Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

To get married....that's supposed to be all they really want! What's the fucking problem?

The problem is that these whimpering idiots take offense at every single sign of being disrespected or scorned...and insist upon punishing all that do not celebrate Gay Pride forever.

To hell with them and all who appease them...whiners and babies.
where else can a person go to get a marriage license in kentucky than to a county clerk's office? ANY other county in Kentucky.
and what prevents any other county from also turning them away if davis is allowed to do so? why should another county bear the burden of providing services to people from outside their county just because the clerk in the home county is a bigot? why should the county clerk be given the authority to require certain citizens to go to other clerk's offices? why should a couple have to face the burden of traveling to another county?
Better to ask why should a criminal from South of the Border be allowed to enter this country illegally 5 times, stay in a 'sanctuary city' as a guest of the DOJ that has been INSTRUCTED to ignore the laws that would send to low-life criminal back where he came from. What is the worse result of some government worker ignoring the law....a poor little gay couple has to drive to another county to get a license to be called 'married'...or an innocent young lady gets murdered by a goddamned, scummy illegal alien that shouldn't have been here in the first place?
if you can't answer the question just say so.
You just don't understand, do you? This Clerk's defiance of the law is MINUSCULE compared to the laws that our Commander in Chief and our nation's top lawyer choose to defy. The Clerk is merely following the lead of the POTUS and the Attorney General. She is honoring their modi operandi by emulating them. After all, she is a goddamned Democrat!

When you gripe as much about Obama and Holder ignoring laws such that innocent people are harmed by the criminals they ignore, I'll join you in bitching about this Clerk's defiance that poses no danger to the general public.

Otherwise.....fuck off!
...Sounds like the Christian Taliban are getting desperate. Why can't their God sort this out?
There is nothing wrong with you that a head-on high-speed traffic collision cannot fix.

Spoken like a true Christian.
Good thing for me that I'm not a practicing Christian then, eh?
<yawn> Next slide, please.

I'd say you're doing a pretty good job of paving your way to bigot heaven with your hate-religion.
...Sounds like the Christian Taliban are getting desperate. Why can't their God sort this out?
There is nothing wrong with you that a head-on high-speed traffic collision cannot fix.

Spoken like a true Christian.
Good thing for me that I'm not a practicing Christian then, eh?
<yawn> Next slide, please.

I'd say you're doing a pretty good job of paving your way to bigot heaven with your hate-religion.
What hatred is that?

Opposition to the sexual deviancy and perversion of homosexuality, and opposition to laws that legitimize and mainstream it, in contravention to the long-standing Will of the People?

Hatred for the Gay Mafia haters who spew poisonous and libelous labels such as Christian Taliban and Christian Sharia in the direction of anyone who dares publicly oppose you and yours?

Phukk that.

Keep bashing Christians in that way, fool.

It is going to come back to bite you in the ass, in the next several years.

Don't say you haven't been warned.
...What separates you from ISIS, Taliban and al Qaeda folks?
Enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC, such as yourself... enemies of the Republic and The People.

In other words - you're just a demented patriot like they are. Christian Taliban and Christian Sharia.
Is that the best bait you've got, pissant? Yer gonna have to do much better than that. Can you? Doubtful. You're ubiquitous, but you're actually not very good at this.
...What separates you from ISIS, Taliban and al Qaeda folks?
Enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC, such as yourself... enemies of the Republic and The People.

In other words - you're just a demented patriot like they are. Christian Taliban and Christian Sharia.
Is that the best bait you've got, pissant? Yer gonna have to do much better than that. Can you? Doubtful. You're ubiquitous, but you're actually not very good at this.

It's not bait. It's honestly how I feel about you retarded assholes.
Many municipalities require licenses to show a stamped signature of the Clerk that authorized the Deputy to sign for the Clerk....same as if the Clerk had signed it.

Marriage License of Kim Davis

Well I guess Kentucky is not one of them.

Above is a link to Ms. Davis's marriage license. No signature, not stamp.

Maybe not. But the Clerk's name is typed into the form, tacitly implying approval of the license.
...Sounds like the Christian Taliban are getting desperate. Why can't their God sort this out?
There is nothing wrong with you that a head-on high-speed traffic collision cannot fix.

Spoken like a true Christian.
Good thing for me that I'm not a practicing Christian then, eh?
<yawn> Next slide, please.

I'd say you're doing a pretty good job of paving your way to bigot heaven with your hate-religion.
What hatred is that?

Opposition to the sexual deviancy and perversion of homosexuality, and opposition to laws that legitimize and mainstream it, in contravention to the long-standing Will of the People?

