Kentucky clerk won't interfere with gay marriage licenses

If you make a statement here and expect others to take it as a fact you should provide a link and a source (when it is requested). :"I heard it on TV" is not a link or a source. If I didn't say welcome to USMB earlier - welcome to USMB. I notice you joined recently.

I did not make the original comment about this. You asked SOMEONE if they had a link to this issue. Like a guy walking down the street who sees a car accident and chimes in regarding what he saw, I chimed in to say I had seen the news reports on TV but had seen no articles. I have no 'dog' in this fight, and not trying to prove one 'side' or the other, and I don't care. I just made a random comment.

Sounds like you may have a problem with CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and Fox who reported thi son the news but who either doesn't have a written article on it or does somewhere but many people have not seen it. Take it up with them.

Thanks for the welcome....see ya 'round the pages.
I am a Christian, but let me ask a hypothetical question. If a DMV employee is Muslim and refuses to issue licenses to females due to her religion, should she be fired or reassigned? It seems to be a question that is pertinent to religious conscious. What do you think?

No, because Islam and Sharia law are not the law of the land. You are thinking Saudi Arabia.

Our constitution upholds Kim Davis's right not to issue a same sex marriage license. If our founding fathers were here they would agree with her. Marriage is between a man and a woman. Not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. The Supreme Court had no right to change the definition of marriage in order to appease the Sodomites of this land.

It certainly would be an issue, because Davis used her 'freedom of religion' under the 1st Amendment as the reason for her denying same sex marriage licenses. However, as stated in the Establishment Clause , there is no State sanctioned religion & as an agent for the government, working on behalf of the government- she cannot use her religious beliefs to dictate whom she will or will not serve. Can you please recite & link exactly where in the Constitution it says that a marriage is only between a man & a woman? How about between a Negro & Negro...Caucasian & Caucasian.?... I'll be waiting.
"The governor, the attorney general and the county attorney have said the licenses are valid. Davis and her attorneys claim otherwise."

This is from the linked report.

The licenses are in fact valid.

Not according to God and His Word.

Neither of which are the law of the land. You're thinking of another country.

Wrong - from the beginning - our founding fathers believed the Word of God to be the truth. There was never any provision for men to marry men or women to marry women. We have no history of such laws. What is happening now is wickedness is taking over the land. Our judges are unrighteous, unholy, blasphemers of God. They have perverted the laws of this land and twisted the meaning of what is holy. They are also under the judgment of God for their actions.

Most of the founding fathers were deists and rejected the concept of a personal god and the bible

False, as is most of your bullshit.

I bet you don't even know who all is included in founding fathers.
SOCIAL conservatives care... FISCAL conservatives don't. Social conservatives are the nutjobs that highjacked the GOP starting with its real stranglehold by Reagan; hence, as shown in my siggy---a real conservative... Barry Goldwater summed it up quite nicely.

Oh so now YOU are the one who decides who is and who is NOT a 'Conservative'?! It is hilarious how Liberals TRY to speak for others (and $u@K at it, by the way) and then try to label people, telling them what they are and what they are now, as if they were the experts or one's responsible for making such decisions for us all. I have had enough 'imposed' upon me by the likes such as yourself. YOU call yourself whatever you want, and don't worry about me. LOL...

I try to avoid putting labels on people or trying to sound like I have some authority to declare what's what or who's who...which is why I stay away from 'parties'. I do not claim to be a Republican or a Democrat, though you can't really tell the difference between the two these days. I don't listen to the political rhetoric and stuff like this...if you believe this way then you must be 'this'. I weigh everything and then try to make a decision based on what's best for the country, not some party or politician...
"The governor, the attorney general and the county attorney have said the licenses are valid. Davis and her attorneys claim otherwise."

This is from the linked report.

The licenses are in fact valid.

Not according to God and His Word.

Neither of which are the law of the land. You're thinking of another country.

Wrong - from the beginning - our founding fathers believed the Word of God to be the truth. There was never any provision for men to marry men or women to marry women. We have no history of such laws. What is happening now is wickedness is taking over the land. Our judges are unrighteous, unholy, blasphemers of God. They have perverted the laws of this land and twisted the meaning of what is holy. They are also under the judgment of God for their actions.

