Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

...I see that you continue to advocate for Christian Sharia law to supercede our Constitutional law.
Previously and effectively countered, above.

I see, however, that you continue to belch-out Sound Byte Labels - made-up labels such as Christian Sharia - without being able to properly define that for us.

You're actually not very good at this, when it gets right down to the gut-level work, are you?

So, when a Minnesota court ruled a few years back that a Muslim taxi driver could not discriminate against a passenger carrying a sealed bottle of liquor, simply because , as a Muslim, he objected to driving the guy, based on his religious beliefs, to be a wrong decision on the part of the court?
Now the woman is going to appeal the contempt of court decision. I guess that her attorney feels that the appeals court can overturn the Supreme Court decision.

Her attorney is also claiming that the marraige certificates are not valid, since the clerk has not signed them, even though the county attorney says that they are valid.

Her attorney has also restated that she is not going to resign, and not going to agree to the judges order. Consequently, she remains in jail pretty much until the legislator meets in January, anyway. Works for me!
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Lets be honest here: marriage is just a empty status symbol to gays. They will never have kids outside of mistaken unions or adoption. We are all children of hetrosexuals, and no amendments or bitching about the unfairness of life will change that ditty,

Not even worthy of the dignity of a response.
I think that this is an interesting problem for which there is a solution. First, gays are allowed to marry so the state should sanction it. That includes this county. My guess is that homosexuals are flocking to this county to force the issue. Davis attorney suggested a reasonable compromise. Strike the clerk's name from the certificate and process the marriage license. Davis conscience is clear and gays get married. Seems reasonable since her taking office pre-dates the SCOTUS decision. No need to fill our jails with a non-criminals. There is better use of tax payer money. No need to jail her unless the motivation was persecution. Judge spoke as much when he stated she would be jailed until she changed her conviction. I understand gays right to marry in this country on the basis of the supreme court decision. However I see a progression. First the enforcement of gay marriage on government officials. Second, the enforcement of providing wedding related services to homosexuals such as baking cakes etc. Finally, attempting to force Christian churches to marriage homosexuals despite their religious convictions and then a limitation on free speech for those churches that would label homosexuality a sin. Strangely Islamic churches will be exempt from such. No doubt that the gay community has an agenda that they will push and the religious convictions of Christians will be steamrolled. A balance should be struck between homosexual rights and first amendment rights. Funny how a court clerk who refuse to discharge a part of her duties is jailed, but a mayor of a sanctuary city can refuse to enforce immigration law. I have mixed feeling on immigration, but the inconsistency is clear.

Churches have and still do deny performing marriages to strait couples for a wide variety of reasons. There has never been a single effort to sue a church to perform a marriage that it didn't want to perform. Your claim that that will change is just fear mongering, and you know it.
I agree. A marriage license is a legal contract. A religious marriage is moral contract. The two are not the same. Why is that so many people have trouble understanding this?

They do understand it, but the chose to pretend they don't.
Earlier today, her husband spoke out and said that the government was trying to squash religious freedom.

No...................he's got the right to practice ANY belief system that he wants to. He also has the right to apply for any job that he thinks he's qualified for.

He also has the right to be offended if that job makes him go against his beliefs.

More importantly? He has the right to find work elsewhere if he feels that his job is compromising his spirituality.

I mean.....................strip clubs are legal (and many Christian men go to them, I know, I used to work in one), but you don't see many Christians bitching about the working conditions as being sinful.

This woman needs to stay in jail until (a) she agrees to DO THE JOB SHE WAS ELECTED FOR, or (b) decides to step down.

And remember people.................this isn't about religion, this is about a county clerk who was held in contempt of court for not doing her job. She can fix this by leaving or doing her job.
You guys are such hypocrites.
You claim that when we try to stop you from getting your taxpayer funded abortions that's squashing your reproductive rights. If we don't agree with your definition of marriage we're trying to squash your civil rights.
Now you say that putting someone in jail for her religious convictions isn't squashing her religious freedom. Doesn't matter that she gave them options to get their piece of paper a few miles down the road.

You seem to believe in having in both ways.

You should change your name from the Democratic Party to the Hypocritical Nazi party.

There is no tax payer funded abortion.

The only thing that opposition to abortion and opposition to gay marriage has in common is that they are both driven by misguided religious fervor and the belief that you can impose your religious beliefs on others

No one gives a crap what you believe about marriage. Your beliefs do not effect anyone's civil rights. Only actions do that.