Hatred for the Gay Mafia haters who spew poisonous and libelous labels such as Christian Taliban and Christian Sharia in the direction of anyone who dares publicly oppose you and yours?

Phukk that.

Keep bashing Christians in that way, fool.

It is going to come back to bite you in the ass, in the next several years.

Don't say you haven't been warned.

I've got news for you, a) the majority of this country approves of gay marriage, b) gay people preform the same sex acts as straight couples.

I understand you think it's icky, it's not for don't do it.

I'm not bashing Christian's, I'm bashing idiots. Evangelical, right-wing Christian extremist have distorted religion beyond recognition.
Many municipalities require licenses to show a stamped signature of the Clerk that authorized the Deputy to sign for the Clerk....same as if the Clerk had signed it.

Marriage License of Kim Davis

Well I guess Kentucky is not one of them.

Above is a link to Ms. Davis's marriage license. No signature, not stamp.

Maybe not. But the Clerk's name is typed into the form, tacitly implying approval of the license.

The name does not denote "approval" or "disapproval" in a right or wrong sense.

It denote that the persons listed higher on the form meet all the legal requirements of Civil Marriage.

...I've got news for you, a) the majority of this country approves of gay marriage...
I've got news for you, too.

That so-called 'majority' had voted only a few yeas before, to enact and sustain Defense of Marriage -style referenda and statute, in a large number of states.

However, having had their Will ignored and overturned by activist judges, people began to tire of the whole thing, and began taking the path of least resistance; not wanting to be put into the Gay Mafia's cross-hairs or accused of bigotry, etc. - it was too much trouble, to mount and sustain an active defense against the Three Percent and their fellow travelers.

Liberal young-lings usually morph into Conservative middle-agers, and a lot of the Liberals currently supporting such nonsense, will change their tune, as they become parents and grandparents, and raise families, and try their damndest, to keep their precious young away from such filth, even though they may have grudgingly conceded the field years earlier.

And, of course, with each passing month and year, as more and more Christian -bashing occurs, and as the Gay Mafia and its fellow travelers continue to out themselves as the vicious attack-dogs that they are, you(r side) will drive more and more of those fickle, formerly DOM-supporting voters back into the Opposition Camp.

The so-called 'support' that you(r side) like to point to, is immature, fickle, naive, easily change-able, unreliable, unstable, and about as meaningful as a fart in a hurricane.

Your (side) is on extremely shaky and shifting ground, even if you can't see it, or delude yourselves, otherwise.

The 3% cannot sustain this for long against the 97%, and it IS an "us vs. them" scenario - you can't help yourselves - you'll keep pushing the American People until they push back, and push back hard, within a legal and Constitutional framework, in order to flush-out the infestation and infection.

...I'm not bashing Christian's, I'm bashing idiots. Evangelical, right-wing Christian extremist have distorted religion beyond recognition.
You(r side) is bashing Christians 24 x 7 x 365. You(r side) is not kidding anybody when you protest otherwise. Nobody believes you(r side). The evidence is there for all to see.
Last edited:
How do religious people feel about legalized same sex marriage?

You might be surprised.

Attitudes on Same-sex Marriage by Religious Affiliation and Denominational Family

The most supportive major religious groups are Buddhists (84 percent), Jews (77 percent), and Americans who select “Other religion” (75 percent); additionally, more than three-quarters (77 percent) of the religiously unaffiliated also support same-sex marriage.

More than six in ten (62 percent) white mainline Protestants support same-sex marriage. Among white mainline Protestant denominations, support ranges from 69 percent support among white mainline Presbyterians and 68 percent among both white Episcopalians and white Congregationalists/United Church of Christ members, to lower support among white mainline Baptists (53 percent) and white mainline Church of Christ/Disciples (50 percent).

And while the Catholic Church officially opposes the legalization of same-sex marriage, about six in ten white (61 percent), Hispanic (60 percent), and other non-white Catholics (60 percent) support allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry legally. A majority of orthodox Christians (56 percent) also support same-sex marriage.

On the other side of the debate, majorities of Jehovah’s Witnesses (75 percent), Mormons (68 percent), white evangelical Protestants (66 percent), Hispanic Protestants (58 percent), and black Protestants (54 percent) oppose allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry legally. Among white evangelical Protestant denominations, white evangelical Baptists are the most opposed (72 percent), while white evangelical Lutherans are nearly evenly divided (45 percent favor, 48 percent opposed).
...I've got news for you, a) the majority of this country approves of gay marriage...
I've got news for you, too.

