what percent of them supported interracial marriage?

...for failure to obey court order of issuing marraige licenses to gay couples.

News from The Associated Press

I'd just like to point out the hypocrisy of the judicial system.

Jerry Brown as attorney general of California refused to do his job to defend prop 8 against lawsuits.....the follow on attorney general did the consequences......but this woman gets thrown in jail....I guess lawyers have the privilege to ignore that law that the rest of us dont.
did that deny anyone their constitutional rights?
and if you wanted them punished, i guess someone should have sued.

constitutional rights was a question involved..........but thats not really the point is it.

It has to do with the hypocrisy of judges and the judicial system. Brown had a duty to the whole people of the State of California.....if he didnt feel it was right he should've resigned.
it's tough to say that brown was derelict in his duty by not defending proposition 8. he was right, it wasn't defensible.

catch-22 kinda then huh...the reason it was ruled against was that the people in court didnt have standing....but Brown did...

It came before the SC's he doesn't have that excuse.....even if it had come after .....there are enough nuances in the law that he still has the duty to defend a law passed by the people of his state.

If Brown wasn't thrown in jail...this woman shouldn't be either.
it's not quite the same thing. brown would have to give a legal defense. if he's not able to do that because its indefensible that's not really his fault.
but i do agree with you, he should have at least attempted to do so.
I'd just like to point out the hypocrisy of the judicial system.

Jerry Brown as attorney general of California refused to do his job to defend prop 8 against lawsuits.....the follow on attorney general did the consequences......but this woman gets thrown in jail....I guess lawyers have the privilege to ignore that law that the rest of us dont.
did that deny anyone their constitutional rights?
and if you wanted them punished, i guess someone should have sued.

constitutional rights was a question involved..........but thats not really the point is it.

It has to do with the hypocrisy of judges and the judicial system. Brown had a duty to the whole people of the State of California.....if he didnt feel it was right he should've resigned.
it's tough to say that brown was derelict in his duty by not defending proposition 8. he was right, it wasn't defensible.

catch-22 kinda then huh...the reason it was ruled against was that the people in court didnt have standing....but Brown did...

It came before the SC's he doesn't have that excuse.....even if it had come after .....there are enough nuances in the law that he still has the duty to defend a law passed by the people of his state.

If Brown wasn't thrown in jail...this woman shouldn't be either.
it's not quite the same thing. brown would have to give a legal defense. if he's not able to do that because its indefensible that's not really his fault.
but i do agree with you, he should have at least attempted to do so.

no it is slightly different,....but still gets down to legal duty..............and I think it shows a double standard on the part of the judicial system establishment.
Simple Question:

How many divorced couples has the Clerk issued marriage licenses for, and if any then she need to drop the Christian act because she is full of shit when using her so-call Christianity to support her bigoted hatred to deny same sex couples the same rights as divorce couples enjoy!?!
Simple Question:

How many divorced couples has the Clerk issued marriage licenses for, and if any then she need to drop the Christian act because she is full of shit when using her so-call Christianity to support her bigoted hatred to deny same sex couples the same rights as divorce couples enjoy!?!

she wasn't issuing ANY marriage licenses..which most likely means she was denying far more real marriages than gay marriages.
Where in the constitution does it give gays the right to marry?

This should be fun.
I actually find it hard to believe that your are asking such an idiotic question. May I make a suggestion. Read the Obergefell decision- I'm quite sure that your haven't - and see if that helps. If it does, we're good. If not, you're a hopeless case.
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i give you the definition showing me to be correct, source that definition, and you still insist that i'm incorrect.
it's black and white, not open to debate. again, you demonstrate your lack of integrity.

No, you provided alternate definitions including one used in psychology.

The definition is;


noun gen·der \ˈjen-dər\
: the state of being male or female

grammar : one of the categories (masculine, feminine, and neuter) into which words (such as nouns, adjectives, and pronouns) are divided in many languages

You are quite insane.
just wow. you can't even accept something presented to you and sourced when it's as basic as a definition of a word.
how do you function day to day when you refuse to acknowledge reality?
Well he didnt know Vancouver was not in europe so you have to excuse him.
i give you the definition showing me to be correct, source that definition, and you still insist that i'm incorrect.
it's black and white, not open to debate. again, you demonstrate your lack of integrity.

No, you provided alternate definitions including one used in psychology.

The definition is;


noun gen·der \ˈjen-dər\
: the state of being male or female

grammar : one of the categories (masculine, feminine, and neuter) into which words (such as nouns, adjectives, and pronouns) are divided in many languages

You are quite insane.
just wow. you can't even accept something presented to you and sourced when it's as basic as a definition of a word.
how do you function day to day when you refuse to acknowledge reality?
Well he didnt know Vancouver was not in europe so you have to excuse him.
there is no excuse for him.
Earlier today, her husband spoke out and said that the government was trying to squash religious freedom.

No...................he's got the right to practice ANY belief system that he wants to. He also has the right to apply for any job that he thinks he's qualified for.

He also has the right to be offended if that job makes him go against his beliefs.

More importantly? He has the right to find work elsewhere if he feels that his job is compromising his spirituality.

I mean.....................strip clubs are legal (and many Christian men go to them, I know, I used to work in one), but you don't see many Christians bitching about the working conditions as being sinful.

This woman needs to stay in jail until (a) she agrees to DO THE JOB SHE WAS ELECTED FOR, or (b) decides to step down.

And remember people.................this isn't about religion, this is about a county clerk who was held in contempt of court for not doing her job. She can fix this by leaving or doing her job.
You have a political prisoner sitting in a cell. Pretend all you like that you are the ones oppressed - while a political prisoner rots on your jails for failing to bow to you.
The worst oppressors in history present themselves as the underdog while running a reign of terror. The Gaysteppo haven't proven any different.

:lol: Sounds like the Tea Party
Really? Who has the Tea Party oppressed? Spit it out.

Who have the gays "oppressed"?

Did you mean the Gaysteppo? Because they don't represent all gay people.

Or even half.

Who's been oppressed?


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