She was not jailed for her religious convictions. That is just as ridiculous as Huckabee's comment that Christianity is now criminalized. You know damned well why she is in jail. If heterosexual do not have to go "a few miles down the road" couples, gay couples should not have to either. That is discrimination.

Furthermore, It is not about here protecting her supposed religious rights- she ordered her staff not to issue licenses either. She tried to shut it all down. She used her government position to impose her religious beliefs on others.

I love the way you guys, out of desperation, throw as much horseshit as you can at the wall and hope that something sticks.


Planned Parenthood is taxpayer funded.

And for the record, I think this woman is a bitch.....but I also will defend her right to religious freedom.

If you guys don't like the way she does her job, vote her out of office.....don't jail her. All that does is gain sympathy for her and illustrates the utter hypocrisy of the left.

Apparently you didn't understand much of what I said. Lets try this...

ABORTION is not tax payer funded

Same sex marriage is the law of the land

Davis refused to perform her official duties and allow same sex couples to marry

She defied the court and was held in contempt.

Here religious freedom was not violated.

What part of this do you not understand?
This reminds me of the "wedding cake" controversy in a way.
People can and do break the law.
If they do it knowingly, the have the RIGHT (yes, the RIGHT) to do it if they are willing to do the TIME - take the punishment that goes along with it.

We are not puppets.
This has nothing to do with Commerce Clause jurisprudence or public accommodations laws, there is no similarity whatsoever; Davis does not have the 'right' to defy the Constitution, the courts, and the rule of law – whether she's willing to 'take the punishment' or not.

And it has nothing to do with 'being a puppet' - Davis or anyone else is at liberty to resign.
Do mayors in sanctuary cities have the right by defy immigration laws? Name one serving jail time.
We don't put people in prison because they are accused of violating the law.
Earlier today, her husband spoke out and said that the government was trying to squash religious freedom.

No...................he's got the right to practice ANY belief system that he wants to. He also has the right to apply for any job that he thinks he's qualified for.

He also has the right to be offended if that job makes him go against his beliefs.

More importantly? He has the right to find work elsewhere if he feels that his job is compromising his spirituality.

I mean.....................strip clubs are legal (and many Christian men go to them, I know, I used to work in one), but you don't see many Christians bitching about the working conditions as being sinful.

This woman needs to stay in jail until (a) she agrees to DO THE JOB SHE WAS ELECTED FOR, or (b) decides to step down.

And remember people.................this isn't about religion, this is about a county clerk who was held in contempt of court for not doing her job. She can fix this by leaving or doing her job.
You guys are such hypocrites.
You claim that when we try to stop you from getting your taxpayer funded abortions that's squashing your reproductive rights. If we don't agree with your definition of marriage we're trying to squash your civil rights.
Now you say that putting someone in jail for her religious convictions isn't squashing her religious freedom. Doesn't matter that she gave them options to get their piece of paper a few miles down the road.

You seem to believe in having in both ways.

You should change your name from the Democratic Party to the Hypocritical Nazi party.

There is no tax payer funded abortion.

The only thing that opposition to abortion and opposition to gay marriage has in common is that they are both driven by misguided religious fervor and the belief that you can impose your religious beliefs on others

No one gives a crap what you believe about marriage. Your beliefs do not effect anyone's civil rights. Only actions do that.

She was not jailed for her religious convictions. That is just as ridiculous as Huckabee's comment that Christianity is now criminalized. You know damned well why she is in jail. If heterosexual do not have to go "a few miles down the road" couples, gay couples should not have to either. That is discrimination.

Furthermore, It is not about here protecting her supposed religious rights- she ordered her staff not to issue licenses either. She tried to shut it all down. She used her government position to impose her religious beliefs on others.

I love the way you guys, out of desperation, throw as much horseshit as you can at the wall and hope that something sticks.


Planned Parenthood is taxpayer funded.

And for the record, I think this woman is a bitch.....but I also will defend her right to religious freedom.

If you guys don't like the way she does her job, vote her out of office.....don't jail her. All that does is gain sympathy for her and illustrates the utter hypocrisy of the left.

Apparently you didn't understand much of what I said. Lets try this...

ABORTION is not tax payer funded

Same sex marriage is the law of the land

Davis refused to perform her official duties and allow same sex couples to marry

She defied the court and was held in contempt.

