Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

It's sad when the so called supreme court comes to represent a few rich white neurotic sexual perverts that buys layers and inevitably changes the course of popular opinion and law. THATc isn't what "WE, THE PEOPLE" means, IF we, the PEOPLE, DO NOT WANT gay marriage, it should mean just that, nothing more , nothing LESS.
If you dont want to be married because you are gay dont get married. You dont get to dictate that choice to other people.
Lets be honest here: marriage is just a empty status symbol to gays. They will never have kids outside of mistaken unions or adoption. We are all children of hetrosexuals, and no amendments or bitching about the unfairness of life will change that ditty,
Lets be honest here: marriage is just a empty status symbol to gays. They will never have kids outside of mistaken unions or adoption. We are all children of hetrosexuals, and no amendments or bitching about the unfairness of life will change that ditty,
How do you know its an empty status symbol to all gays? Just because you are gay and dont like gay marriage doesnt mean other gay people feel the same way.
Lets be honest here: marriage is just a empty status symbol to gays. They will never have kids outside of mistaken unions or adoption. We are all children of hetrosexuals, and no amendments or bitching about the unfairness of life will change that ditty,
This is comprehensive wrong and ridiculous, and completely devoid of honesty.

Gay Americans are perfectly capable of having children, many have children of their own.

Nor is marriage an 'empty status symbol' for gay Americans, they are just as capable of love and commitment as opposite-sex couples.

This is the sort of ignorance that foments unwarranted animosity toward gay Americans.
Lets be honest here: marriage is just a empty status symbol to gays. They will never have kids outside of mistaken unions or adoption. We are all children of hetrosexuals, and no amendments or bitching about the unfairness of life will change that ditty,
You have to tell us more about what us gays "want" and how you come by these pearls of wisdom. Really. Fascinate us.
Lets be honest here: marriage is just a empty status symbol to gays. They will never have kids outside of mistaken unions or adoption. We are all children of hetrosexuals, and no amendments or bitching about the unfairness of life will change that ditty,
How do you know its an empty status symbol to all gays? Just because you are gay and dont like gay marriage doesnt mean other gay people feel the same way.
Oh brother, Trite bullocks yet again. I am so tired of these phony confrontations , ja' cuse bullocks, I don't have to be a chicken to know an egg. Ya know?
Lets be honest here: marriage is just a empty status symbol to gays. They will never have kids outside of mistaken unions or adoption. We are all children of hetrosexuals, and no amendments or bitching about the unfairness of life will change that ditty,
This is comprehensive wrong and ridiculous, and completely devoid of honesty.

Gay Americans are perfectly capable of having children, many have children of their own.

Nor is marriage an 'empty status symbol' for gay Americans, they are just as capable of love and commitment as opposite-sex couples.

This is the sort of ignorance that foments unwarranted animosity toward gay Americans.
You have to wonder what hell hole marriage is to people who think that way about the marriages of others.
Lets be honest here: marriage is just a empty status symbol to gays. They will never have kids outside of mistaken unions or adoption. We are all children of hetrosexuals, and no amendments or bitching about the unfairness of life will change that ditty,
How do you know its an empty status symbol to all gays? Just because you are gay and dont like gay marriage doesnt mean other gay people feel the same way.
Oh brother, Trite bullocks yet again. I am so tired of this phony confrontations , ja' cuse bullocks, I don't have to be a chicken to know an egg. Ya know?
That was dumber than most of your posts. What do chicken and eggs have to do with getting married? How many other gay people have you polled besides yourself?
Earlier today, her husband spoke out and said that the government was trying to squash religious freedom.

No...................he's got the right to practice ANY belief system that he wants to. He also has the right to apply for any job that he thinks he's qualified for.

He also has the right to be offended if that job makes him go against his beliefs.

More importantly? He has the right to find work elsewhere if he feels that his job is compromising his spirituality.

I mean.....................strip clubs are legal (and many Christian men go to them, I know, I used to work in one), but you don't see many Christians bitching about the working conditions as being sinful.

This woman needs to stay in jail until (a) she agrees to DO THE JOB SHE WAS ELECTED FOR, or (b) decides to step down.

And remember people.................this isn't about religion, this is about a county clerk who was held in contempt of court for not doing her job. She can fix this by leaving or doing her job.
You guys are such hypocrites.
You claim that when we try to stop you from getting your taxpayer funded abortions that's squashing your reproductive rights. If we don't agree with your definition of marriage we're trying to squash your civil rights.
Now you say that putting someone in jail for her religious convictions isn't squashing her religious freedom. Doesn't matter that she gave them options to get their piece of paper a few miles down the road.

You seem to believe in having in both ways.