Again, God's word isn't the law of this nation.

Besides, why should I trust you? You turned your back on the one true faith when you decided to join the perverted church you attend now. The only church that can lead to your salvation is The Catholic Church. You should beg for forgiveness for turning your back on the true church. Satan has tricked you. I'll pray for your return.

See I can play the 'you're going to hell' game as well.

Roman Catholicism is a false religion. There is no salvation in Roman Catholicism. It is Satan's Masterpiece - a counterfeit church taking millions to hell. I pray you depart from it, mdk.

Those are the words of Satan masquerading as the words of the pious. The Bible warns us about people like you. Come back to the one true church and leave behind the lies Satan's whispers in your ears. In his name I cast you're false faith down.
Jerry, I have a simple question for you.

Suppose you went in to renew your DL and the clerk said "I seen you coming out of church Sunday, I'm not issuing a DL to a Christian, it violates my beliefs"

Would you say "oh well I can't violate his religious beliefs" and walk out without your DL?

No, because the Constitution guarantees me my freedom of religion - America was founded on the Christian faith. The Puritans came here to get away from false religion and man made doctrine. Our founding fathers would agree with me. Not you.
Well the hill billy gospel freak side show has come to an end

Another Constitution hater who believes 9 people in black have the RIGHT to tell America what is in the Constitution!.... Wonder if President Trump will increase the court to 11... there is a precedent!
If Trump fails, wait until you see what President Cruz does! There is precedent. Thanks Obama. We're gonna have us some fun.
Not according to God and His Word.

Neither of which are the law of the land. You're thinking of another country.

Wrong - from the beginning - our founding fathers believed the Word of God to be the truth. There was never any provision for men to marry men or women to marry women. We have no history of such laws. What is happening now is wickedness is taking over the land. Our judges are unrighteous, unholy, blasphemers of God. They have perverted the laws of this land and twisted the meaning of what is holy. They are also under the judgment of God for their actions.

Again, God's word isn't the law of this nation.

Besides, why should I trust you? You turned your back on the one true faith when you decided to join the perverted church you attend now. The only church that can lead to your salvation is The Catholic Church. You should beg for forgiveness for turning your back on the true church. Satan has tricked you. I'll pray for your return.

See I can play the 'you're going to hell' game as well.

Roman Catholicism is a false religion. There is no salvation in Roman Catholicism. It is Satan's Masterpiece - a counterfeit church taking millions to hell. I pray you depart from it, mdk.

Those are the words of Satan masquerading as the words of the pious. The Bible warns us about people like you. Come back to the one true church and leave behind the lies Satan's whispers in your ears. In his name I cast you're false faith down.

You have been deceived by demons. You have no authority to cast anything down. You must become a born again Christian before Luke 10:19 authority is yours.
[Most of the founding fathers were deists and rejected the concept of a personal god and the bible

Ohhhh, you've just GOT to provide the links to support this one. I am sure this will make for some interesting reading. Thank you in advance.
Jerry, I have a simple question for you.

Suppose you went in to renew your DL and the clerk said "I seen you coming out of church Sunday, I'm not issuing a DL to a Christian, it violates my beliefs"

Would you say "oh well I can't violate his religious beliefs" and walk out without your DL?

No, because the Constitution guarantees me my freedom of religion - America was founded on the Christian faith. The Puritans came here to get away from false religion and man made doctrine. Our founding fathers would agree with me. Not you.

So, you would want the government to FORCE that clerk to issue your DL against HIS religious convictions?

And let me ask you another question. Is that clerk allowed to carry a firearm while at work?

Do you have a link or source to her ever saying she wanted to interfere with other Deputy clerks who continued to hand out marriage licenses in their own names? She said they would not be authorized by her - she can question their validity. She hasn't changed her position so do not make it appear as if she has some how backed down. She hasn't. Kim Davis has been consistent on this. She is to be commended for holding her ground.

