Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

Liberals, already having created a martyr, are now building crosses on which to crucify her. First time in history a Democrat will have resisted the urge to go near a cross without setting it afire!

This could be one for the history books!
Get the hell out of here Henry. I can't believe that you are in a civilized state like Mass. LOL

Liberals, already having created a martyr, are now building crosses on which to crucify her. First time in history a Democrat will have resisted the urge to go near a cross without setting it afire!

This could be one for the history books!
If they can nail her fat ass to the cross, and it doesn't crack under the strain, I'll pick up the tab for the gas and disposable lighter. What the hell, I'm bringing a cigar anyway. Nothing like a good cigar and a better show...

I am hoping your post is sarcasm. Otherwise, let me be the first to say I would happily shoot anyone who tried to execute her for what she has done. I think it is pretty obvious that I am seriously in favor of same-sex marriage. But talking about executing someone is crossing the line.
We stopped doing that a while back, in case you hadn't noticed. It's seems that ISIS is trying pretty hard to bring what's Biblical but we're a secular nation so her fat ass is safe from everything but her new uniform tag.

They say that people like her so there you go, a perfect fit. She doesn't have to sign a thing.
Maybe Mike Huckabee and Chuck Norris will break Davis out of jail. If Huckabee becomes president - what cabinet post will he give Davis?
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Kentucky Clerk's Husband Says His Wife Is 'Not Gonna Bow'

Kim Davis is prepared to stay in jail for "as long as it takes."

Kentucky Clerk's Husband Says His Wife Is 'Not Gonna Bow'

Actually, I don't want her to "bow" - I want her to "break"...
Just a matter of time, just like her ending up in jail. A predict a revelation for her soon, that God wants her to resign and spread the Word instead, on her 15 minutes of fame tour...
I think she's going to continue for quite a while. The Liberty Council, closely related to Liberty University which was founded by Jerry Falwell is providing the financial support for this little battle which they all know is going to fail.

I believe one of the articles said the gay couples were not from Rowan County and some are not even from Kentucky. So who's paying their expenses?

The Supreme Court has made gay marriage legal throughout the country and that's not going to change. Further the majority of people support that decision and that's not going to change. It all seems like a rather silly charade.

Meet The Hate Group Trying To Turn Kim Davis Into The Anti-Gay Rosa Parks
Simple Question:

How many divorced couples has the Clerk issued marriage licenses for, and if any then she need to drop the Christian act because she is full of shit when using her so-call Christianity to support her bigoted hatred to deny same sex couples the same rights as divorce couples enjoy!?!

she wasn't issuing ANY marriage licenses..which most likely means she was denying far more real marriages than gay marriages.

Real Marriages?

First off explain to me what a real marriage is to you?

Also the woman in question is a pathetic joke!

She has been married four times to three different men and what I read she got pregnant while being married to one guy and the father of her twins was by another guy that was husband number three, so she committed adultery which is also a sin, but please let ignore her sins,right?

In the end her suppose found religious moral ground is just her ignorant ass way to be a bigot and so many fools are defending her while ignoring what type of white trash that woman really is, but hey at least she is denying Gay couples to be treated equal, right?

Kim Davis (county clerk) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I really doubt all the "info" you've seems like a naked political based smear....but even if true doesnt negate her beliefs.

And dont pretend not to know what I mean by real marriages.

Amazing how powerful lawyers and judges can ignore the law and face no consequences, but this lady when acting out of conviction is thrown in jail.

former Attorney general Brown of California shirked his duty in defending prop 8, and faced no consequences. The same with the AG who came after him....I think this also happened in other states. If this lady faces jail time for not doing her should they.

Real marriages...? Like Davis' 4 marriages. It's the truth. It's been reported y numerous sources. Or, maybe you were thinking of Newt Gingrich's marriages.

Davis was not thrown in jail for her convictions . or simply for not doing her job. She was jailed for contempt of court. Brown was not in contempt of any court

Simple Question:

How many divorced couples has the Clerk issued marriage licenses for, and if any then she need to drop the Christian act because she is full of shit when using her so-call Christianity to support her bigoted hatred to deny same sex couples the same rights as divorce couples enjoy!?!

she wasn't issuing ANY marriage licenses..which most likely means she was denying far more real marriages than gay marriages.

Real Marriages?

First off explain to me what a real marriage is to you?

Also the woman in question is a pathetic joke!

She has been married four times to three different men and what I read she got pregnant while being married to one guy and the father of her twins was by another guy that was husband number three, so she committed adultery which is also a sin, but please let ignore her sins,right?

In the end her suppose found religious moral ground is just her ignorant ass way to be a bigot and so many fools are defending her while ignoring what type of white trash that woman really is, but hey at least she is denying Gay couples to be treated equal, right?

Kim Davis (county clerk) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I really doubt all the "info" you've seems like a naked political based smear....but even if true doesnt negate her beliefs.

And dont pretend not to know what I mean by real marriages.

Amazing how powerful lawyers and judges can ignore the law and face no consequences, but this lady when acting out of conviction is thrown in jail.

former Attorney general Brown of California shirked his duty in defending prop 8, and faced no consequences. The same with the AG who came after him....I think this also happened in other states. If this lady faces jail time for not doing her should they.

