Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

Government is violating her religious liberty. What jail time does government do for violating the law?

Actually no.

The supreme court has ruled over and over again that religion and state must be separate.

This woman is a representative of the government. She's paid by tax dollars and ran for a public government office. So while she's at work she can't force her religion on anyone.

She's violating the constitution and anyone who actually supports her violating the constitution shows once again that they don't give a damn about our constitution, bill of rights or what America stands for. You also spit in the faces of everyone who has given their life for our nation and that constitution.

If you want to live in a theocracy, move to Iran. They already have established a theocracy that persecutes homosexuals.

You'll fit in well there.
The clerk's civil rights were violated. The county could have made an accommodation by having other staff handle the gay marriage licenses.

Under Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act, both public and private employers have a duty to exempt religious employees from generally applicable work rules, so long as this won’t create an “undue hardship,” meaning more than a modest cost, on the employer. If the employees can be accommodated in a way that would let the job still get done without much burden on the employer, coworkers, and customers — for instance by switching the employee’s assignments with another employee or by otherwise slightly changing the job duties — then the employer must accommodate them. (The Muslim flight attendant I mentioned above, for instance, claims that she has always been able to work out arrangements under which the other flight attendant serves the alcohol instead of her.)...

When does your religion legally excuse you from doing part of your job?

Her manager should have relieved her of responsibility for this. Throwing her in Jail is a Totalitarian Thought Police Tactic.

(And btw, typing in caps in all in red doesn't make your crap any more convincing. All red is actually a violation of the board rules as red is used for moderation.)

My crap?? I think that you are just making this stuff up because you're out of ammunition. Who is her manager? Who would have such authority? I'll admit that I don't know but I suspect that the answer is no one since she is an elected official. She could have arranged here own accommodation. She did not. She was offered an accommodation by the judge. She turned it down. Now stop squirming

I doubt that the CLERK is Empress of her County with Supreme Power. She has a boss. Work duties can be reassigned to accommodate Constitutionally Protected Rights.

The fact that you would rather see her life destroyed says a great deal about your corrupt little soul.

Still making up crap? Where did I say that I wanted here life destroyed? I actual feel sorry for her. She is a pathetic character who was fed a line of equine excrement about working for God- by the the right wing nut jobs-and believes it. She may well be mentally ill.

Now why don't you get back to us when you find out who-if anyone could have stepped in to resolves this. And while your at it, what evidence is there that she would have accepted an accommodation from anyone. NONE!! Here goal was to ensure that no gay couples were married.
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I believe I recently heard on CNN that her lawyers are saying the marriage licenses now being issued aren't legal without her signature. Anyone know if that is true?
Her manager should have relieved her of responsibility for this.

She's an elected official. She is the manager, which is why she could order her deputy clerks not to issue the licenses.

Her "boss" is the legislature which won't be in session until next year.

The clerk's civil rights were violated. The county could have made an accommodation by having other staff handle the gay marriage licenses.

Under Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act, both public and private employers have a duty to exempt religious employees from generally applicable work rules, so long as this won’t create an “undue hardship,” meaning more than a modest cost, on the employer. If the employees can be accommodated in a way that would let the job still get done without much burden on the employer, coworkers, and customers — for instance by switching the employee’s assignments with another employee or by otherwise slightly changing the job duties — then the employer must accommodate them. (The Muslim flight attendant I mentioned above, for instance, claims that she has always been able to work out arrangements under which the other flight attendant serves the alcohol instead of her.)...

When does your religion legally excuse you from doing part of your job?

Her manager should have relieved her of responsibility for this. Throwing her in Jail is a Totalitarian Thought Police Tactic.

(And btw, typing in caps in all in red doesn't make your crap any more convincing. All red is actually a violation of the board rules as red is used for moderation.)

My crap?? I think that you are just making this stuff up because you're out of ammunition. Who is her manager? Who would have such authority? I'll admit that I don't know but I suspect that the answer is no one since she is an elected official. She could have arranged here own accommodation. She did not. She was offered an accommodation by the judge. She turned it down. Now stop squirming

I doubt that the CLERK is Empress of her County with Supreme Power. She has a boss. Work duties can be reassigned to accommodate Constitutionally Protected Rights.

The fact that you would rather see her life destroyed says a great deal about your corrupt little soul.

Her immediate "boss" is the legal system that sent her to jail. Apparently you don't know much about county government.

