Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

So, RIghteousness has claimed its first Martyr, in the struggle against Wickedness (homosexuality).

Oh my fucking god, you really are a drama queen.

Question for you fundies who work for a living ... If you refuse to do your job, what happens?


Question for you liberals: What happens when liberals refuse to do their job?

Answer: Nothing different from when they do their jobs! They don't get fired. They don't get arrested. They often refuse to do their jobs on orders from the POTUS...who more often than not, refuses to do his job.

Screw all you goddamned hypocrisy-filled liberal bedwetters.

What the hell are you bloviating about? Care to give some examples of liberals not doing their jobs?
Obama is not doing his job. Holder is not doing his job. The refusal to enforce the laws of the land starts at the top. Any person working under either of these two lying bastards is not doing his the behest of his incompetent boss. That is a shitload of government workers....not doing their jobs.

SPECIFIC Examples please! PLEASE include instances where they have been in contempt of court.THANK YOU!
Irrelevant. Try again.

Immediately relevant. As demonstrated by the fact that these same clerks issued the marriage licenses when removed from under Davis' authority.

Davis was pushing her religion on her clerks as much as she was the citizens of her county.

Are you sure? I thought they had to go a town over. If another clerk in her district issued the license, it would still bear Davis' name as her name is in the seal. That's the way it is here. You cannot use someone's seal over their objections.

She should have resigned in protest IMO. In the private sector, I might stand with her, but govt should not use religion to deny someone his legal rights.
She should have resigned in protest IMO. In the private sector, I might stand with her, but govt should not use religion to deny someone his legal rights.

Hmm...according to the 1st Amendment the government should not use the courts to deny a person their religious rights.
She should have resigned in protest IMO. In the private sector, I might stand with her, but govt should not use religion to deny someone his legal rights.

Hmm...according to the 1st Amendment the government should not use the courts to deny a person their religious rights.
And they haven't in this case. She can believe anything she likes, but she works for the taxpayers and must still follow the law...
There is no 97% against 3%. The majority of this country support same sex marriage, and have for at least 5 years. Each year, for the past 5 years, support for same sex marriage has increased. I'm sorry, but you are delusional...
We'll see who is kidding themselves, after January 20, 2017.

As I said, you are on far shakier ground than you will allow yourself to believe.

Smug, arrogance complacency, as the inevitable and righteous Reaction grows just off your scope.

...And no, people don't become bigots once they've had children.
It is not bigotry to call-out and shun sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality).

Nobody wants their children and grandchildren exposed to such filth.
...Funny. Reminds me of the following link I scanned a few minutes ago...
You spend your time surfing, looking for delusion-reinforcing commentary about the Death of the White Man, and you call US bigots?


And, look who's talking about dying-off...

You should know...
There is no 97% against 3%. The majority of this country support same sex marriage, and have for at least 5 years. Each year, for the past 5 years, support for same sex marriage has increased. I'm sorry, but you are delusional...
We'll see who is kidding themselves, after January 20, 2017.

As I said, you are on far shakier ground than you will allow yourself to believe.

Smug, arrogance complacency, as the inevitable and righteous Reaction grows just off your scope.

...And no, people don't become bigots once they've had children.
It is not bigotry to call-out and shun sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality).

Nobody wants their children and grandchildren exposed to such filth.

Bookmarked for future entertainment. lol
...Funny. Reminds me of the following link I scanned a few minutes ago...
You spend your time surfing, looking for delusion-reinforcing commentary about the Death of the White Man, and you call US bigots?


And, look who's talking about dying-off...

You should know...

Kondor, I have just read your posts for the last couple of pages. I think that you really need to step away from the computer, and take a deep breath. Seriously, dude, you are getting hysterical.
...I've got news for you, a) the majority of this country approves of gay marriage...
I've got news for you, too.

That so-called 'majority' had voted only a few yeas before, to enact and sustain Defense of Marriage -style referenda and statute, in a large number of states.

However, having had their Will ignored and overturned by activist judges, people began to tire of the whole thing, and began taking the path of least resistance; not wanting to be put into the Gay Mafia's cross-hairs or accused of bigotry, etc. - it was too much trouble, to mount and sustain an active defense against the Three Percent and their fellow travelers.

Liberal young-lings usually morph into Conservative middle-agers, and a lot of the Liberals currently supporting such nonsense, will change their tune, as they become parents and grandparents, and raise families, and try their damndest, to keep their precious young away from such filth, even though they may have grudgingly conceded the field years earlier.

