Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

There is no 97% against 3%. The majority of this country support same sex marriage, and have for at least 5 years. Each year, for the past 5 years, support for same sex marriage has increased. I'm sorry, but you are delusional...
We'll see who is kidding themselves, after January 20, 2017.

As I said, you are on far shakier ground than you will allow yourself to believe.

Smug, arrogance complacency, as the inevitable and righteous Reaction grows just off your scope.

...And no, people don't become bigots once they've had children.
It is not bigotry to call-out and shun sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality).

Nobody wants their children and grandchildren exposed to such filth.

Bookmarked for future entertainment. lol
All part of the friendly service... no extra charge.
There is no 97% against 3%. The majority of this country support same sex marriage, and have for at least 5 years. Each year, for the past 5 years, support for same sex marriage has increased. I'm sorry, but you are delusional...
We'll see who is kidding themselves, after January 20, 2017.

As I said, you are on far shakier ground than you will allow yourself to believe.

Smug, arrogance complacency, as the inevitable and righteous Reaction grows just off your scope.

...And no, people don't become bigots once they've had children.
It is not bigotry to call-out and shun sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality).

Nobody wants their children and grandchildren exposed to such filth.

Bookmarked for future entertainment. lol
All part of the friendly service... no extra charge.

...Funny. Reminds me of the following link I scanned a few minutes ago...
You spend your time surfing, looking for delusion-reinforcing commentary about the Death of the White Man, and you call US bigots?


And, look who's talking about dying-off...

You should know...

Kondor, I have just read your posts for the last couple of pages. I think that you really need to step away from the computer, and take a deep breath. Seriously, dude, you are getting hysterical.
That's exactly what I did... step away from the computer, overnight, and just now catching-up, along with a second cup of morning coffee.

But, insofar as Chief Shitting Bull is concerned, he's such an anti-American, anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-Western POS, that it's a pleasure to bitch-slap him, not a bout of hysteria.

He may be on "your side", but he's an order of magnitude lower in esteem, than many of your colleagues on The Left, with a more egalitarian, non-racist outlook.

Then again, I suspect he gets his rocks off, drawing fire for the crap he posts.

Always happy to oblige Racist turds like that.
When same-sex marriage is not just "allowed" but made mandatory worldwide....

And when out-of-wedlock pregnancy is universally punished by summary execution....

Then AGW will be eliminated in a single generation!

Liberal Paradise will be achieved!
Last edited:
...That is quite a delusional rant, clearly born of desperation and despair. It must e hard being you. So angry and alienated. So fearful of change and unable to accept the reality of progress. I might have to live with and deal with people like you but I thank the Gods and the Goddesses that I am not you . Have a nice day:beer:
Desperation and despair?


Merely a harbinger of what's coming.



The Supreme Court ruling was wrong, in connection with the best interests of The People and the Republic.



I side with the 97% of my fellow countrymen, whose interests lie in direct contrast to the interests of the 3%, for whom this abortion of a ruling was crafted.

I am in very large and very excellent company.

As to progress...

The legitimizing and mainstreaming of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is not progress.

It is a downward slide into a cesspool of filth, degeneracy, licentiousness and emasculation of the Nation; going the way of other nations who inflicted themselves with thsi disease.

Progress? More like a shift towards national suicide.

As to personal references... thank you for your input.
Will Huckabee rescue Davis from the evil clutches of Constitutional justice? According to Huckabee - we should only obey laws we agree with. Gee, wouldn't he make a fine president.

The GOP presidential hopeful wants citizens to disobey the Supreme Court ruling.

GOP presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee on Sunday defended Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses. When asked by ABC host George Stephanopoulos whether Davis had an obligation to uphold the law, even if she disagreed with it, Huckabee argued she did not.

Huckabee On Kim Davis: Obey The Law Only 'If It's Right'
Will Huckabee rescue Davis from the evil clutches of Constitutional justice? According to Huckabee - we should only obey laws we agree with. Gee, wouldn't he make a fine president.

The GOP presidential hopeful wants citizens to disobey the Supreme Court ruling.

GOP presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee on Sunday defended Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses. When asked by ABC host George Stephanopoulos whether Davis had an obligation to uphold the law, even if she disagreed with it, Huckabee argued she did not.