That so-called 'majority' had voted only a few yeas before, to enact and sustain Defense of Marriage -style referenda and statute, in a large number of states.

However, having had their Will ignored and overturned by activist judges, people began to tire of the whole thing, and began taking the path of least resistance; not wanting to be put into the Gay Mafia's cross-hairs or accused of bigotry, etc. - it was too much trouble, to mount and sustain an active defense against the Three Percent and their fellow travelers.

Liberal young-lings usually morph into Conservative middle-agers, and a lot of the Liberals currently supporting such nonsense, will change their tune, as they become parents and grandparents, and raise families, and try their damndest, to keep their precious young away from such filth, even though they may have grudgingly conceded the field years earlier.

And, of course, with each passing month and year, as more and more Christian -bashing occurs, and as the Gay Mafia and its fellow travelers continue to out themselves as the vicious attack-dogs that they are, you(r side) will drive more and more of those fickle, formerly DOM-supporting voters back into the Opposition Camp.

The so-called 'support' that you(r side) like to point to, is immature, fickle, naive, easily change-able, unreliable, unstable, and about as meaningful as a fart in a hurricane.

Your (side) is on extremely shaky and shifting ground, even if you can't see it, or delude yourselves, otherwise.

The 3% cannot sustain this for long against the 97%, and it IS an "us vs. them" scenario - you can't help yourselves - you'll keep pushing the American People until they push back, and push back hard, within a legal and Constitutional framework, in order to flush-out the infestation and infection.

...I'm not bashing Christian's, I'm bashing idiots. Evangelical, right-wing Christian extremist have distorted religion beyond recognition.
You(r side) is bashing Christians 24 x 7 x 365. You(r side) is not kidding anybody when you protest otherwise. Nobody believes you(r side). The evidence is there for all to see.

I guess it's a good thing you're not a Christian. (wink, wink)

There is no 97% against 3%. The majority of this country support same sex marriage, and have for at least 5 years. Each year, for the past 5 years, support for same sex marriage has increased. I'm sorry, but you are delusional. And no, people don't become bigots once they've had children.

...I've got news for you, a) the majority of this country approves of gay marriage...
I've got news for you, too.

That so-called 'majority' had voted only a few yeas before, to enact and sustain Defense of Marriage -style referenda and statute, in a large number of states.

However, having had their Will ignored and overturned by activist judges, people began to tire of the whole thing, and began taking the path of least resistance; not wanting to be put into the Gay Mafia's cross-hairs or accused of bigotry, etc. - it was too much trouble, to mount and sustain an active defense against the Three Percent and their fellow travelers.

Liberal young-lings usually morph into Conservative middle-agers, and a lot of the Liberals currently supporting such nonsense, will change their tune, as they become parents and grandparents, and raise families, and try their damndest, to keep their precious young away from such filth, even though they may have grudgingly conceded the field years earlier.

And, of course, with each passing month and year, as more and more Christian -bashing occurs, and as the Gay Mafia and its fellow travelers continue to out themselves as the vicious attack-dogs that they are, you(r side) will drive more and more of those fickle, formerly DOM-supporting voters back into the Opposition Camp.

The so-called 'support' that you(r side) like to point to, is immature, fickle, naive, easily change-able, unreliable, unstable, and about as meaningful as a fart in a hurricane.

Your (side) is on extremely shaky and shifting ground, even if you can't see it, or delude yourselves, otherwise.

The 3% cannot sustain this for long against the 97%, and it IS an "us vs. them" scenario - you can't help yourselves - you'll keep pushing the American People until they push back, and push back hard, within a legal and Constitutional framework, in order to flush-out the infestation and infection.

...I'm not bashing Christian's, I'm bashing idiots. Evangelical, right-wing Christian extremist have distorted religion beyond recognition.
You(r side) is bashing Christians 24 x 7 x 365. You(r side) is not kidding anybody when you protest otherwise. Nobody believes you(r side). The evidence is there for all to see.

I guess it's a good thing you're not a Christian. (wink, wink)

There is no 97% against 3%. The majority of this country support same sex marriage, and have for at least 5 years. Each year, for the past 5 years, support for same sex marriage has increased. I'm sorry, but you are delusional. And no, people don't become bigots once they've had children.


Funny. Reminds me of the following link I scanned a few minutes ago.

Last Hurrah For The Old, White, Angry Crowd
...I've got news for you, a) the majority of this country approves of gay marriage...
I've got news for you, too.

That so-called 'majority' had voted only a few yeas before, to enact and sustain Defense of Marriage -style referenda and statute, in a large number of states.

