Kentucky clerk won't interfere with gay marriage licenses

I did not make the original comment about this. You asked SOMEONE if they had a link to this issue. Like a guy walking down the street who sees a car accident and chimes in regarding what he saw, I chimed in to say I had seen the news reports on TV but had seen no articles. I have no 'dog' in this fight, and not trying to prove one 'side' or the other, and I don't care. I just made a random comment.

Sounds like you may have a problem with CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and Fox who reported thi son the news but who either doesn't have a written article on it or does somewhere but many people have not seen it. Take it up with them.

Thanks for the welcome....see ya 'round the pages.
I am a Christian, but let me ask a hypothetical question. If a DMV employee is Muslim and refuses to issue licenses to females due to her religion, should she be fired or reassigned? It seems to be a question that is pertinent to religious conscious. What do you think?

No, because Islam and Sharia law are not the law of the land. You are thinking Saudi Arabia.

Our constitution upholds Kim Davis's right not to issue a same sex marriage license. If our founding fathers were here they would agree with her. Marriage is between a man and a woman. Not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. The Supreme Court had no right to change the definition of marriage in order to appease the Sodomites of this land.

Christianity is not the "law of the land." Read the constitution. I have a pocket copy if you need it. The Muslim at the DMV may hold the same religious convictions as the Davis woman. You are terribly confused.

I'm not confused. If a Muslim man working at DMV refuses a drivers license to a citizen of the USA he is enforcing Sharia law and has refused to uphold the Constitution. As he must take an oath to uphold the Constitution as it is written to be naturalized as a citizen of the United States of America he should be charged with perjury and deported immediately. End of story.

So, you would deport a Muslim who used his religion as an excuse not to issue you a state license, but it's okay for a Christian to do so?

That's the most idiotic thing I've ever seen you post Jerry.

Obviously he has not read the First Amendment to the US Constitution.

If a Muslim takes the oath to uphold the Constitution of the US and refuses to grant a person (let's say it is a Muslim woman) a drivers license then he perjured himself when took the oath and yes, he should be deported. This is not a Sharia law nation. As for the Constitution - you should consider that perhaps Kim Davis's lawyer has a case?
No, because Islam and Sharia law are not the law of the land. You are thinking Saudi Arabia.

Our constitution upholds Kim Davis's right not to issue a same sex marriage license. If our founding fathers were here they would agree with her. Marriage is between a man and a woman. Not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. The Supreme Court had no right to change the definition of marriage in order to appease the Sodomites of this land.

Christianity is not the "law of the land." Read the constitution. I have a pocket copy if you need it. The Muslim at the DMV may hold the same religious convictions as the Davis woman. You are terribly confused.

I'm not confused. If a Muslim man working at DMV refuses a drivers license to a citizen of the USA he is enforcing Sharia law and has refused to uphold the Constitution. As he must take an oath to uphold the Constitution as it is written to be naturalized as a citizen of the United States of America he should be charged with perjury and deported immediately. End of story.

So, you would deport a Muslim who used his religion as an excuse not to issue you a state license, but it's okay for a Christian to do so?

That's the most idiotic thing I've ever seen you post Jerry.

Obviously he has not read the First Amendment to the US Constitution.

If a Muslim takes the oath to uphold the Constitution of the US and refuses to grant a person (let's say it is a Muslim woman) a drivers license then he perjured himself when took the oath and yes, he should be deported. This is not a Sharia law nation. As for the Constitution - you should consider that perhaps Kim Davis's lawyer has a case?

I normally defend you, but enough is enough. You're being a moron here.
I didn't ask you to defend me. I have the Constitution of the United States of America to back me on this one. If you do not agree with the laws of this land then Saudi Arabia might agree with you. They won't issue drivers licenses to women over there (I'm told).
No, because Islam and Sharia law are not the law of the land. You are thinking Saudi Arabia.

Our constitution upholds Kim Davis's right not to issue a same sex marriage license. If our founding fathers were here they would agree with her. Marriage is between a man and a woman. Not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. The Supreme Court had no right to change the definition of marriage in order to appease the Sodomites of this land.