You should change your name from the Democratic Party to the Hypocritical Nazi party.
Check this out....muddy's connecting abortion and gays again. Rest assured, I know of no gay couples getting abortions.
It's sad when the so called supreme court comes to represent a few rich white neurotic sexual perverts that buys layers and inevitably changes the course of popular opinion and law. THAT isn't what "WE, THE PEOPLE" means, IF we, the PEOPLE, DO NOT WANT gay marriage, it should mean just that, nothing more , nothing LESS.

Once again, you might wanna take a look at the latest opinion polls. Your apparent definition of "we the people" doesn't seem to jibe with them anymore.
...Yes...we know you support Christian Sharia...
You know no such thing.

Also, you cannot even define and articulate this made-up term, "Christian Sharia Law", so, I'm not going to sweat your brickbats.

....putting your interpretation of your religion before the U.S. Constitution and our secular laws.
1. I am a Christian-leaning Agnostic - a Doubting Thomas

2. I do not put my 'religion' ahead of the Constitution.

3. I merely hold that our Constitution has recently been interpreted incorrectly, in contravention to the interests of the Nation and its People, in favor of a tiny minority of sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals).

4. I advocate revisiting recent SCOTUS rulings on the subject, and a different attack-angle, in order to overturn such bad rulings, as is my right, under the Constitution

5. Our 'secular' laws have vast, deep roots in the Laws of Antiquity (Greece, Rome) and post-Imperial, Medieval and Renaissance CANON law, and modern-day adaptations.

6. We are a Secular Christian Nation - with a healthy separation between Church and State - but a country in which the vast majority are of a Christian 'confession'.
Gotta love these bible toting christians who claim Jesus and judge other's. Clearly this country bitch don't read the bible much!!
...Yes...we know you support Christian Sharia...
You know no such thing.

Also, you cannot even define and articulate this made-up term, "Christian Sharia Law", so, I'm not going to sweat your brickbats.

....putting your interpretation of your religion before the U.S. Constitution and our secular laws.
1. I am a Christian-leaning Agnostic - a Doubting Thomas

2. I do not put my 'religion' ahead of the Constitution.

3. I merely hold that our Constitution has recently been interpreted incorrectly, in contravention to the interests of the Nation and its People, in favor of a tiny minority of sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals).

4. I advocate revisiting recent SCOTUS rulings on the subject, and a different attack-angle, in order to overturn such bad rulings, as is my right, under the Constitution

5. Our 'secular' laws have vast, deep roots in the Laws of Antiquity (Greece, Rome) and post-Imperial, Medieval and Renaissance CANON law, and modern-day adaptations.

6. We are a Secular Christian Nation - with a healthy separation between Church and State - but a country in which the vast majority are of a Christian 'confession'.
Anyone who supports Kim Davis' attempt at forcing christian sharia onto her county is a supporter of the concept of christian sharia. You've been supporting her, don't deny it.
...I see that you continue to advocate for Christian Sharia law to supercede our Constitutional law.
Previously and effectively countered, above.

I see, however, that you continue to belch-out Sound Byte Labels - made-up labels such as Christian Sharia - without being able to properly define that for us.

You're actually not very good at this, when it gets right down to the gut-level work, are you?
...Yes...we know you support Christian Sharia...
You know no such thing.

Also, you cannot even define and articulate this made-up term, "Christian Sharia Law", so, I'm not going to sweat your brickbats.

....putting your interpretation of your religion before the U.S. Constitution and our secular laws.
1. I am a Christian-leaning Agnostic - a Doubting Thomas

2. I do not put my 'religion' ahead of the Constitution.

3. I merely hold that our Constitution has recently been interpreted incorrectly, in contravention to the interests of the Nation and its People, in favor of a tiny minority of sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals).

4. I advocate revisiting recent SCOTUS rulings on the subject, and a different attack-angle, in order to overturn such bad rulings, as is my right, under the Constitution

5. Our 'secular' laws have vast, deep roots in the Laws of Antiquity (Greece, Rome) and post-Imperial, Medieval and Renaissance CANON law, and modern-day adaptations.

6. We are a Secular Christian Nation - with a healthy separation between Church and State - but a country in which the vast majority are of a Christian 'confession'.
Anyone who supports Kim Davis' attempt at forcing christian sharia onto her county is a supporter of the concept of christian sharia. You've been supporting her, don't deny it.
There is no such thing as Christian Sharia.

It is a made-up term that politically active sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) and their supporters like to vomit-up, in an attempt to discredit their opposition.

All that is required to defeat the Gay Mafia is the courage to take their brickbats and to keep charging.
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This case is not without precedent. A few years ago, a cab driver in Minneapolis refused to pick up a guy at the airport who was carrying a sealed container of alcohol, because the cab driver was a Muslim. The guy took him to court, and the court told the cab driver that he if he holds himself forth as a cab driver, he can not refuse to pick up someone because of religious beliefs.

Yeah but that was a Muslim. This is a Christian. So obviously the standards are different.
By Jove, I think you've got it.

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