Don't have links, but it was broadcast widely on all the major news programs...

You do not have a link but it was broadcast widely by reporters on all the major news programs? And there is not a single article with those words on the internet anywhere? Are you sure?

Haven't bothered to look for it, since I watched the news broadcasts and it did not mean enough to me past that to do any further research. It obviously means more to YOU, so I suggest YOU do some research. Let me know what you find....then again...I don't care.

It would be using wisdom to fact check such things when you are not able to find a shred of evidence on the internet that would support someone's "opinion" as "fact" (before you post). Rather than to destroy your own credibility.[/QUOTE]

She refused to issue ANY licenses... refused to allow her office to issue as well & shrugged an 'oh well' response when accused of discrimination. BOOM! there it is:


Good for her. She is right.[/QUOTE]

Yes, & her going to jail for contempt proved that. :cuckoo:
"The governor, the attorney general and the county attorney have said the licenses are valid. Davis and her attorneys claim otherwise."

This is from the linked report.

The licenses are in fact valid.

Not according to God and His Word.

Neither of which are the law of the land. You're thinking of another country.

Wrong - from the beginning - our founding fathers believed the Word of God to be the truth. There was never any provision for men to marry men or women to marry women. We have no history of such laws. What is happening now is wickedness is taking over the land. Our judges are unrighteous, unholy, blasphemers of God. They have perverted the laws of this land and twisted the meaning of what is holy. They are also under the judgment of God for their actions.

Again, God's word isn't the law of this nation.

Besides, why should I trust you? You turned your back on the one true faith when you decided to join the perverted church you attend now. The only church that can lead to your salvation is The Catholic Church. You should beg for forgiveness for turning your back on the true church. Satan has tricked you. I'll pray for your return.

See I can play the 'you're going to hell' game as well.

Hell is not a game to play. It is a place to avoid at all cost. Even if your entire family disown you for departing from Roman Catholicism. You must do it if you desire to follow Jesus Christ and enter heaven when you leave this earth.

I agree, it isn't a game. That is why you must repent and seek salvation in the one true faith of Jesus Christ, The Cathloic Church. Davis needs to repent as well b/c her sect is an affront to the Lord.
SOCIAL conservatives care... FISCAL conservatives don't. Social conservatives are the nutjobs that highjacked the GOP starting with its real stranglehold by Reagan; hence, as shown in my siggy---a real conservative... Barry Goldwater summed it up quite nicely.

Oh so now YOU are the one who decides who is and who is NOT a 'Conservative'?! It is hilarious how Liberals TRY to speak for others (and $u@K at it, by the way) and then try to label people, telling them what they are and what they are now, as if they were the experts or one's responsible for making such decisions for us all. I have had enough 'imposed' upon me by the likes such as yourself. YOU call yourself whatever you want, and don't worry about me. LOL...

I try to avoid putting labels on people or trying to sound like I have some authority to declare what's what or who's who...which is why I stay away from 'parties'. I do not claim to be a Republican or a Democrat, though you can't really tell the difference between the two these days. I don't listen to the political rhetoric and stuff like this...if you believe this way then you must be 'this'. I weigh everything and then try to make a decision based on what's best for the country, not some party or politician...

I wasn't talking to you. I was answering Jeremiah when he said you weren't a conservative because you 'didn't care'. I was defending you. You need to expand the quotes to see what the latest/last one is being answered. Your alert might have your quote contained wihin a reply, but doesn't mean you specifically are being replied to directly.
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Jerry, I have a simple question for you.

Suppose you went in to renew your DL and the clerk said "I seen you coming out of church Sunday, I'm not issuing a DL to a Christian, it violates my beliefs"

Would you say "oh well I can't violate his religious beliefs" and walk out without your DL?

No, because the Constitution guarantees me my freedom of religion - America was founded on the Christian faith. The Puritans came here to get away from false religion and man made doctrine. Our founding fathers would agree with me. Not you.

So, you would want the government to FORCE that clerk to issue your DL against HIS religious convictions?

And let me ask you another question. Is that clerk allowed to carry a firearm while at work?