However, having had their Will ignored and overturned by activist judges, people began to tire of the whole thing, and began taking the path of least resistance; not wanting to be put into the Gay Mafia's cross-hairs or accused of bigotry, etc. - it was too much trouble, to mount and sustain an active defense against the Three Percent and their fellow travelers.

Liberal young-lings usually morph into Conservative middle-agers, and a lot of the Liberals currently supporting such nonsense, will change their tune, as they become parents and grandparents, and raise families, and try their damndest, to keep their precious young away from such filth, even though they may have grudgingly conceded the field years earlier.

And, of course, with each passing month and year, as more and more Christian -bashing occurs, and as the Gay Mafia and its fellow travelers continue to out themselves as the vicious attack-dogs that they are, you(r side) will drive more and more of those fickle, formerly DOM-supporting voters back into the Opposition Camp.

The so-called 'support' that you(r side) like to point to, is immature, fickle, naive, easily change-able, unreliable, unstable, and about as meaningful as a fart in a hurricane.

Your (side) is on extremely shaky and shifting ground, even if you can't see it, or delude yourselves, otherwise.

The 3% cannot sustain this for long against the 97%, and it IS an "us vs. them" scenario - you can't help yourselves - you'll keep pushing the American People until they push back, and push back hard, within a legal and Constitutional framework, in order to flush-out the infestation and infection.

...I'm not bashing Christian's, I'm bashing idiots. Evangelical, right-wing Christian extremist have distorted religion beyond recognition.
You(r side) is bashing Christians 24 x 7 x 365. You(r side) is not kidding anybody when you protest otherwise. Nobody believes you(r side). The evidence is there for all to see.

I guess it's a good thing you're not a Christian. (wink, wink)

There is no 97% against 3%. The majority of this country support same sex marriage, and have for at least 5 years. Each year, for the past 5 years, support for same sex marriage has increased. I'm sorry, but you are delusional. And no, people don't become bigots once they've had children.


Funny. Reminds me of the following link I scanned a few minutes ago.

Last Hurrah For The Old, White, Angry Crowd

Excellent article...
...I've got news for you, a) the majority of this country approves of gay marriage...
I've got news for you, too.

That so-called 'majority' had voted only a few yeas before, to enact and sustain Defense of Marriage -style referenda and statute, in a large number of states.

However, having had their Will ignored and overturned by activist judges, people began to tire of the whole thing, and began taking the path of least resistance; not wanting to be put into the Gay Mafia's cross-hairs or accused of bigotry, etc. - it was too much trouble, to mount and sustain an active defense against the Three Percent and their fellow travelers.

Liberal young-lings usually morph into Conservative middle-agers, and a lot of the Liberals currently supporting such nonsense, will change their tune, as they become parents and grandparents, and raise families, and try their damndest, to keep their precious young away from such filth, even though they may have grudgingly conceded the field years earlier.

And, of course, with each passing month and year, as more and more Christian -bashing occurs, and as the Gay Mafia and its fellow travelers continue to out themselves as the vicious attack-dogs that they are, you(r side) will drive more and more of those fickle, formerly DOM-supporting voters back into the Opposition Camp.

The so-called 'support' that you(r side) like to point to, is immature, fickle, naive, easily change-able, unreliable, unstable, and about as meaningful as a fart in a hurricane.

Your (side) is on extremely shaky and shifting ground, even if you can't see it, or delude yourselves, otherwise.

The 3% cannot sustain this for long against the 97%, and it IS an "us vs. them" scenario - you can't help yourselves - you'll keep pushing the American People until they push back, and push back hard, within a legal and Constitutional framework, in order to flush-out the infestation and infection.

...I'm not bashing Christian's, I'm bashing idiots. Evangelical, right-wing Christian extremist have distorted religion beyond recognition.
You(r side) is bashing Christians 24 x 7 x 365. You(r side) is not kidding anybody when you protest otherwise. Nobody believes you(r side). The evidence is there for all to see.

I guess it's a good thing you're not a Christian. (wink, wink)

There is no 97% against 3%. The majority of this country support same sex marriage, and have for at least 5 years. Each year, for the past 5 years, support for same sex marriage has increased. I'm sorry, but you are delusional. And no, people don't become bigots once they've had children.


Funny. Reminds me of the following link I scanned a few minutes ago.

Last Hurrah For The Old, White, Angry Crowd

This is, old angry people, the future of America. You can rage against it and try to build fences and you may win in the very short run.

But in the long run, you will lose.

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