And, of course, with each passing month and year, as more and more Christian -bashing occurs, and as the Gay Mafia and its fellow travelers continue to out themselves as the vicious attack-dogs that they are, you(r side) will drive more and more of those fickle, formerly DOM-supporting voters back into the Opposition Camp.

The so-called 'support' that you(r side) like to point to, is immature, fickle, naive, easily change-able, unreliable, unstable, and about as meaningful as a fart in a hurricane.

Your (side) is on extremely shaky and shifting ground, even if you can't see it, or delude yourselves, otherwise.

The 3% cannot sustain this for long against the 97%, and it IS an "us vs. them" scenario - you can't help yourselves - you'll keep pushing the American People until they push back, and push back hard, within a legal and Constitutional framework, in order to flush-out the infestation and infection.

...I'm not bashing Christian's, I'm bashing idiots. Evangelical, right-wing Christian extremist have distorted religion beyond recognition.
You(r side) is bashing Christians 24 x 7 x 365. You(r side) is not kidding anybody when you protest otherwise. Nobody believes you(r side). The evidence is there for all to see.

That is quite a delusional rant, clearly born of desperation and despair. It must e hard being you. So angry and alienated. So fearful of change and unable to accept the reality of progress. I might have to live with and deal with people like you but I thank the Gods and the Goddesses that I am not you . Have a nice day:beer:
That is quite a delusional rant, clearly born of desperation and despair. It must e hard being you. So angry and alienated. So fearful of change and unable to accept the reality of progress.

Since when is jailing someone for their religious beliefs "progress"? Ever hear of the 1st Amendment? So to you, progress is dismantling our founding document and inaliable rights eh? Hope the tables don't turn on you when some other trend you hadn't anticipated washes through the social atmosphere.

And that reminds me, I remember the "progress" of election 2014...dems lost their butts when the middle bloc defected to a more conservative Congressional spread. Don't worry, now that a Christian has been jailed by gay-cult sychophants, I'm sure 2016 will be much different. After all, 2014 maybe wasn't about the middle bloc's visceral disgust with motherless/fatherless "marriages" for kids. Of course with all the danger associated with speaking one's mind on the subject, it may be that it was. Hard to tell until people vote. Keep your fingers crossed that "most people think motherless/fatherless "marriages" are OK for kids!" And, "people will understand a Christian being jailed for being opposed to that!".

Talk about betting on a dark :popcorn:
That is quite a delusional rant, clearly born of desperation and despair. It must e hard being you. So angry and alienated. So fearful of change and unable to accept the reality of progress.

Since when is jailing someone for their religious beliefs "progress"? Ever hear of the 1st Amendment? So to you, progress is dismantling our founding document and inaliable rights eh? Hope the tables don't turn on you when some other trend you hadn't anticipated washes through the social atmosphere.

And that reminds me, I remember the "progress" of election 2014...dems lost their butts when the middle bloc defected to a more conservative Congressional spread. Don't worry, now that a Christian has been jailed by gay-cult sychophants, I'm sure 2016 will be much different. After all, 2014 maybe wasn't about the middle bloc's visceral disgust with motherless/fatherless "marriages" for kids. Of course with all the danger associated with speaking one's mind on the subject, it may be that it was. Hard to tell until people vote. Keep your fingers crossed that "most people think motherless/fatherless "marriages" are OK for kids!" And, "people will understand a Christian being jailed for being opposed to that!".

Talk about betting on a dark :popcorn:

To say that she was jailed for her religious beliefs in violation of the first amendment is either willfully ignorant or a deliberate and blatant lie. I just don't know which.

As far as the 2014 election goes....chew on this:
Gerrymandering Rigged the 2014 Elections for GOP Advantage Gerrymandering Rigged the 2014 Elections for GOP Advantage |
That is quite a delusional rant, clearly born of desperation and despair. It must e hard being you. So angry and alienated. So fearful of change and unable to accept the reality of progress.

Since when is jailing someone for their religious beliefs "progress"? Ever hear of the 1st Amendment? So to you, progress is dismantling our founding document and inaliable rights eh? Hope the tables don't turn on you when some other trend you hadn't anticipated washes through the social atmosphere.