What bright shiny new pair of Jack Boots you have...but I suspect they will give you blisters.
I believe I recently heard on CNN that her lawyers are saying the marriage licenses now being issued aren't legal without her signature. Anyone know if that is true?

And the county attorney says that is wrong.

In addition Kentucky Law allows for marriage licenses to be signed by Deputy Clerks, who are the ones issuing the licenses now.


Her manager should have relieved her of responsibility for this. Throwing her in Jail is a Totalitarian Thought Police Tactic.

(And btw, typing in caps in all in red doesn't make your crap any more convincing. All red is actually a violation of the board rules as red is used for moderation.)

My crap?? I think that you are just making this stuff up because you're out of ammunition. Who is her manager? Who would have such authority? I'll admit that I don't know but I suspect that the answer is no one since she is an elected official. She could have arranged here own accommodation. She did not. She was offered an accommodation by the judge. She turned it down. Now stop squirming

I doubt that the CLERK is Empress of her County with Supreme Power. She has a boss. Work duties can be reassigned to accommodate Constitutionally Protected Rights.

The fact that you would rather see her life destroyed says a great deal about your corrupt little soul.

Her immediate "boss" is the legal system that sent her to jail. Apparently you don't know much about county government.

What bright shiny new pair of Jack Boots you have...but I suspect they will give you blisters.

Oh please STOP IT. You are being foolish.

Hey, I've got ! She works for GOD!! That's who her "manager" is. She could have accommodated her. But.....hummmm, did not . Wonder why? I know, GOD is not a bigot. Now please go away!
Lets be honest here: marriage is just a empty status symbol to gays. They will never have kids outside of mistaken unions or adoption. We are all children of hetrosexuals, and no amendments or bitching about the unfairness of life will change that ditty,

Not necessarily. Sexual orientation doesn't affect the plumbing. My father was homosexual and he had two kids.
Your father was bisexual, obviously. Which means he just did whatever got his jollies. Which means it was about behavior and not something he "was". It was something he did sometimes.

People need to learn the difference betwen a verb and a noun.

No. He wasn't.

Homo and hetero are orientations. Nothing prevents either in engaging in different behaviors - a hetero can engage in homo acts and a homo can engage in hetero acts. "Bi" simply means someone who is comfortable swinging both ways. For people of my father's generation and religious upbringing - being homosexual was abhorant and like many homosexuals of that era he married and had a family, against his natural inclination. He was a very tormented person as a result. If he had been born today his life path might have been very different but that is neither here nor there. The point is - homosexuals can choose to engage in acts to have children naturally. We are not all children of heteros because plumbing is irrelevant.

Mixed marriages between a homosexual and a heterosexual can certainly work. They are often marriages of convenience, however they can be based on a romantic relationship. The problem with these marriages is that usually one partner feels sexual unfilled and looks elsewhere for a sexual relationships. When this happens, the chance of the marriage surviving is not good.

The issue is complicated by the fact that most people are not completely gay or completely straight.
The clerk's civil rights were violated. The county could have made an accommodation by having other staff handle the gay marriage licenses.

She ordered her staff NOT to issue the marriage licenses. When offered that exact accommodation by the Judge she refused.


She could have come to a reasonable accommodation that would have allowed her to maintain her religious principles and she refused. That leads me to think it's not just about *her* religious principles but about forcing her religious principles on others.
The clerk's civil rights were violated. The county could have made an accommodation by having other staff handle the gay marriage licenses.

She ordered her staff NOT to issue the marriage licenses. When offered that exact accommodation by the Judge she refused.


She could have come to a reasonable accommodation that would have allowed her to maintain her religious principles and she refused. That leads me to think it's not just about *her* religious principles but about forcing her religious principles on others.

No, that wasn't going to be allowed by the Social Justice Snowflakes. Just as the Baker and the Pizza Parlor owner were assassinated in Social Media, the Clerk was going to be targeted until her life was destroyed.
I believe I recently heard on CNN that her lawyers are saying the marriage licenses now being issued aren't legal without her signature. Anyone know if that is true?

And the county attorney says that is wrong.

In addition Kentucky Law allows for marriage licenses to be signed by Deputy Clerks, who are the ones issuing the licenses now.

A marriage license has to be signed to be valid. If a deputy clerk signs for the clerk, the deputy must be authorized and the deputy must be acting on behalf of the clerk. That means the deputy should not sign if the clerk would not sign. It's the same as using a rubber stamp with the clerks signature.

