Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

Kim Davis (county clerk)

Deputy clerk
Davis served as Rowan County chief deputy clerk, reporting to her mother, Jean W. Bailey, for 24 years.[13] Kentucky law permits elected county officials to employ their family members and to determine their compensation; it is common practice in the state.[13]

In 2011, county residents complained about Davis' compensation, an annual wage of $51,812 and an additional $11,301 in overtime and other compensation during 2011.[13] Davis earned substantially more than the county's other chief deputies, including $38,000 for the Chief Deputy Sheriff Joe Cline and $36,000 to the Deputy Judge-Executive Jerry Alderman, neither of whom receive overtime pay.[13] The County Fiscal Court reviewed the compensation of clerks in the office and voted unanimously to cut the department's salary budget by one-third for 2012.[13]

MUCH MORE: Kim Davis (county clerk) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Holy shit, what kind of state is Kentucky?
She ordered her staff NOT to issue the marriage licenses. When offered that exact accommodation by the Judge she refused.


She could have come to a reasonable accommodation that would have allowed her to maintain her religious principles and she refused. That leads me to think it's not just about *her* religious principles but about forcing her religious principles on others.

No, that wasn't going to be allowed by the Social Justice Snowflakes. Just as the Baker and the Pizza Parlor owner were assassinated in Social Media, the Clerk was going to be targeted until her life was destroyed.

Who said it wasn't going to be allowed? Gay couples are seem to be perfectly happy getting their licenses from the deputies. She, however, was not. Who's trying to destroy who? The person who's refusing to allow any gay couple to get a license from anyone in her jurisdiction...or the couples just trying to get a marriage license? If she had quietly stated her objections and allowed a deputy to do it - none of this would have happened. Other states have adopted that tactic successfully. Extremists on all sides aren't happy with it. One side, supporting this woman are also supporting her right to refuse to allow anyone to give licenses while the other side wants to force her to do it herself.

Christian Sharia meet the Gay Mafia.

No, what this incident actually demonstrates is that The Rule of Law only matters when it furthers the Liberal Agenda. If it mattered to the Left all of the time, Lois Lerner would be in jail and Hillary would not be the Dem's "inevitable" candidate.

Remember the Law Is Only Sacred When It Furthers a Liberal Value
Just give up, you're making yourself look like an idiot.

You are a moron, so whatever you think is idiotic is the smart option.
Kim Davis (county clerk)

Deputy clerk
Davis served as Rowan County chief deputy clerk, reporting to her mother, Jean W. Bailey, for 24 years.[13] Kentucky law permits elected county officials to employ their family members and to determine their compensation; it is common practice in the state.[13]

In 2011, county residents complained about Davis' compensation, an annual wage of $51,812 and an additional $11,301 in overtime and other compensation during 2011.[13] Davis earned substantially more than the county's other chief deputies, including $38,000 for the Chief Deputy Sheriff Joe Cline and $36,000 to the Deputy Judge-Executive Jerry Alderman, neither of whom receive overtime pay.[13] The County Fiscal Court reviewed the compensation of clerks in the office and voted unanimously to cut the department's salary budget by one-third for 2012.[13]

MUCH MORE: Kim Davis (county clerk) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Holy shit, what kind of state is Kentucky?
A state with many unethical "Christians", like Davis and Families, since there are more than one in her case.
Here you go, moonbats! A judge has decided to stop performing weddings altogether so he won't be forced to do same sex marriages. But that's not good enough - so he is Under Investigation for Bad Thoughts. Time for you all to form a mob to Ruin His Life. Wrong Thinking is a Capital Offense, punishable by Death!

Oregon judge refuses to perform same-sex marriages
Here you go, moonbats! A judge has decided to stop performing weddings altogether so he won't be forced to do same sex marriages. But that's not good enough - so he is Under Investigation for Bad Thoughts. Time for you all to form a mob to Ruin His Life. Wrong Thinking is a Capital Offense, punishable by Death!