And that reminds me, I remember the "progress" of election 2014...dems lost their butts when the middle bloc defected to a more conservative Congressional spread. Don't worry, now that a Christian has been jailed by gay-cult sychophants, I'm sure 2016 will be much different. After all, 2014 maybe wasn't about the middle bloc's visceral disgust with motherless/fatherless "marriages" for kids. Of course with all the danger associated with speaking one's mind on the subject, it may be that it was. Hard to tell until people vote. Keep your fingers crossed that "most people think motherless/fatherless "marriages" are OK for kids!" And, "people will understand a Christian being jailed for being opposed to that!".

Talk about betting on a dark :popcorn:

Five Bizarre Arguments Kim Davis' Supporters Have Used To Defend Her Lawbreaking - See more at: Five Bizarre Ways Kim Davis' Supporters Have Defended Her Lawbreaking
Hmm...according to the 1st Amendment the government should not use the courts to deny a person their religious rights.

There is no 1st Amendment right to shut down the functioning of a government entity (in relationship to specific duties to be performed) because of an individuals my way or no way orders as they pertain to religious rights.

She should have resigned in protest IMO. In the private sector, I might stand with her, but govt should not use religion to deny someone his legal rights.

Hmm...according to the 1st Amendment the government should not use the courts to deny a person their religious rights.

The gov't did not use the courts to deny her anything. She was held in contempt of court for her refusal to do her job, resign or allow others in her office to issue licenses. She has been free to practice her religion all along. In fact, she is free to practice it right now.

What she is NOT free to do is refuse to follow a court order and make her religious views mandatory for everyone in her office.
There is no 97% against 3%. The majority of this country support same sex marriage, and have for at least 5 years. Each year, for the past 5 years, support for same sex marriage has increased. I'm sorry, but you are delusional...
We'll see who is kidding themselves, after January 20, 2017.

As I said, you are on far shakier ground than you will allow yourself to believe.

Smug, arrogance complacency, as the inevitable and righteous Reaction grows just off your scope.

...And no, people don't become bigots once they've had children.
It is not bigotry to call-out and shun sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality).

Nobody wants their children and grandchildren exposed to such filth.

I'm still waiting for you to answer my question about what you mean by "that is when the fun starts". You were referring to after Obama is out of office.
...I've got news for you, a) the majority of this country approves of gay marriage...
I've got news for you, too.

That so-called 'majority' had voted only a few yeas before, to enact and sustain Defense of Marriage -style referenda and statute, in a large number of states.

However, having had their Will ignored and overturned by activist judges, people began to tire of the whole thing, and began taking the path of least resistance; not wanting to be put into the Gay Mafia's cross-hairs or accused of bigotry, etc. - it was too much trouble, to mount and sustain an active defense against the Three Percent and their fellow travelers.

Liberal young-lings usually morph into Conservative middle-agers, and a lot of the Liberals currently supporting such nonsense, will change their tune, as they become parents and grandparents, and raise families, and try their damndest, to keep their precious young away from such filth, even though they may have grudgingly conceded the field years earlier.

And, of course, with each passing month and year, as more and more Christian -bashing occurs, and as the Gay Mafia and its fellow travelers continue to out themselves as the vicious attack-dogs that they are, you(r side) will drive more and more of those fickle, formerly DOM-supporting voters back into the Opposition Camp.

The so-called 'support' that you(r side) like to point to, is immature, fickle, naive, easily change-able, unreliable, unstable, and about as meaningful as a fart in a hurricane.

Your (side) is on extremely shaky and shifting ground, even if you can't see it, or delude yourselves, otherwise.

The 3% cannot sustain this for long against the 97%, and it IS an "us vs. them" scenario - you can't help yourselves - you'll keep pushing the American People until they push back, and push back hard, within a legal and Constitutional framework, in order to flush-out the infestation and infection.

...I'm not bashing Christian's, I'm bashing idiots. Evangelical, right-wing Christian extremist have distorted religion beyond recognition.
You(r side) is bashing Christians 24 x 7 x 365. You(r side) is not kidding anybody when you protest otherwise. Nobody believes you(r side). The evidence is there for all to see.

It is not just and age thing it is a generational thing , Your ilks time is coming to an end , your world is not "swinging" back
...Funny. Reminds me of the following link I scanned a few minutes ago...
You spend your time surfing, looking for delusion-reinforcing commentary about the Death of the White Man, and you call US bigots?


And, look who's talking about dying-off...

You should know...

Facts are not your friends are they? in a few short decades whites will only make less then 10 percent of the worlds population and out of that 10 percent a small minority will be rightwing cross grovelers such as yourself Let's see how that works out for your ilk

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