Real marriages...? Like Davis' 4 marriages. It's the truth. It's been reported y numerous sources. Or, maybe you were thinking of Newt Gingrich's marriages.

Davis was not thrown in jail for her convictions . or simply for not doing her job. She was jailed for contempt of court. Brown was not in contempt of any court

You seem to be another one of these folks who, in the absence of anything of substance, just throws as much dung as you can at the wall and hope that something sticks.

I have not seen it reported by the networks.... It is not really relevant anyway.

Contempt of court is a greater offense than violating the public trust and oath of office? I think they are about the same.
So, RIghteousness has claimed its first Martyr, in the struggle against Wickedness (homosexuality).

Oh my fucking god, you really are a drama queen.

Question for you fundies who work for a living ... If you refuse to do your job, what happens?


Question for you liberals: What happens when liberals refuse to do their job?

Answer: Nothing different from when they do their jobs! They don't get fired. They don't get arrested. They often refuse to do their jobs on orders from the POTUS...who more often than not, refuses to do his job.

Screw all you goddamned hypocrisy-filled liberal bedwetters.
You liberals are evil in your celebration of this political prisoner's imprisonment.
It's not political, she's breaking the law, and now in jail where she belongs for doing so...
...and where Obama should be for breaking the law...and where Hillary should be for breaking the law...

Your selective application of rules to follow is understandable. Liberals are some sick people.
Unlike your other two examples, this one has actually been convicted by an actual court...
Obama and Hillary seem to be above the law. No matter what laws they break, the DOJ (controlled by appointees of Obama) will not prosecute unless told to do so by their Dear Leader. Fat chance of that ever happening!

Liberals are some really sick shits!
Get the hell out of here Henry. I can't believe that you are in a civilized state like Mass. LOL

Alas, your liberal indoctrination (masquerading as an "education") has failed to teach you that Massachusetts is NOT a state. It's a Commonwealth. As to beliefs.....hard to think of you believing anything other than those fed you in official Democrat Party documents.
She went to jail willingly, and with a "thank you" to the Marshals taking her into custody.
She went to jail willingly, and with a "thank you" to the Marshals taking her into custody.

Ah....civil disobedience is just so sweet when it's a white person, isn't it?

it's right up there with how MLK did his, let the system arrest you to show the injustice of the system.

MLK wasn't getting paid by government for what he did, and was working to stop segregation, not enforce it like she is.

Its a comparison of methods, not of reasons or circumstances.
when mlk was arrested it was showing the injustice in the system. she's getting arrested because she's denying people their rights - she is the injustice
You dense idiot! She's not denying them anything except her personal signature on a license to marry. They can get a license from many other places.

Strawman argument.
Question for you liberals: What happens when liberals refuse to do their job?
They get canned, as they should be...
Holder hasn't been canned, Obama hasn't been canned, Lerner hasn't been canned....none of those lawbreakers under the guidance of Obama have been canned. Obama trades 5 terrorist detainees for one goddamned DESERTER and calls a party in the Rose Garden to say he got the bastard back! Then he makes a deal with Iran that gives them access to over 100 Billion dollars of frozen assets and a clear path to nuclear production...with NO MEANINGFUL INSPECTIONS!

Obama should be UNDER a fucking prison!
Question for you liberals: What happens when liberals refuse to do their job?
They get canned, as they should be...
Holder hasn't been canned, Obama hasn't been canned, Lerner hasn't been canned....none of those lawbreakers under the guidance of Obama have been canned. Obama trades 5 terrorist detainees for one goddamned DESERTER and calls a party in the Rose Garden to say he got the bastard back! Then he makes a deal with Iran that gives them access to over 100 Billion dollars of frozen assets and a clear path to nuclear production...with NO MEANINGFUL INSPECTIONS!

Obama should be UNDER a fucking prison!

Poor baby. Have you had a bad day?
So, RIghteousness has claimed its first Martyr, in the struggle against Wickedness (homosexuality).

Oh my fucking god, you really are a drama queen.

Question for you fundies who work for a living ... If you refuse to do your job, what happens?


Question for you liberals: What happens when liberals refuse to do their job?

Answer: Nothing different from when they do their jobs! They don't get fired. They don't get arrested. They often refuse to do their jobs on orders from the POTUS...who more often than not, refuses to do his job.

Screw all you goddamned hypocrisy-filled liberal bedwetters.

What the hell are you bloviating about? Care to give some examples of liberals not doing their jobs?
Ah....civil disobedience is just so sweet when it's a white person, isn't it?

it's right up there with how MLK did his, let the system arrest you to show the injustice of the system.

MLK wasn't getting paid by government for what he did, and was working to stop segregation, not enforce it like she is.

Its a comparison of methods, not of reasons or circumstances.
when mlk was arrested it was showing the injustice in the system. she's getting arrested because she's denying people their rights - she is the injustice
You dense idiot! She's not denying them anything except her personal signature on a license to marry. They can get a license from many other places.

Strawman argument.
really? where can they get them?
Get the hell out of here Henry. I can't believe that you are in a civilized state like Mass. LOL

Alas, your liberal indoctrination (masquerading as an "education") has failed to teach you that Massachusetts is NOT a state. It's a Commonwealth. As to beliefs.....hard to think of you believing anything other than those fed you in official Democrat Party documents.
Oh WOW! is that all that you have? Mass. is not a state?

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