If the clerk is acting illegally, then that's something else. Kim Davis issued a statement today that said, any licenses that are issued without her authority Friday to gay couples in Rowan County are void and “not worth the paper they are written on” because she didn’t approve them. In Kentucky, the law says the the license must be approved by the Clerk. It does appear the licenses issued without her approval are invalid. However, that will have to be resolved by the courts or the legislature.

Jailed Kentucky clerk says issued marriage licenses to gay couples void
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The clerk's civil rights were violated. The county could have made an accommodation by having other staff handle the gay marriage licenses.

She ordered her staff NOT to issue the marriage licenses. When offered that exact accommodation by the Judge she refused.


She could have come to a reasonable accommodation that would have allowed her to maintain her religious principles and she refused. That leads me to think it's not just about *her* religious principles but about forcing her religious principles on others.

No, that wasn't going to be allowed by the Social Justice Snowflakes. Just as the Baker and the Pizza Parlor owner were assassinated in Social Media, the Clerk was going to be targeted until her life was destroyed.
Too bad your reply defies reality since she had an alternative but rejected it because she demanded everyone in her office obey her own religious values.

Religious values, mind you, which included breaking her oath to G-d to remain married until parted by death and having children out of wedlock. :rolleyes:
The clerk's civil rights were violated. The county could have made an accommodation by having other staff handle the gay marriage licenses.

She ordered her staff NOT to issue the marriage licenses. When offered that exact accommodation by the Judge she refused.


She could have come to a reasonable accommodation that would have allowed her to maintain her religious principles and she refused. That leads me to think it's not just about *her* religious principles but about forcing her religious principles on others.

No, that wasn't going to be allowed by the Social Justice Snowflakes. Just as the Baker and the Pizza Parlor owner were assassinated in Social Media, the Clerk was going to be targeted until her life was destroyed.

Who said it wasn't going to be allowed? Gay couples are seem to be perfectly happy getting their licenses from the deputies. She, however, was not. Who's trying to destroy who? The person who's refusing to allow any gay couple to get a license from anyone in her jurisdiction...or the couples just trying to get a marriage license? If she had quietly stated her objections and allowed a deputy to do it - none of this would have happened. Other states have adopted that tactic successfully. Extremists on all sides aren't happy with it. One side, supporting this woman are also supporting her right to refuse to allow anyone to give licenses while the other side wants to force her to do it herself.

Christian Sharia meet the Gay Mafia.
The clerk's civil rights were violated. The county could have made an accommodation by having other staff handle the gay marriage licenses.

She ordered her staff NOT to issue the marriage licenses. When offered that exact accommodation by the Judge she refused.


She could have come to a reasonable accommodation that would have allowed her to maintain her religious principles and she refused. That leads me to think it's not just about *her* religious principles but about forcing her religious principles on others.

No, that wasn't going to be allowed by the Social Justice Snowflakes. Just as the Baker and the Pizza Parlor owner were assassinated in Social Media, the Clerk was going to be targeted until her life was destroyed.

Who said it wasn't going to be allowed? Gay couples are seem to be perfectly happy getting their licenses from the deputies. She, however, was not. Who's trying to destroy who? The person who's refusing to allow any gay couple to get a license from anyone in her jurisdiction...or the couples just trying to get a marriage license? If she had quietly stated her objections and allowed a deputy to do it - none of this would have happened. Other states have adopted that tactic successfully. Extremists on all sides aren't happy with it. One side, supporting this woman are also supporting her right to refuse to allow anyone to give licenses while the other side wants to force her to do it herself.

Christian Sharia meet the Gay Mafia.

No, what this incident actually demonstrates is that The Rule of Law only matters when it furthers the Liberal Agenda. If it mattered to the Left all of the time, Lois Lerner would be in jail and Hillary would not be the Dem's "inevitable" candidate.

Remember the Law Is Only Sacred When It Furthers a Liberal Value
The clerk's civil rights were violated. The county could have made an accommodation by having other staff handle the gay marriage licenses.

She ordered her staff NOT to issue the marriage licenses. When offered that exact accommodation by the Judge she refused.


She could have come to a reasonable accommodation that would have allowed her to maintain her religious principles and she refused. That leads me to think it's not just about *her* religious principles but about forcing her religious principles on others.

No, that wasn't going to be allowed by the Social Justice Snowflakes. Just as the Baker and the Pizza Parlor owner were assassinated in Social Media, the Clerk was going to be targeted until her life was destroyed.