Here religious freedom was not violated.

What part of this do you not understand?
Well understand this.......most of the abortions in the United States are done by Planned Parenthood, and Planned Parenthood is funded by taxpayers.

Planned Parenthood reports record year for abortions
By Charlie Spiering • 1/7/13 12:00 AM

In its latest annual report for fiscal year 2011 to 2012, Planned Parenthood reveals that it performed 333,964 abortions in 2011 – a record year for the organization.

According to annual reports, the organization performed 332,278 abortions in 2009, 329,445 in 2010, making the total number of abortions in three years to 995,687.

Planned Parenthood reported receiving a record $542 million in taxpayer funding, according to a Susan B. Anthony List analysis of the report, in the form of government grants, contracts, and Medicaid reimbursements. The amount is 45 percent of Planned Parenthood’s annual revenue.

“While government subsidies to Planned Parenthood have reached an all time high, so too has the number of lives ended by this profit-driven abortion business,” SBA List’s President Marjorie Dannenfelser said in a statement. “Destroying nearly one million children in three years is not health care and does not reflect a concern for vulnerable women and girls.”Planned Parenthood reports record year for abortions

( - Planned Parenthood performed 332,278 abortions in the United States in 2009, according to a fact sheet the group published last month.

That is about as many as the 333,012 people who lived in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, in 2009, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

The 332,278 abortions Planned Parenthood performed over the 365 days of 2009 equals an average of 910 lives terminated per day--or about 38 per hour, or one every 95 seconds.

Planned Parenthood, according to its most recent annual report, also received $363.2 million in government grants and contracts during its fiscal year that ended on June 30, 2009.

Planned Parenthood spokeswoman Tait Sye recently told Bloomberg Businessweek that 90 percent of that $363.2 million came directly from the federal government or from Medicaid, a federal-state program. Thus, Planned Parenthood received about $326.88 million from federal programs in 2009.

Planned Parenthood Did One Abortion Every 95 Seconds—As Many in One Year as Live In Cincinnati
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i find it funny that the op believes tyranny is jailing a public servant for contempt but that same public servant unilaterally denying services to citizens she disagrees with is not tyrannical.
The tyrant is trampling on her first amendment rights. Plain and simple. If he dislikes her choices so much why has the Kentucky Legislature in 3 months not impeached and removed her? Hmmmm?

Odium: The state legislature is not in session. It does not convene until January.
I know this. The only way they can go back into session is for the incompetent governor to ask them to. He refuses even though BOTH heads of the parties want to.
And to what end?
It's sad when the so called supreme court comes to represent a few rich white neurotic sexual perverts that buys layers and inevitably changes the course of popular opinion and law. THAT isn't what "WE, THE PEOPLE" means, IF we, the PEOPLE, DO NOT WANT gay marriage, it should mean just that, nothing more , nothing LESS.

Glad you agree with "we the people" because "we the people" support same sex marriage :)

Changing Attitudes on Gay Marriage
Lets be honest here: marriage is just a empty status symbol to gays. They will never have kids outside of mistaken unions or adoption. We are all children of hetrosexuals, and no amendments or bitching about the unfairness of life will change that ditty,

Not necessarily. Sexual orientation doesn't affect the plumbing. My father was homosexual and he had two kids.
...Yes...we know you support Christian Sharia...
You know no such thing.

Also, you cannot even define and articulate this made-up term, "Christian Sharia Law", so, I'm not going to sweat your brickbats.

....putting your interpretation of your religion before the U.S. Constitution and our secular laws.
1. I am a Christian-leaning Agnostic - a Doubting Thomas

2. I do not put my 'religion' ahead of the Constitution.

3. I merely hold that our Constitution has recently been interpreted incorrectly, in contravention to the interests of the Nation and its People, in favor of a tiny minority of sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals).

4. I advocate revisiting recent SCOTUS rulings on the subject, and a different attack-angle, in order to overturn such bad rulings, as is my right, under the Constitution

5. Our 'secular' laws have vast, deep roots in the Laws of Antiquity (Greece, Rome) and post-Imperial, Medieval and Renaissance CANON law, and modern-day adaptations.

6. We are a Secular Christian Nation - with a healthy separation between Church and State - but a country in which the vast majority are of a Christian 'confession'.
Anyone who supports Kim Davis' attempt at forcing christian sharia onto her county is a supporter of the concept of christian sharia. You've been supporting her, don't deny it.
There is no such thing as Christian Sharia.