Huckabee On Kim Davis: Obey The Law Only 'If It's Right'
I wonder why that doesn't apply to Black people resisting arrest when cops just make up shit to arrest them on?
Will Huckabee rescue Davis from the evil clutches of Constitutional justice? According to Huckabee - we should only obey laws we agree with. Gee, wouldn't he make a fine president.

The GOP presidential hopeful wants citizens to disobey the Supreme Court ruling.

GOP presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee on Sunday defended Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses. When asked by ABC host George Stephanopoulos whether Davis had an obligation to uphold the law, even if she disagreed with it, Huckabee argued she did not.

Huckabee On Kim Davis: Obey The Law Only 'If It's Right'
I wonder why that doesn't apply to Black people resisting arrest when cops just make up shit to arrest them on?

That's because Huckabee's idea of justice is very selective.
...That is quite a delusional rant, clearly born of desperation and despair. It must e hard being you. So angry and alienated. So fearful of change and unable to accept the reality of progress. I might have to live with and deal with people like you but I thank the Gods and the Goddesses that I am not you . Have a nice day:beer:
Desperation and despair?


Merely a harbinger of what's coming.



The Supreme Court ruling was wrong, in connection with the best interests of The People and the Republic.



I side with the 97% of my fellow countrymen, whose interests lie in direct contrast to the interests of the 3%, for whom this abortion of a ruling was crafted.

I am in very large and very excellent company.

As to progress...

The legitimizing and mainstreaming of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is not progress.

It is a downward slide into a cesspool of filth, degeneracy, licentiousness and emasculation of the Nation; going the way of other nations who inflicted themselves with thsi disease.

Progress? More like a shift towards national suicide.

As to personal references... thank you for your input.

OK Kondor, I have two assignments for you should you choose to accept them ( and I suggest that you do if you want to establish any credibility here)

1. Explain unemotionally and in objective and unambiguous terms- without the use of pejoratives such as “ sexual pervert” EXACTLY how same sex marriage is detrimental to the best interest of the country and to those who are not directly involved in it.

You might want to look at various jurisdictions-foreign and domestic where same sex marriage has been in effect for over a decade ( you have several choices) and tell us what negative effects on those societies have emerged. Please be sure to use observable, measurable, and verifiable criteria.

Please also be sure to avoid simple correlations that do not control for intervening variables. Rather you are asked to establish a cause and effect relationship. Remember also, we are talking specifically about same sex marriage, not homosexuality in general.

2. Critique the Obergefell decision in terms of constitutional law which includes binding precedents established by case law and explain how you believe that the court could have found for the defendants in that case. Keep in mind that prior to the oral arguments, at the time that the court accepted the case, it was established that the ruling would be based on the 14th amendment so your argument must also be based on that amendment.

Also keep in mind that for the government to deny a group or an individual something that they are claiming as a right that others enjoy, a compelling government interest-or at minimum a rational basis must be established, so your argument must address what the interest or rational basis might be.

For both assignments, please provide appropriate source documentation for all points presented as fact. Good luck. This should keep you out of troubles for a while and may even make you a better person
Last edited:
When same-sex marriage is not just "allowed" but made mandatory worldwide....

And when out-of-wedlock pregnancy is universally punished by summary execution....

Then AGW will be eliminated in a single generation!

Liberal Paradise will be achieved!
And.........the award for the most useless and inane post of the week goes to.......:clap2:HENRY!!
I think that it was 1948 that California's law forbidding marriage between different races was overturned by higher courts. As I recall, it was a case before the Supreme Court brought by a Chinese man who wanted to marry a white.

The more things change, the more things remain the same.

Party on, bigots. There is so much evil being committed by "them", and so few of you to stop "them". Get in touch with you inner base bigot, here:

Westboro Baptist Church Home Page
Here's my take on gay marriage. The best revenge for those who are rabidly opposed to it is to allow gays to suffer the same financial and legal misery as straight couples.
So, RIghteousness has claimed its first Martyr, in the struggle against Wickedness (homosexuality).

Oh my fucking god, you really are a drama queen.

Question for you fundies who work for a living ... If you refuse to do your job, what happens?


Question for you liberals: What happens when liberals refuse to do their job?

Answer: Nothing different from when they do their jobs! They don't get fired. They don't get arrested. They often refuse to do their jobs on orders from the POTUS...who more often than not, refuses to do his job.