Who said it wasn't going to be allowed? Gay couples are seem to be perfectly happy getting their licenses from the deputies. She, however, was not. Who's trying to destroy who? The person who's refusing to allow any gay couple to get a license from anyone in her jurisdiction...or the couples just trying to get a marriage license? If she had quietly stated her objections and allowed a deputy to do it - none of this would have happened. Other states have adopted that tactic successfully. Extremists on all sides aren't happy with it. One side, supporting this woman are also supporting her right to refuse to allow anyone to give licenses while the other side wants to force her to do it herself.

Christian Sharia meet the Gay Mafia.

No, what this incident actually demonstrates is that The Rule of Law only matters when it furthers the Liberal Agenda. If it mattered to the Left all of the time, Lois Lerner would be in jail and Hillary would not be the Dem's "inevitable" candidate.

Remember the Law Is Only Sacred When It Furthers a Liberal Value
Just give up, you're making yourself look like an idiot.
The clerk's civil rights were violated. The county could have made an accommodation by having other staff handle the gay marriage licenses.

She ordered her staff NOT to issue the marriage licenses. When offered that exact accommodation by the Judge she refused.


She could have come to a reasonable accommodation that would have allowed her to maintain her religious principles and she refused. That leads me to think it's not just about *her* religious principles but about forcing her religious principles on others.

No, that wasn't going to be allowed by the Social Justice Snowflakes. Just as the Baker and the Pizza Parlor owner were assassinated in Social Media, the Clerk was going to be targeted until her life was destroyed.

Who said it wasn't going to be allowed? Gay couples are seem to be perfectly happy getting their licenses from the deputies. She, however, was not. Who's trying to destroy who? The person who's refusing to allow any gay couple to get a license from anyone in her jurisdiction...or the couples just trying to get a marriage license? If she had quietly stated her objections and allowed a deputy to do it - none of this would have happened. Other states have adopted that tactic successfully. Extremists on all sides aren't happy with it. One side, supporting this woman are also supporting her right to refuse to allow anyone to give licenses while the other side wants to force her to do it herself.

Christian Sharia meet the Gay Mafia.

No, what this incident actually demonstrates is that The Rule of Law only matters when it furthers the Liberal Agenda. If it mattered to the Left all of the time, Lois Lerner would be in jail and Hillary would not be the Dem's "inevitable" candidate.

Remember the Law Is Only Sacred When It Furthers a Liberal Value
Too fucking retarded. :cuckoo: "The left" does not determine who goes to jail.
Kim Davis' Attorney Compares Her To Jews Living In Nazi Germany, Invokes Images Of Gas Chambers

"This is the new persecution of Christians here in this country."

An attorney for Kim Davis, who was jailed Thursday after being found in contempt of court for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples in Rowan County, Kentucky, compared the clerk's situation to the one Jews were faced with in Nazi Germany.

Mathew Staver, who is currently serving as head legal counsel for Davis, made the comparison on the "Crosstalk" radio show Wednesday, reported.

"[Davis is] there to do a duty, a job and the job duty was changed," Staver argued. "Does that mean that if you’re Christian, don’t apply here? ... What happened in Nazi Germany, what happened there first, they removed the Jews from government public employment, then they stopped patronizing them in their private businesses, then they continued to stigmatize them, then they were the ‘problems,’ then they killed them."

More: Kim Davis' Attorney Compares Her To Jews Living In Nazi Germany, Invokes Images Of Gas Chambers

Sounds like the Christian Taliban are getting desperate. Why can't their God sort this out?
Kim Davis' Attorney Compares Her To Jews Living In Nazi Germany, Invokes Images Of Gas Chambers

"This is the new persecution of Christians here in this country."

An attorney for Kim Davis, who was jailed Thursday after being found in contempt of court for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples in Rowan County, Kentucky, compared the clerk's situation to the one Jews were faced with in Nazi Germany.

Mathew Staver, who is currently serving as head legal counsel for Davis, made the comparison on the "Crosstalk" radio show Wednesday, reported.

"[Davis is] there to do a duty, a job and the job duty was changed," Staver argued. "Does that mean that if you’re Christian, don’t apply here? ... What happened in Nazi Germany, what happened there first, they removed the Jews from government public employment, then they stopped patronizing them in their private businesses, then they continued to stigmatize them, then they were the ‘problems,’ then they killed them."

More: Kim Davis' Attorney Compares Her To Jews Living In Nazi Germany, Invokes Images Of Gas Chambers

Sounds like the Christian Taliban are getting desperate.
Right wing fundies are just fucking nuts.

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