Oregon judge refuses to perform same-sex marriages

Oregon judges are not required to perform marriages. This particular judge decided to stop performing them. But he did not stop other judges from performing them. No jail needed.
Here you go, moonbats! A judge has decided to stop performing weddings altogether so he won't be forced to do same sex marriages. But that's not good enough - so he is Under Investigation for Bad Thoughts. Time for you all to form a mob to Ruin His Life. Wrong Thinking is a Capital Offense, punishable by Death!

Oregon judge refuses to perform same-sex marriages

Oregon judges are not required to perform marriages. This particular judge decided to stop performing them. But he did not stop other judges from performing them. No jail needed.

That's not stopping the investigation, bub. The public vilification has already begun.
Here you go, moonbats! A judge has decided to stop performing weddings altogether so he won't be forced to do same sex marriages. But that's not good enough - so he is Under Investigation for Bad Thoughts. Time for you all to form a mob to Ruin His Life. Wrong Thinking is a Capital Offense, punishable by Death!

Oregon judge refuses to perform same-sex marriages

Oregon judges are not required to perform marriages. This particular judge decided to stop performing them. But he did not stop other judges from performing them. No jail needed.

That's not stopping the investigation, bub. The public vilification has already begun.

I have no idea what sort of idiot start an investigation. If the action is optional, he can decide not to do it.

Although it was kinda stupid to tell people WHY he was opting to stop performing marriage ceremonies. But it is his choice and no one elses.
Here you go, moonbats! A judge has decided to stop performing weddings altogether so he won't be forced to do same sex marriages. But that's not good enough - so he is Under Investigation for Bad Thoughts. Time for you all to form a mob to Ruin His Life. Wrong Thinking is a Capital Offense, punishable by Death!

Oregon judge refuses to perform same-sex marriages

Oregon judges are not required to perform marriages. This particular judge decided to stop performing them. But he did not stop other judges from performing them. No jail needed.

That's not stopping the investigation, bub. The public vilification has already begun.

I have no idea what sort of idiot start an investigation. If the action is optional, he can decide not to do it.

Although it was kinda stupid to tell people WHY he was opting to stop performing marriage ceremonies. But it is his choice and no one elses.

Oh yes. I today's Totalitarian State it is a bad idea to express one's own beliefs if they run contrary to the Approved Group Think.
The clerk's civil rights were violated. The county could have made an accommodation by having other staff handle the gay marriage licenses.

She ordered her staff NOT to issue the marriage licenses. When offered that exact accommodation by the Judge she refused.


She could have come to a reasonable accommodation that would have allowed her to maintain her religious principles and she refused. That leads me to think it's not just about *her* religious principles but about forcing her religious principles on others.

No, that wasn't going to be allowed by the Social Justice Snowflakes. Just as the Baker and the Pizza Parlor owner were assassinated in Social Media, the Clerk was going to be targeted until her life was destroyed.

Who said it wasn't going to be allowed? Gay couples are seem to be perfectly happy getting their licenses from the deputies. She, however, was not. Who's trying to destroy who? The person who's refusing to allow any gay couple to get a license from anyone in her jurisdiction...or the couples just trying to get a marriage license? If she had quietly stated her objections and allowed a deputy to do it - none of this would have happened. Other states have adopted that tactic successfully. Extremists on all sides aren't happy with it. One side, supporting this woman are also supporting her right to refuse to allow anyone to give licenses while the other side wants to force her to do it herself.

Christian Sharia meet the Gay Mafia.

No, what this incident actually demonstrates is that The Rule of Law only matters when it furthers the Liberal Agenda. If it mattered to the Left all of the time, Lois Lerner would be in jail and Hillary would not be the Dem's "inevitable" candidate.

Remember the Law Is Only Sacred When It Furthers a Liberal Value

Why your article and your argument are horseshit in one easy chart....

Two meanings of religious freedom/liberty:1. Freedom of belief, speech, practice. 2. Freedom to restrict services, hate, denigrate, or oppress others.

1. The historical meaning of religious freedom:

This term relates to the personal freedom:
•Of religious belief,
•Of religious speech,
•Of religious assembly with fellow believers,
•Of religious proselytizing and recruitment, and
•To change one's religion from one faith group to another -- or to decide to have no religious affiliation -- or vice-versa.