Screw all you goddamned hypocrisy-filled liberal bedwetters.
Here ... just for you ...

She should have resigned in protest IMO. In the private sector, I might stand with her, but govt should not use religion to deny someone his legal rights.

Hmm...according to the 1st Amendment the government should not use the courts to deny a person their religious rights.
She is a representative of the government. Allowing her to render policy based on religious dogma is in clear violation of the First Amendment.
If the clerk is acting illegally, then that's something else. Kim Davis issued a statement today that said, any licenses that are issued without her authority Friday to gay couples in Rowan County are void and “not worth the paper they are written on” because she didn’t approve them. In Kentucky, the law says the the license must be approved by the Clerk. It does appear the licenses issued without her approval are invalid. However, that will have to be resolved by the courts or the legislature.

Jailed Kentucky clerk says issued marriage licenses to gay couples void

Kentucky law says the license can be signed by the Deputy Clerk.

Kentucky Revised Statute 402.100 -->>

I stand corrected the deputy can sign the license. However, according to the news report those handed out on Friday didn’t have any signature which does make them invalid.

Jailed Kentucky clerk says issued marriage licenses to gay couples void
There is no 97% against 3%. The majority of this country support same sex marriage, and have for at least 5 years. Each year, for the past 5 years, support for same sex marriage has increased. I'm sorry, but you are delusional...
We'll see who is kidding themselves, after January 20, 2017.

As I said, you are on far shakier ground than you will allow yourself to believe.

Smug, arrogance complacency, as the inevitable and righteous Reaction grows just off your scope.

...And no, people don't become bigots once they've had children.
It is not bigotry to call-out and shun sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality).

Nobody wants their children and grandchildren exposed to such filth.
Who knows what magic you think will occur on that date? :dunno: Even if Republicans were to win the White House and both chambers of the Congress, they can't reverse a U.S.S.C. ruling. They would have to amend the Constitution and there isn't enough support nationally for that to happen. You rightwingnuts live in a fantasy world.
...That is quite a delusional rant, clearly born of desperation and despair. It must e hard being you. So angry and alienated. So fearful of change and unable to accept the reality of progress. I might have to live with and deal with people like you but I thank the Gods and the Goddesses that I am not you . Have a nice day:beer:
Desperation and despair?


Merely a harbinger of what's coming.



The Supreme Court ruling was wrong, in connection with the best interests of The People and the Republic.



I side with the 97% of my fellow countrymen, whose interests lie in direct contrast to the interests of the 3%, for whom this abortion of a ruling was crafted.

I am in very large and very excellent company.

As to progress...

The legitimizing and mainstreaming of sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) is not progress.

It is a downward slide into a cesspool of filth, degeneracy, licentiousness and emasculation of the Nation; going the way of other nations who inflicted themselves with thsi disease.

Progress? More like a shift towards national suicide.

As to personal references... thank you for your input.

OK Kondor, I have two assignments for you should you choose to accept them ( and I suggest that you do if you want to establish any credibility here)

1. Explain unemotionally and in objective and unambiguous terms- without the use of pejoratives such as “ sexual pervert” EXACTLY how same sex marriage is detrimental to the best interest of the country and to those who are not directly involved in it.

You might want to look at various jurisdictions-foreign and domestic where same sex marriage has been in effect for over a decade ( you have several choices) and tell us what negative effects on those societies have emerged. Please be sure to use observable, measurable, and verifiable criteria.

Please also be sure to avoid simple correlations that do not control for intervening variables. Rather you are asked to establish a cause and effect relationship. Remember also, we are talking specifically about same sex marriage, not homosexuality in general.

2. Critique the Obergefell decision in terms of constitutional law which includes binding precedents established by case law and explain how you believe that the court could have found for the defendants in that case. Keep in mind that prior to the oral arguments, at the time that the court accepted the case, it was established that the ruling would be based on the 14th amendment so your argument must also be based on that amendment.

Also keep in mind that for the government to deny a group or an individual something that they are claiming as a right that others enjoy, a compelling government interest-or at minimum a rational basis must be established, so your argument must address what the interest or rational basis might be.

For both assignments, please provide appropriate source documentation for all points presented as fact. Good luck. This should keep you out of troubles for a while and may even make you a better person

You'd have better luck asking him what color ends in "urple." Or name any color that begins with "blu." ;)

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