No, I want the government to uphold the Constitution of the United States as it was written. Not as it is rewritten or redefined by those who are unqualified. We have a right to bear arms. Again, I would like to see the government uphold the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as it was written. Not as it has been rewritten, redefined, wrongly re-interpreted!
Jerry, I have a simple question for you.

Suppose you went in to renew your DL and the clerk said "I seen you coming out of church Sunday, I'm not issuing a DL to a Christian, it violates my beliefs"

Would you say "oh well I can't violate his religious beliefs" and walk out without your DL?

No, because the Constitution guarantees me my freedom of religion - America was founded on the Christian faith. The Puritans came here to get away from false religion and man made doctrine. Our founding fathers would agree with me. Not you.

So, you would want the government to FORCE that clerk to issue your DL against HIS religious convictions?

And let me ask you another question. Is that clerk allowed to carry a firearm while at work?

No, I want the government to uphold the Constitution of the United States as it was written. Not as it is rewritten or redefined by those who are unqualified. We have a right to bear arms. Again, I would like to see the government uphold the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as it was written. Not as it has been rewritten, redefined, wrongly re-interpreted!

You are COMPLETELY ignoring my questions, and I can understand why.
Not according to God and His Word.

Neither of which are the law of the land. You're thinking of another country.

Wrong - from the beginning - our founding fathers believed the Word of God to be the truth. There was never any provision for men to marry men or women to marry women. We have no history of such laws. What is happening now is wickedness is taking over the land. Our judges are unrighteous, unholy, blasphemers of God. They have perverted the laws of this land and twisted the meaning of what is holy. They are also under the judgment of God for their actions.

Again, God's word isn't the law of this nation.

Besides, why should I trust you? You turned your back on the one true faith when you decided to join the perverted church you attend now. The only church that can lead to your salvation is The Catholic Church. You should beg for forgiveness for turning your back on the true church. Satan has tricked you. I'll pray for your return.

See I can play the 'you're going to hell' game as well.

Hell is not a game to play. It is a place to avoid at all cost. Even if your entire family disown you for departing from Roman Catholicism. You must do it if you desire to follow Jesus Christ and enter heaven when you leave this earth.

I agree, it isn't a game. That is why you must repent and seek salvation in the one true faith of Jesus Christ, The Cathloic Church. Davis needs to repent as well b/c her sect is an affront to the Lord.

There is no salvation in the Roman Catholic Babylonian cult religion. Nor can you prove there is any in the King James Bible. Because it isn't there.

You have been brainwashed into believing a lie. Buy a King James bible and read it. Watch the video and listen to the former Roman Catholic tell you what happened to him when he learned what the Bible had to say contradicted Roman Catholicism.

Here it is:

Jerry, I have a simple question for you.

Suppose you went in to renew your DL and the clerk said "I seen you coming out of church Sunday, I'm not issuing a DL to a Christian, it violates my beliefs"

Would you say "oh well I can't violate his religious beliefs" and walk out without your DL?

No, because the Constitution guarantees me my freedom of religion - America was founded on the Christian faith. The Puritans came here to get away from false religion and man made doctrine. Our founding fathers would agree with me. Not you.

So, you would want the government to FORCE that clerk to issue your DL against HIS religious convictions?

And let me ask you another question. Is that clerk allowed to carry a firearm while at work?

No, I want the government to uphold the Constitution of the United States as it was written. Not as it is rewritten or redefined by those who are unqualified. We have a right to bear arms. Again, I would like to see the government uphold the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as it was written. Not as it has been rewritten, redefined, wrongly re-interpreted!

You are COMPLETELY ignoring my questions, and I can understand why.

No, I didn't. How did I completely ignore your question? I answered it! Read again!

You said:
So, you would want the government to FORCE that clerk to issue your DL against HIS religious convictions?

And let me ask you another question. Is that clerk allowed to carry a firearm while at work?

I said:
No, I want the government to uphold the Constitution of the United States as it was written. Not as it is rewritten or redefined by those who are unqualified. We have a right to bear arms. Again, I would like to see the government uphold the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as it was written. Not as it has been rewritten, redefined, wrongly re-interpreted!
Neither of which are the law of the land. You're thinking of another country.