The individual believer has often been the target of oppression for thinking or speaking unorthodox thoughts, for assembling with and recruiting others, and for changing their religious affiliation. Typically, the aggressors have been large religious groups and governments. Freedom from such oppression is the meaning that we generally use on this web site to refer to any of the four terms: religious freedom, religious liberty, freedom of worship and freedom to worship.

2. A rapidly emerging new meaning of religious freedom: the freedom to discriminate and denigrate:

In recent years, religious freedom is taking on a new meaning: the freedom and liberty of a believer apply their religious beliefs in order to hate, oppress, deny service to, denigrate, discriminate against, and/or reduce the human rights of minorities.

Now, the direction of the oppression has reversed. It is now the believer who is the oppressor -- typically fundamentalist and evangelical Christians and other religious conservatives. Others -- typically some women, as well as sexual, and other minorities -- are the targets. This new meaning is becoming increasingly common. It appears that this change is begin driven by a number of factors:

•The increasing public acceptance of women's use of birth control/contraceptives. This is a practice regarded as a personal decision by most faith groups, but is actively opposed by the Roman Catholic and a few other conservative faith groups.
•The increasing public acceptance of equal rights for sexual minorities including Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender persons and transsexuals -- the LGBT community (); and
•The increasing percentage of NOTAs in North America. These are individuals who are NOT Affiliated with an organized faith group. Some identify themselves as Agnostics, Atheists secularists, Humanists, free thinkers, etc. Others say that they are spiritual, but not religious.

The media often refer to NOTAs as "NONES" because they are affiliated to NONE of the faith groups. However, the words Nones and Nuns are homophones: words that sound alike but are spelled differently and which hold very different meanings. To avoid confusion, we recommend against this practice and recommend the unambiguous term "NOTA."

One interesting feature of this "religious freedom to discriminate" is that it generally has people treating others as they would not wish to be treated themselves. It seems to be little noticed among those who practice or advocate "religious freedom to discriminate" that this way of treating people is a direct contradiction to the Golden Rule, which Jesus required all his followers to practice. See Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31, and the Gospel of Thomas, 6.

Liberals, already having created a martyr, are now building crosses on which to crucify her. First time in history a Democrat will have resisted the urge to go near a cross without setting it afire!

This could be one for the history books!
Liberals, already having created a martyr, are now building crosses on which to crucify her. First time in history a Democrat will have resisted the urge to go near a cross without setting it afire!

This could be one for the history books!

Her politics ain't the problem - it's her religion. Republicans are the ones rallying around her. Huckabee is even going to visit her in jail.
Kentucky Clerk's Husband Says His Wife Is 'Not Gonna Bow'

Kim Davis is prepared to stay in jail for "as long as it takes."

Kentucky Clerk's Husband Says His Wife Is 'Not Gonna Bow'

Actually, I don't want her to "bow" - I want her to "break"...
Just a matter of time, just like her ending up in jail. A predict a revelation for her soon, that God wants her to resign and spread the Word instead, on her 15 minutes of fame tour...
Liberals, already having created a martyr, are now building crosses on which to crucify her. First time in history a Democrat will have resisted the urge to go near a cross without setting it afire!

This could be one for the history books!
If they can nail her fat ass to the cross, and it doesn't crack under the strain, I'll pick up the tab for the gas and disposable lighter. What the hell, I'm bringing a cigar anyway. Nothing like a good cigar and a better show...
Liberals, already having created a martyr, are now building crosses on which to crucify her. First time in history a Democrat will have resisted the urge to go near a cross without setting it afire!

This could be one for the history books!
If they can nail her fat ass to the cross, and it doesn't crack under the strain, I'll pick up the tab for the gas and disposable lighter. What the hell, I'm bringing a cigar anyway. Nothing like a good cigar and a better show...

I am hoping your post is sarcasm. Otherwise, let me be the first to say I would happily shoot anyone who tried to execute her for what she has done. I think it is pretty obvious that I am seriously in favor of same-sex marriage. But talking about executing someone is crossing the line.

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