Christianity is not the "law of the land." Read the constitution. I have a pocket copy if you need it. The Muslim at the DMV may hold the same religious convictions as the Davis woman. You are terribly confused.

I'm not confused. If a Muslim man working at DMV refuses a drivers license to a citizen of the USA he is enforcing Sharia law and has refused to uphold the Constitution. As he must take an oath to uphold the Constitution as it is written to be naturalized as a citizen of the United States of America he should be charged with perjury and deported immediately. End of story.

So, you would deport a Muslim who used his religion as an excuse not to issue you a state license, but it's okay for a Christian to do so?

That's the most idiotic thing I've ever seen you post Jerry.

Obviously he has not read the First Amendment to the US Constitution.

If a Muslim takes the oath to uphold the Constitution of the US and refuses to grant a person (let's say it is a Muslim woman) a drivers license then he perjured himself when took the oath and yes, he should be deported. This is not a Sharia law nation. As for the Constitution - you should consider that perhaps Kim Davis's lawyer has a case?

Only Christians you approve of are allowed to ignore our secular law. Let a Muslim do it and oh boy how does the story change. Deport to where? American citizens happen to Muslim as well. Why should he violate his deeply held religious beliefs? You seem to be all for religious freedoms so long as they follow your particular brand of Christianity. Personally if they can't do the job then they should find another person to do it and if they refuse to allow that person to do it then should be fired or impeached.
I didn't ask you to defend me. I have the Constitution of the United States of America to back me on this one. If you do not agree with the laws of this land then Saudi Arabia might agree with you. They won't issue drivers licenses to women over there (I'm told).

wtf are you babbling about? I said NOTHING about Muslims, or women.

I asked you a pointed question.

If YOU went into a DMV and the clerk refused to issue you a DL because you are a Christian, would you say "oh okay don't want to violate your rights?"

Of course the answer is no you would not. You would, rightfully, demand to have your DL issued.
Kentucky clerk won't interfere with gay marriage licenses

Kentucky clerk won't interfere with gay marriage licenses

She won't interfere but she does not think the marriages are valid. Fair enough. She can have her lawyers sue on her behalf.

She can still worship, believe, etc., as always she has had that right.

But she cannot discriminate against any citizen who qualifies by law for services.

Funny how having to use the communal toilet out in the open in a shared cell puts some quick sense into people's heads.

She just does her job and no problem. She can also protest and refuse to do her job as before and go to jail again. Nothing wrong with protesting as long as you accept the consequences.
No to same-sex marriages:

"life, liberty or property, without due process of law" or to "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
- Life....nope. By denying a marriage license no one is denying life.
- Liberty....nope...still free.
- Property....nope. No one is taking property away from anyone.

Without equal recognition at the federal level of Ms. Windsors legal Civil Marriage she would have been required to pay about $365,000 in taxes that would not have been owned with civil marriage.

No, because Islam and Sharia law are not the law of the land. You are thinking Saudi Arabia.

Our constitution upholds Kim Davis's right not to issue a same sex marriage license. If our founding fathers were here they would agree with her. Marriage is between a man and a woman. Not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. The Supreme Court had no right to change the definition of marriage in order to appease the Sodomites of this land.

Christianity is not the "law of the land." Read the constitution. I have a pocket copy if you need it. The Muslim at the DMV may hold the same religious convictions as the Davis woman. You are terribly confused.

I'm not confused. If a Muslim man working at DMV refuses a drivers license to a citizen of the USA he is enforcing Sharia law and has refused to uphold the Constitution. As he must take an oath to uphold the Constitution as it is written to be naturalized as a citizen of the United States of America he should be charged with perjury and deported immediately. End of story.

So, you would deport a Muslim who used his religion as an excuse not to issue you a state license, but it's okay for a Christian to do so?

That's the most idiotic thing I've ever seen you post Jerry.

Obviously he has not read the First Amendment to the US Constitution.