Wrong - from the beginning - our founding fathers believed the Word of God to be the truth. There was never any provision for men to marry men or women to marry women. We have no history of such laws. What is happening now is wickedness is taking over the land. Our judges are unrighteous, unholy, blasphemers of God. They have perverted the laws of this land and twisted the meaning of what is holy. They are also under the judgment of God for their actions.

Again, God's word isn't the law of this nation.

Besides, why should I trust you? You turned your back on the one true faith when you decided to join the perverted church you attend now. The only church that can lead to your salvation is The Catholic Church. You should beg for forgiveness for turning your back on the true church. Satan has tricked you. I'll pray for your return.

See I can play the 'you're going to hell' game as well.

Roman Catholicism is a false religion. There is no salvation in Roman Catholicism. It is Satan's Masterpiece - a counterfeit church taking millions to hell. I pray you depart from it, mdk.

Those are the words of Satan masquerading as the words of the pious. The Bible warns us about people like you. Come back to the one true church and leave behind the lies Satan's whispers in your ears. In his name I cast you're false faith down.

You have been deceived by demons. You have no authority to cast anything down. You must become a born again Christian before Luke 10:19 authority is yours.

That is Satan speaking through you to lead me astray from the path of the righteous. The Catholic Church will be here waiting for you when the Satan is done using you in his wicked schemes.
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Jerry, I have a simple question for you.

Suppose you went in to renew your DL and the clerk said "I seen you coming out of church Sunday, I'm not issuing a DL to a Christian, it violates my beliefs"

Would you say "oh well I can't violate his religious beliefs" and walk out without your DL?

No, because the Constitution guarantees me my freedom of religion - America was founded on the Christian faith. The Puritans came here to get away from false religion and man made doctrine. Our founding fathers would agree with me. Not you.

So, you would want the government to FORCE that clerk to issue your DL against HIS religious convictions?

And let me ask you another question. Is that clerk allowed to carry a firearm while at work?

No, I want the government to uphold the Constitution of the United States as it was written. Not as it is rewritten or redefined by those who are unqualified. We have a right to bear arms. Again, I would like to see the government uphold the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as it was written. Not as it has been rewritten, redefined, wrongly re-interpreted!

You are COMPLETELY ignoring my questions, and I can understand why.

No, I didn't. How did I completely ignore your question? I answered it! Read again!

You said:
So, you would want the government to FORCE that clerk to issue your DL against HIS religious convictions?

And let me ask you another question. Is that clerk allowed to carry a firearm while at work?

I said:
No, I want the government to uphold the Constitution of the United States as it was written. Not as it is rewritten or redefined by those who are unqualified. We have a right to bear arms. Again, I would like to see the government uphold the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as it was written. Not as it has been rewritten, redefined, wrongly re-interpreted!

That doesn't answer the question.

Would you be okay with a motor vehicle clerk denying your DL application because you are a Christian?

Yes or no?

No BS about going back to the COTUS or Christianity or whatever, just a simple YES or NO to my question.
DOMA established federal law regarding the definition of 'marriage'.

Obama refused to enforce the law, and it was finally repealed / eliminated...leaving NO FEDERAL LAW establishing the definition of 'marriage'.

State's can pass laws that can NOT be LESS restrictive that Federal Law and, I believe, that can be MORE restrictive than Federal Law...not sure ,but it doesn't matter...because when DOMA was struck down there was NO FEDERAL LAW defining 'marriage' At this point the states had the authority to pass their own laws...which they did.

At this point the Federal Govt stepped in to trample the hail out of State's Rights, deciding to make States' Rights 'Null and Void'. The Founding Fathers NEVER intended for the Federal Govt to have THIS much / type of authority, to step in and impose edicts on the states. Obama and the Federal Govt has, IMO and the opinions of several lawyers who are challenging this, over-stepped their bounds.

The states have no authority to deny citizens their 14th Amendment rights.

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