Kentucky clerk won't interfere with gay marriage licenses

You didn't make the original comment about it but you answered for them. If you didn't have a dog in the fight you should not have answered for them. Understand?

Saying you are Conservative but do not care about gay marriage is like
Saying you are a Christian but do not care about abortion, gay marriage or siding with the enemy against Israel.

The welcome was sincere. Have a nice day.

I don't answer for anyone but myself. I did not say 'they' saw the tv broadcasts, I said I saw the tv broadcasts. I believe words actually mean something. For example, if I would have been trying to answer for someone else I would have said 'They'. Read more of my posts, and you will see where I encourage others to say what THEY think and stop trying to speak for me / tell me what I believe. I extend people that same courtesy...)

Regarding Gay Marriage versus Conservatism. I am a Conservative, I do not believe in same sex marriage or abortions; however, I - unlike ISIS and Liberals - do not believe in ramming my beliefs down the throats of others and imposing my will on others. Liberals, for example, declare I have no right to impose my views of abortions upon them, that they have a right to have abortions...then turn around and force THEIR beliefs on ME by insisting I pay for their 'elective surgery'. Same-sex marriage - I don't believe in it, it does not effect me, and I do not have to impose my decisions on anyone.

Isn't that what Liberals have been begging for, a Conservative who believes what they believe but who will not try to force those beliefs on them? Well, here I am, and you are STILL attacking me. WTF DO YOU WANT...except that I be forced to believe your way, which ain't going to happen?! There used to be a time in this country, before political correctness and liberal intolerance, when people could agree not to agree. Now it is ' believe like me or I will destroy you' - F* that!

And I did not say I am a Christian who does not care about those things. I am a Christian who opposes those things....but, again, unlike Liberals and ISIS, I am not going to go around demanding everyone agree with me or I will 'destroy' and ridicule you. One can actually be a Christian and a Conservative, not believe what you do, and still not try to force you to believe what I do. And government hand outs - material worldly 'perks' a government doles out to whoever they chose to has nothing to do with my spiritual beliefs and salvation. 'Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's.' I can let the worldly government do whatever it wants, not participate/partake in/or it, and still focus personally on following my faith.
A guy I worked with at a power plant decided he couldn't work on Sunday due to religious objections.
The boss said "nice knowing you Don".
Worked with him many years after that. He was a nice guy, but an ornery cuss.
"... she said she decided not to interfere with deputy clerks who will continue to hand out the marriage licenses in Rowan County, but Davis declared they would not be authorized by her and she questioned their validity."

Is a marriage legal if you never had a valid license?

Do you have a link or source to her ever saying she wanted to interfere with other Deputy clerks who continued to hand out marriage licenses in their own names? She said they would not be authorized by her - she can question their validity. She hasn't changed her position so do not make it appear as if she has some how backed down. She hasn't. Kim Davis has been consistent on this. She is to be commended for holding her ground.

She was refusing her entire office to issue any licenses at all to try to skirt around the same sex issue.

Do you have a link or source to her ever saying she wanted to interfere with other Deputy clerks who continued to hand out marriage licenses in their own names? She said they would not be authorized by her - she can question their validity. She hasn't changed her position so do not make it appear as if she has some how backed down. She hasn't. Kim Davis has been consistent on this. She is to be commended for holding her ground.

Don't have links, but it was broadcast widely on all the major news programs...

You do not have a link but it was broadcast widely by reporters on all the major news programs? And there is not a single article with those words on the internet anywhere? Are you sure?[/QUOTE]

Haven't bothered to look for it, since I watched the news broadcasts and it did not mean enough to me past that to do any further research. It obviously means more to YOU, so I suggest YOU do some research. Let me know what you find....then again...I don't care.[/QUOTE]

It would be using wisdom to fact check such things when you are not able to find a shred of evidence on the internet that would support someone's "opinion" as "fact" (before you post). Rather than to destroy your own credibility.[/QUOTE]

She refused to issue ANY licenses... refused to allow her office to issue as well & shrugged an 'oh well' response when accused of discrimination. BOOM! there it is:


Do you have a link or source to her ever saying she wanted to interfere with other Deputy clerks who continued to hand out marriage licenses in their own names? She said they would not be authorized by her - she can question their validity. She hasn't changed her position so do not make it appear as if she has some how backed down. She hasn't. Kim Davis has been consistent on this. She is to be commended for holding her ground.

Don't have links, but it was broadcast widely on all the major news programs...

You do not have a link but it was broadcast widely by reporters on all the major news programs? And there is not a single article with those words on the internet anywhere? Are you sure?