It is a made-up term that politically active sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) and their supporters like to vomit-up, in an attempt to discredit their opposition.

All that is required to defeat the Gay Mafia is the courage to take their brickbats and to keep charging.

Sounds like there is a gang war in the works between Christian Sharia and the Gay Mafia. Who do you think will win? One gang has God on their side and the other has extravegent costumes.
Simple Question:

How many divorced couples has the Clerk issued marriage licenses for, and if any then she need to drop the Christian act because she is full of shit when using her so-call Christianity to support her bigoted hatred to deny same sex couples the same rights as divorce couples enjoy!?!

she wasn't issuing ANY marriage licenses..which most likely means she was denying far more real marriages than gay marriages.

Real Marriages?

First off explain to me what a real marriage is to you?

Also the woman in question is a pathetic joke!

She has been married four times to three different men and what I read she got pregnant while being married to one guy and the father of her twins was by another guy that was husband number three, so she committed adultery which is also a sin, but please let ignore her sins,right?

In the end her suppose found religious moral ground is just her ignorant ass way to be a bigot and so many fools are defending her while ignoring what type of white trash that woman really is, but hey at least she is denying Gay couples to be treated equal, right?

Kim Davis (county clerk) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lets be honest here: marriage is just a empty status symbol to gays. They will never have kids outside of mistaken unions or adoption. We are all children of hetrosexuals, and no amendments or bitching about the unfairness of life will change that ditty,

Not necessarily. Sexual orientation doesn't affect the plumbing. My father was homosexual and he had two kids.
Your father was bisexual, obviously. Which means he just did whatever got his jollies. Which means it was about behavior and not something he "was". It was something he did sometimes.

People need to learn the difference betwen a verb and a noun.
We don't put people in prison because they are accused of violating the law.

Given: Jude 1 mandates the refusal to promote a homosexual culture under threat of eternal peril for failing to do so.

Given: Kim Davis has the 1st Amendment as her legal right.

Given: She was jailed for following a mandate that if she didn't, would land her for eternity in the pit of fire.

Therefore: she must sue for violation of her civil rights.
We don't put people in prison because they are accused of violating the law.

Given: Jude 1 mandates the refusal to promote a homosexual culture under threat of eternal peril for failing to do so.

Given: Kim Davis has the 1st Amendment as her legal right.

Given: She was jailed for following a mandate that if she didn't, would land her for eternity in the pit of fire.

Therefore: she must sue for violation of her civil rights.
I see you too support Christian Sharia laws.
Apparently, Kim sees no ethical or moral dilemma in having her name appear on her paycheck, even though she is violating her oath of office by not doing her job.
...Sounds like there is a gang war in the works between Christian Sharia and the Gay Mafia. Who do you think will win? One gang has God on their side and the other has extravegent costumes.
Tee-hee. Good one. It does rather sound like that, doesn't it? Then again, in all seriousness, if conservatives take it all in 2016, it may become real enough, quickly enough, in a metaphorical legal sense. Time will give us that answer.
Apparently, Kim sees no ethical or moral dilemma in having her name appear on her paycheck, even though she is violating her oath of office by not doing her job.
Choice 1: obey a wicked legal ruling

Choice 2: fight the wicked legal ruling, from a position of high visibility, in the service of her cause

She chose the lesser of two evils, from her perspective.

Tough choice.

Gutsy call.

How many of us ever get the chance to put our ass on the line for what we believe in?

And, in turn, how many of us choose the more difficult path, when faced with that choice?

The answer to both of the above is damned few, relatively speaking.

She did.

Regardless of whether you agree with her perspective of not, she gets kudos for courage, and nerves of steel, and putting her money where her mouth is.
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Apparently, Kim sees no ethical or moral dilemma in having her name appear on her paycheck, even though she is violating her oath of office by not doing her job.
Choice 1: obey a wicked legal ruling

Choice 2: fight the wicked legal ruling, from a position of high visibility, in the service of her cause

She chose the lesser of two evils, from her perspective.

Tough choice.

Gutsy call.

How many of us ever get the chance to put our ass on the line for what we believe in?

How many of us choose the more difficult path, when faced with that choice?

She did.

Difficult? Even her attorney says that her spirits are high and that she is happy that she is becoming a "martyr"! (while being paid to not do her job).

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