If a Muslim takes the oath to uphold the Constitution of the US and refuses to grant a person (let's say it is a Muslim woman) a drivers license then he perjured himself when took the oath and yes, he should be deported. This is not a Sharia law nation. As for the Constitution - you should consider that perhaps Kim Davis's lawyer has a case?
and yes, he should be deported.

So an American who is a Muslim should be deported? To where?
I'm very pleased to see that her time in jail had the (mostly) desired effect. Now, on with our lives...
No one should be jailed for their religious beliefs - the Ky clerk was not. She was jailed for defying a court order.

No one should be forced to go against their religious beliefs. The Ky clerk was not. The courts gave her the choice of letting her employees / personnel issue them...she refused.

Back to my very 1st post on this thread today:

Are you from Ky?
- No? Then $TF#.
- Yes? Are you upset about / do you oppose what she did? Then START A RECALL TO OUST HER.
Too lazy to do that? Then $TF#.

Were the United States of America not Kentucky. Lets cut all Kentuckians off of Federal benefits.
No one should be jailed for their religious beliefs - the Ky clerk was not. She was jailed for defying a court order.

No one should be forced to go against their religious beliefs. The Ky clerk was not. The courts gave her the choice of letting her employees / personnel issue them...she refused.

Back to my very 1st post on this thread today:

Are you from Ky?
- No? Then $TF#.
- Yes? Are you upset about / do you oppose what she did? Then START A RECALL TO OUST HER.
Too lazy to do that? Then $TF#.

Were the United States of America not Kentucky. Lets cut all Kentuckians off of Federal benefits.

That is a great idea, I mean and let's just make Kentucky a start, and then move onto the other 49 states.
Jeremiah understands wrongly.

"Kentucky clerk Kim Davis watches as same-sex couple gets marriage license

Couple receive marriage license on Monday in the office of the Rowan County clerk who was jailed over her refusal to issue such licenses" Kentucky clerk Kim Davis watches as same-sex couple gets marriage license."

Jeremiah, please stop imitating the cultural mccarthyite rash, such as Vigilante. Do some reading.
I hope a Muslim clerk does the same thing. It will be crickets from liberals.
Rights are rights, no matter what religion a bigot might be.

This is not an "attack on Christianity". Ms. Davis did not act as a Christian. She acted as a bigot who wanted the protection of her faith to continue to be a bigot. Her mistake was not understanding that her faith preaches, as Christ did, to love your neighbor as you would be loved. She thought she found a scrap of scripture that says "ignore that Golden Rule stuff when it comes to marriage equality"
"... she said she decided not to interfere with deputy clerks who will continue to hand out the marriage licenses in Rowan County, but Davis declared they would not be authorized by her and she questioned their validity."

Is a marriage legal if you never had a valid license?

Do you have a link or source to her ever saying she wanted to interfere with other Deputy clerks who continued to hand out marriage licenses in their own names? She said they would not be authorized by her - she can question their validity. She hasn't changed her position so do not make it appear as if she has some how backed down. She hasn't. Kim Davis has been consistent on this. She is to be commended for holding her ground.
"... she said she decided not to interfere with deputy clerks who will continue to hand out the marriage licenses in Rowan County, but Davis declared they would not be authorized by her and she questioned their validity."

Is a marriage legal if you never had a valid license?

Do you have a link or source to her ever saying she wanted to interfere with other Deputy clerks who continued to hand out marriage licenses in their own names? She said they would not be authorized by her - she can question their validity. She hasn't changed her position so do not make it appear as if she has some how backed down. She hasn't. Kim Davis has been consistent on this. She is to be commended for holding her ground.

She can "question" all she wants. But the validity of marriage licenses does not hinge upon Ms. Davis's personal "approval" or her personal objections to the people who are qualified and entitled to receive them in the office of the county clerk. The only thing that matters is the validity of the marriages that are conducted after the licenses are issued, and those marriages are valid.
Hey, so what if they're not legal. as long as they perceive they've WON something. good grief. This the left and all the people going on over this.....:bang3:

But you haven't been "going on over this", Stephanie. We can all see how utterly uninvolved you have been in this conversation. ROFL

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