Haven't bothered to look for it, since I watched the news broadcasts and it did not mean enough to me past that to do any further research. It obviously means more to YOU, so I suggest YOU do some research. Let me know what you find....then again...I don't care.[/QUOTE]

It would be using wisdom to fact check such things when you are not able to find a shred of evidence on the internet that would support someone's "opinion" as "fact" (before you post). Rather than to destroy your own credibility.[/QUOTE]

She refused to issue ANY licenses... refused to allow her office to issue as well & shrugged an 'oh well' response when accused of discrimination. BOOM! there it is:


Good for her. She is right.
The issue came to the Supreme Court, the issue being legally married in one state did not qualify for federal rights. So the Supreme Court overrode Doma and declared SSM legally the same as straight marriage with Federal equal rights. I am sure it just pisses the conservatives off , you know the ones who hate that there is still SS and Medicare.

I am Conservative, and it doesn't really bother me a bit. I don't CARE! I don't think the Federal Govt shouldn't be in the marriage 'business', though. Who is the Fed Govt to decide for America what the definition of 'marriage' is?

If the govt wants to award certain benefits to coupled who are 'united' then so be it. If they created a procedure / status / union called a 'Civil Union' that resulted in government-provided benefits being awarded and left the term 'marriage' alone there would be NO PROBLEM right now. But Liberals are not satisfied with getting the rights/benefits they want, they want to impose their will on others, force them to accept THEIR definition of things, like Marriage.

Again, want all this to end? Create 'Civil Unions' where same-sex couples can be united as a couple, where they can have anyone who will perform a ceremony for this do so but where you do not FORCE people with religious problems with this to have to perform these ceremonies, and then give these couples whatever govt benefits you want....and leave the definition of 'traditional marriage' alone...and all this bickering and fighting would be over.

Then you are not a Conservative. Saying you are one does not make it so.

Neither does saying you're a Christian makes it so.
"The governor, the attorney general and the county attorney have said the licenses are valid. Davis and her attorneys claim otherwise."

This is from the linked report.

The licenses are in fact valid.

Not according to God and His Word.

Neither of which are the law of the land. You're thinking of another country.

Wrong - from the beginning - our founding fathers believed the Word of God to be the truth. There was never any provision for men to marry men or women to marry women. We have no history of such laws. What is happening now is wickedness is taking over the land. Our judges are unrighteous, unholy, blasphemers of God. They have perverted the laws of this land and twisted the meaning of what is holy. They are also under the judgment of God for their actions.
Then you are not a Conservative. Saying you are one does not make it so.

Oh so now YOU are the one who decides who is and who is NOT a 'Conservative'?! It is hilarious how Liberals TRY to speak for others (and $u@K at it, by the way) and then try to label people, telling them what they are and what they are now, as if they were the experts or one's responsible for making such decisions for us all. I have had enough 'imposed' upon me by the likes such as yourself. YOU call yourself whatever you want, and don't worry about me. LOL...

Did you or didn't you say you didn't have a problem with gay marriage - you didn't care? If you were a true Conservative? You would.

SOCIAL conservatives care... FISCAL conservatives don't. Social conservatives are the nutjobs that highjacked the GOP starting with its real stranglehold by Reagan; hence, as shown in my siggy---a real conservative... Barry Goldwater summed it up quite nicely.
The issue came to the Supreme Court, the issue being legally married in one state did not qualify for federal rights. So the Supreme Court overrode Doma and declared SSM legally the same as straight marriage with Federal equal rights. I am sure it just pisses the conservatives off , you know the ones who hate that there is still SS and Medicare.

I am Conservative, and it doesn't really bother me a bit. I don't CARE! I don't think the Federal Govt shouldn't be in the marriage 'business', though. Who is the Fed Govt to decide for America what the definition of 'marriage' is?

If the govt wants to award certain benefits to coupled who are 'united' then so be it. If they created a procedure / status / union called a 'Civil Union' that resulted in government-provided benefits being awarded and left the term 'marriage' alone there would be NO PROBLEM right now. But Liberals are not satisfied with getting the rights/benefits they want, they want to impose their will on others, force them to accept THEIR definition of things, like Marriage.

Again, want all this to end? Create 'Civil Unions' where same-sex couples can be united as a couple, where they can have anyone who will perform a ceremony for this do so but where you do not FORCE people with religious problems with this to have to perform these ceremonies, and then give these couples whatever govt benefits you want....and leave the definition of 'traditional marriage' alone...and all this bickering and fighting would be over.

Then you are not a Conservative. Saying you are one does not make it so.

Neither does saying you're a Christian makes it so.

True. You will know a Christian by their fruit. You can also recognize them by the fact that the world despises them. The world will readily accept a fake Christian who compromises the word of God and coddles the world in its sin. But the Christian who preaches the Word of God undiluted is an offense to the wicked. They cannot bear it because the light exposes the darkness and darkness does not want to be exposed.
"The governor, the attorney general and the county attorney have said the licenses are valid. Davis and her attorneys claim otherwise."

This is from the linked report.

The licenses are in fact valid.

Not according to God and His Word.

Neither of which are the law of the land. You're thinking of another country.

This nation was founded by Christians. George Washington - our first President dedicated America to the God of the Bible. Do not think that God has forgotten this. He hasn't. America was blessed because of the Christians who obeyed God and glorified God in their obedience and worship to Him. America was blessed again by the Jews who came here to live. At this time there are approximately 7 million Jews living here. Do not think that God will judge this nation for its wickedness and rebellion in turn against Him. He can and He will. Indeed, He is.
"The governor, the attorney general and the county attorney have said the licenses are valid. Davis and her attorneys claim otherwise."

This is from the linked report.

The licenses are in fact valid.

Not according to God and His Word.

Neither of which are the law of the land. You're thinking of another country.

Wrong - from the beginning - our founding fathers believed the Word of God to be the truth. There was never any provision for men to marry men or women to marry women. We have no history of such laws. What is happening now is wickedness is taking over the land. Our judges are unrighteous, unholy, blasphemers of God. They have perverted the laws of this land and twisted the meaning of what is holy. They are also under the judgment of God for their actions.

Again, God's word isn't the law of this nation.

Besides, why should I trust you? You turned your back on the one true faith when you decided to join the perverted church you attend now. The only church that can lead to your salvation is The Catholic Church. You should beg for forgiveness for turning your back on the true church. Satan has tricked you. I'll pray for your return.

See I can play the 'you're going to hell' game as well.
"The governor, the attorney general and the county attorney have said the licenses are valid. Davis and her attorneys claim otherwise."

This is from the linked report.

The licenses are in fact valid.

Not according to God and His Word.

Neither of which are the law of the land. You're thinking of another country.

Wrong - from the beginning - our founding fathers believed the Word of God to be the truth. There was never any provision for men to marry men or women to marry women. We have no history of such laws. What is happening now is wickedness is taking over the land. Our judges are unrighteous, unholy, blasphemers of God. They have perverted the laws of this land and twisted the meaning of what is holy. They are also under the judgment of God for their actions.

Again, God's word isn't the law of this nation.

Besides, why should I trust you? You turned your back on the one true faith when you decided to join the perverted church you attend now. The only church that can lead to your salvation is The Catholic Church. You should beg for forgiveness for turning your back on the true church. Satan has tricked you. I'll pray for your return.

See I can play the 'you're going to hell' game as well.

Roman Catholicism is a false religion. There is no salvation in Roman Catholicism. It is Satan's Masterpiece - a counterfeit church taking millions to hell. I pray you depart from it, mdk.

Listen to this former Roman Catholic. He has done his homework and knows what he is talking about.

Kentucky clerk won't interfere with gay marriage licenses

Kentucky clerk won't interfere with gay marriage licenses

She won't interfere but she does not think the marriages are valid. Fair enough. She can have her lawyers sue on her behalf.

She can still worship, believe, etc., as always she has had that right.

But she cannot discriminate against any citizen who qualifies by law for services.
My sympathies. I know you all were looking forward to further persecution. Maybe you can take it up again when a gay guy walks in with his goat and demands a license from her. She'll likely say no.
"The governor, the attorney general and the county attorney have said the licenses are valid. Davis and her attorneys claim otherwise."

This is from the linked report.

The licenses are in fact valid.

Not according to God and His Word.

Neither of which are the law of the land. You're thinking of another country.

Wrong - from the beginning - our founding fathers believed the Word of God to be the truth. There was never any provision for men to marry men or women to marry women. We have no history of such laws. What is happening now is wickedness is taking over the land. Our judges are unrighteous, unholy, blasphemers of God. They have perverted the laws of this land and twisted the meaning of what is holy. They are also under the judgment of God for their actions.

Most of the founding fathers were deists and rejected the concept of a personal god and the bible
Jerry, I have a simple question for you.

Suppose you went in to renew your DL and the clerk said "I seen you coming out of church Sunday, I'm not issuing a DL to a Christian, it violates my beliefs"

Would you say "oh well I can't violate his religious beliefs" and walk out without your DL?
"The governor, the attorney general and the county attorney have said the licenses are valid. Davis and her attorneys claim otherwise."

This is from the linked report.

The licenses are in fact valid.

Not according to God and His Word.

Neither of which are the law of the land. You're thinking of another country.

Wrong - from the beginning - our founding fathers believed the Word of God to be the truth. There was never any provision for men to marry men or women to marry women. We have no history of such laws. What is happening now is wickedness is taking over the land. Our judges are unrighteous, unholy, blasphemers of God. They have perverted the laws of this land and twisted the meaning of what is holy. They are also under the judgment of God for their actions.

Again, God's word isn't the law of this nation.

Besides, why should I trust you? You turned your back on the one true faith when you decided to join the perverted church you attend now. The only church that can lead to your salvation is The Catholic Church. You should beg for forgiveness for turning your back on the true church. Satan has tricked you. I'll pray for your return.

See I can play the 'you're going to hell' game as well.

Hell is not a game to play. It is a place to avoid at all cost. Even if your entire family disown you for departing from Roman Catholicism. You must do it if you desire to follow Jesus Christ and enter heaven when you leave this earth.

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